You know how you feel drawn to certain people? Or maybe you know the feeling of being around someone that just makes you feel so good but you don’t know why?

Well, we got your answers…listen as we dig into electromagentics in the chart. What they are, what it means, and what you can learn from them.

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy! 


Episode 011 – Electromagnetics

Dana: Which really takes a look at your charts side by side, and then together what the chart looks like if they were to be layered on top of each other.

And so what it shows you is, really what’s drawing you together. And so it’s where you can see how your energy probably interacts together. And also what themes get activated when you are in contact

Dana: Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be.I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist.

Hali: And I’m Hali, the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today we’re diving into,

Dana: Electromagnetics.

Hali: okay. Okay. Not where I thought we were going.

Dana: I knew you were going to say, I was trying to throw you off it. Relationships dynamics through the lens of Human Design, specifically electromagnetics.

Hali: sure.

Dana: When you asked what are we going to talk about today? And I was wondering what we were going to talk about, and then you suggested, relationships or something like that, which was a clear hit for me. That, that was what we should do because I’m a generator. And I actually was pondering a lot this morning about what direction to go today.

So what I was going to work on it, wasn’t sure if we were going to record, so then you texted me and asked and then suggested the projector guided. And I said, okay. Yeah, sure. Let’s do that. And so that led me to thinking about really there’s so much to cover because everything is a relationship.

That’s what we do Is we’re relating to either people on the short term, casual you’re interacting with your animals, your loved ones, your parents, your coworkers, everything is

Hali: Strangers.

Dana: Yeah. We try not do that too much just especially on planes right now.

Just kidding. But so it got me thinking about relationships and it has really been one of the biggest benefits for me in, looking at Human Design and digging into Human Design, not just to better understand myself, but those around me as well. And I feel like it has really enhanced a lot of these relationships and.

I’m very, I’m a line 4, so it makes sense that I’m interested in relationships, especially my close relationships, but, another aspect of me and my interest in my many varied interests is that I also would consider myself a, what they call a student, of A Course In Miracles, which is really just a a text that, it’s not a religion or anything like that.

It’s just literally a framework that helps you reframe how your mind works or how you perceive things, especially relationships around you. And it talks about how we are all meant to, one, be in a relationship, but anybody that we encounter, whether that getting in an elevator together and spending five seconds together or lifetime you be in my daughter, these are all very intentional relationships.

And for me, learning about relationships through that context came before Human Design.

So then when I learned more about the system and really we saw the actual mechanics of what draws us together through electromagnetics it’s just fascinating.

And we talked last week about incarnation cross and how cross is really the energies are drawn together and your incarnation cross really is for those around you to benefit from your energy.

So it’s all kind of coming together.

The way I love to see it. So I thought, like I said, there’s many layers and there’s many things that are to consider when you’re looking at relationships and it is if I’m a listener or anyone out there is interested, I do specific relationship readings. And I also do even family like composite readings.

And we’ll get into what that is here in a second. Because you do have to sometimes I don’t want to say you do have to, sometimes you may be curious as to what’s happening in your relationships. And there is a specific reading for that, with permission of the other person that you want the reading with, they don’t have to be there, but you do have to have their permission to give me their birth details and look at their design.


Hali: Yeah.

Dana: So when we talk about electromagnetics, luckily we’ve already talked about a definition, right?

Hali: Yes.

Dana: The centers. And so what can you tell me about definition?

Hali: So definition? A center is defined. If it has a channel to another center,

Dana: And how does it look on the chart

Hali: it is filled in it’s colored.

Dana: it’s color, right? And then if it’s undefined, it is

Hali: White.

Dana: White and so what does it mean if you have a defined center, what does defined energy mean in the chart?

Hali: Defined energy means that it is more prominent and it is what you are broadcasting out.

Dana: Very good. And it is consistent. It is energy. That is you

Hali: I didn’t say consistent didn’t because my root energy is not consistent. That’s why I said it was prominent.

Dana: Yeah, that’s a good distinction.

However, you do experience the root energy that you have consistently, like when it is there, you’re more in tune to how that plays out for you and what it feels like to you.

Like we were talking about how for you what it takes generally for you to get things done, how long it takes you to get things done, you don’t necessarily stress over the time it will take you to do things or if you will in fact get them done. Correct.

Besides wedding planning.

Yes. that’s how I understand that. I’ve completely open root, so I it’s also the center of stress and adrenaline. You may appear to others as a less stressed person

Hali: I was going to say, I don’t. I feel like I am a person that really gets stress per se. Like I don’t really ever feel like I’ve had high stress or anything like that. Like you’re saying, I don’t think about things.

Dana: I’ve seen you appear stressed, but it may be openness in a different center. It may be other people driving you crazy

Like your parents, but are your brother. And that may be more of emotional energy. But yeah okay. So when we’re looking at the charts, and relationships, we’re looking at the electro magnetics.

And so if you wanted to know about how your relationships are playing out and who you’re in relationship, of course you’d have to know their Human Design birth time, date, and place.

And then we do what we call a composite chart, which really takes a look at your charts side by side, and then together what the chart looks like if they were to be layered on top of each other.

And so what it shows you is, really what’s drawing you together. Again, this is looking at the mechanics of the system. And so it’s where you can see how your energy probably interacts together. And also what themes get activated when you are in contact with each other, or even if like short term things, you could see that or coworkers, but in long-term relationships, there’s going to be, and we’ll explore this a little deeper later on what themes I said are being activated and what you’re being pulled to learn about and grow into.

So what is electromagnetics?

When you think about a magnet, okay. Magnetism things that are drawn together, magnets it’s the metal and the magnet together, not to actual magnets because they tend to not.

Hali: If they’re the opposite poles,

Dana: If they’re opposite poles. Yeah. I can see a picture in my head of two of those horseshoe magnets coming together, but would that happen?

They’d have to be oppositely

Hali: they will, because I think each one has a north and south.

Dana: Ah, okay.

Hali: th I, I think

Dana: I think we all know what magnetism is, draw things together. And when you’re looking at the Human Design chart, where you can determine where these electromagnetic draws are going to be, this attraction is going to be where you have hanging gates. What?

Hali: I was going to hanging gates cause they want to complete themselves.

Dana: that’s right. Because why would that be.

Hali: ’cause that would create definition, but then probably also creates a more powerful energy because of the whole channel is activated.

Dana: Yeah. It creates that flow of energy from one center to the other. And especially if one of those channels, if it gets completed, gets energy for one or both of the people to the throat, it makes it even a stronger attraction if they don’t normally have a motorized throat.

So if you’re a generator, a reflector or projector, you don’t have a motorized throat, meaning you don’t have that direct connection to one of the motors, like a manifesting generator or manifestor does.

So that creates this more magnetic attraction to people that complete those connections. And so with those, like you said, it has that attraction factor. And so it’s really interesting to think about. What do they say opposites attract or you find those people that you’re just drawn to and you don’t know why.

I There’s lots of different connections and the more electromagnetic connections you have could make that other person seem even more appealing because there’s that miss guided notion of you complete me, you are complete within yourself. There is nothing incomplete about you. Everybody here is valuable in the state that they came in and came in, in, came in with, there are no accidents.

You’re valuable because you exist, but it can give you that energy of feeling more complete, maybe because around certain people, you are able to possibly express your thoughts more or feel more energized or feel more recognized. Those type of things.

So with that being said, we have talked about how, when we’re younger we have this imprinting on us from our family of origin, our parents, and everything, which has a large impact on how we see the world and everything else. But what also it does is your family or the people you’re around with growing up, have certain energies, energy signatures that become familiar.

And so people can also be attracted to people who have that familiar energy of their family, especially their parents. Now, this is not the same.

Hali: I was going to say, you know how people say, oh, You end up with your parents. Like your partner, you end up with one of your parents.

Dana: You could be attractive, might not be the person you end up with, but it’s important to note that it’s in that instance, they’re talking about. That’s a more, I don’t know what, I don’t know if that’s a Western psychological view of things or whatever. I have no idea if that has to do with that psychology of things, but it doesn’t mean that you married the energy equivalent of your father.

It’s not between male and female or anything like that is it’s literally just the mechanics of energy. So you might see that, there could be people that you’re attracted to that do carry certain traits, or maybe an incarnation cross that’s similar to your parents or someone in your family. And there’s lots of reasons for that one.

It feels comfortable. and too, it could be that, energy dynamic was an issue for you growing up. For some people that could be, you keep attracting the wrong person, because maybe there was some kind of power struggle, energy dynamic in your family that you hadn’t resolved with your parents, and so you keep bringing in that person or aspects of that person until you figure it out, heal it, forgive it, learn the lesson.

And then you might find that you start attracting different people, which I can not for myself personally. But I do know that there’s a lot to be said about that. That if you find yourself going through relationships that don’t work out and you feel like you keep dating the same person, you need to take a deeper look at that.

And not just from a Human Design aspect, it might help you pinpoint it more. But you’d have to know a lot of people’s birth dates and times. But for the perspective, it’s oh, okay. I’m the common denominator here. I keep dating all these people. What

Hali: maybe just take a year

Dana: Yeah. What is it that, what is it in me that needs to be healed or dealt with or looked at that can shift this dynamic because there’s a reason for that.

Cause you, the universe will keep bringing you the same lesson until you learn it

Hali: Shove it your head

Dana: In all aspects of life. For sure. yeah. So you could find that you are attracted to people, friends, but potentially romantic partners that have a lot of these same energy signatures. And then if you’re on top of that, if there’s these electromagnetics, it can be very compelling for sure.

So since we know that there’s these electromagnetics and we know how the centers interact with each other, openness and definition. It’s pretty cool to think about that there really is this big, like energetic, dynamic thing happening all the time around us, of who we come into, contact, who we’re supposed to be around, who we’re here to learn from and, what those lessons can be.

So when you’re looking at the centers, which is really what we’re going to stick with today is those electromagnetics in the centers, what happens, when you’re in relationship with people and what definition you have, basically there are going to be certain centers that have what they say more affinity for each other, attracting to each other.

Because of how they make you feel. So the first one is the G center. Do you remember what the G center is? What the themes are there?

Hali: That’s the one that’s about will and knowing your , well, no

Dana: not, will, that’s the will center. Keep going.

Hali: but it’s about, I think the G center is about knowing yourself and loving yourself. Yeah, it’s the center of love and direction. It’s the heart and the will center, the G center and the will center used to be the heart center all together. Yes. And so the G center is about giving and receiving love and direction, knowing direction. And so you’ll find quite often, that in certain relationships, one person will probably have a defined G and the other might have an undefined G because the one with the defined G gives the other a sense of maybe direction or identity, or they feel loved because they’re able to get that, not get that, but they feel that from the other person. Yeah.

so what’s in it for the person with the defined G center. Yeah.

You said the first one with the undefined

More of the feeling of being loved and knowing their directions. There’s, the open G center is really reflecting back to them, how they see themselves. So there is a lot to learn there. But also hopefully it’s a good relationship. Doesn’t mean that just because they’re drawn together, it’s good or bad like I have a defined G and a, I don’t, your dad does not.

Dana: which makes him he gets he gets along with people. He’s always changing morphing, whatever he’s doing, I’m pretty stuck. But I think I help him feel, stable in a way. He certainly, he does have undefined spleen too, which is the other center that tends to attract to each other more often is spleen defined spleen, undefined, spleen.

And it’s not remember it’s not like one has something the other one’s lacking. It’s really just how they experience those energies. So if you know the defined the undefined G might find that defined G more attractive because it feels more stable and steady in how they experience love and direction and identity.

Now mind you, when they come out of, auric contact with that person for a while, they might feel totally different. And so that maybe is their anchor brings them back home all the time. They like how they feel around that person. Same with the spleen. The spleen is your center for instinct and survival.

So defined spleens to people with undefined spleens, like also feels like a very safe, stable place. It’s this feel good feeling because it’s like health and wellbeing and survival and safety all baked into that. And so it can really make people with undefined spleens feel really comfortable there sometimes to their own detriment.

And this is a tricky place, the spleen center, as well as because people with undefined spleens you’re going to laugh at this one. is, or your dad poor dad, you know what serves him, right? if they ever listen to this podcast. They never listened, speak freely. It’s quite often the case, most people close to you don’t care what you’re talking about or what you’re doing.

They’re like, oh, and that cute. Yeah. Little podcast. I’m proud of you, but they’re not going to listen to it. And I’m okay with that. I am used to people close to to me not really, like you said earlier, before we got on here, I don’t really think about Human Design when we’re not doing this podcast. I’m like, what?

Hali: Okay. Did he fair to be fair? I’m not sure. I think about a lot, outside what I’m actually working on.

Dana: Nice, peaceful, you That’s okay. But so defy undefined spleens tend to hold on to things too, because they can sometimes hold on longer than healthy and we’ll talk about that more. We’re going to go through all the centers, but those two centers really tend to have a certain attraction for each other is defined and undefined GS and spleens.

So like we said, the name of the game in the attraction game is getting energy connections to the throat. We want to define as much as we can in the chart to get that energy flowing because definition and channels means energies flowing and you’ve got,

Hali: to the throat.

Dana: They like to so you’ve got the head centers, a pressure center, the roots, a pressure center.

It’s all trying to push the little human sandwich into that energy sandwich through the throat. Sounds wonderful.

So yeah, this. A lot of, potential there for people to be attracted each other for growth and evolution. However, to clearly state that we are just talking about, mechanics of things here there could be lots of attraction to certain people, but because of maybe life situations, lifestyles, whatever your energetics could be great.

Like this person could really pull you in, but they might be really bad. Like they said, just because you found your soulmate because oh, you complete me. He could still be married to someone else.

It doesn’t mean they’re the right person, there’s potential, but I think we all get hung up too much on this whole l soulmate thing has got to be your partner, your romantic partner.

Like I personally feel like soulmates are just people you meet along the way that you probably are, they say traveling together. Like they say a lot of souls travel in packs together throughout time and space. And I like that. I like that idea. It doesn’t have to be my husband

Hali: I do too, that sounds nice.

Dana: It does. And I think that’s why we recognize it. I think that’s why we sometimes there are people that you find.

You’re just really bonded with, or you always feel really comfortable with, or or what about people like you don’t even see or know that much, but whenever you do see or know them, you’re just like right back,

Hali: I think See, or know them.

Dana:  Seeing you’re being contact with them. I know them. I like to think we’re all just traveling around together. Yeah yeah, we got, did we talk about the fractal line? Cause that’s where that is too. We did at the, about the big explosion that there are all these little pieces of us out there.

Yeah. We’ll do maybe something more in depth in that one day. But anyways, so let’s get back on track. So when you’re looking at composite charts, when you’re taking the two charts and layering on top of. There’s this little key, or I don’t know if it’s a key or if it’s a, what’s a good way to explain it.

Kind of ahang on. What is the word? I feel like I use the word framework too much. I don’t want to use the word framework, but

Hali: What are you trying to explain?

Dana: okay. I’ll just try it again. So when we’re looking at composite charts, two charts together, it’s going to bring the two charts together and you’re going to see definition is created and what’s left open.

Okay. And so there’s some languaging in the traditional, system, I guess it came from Ra, that kind of tells you themes in this relationship or what the potential for growth is. And so it’s really looking at how many centers are left open, and what those centers are. Okay.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: So everybody that talks about this, I agree.

Don’t like what, it’s the languaging of it, but it gets the point across. So if you were to look at

Hali: that there’s a lot of was it we were talking about. Shoot. What was the where like Karen Curry Parker’s word for, it was much better than what Ra’s was. Shit. What was it? No, it was one of the profiles.

I don’t think so. It may have been a authority, but it was like,

Dana: No.

Hali: was the lines. I don’t know. Maybe it was profiles. I’m sorry. One what I was trying to yeah. Cause the hermit and the heretic, yeah. it was profiles

Dana: And martyr,

Hali: and martyr. Yeah,

Dana: I think martyr is the most troublesome one because It sounds like it’s only tied to a religious martyr.

It does and the heretic too, . Okay. So let’s get back on track. So if you were to look at two charts together and when they are, together, you look at it and there is all defined centers. All nine centers are defined when these two individuals are together, that would he call that 9 and 0 nowhere to go.

Hali: Lovely. Lovely.

Dana: So that means that if these open centers or areas where you’re to learn from each other, if there’s no open centers, nowhere to go, nothing to learn. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a good relationship for all of these things. We’re going to talk about here. These little catchy little phrases, none of it means not the potential for a good relationship.

This is a generalization. Okay. Through the mechanics of the system, remember mechanics are not experience and people they’re just mechanics. okay. Definition throughout the chart could mean that these people, it could be a very comfortable relationship because they probably not probably, it could be that definition, there might be some overlapping in some of their centers or gates it could be very compatible, but there’s not really any themes unquote for growth in that relationship because together they feel pretty they could be very independent, but together, like their relationship feels, stable.

They can be very happy, but they might actually enjoy time away from each other. Not because they’re on their nerves or anything like that, but they they don’t need to be together all the time.

No. And they might have I’ve heard a few they might be the couple that likes to take separate vacations or things like that.

There’s no, but the other one doesn’t get like upset. If that one wants to go do something else, it was like, oh cool. You want to do that? I’m fine. I can go do

Hali: going to go that You go over there to that side of the country.

Dana: Yeah. Were other relationships. If somebody decided they wanted to go pursue their own thing for a couple of weeks, the other person might need to go, why don’t you love me? Why don’t you want to be around me? I gotta be around you. These people are like, no, we’re good. It’s just yeah, but there’s not going to be a specific theme for growth in this relationship because they’re pretty complete when they’re together.

And that’s why it says nowhere to go because there’s no defined area to or no specific area to learn from each other. So that’s one. So if you have the composites together and you see there’s one open center, so there’s eight defined and one open that’s 8 and 1, have some fun.

Hali: Oh, my God, this feels like a kindergarten teacher trying to get like some kind of thing. I don’t even know, but you know what I’m trying to say?

Dana: A math equation.

Hali: Yeah, Or something like that is it feels very cheesy. and we’re only in the second one.

Dana: Yeah. So this one is since there’s one area of openness, that means there’s going to be one thematic throughout the relationship that this couple will work on not work on, but they will enjoy exploring in some of the same arenas together.

So if they both, if in the relationship they have all eight centers to find except for the G center, that means that there’s going to be a lot of exploration within their relationship around what does love really mean? What does it feel to be loved? What is my identity with this person without that person?

What direction should we go? And some of the pitfalls there could also be that with no definition in the G center, in that relationship, these are also areas where they could struggle. And if one of them isn’t taking the lead at all they need to, since they don’t have someone else creating the direction, they have to rely on being in the right environment together.

So they could be a couple that may move more often, or change around friends or who they’re around, because they might find that if there’s problems with the relationship, they might have to look at what environment they’re in and how they feel together within that. Because if there’s, it’s not their own GS that are causing that discordance, it’s something around them because people with open, G’s if they’re in the wrong environment, they’re with the wrong people, they can feel that.

So that’s that.

Hali: What was the 8 and 1 tagline.

Dana: 8 and 1, have some fun,

Hali: there it is.

Dana: Okay. So the next one gets better

Hali: Oh geez.

Dana: 7 and 2, what to do

Hali: Great. RA. This is great.

Dana: catchy. So what to do, because in this scenario and this relationship, there’s two open centers. And so that means that there could be some disagreement or competition on what areas to focus on in the relationship. They could have trouble deciding, what they are here to learn about each other or what they’re interested in learning about.

And that could lead to some of those hurt feelings. So if it was an open G and an open spleen, they could have those themes. What is what we talked about with the other open G what does love mean? What does direct all those things, but the other person with you, if they still have an open spleen, which is around those themes of healing and all that other stuff, they might be more interested in exploring that in life.

And so they could have these competing interests of what they want to learn about, and they might not feel on the same page together all the time, which is not impossible. They could do it we’re talking about things that I guess we’re not always thinking about, it’s just what’s happening.

And, but that’s one place to look at. If there are problems there you could see what is our composite chart? What is pulling us apart? Or what do we struggle with? Likewise they could work on both those things. If they are aware of what their dynamics are they could learn from each other in that way.

But yeah, there’s potential to grow apart if they’re following different paths, as far as what they want to learn about or explore because your open centers is what you’re here to learn and explore. Okay. 6 and 3, leave it beThey say this is less common, because if you have that much openness there they say, now I have a point here a say that it, there may not be as much attraction there in the first place.

If there’s that much openness still left in a composite chart. And so just like the seven and two. It’s just adding another center there that could be areas to different areas to experiment. And they may not be attracted to each other in the first place, which I say false because your father and I have six and three

yeah, lots, but we actually have six and three was interesting. We have a lot of electromagnetic connections. He’s a manifesting generator, I’m a generator. And he actually does have couple hanging gates that help me get energy to the throat. Plus the 34 20 of his manifesting generator energy in the relationship doesn’t mean I become a manifesting generator.

It’s just it’s present in the relationship. That theme. I am always trying to get him to slow down a little bit, but he’s always trying to get me to speed up. Sure we’ve seen that, but this is one of those things where now I can see it and I can understand it and I can help him say you, okay, you’re already at Z. We need to figure out X and Y first, sometimes we do. Sometimes we don’t just let him go his own way if it’s not that important. But I think what’s interesting, your dad and I chart together is that he’s got a lot of openness.

I have more definition, but our three centers, the three that let it be the head, the will, and the root are all completely open. His are completely open and mine are completely open, which is weird to me, but I haven’t seen it in other charts yet, but so I would say for that reason alone, we have a lot to,

Hali: You haven’t seen it in another composite charts

Dana: yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, Cause usually there would be something somewhere that something. doing something.

There’s so there’s how many are you have? 20, 26 possible activations in your chart most people there’s some overlapping in their activation, they help, but anyway so that’s the thought on that one.

So I say false and the, on the not be attractive, it’s just possibility that it’s more likely not to be attractive. And then lastly, 5 and 4, out the door.

So that one says that there’s too much potential to not be able to find some kind of unifying theme and really may not be attracted all again, not an absolute, just a most likely situation.

Yeah, okay. That’s that part of it, of what the what it could look like as far as that openness and define ness, you could have different combinations of how many open centers you have, I guess I should say. So what I wanted to do to wrap this up in a sort is to, look at those centers and say, okay, if this is the open center between the two people in the relationship, what are the potentials here for learning and pitfalls?

Okay. With an open head center, which could be quite common because there are more people with open heads centers than defined head centers on the planet. So it’s quite possible that there will be people with, in relationship that have opened head centers. And so the head center, if there is openness in the relationship there, they could tend to get inspired together because it’s the center of ideas, inspirations, things like that downloads.

Hali: Andwe were talking if between the two people, both

Dana: that center remains open. Yeah, it remains undefined. There could be gate activations that just don’t connect, but it’s undefined. So they enjoy exploring these ideas and inspirations together around each other. That could be pretty exciting to go follow this idea. Maybe go I dunno, maybe go to workshops together, learn new things together, enjoy podcasts together.

But also since the head center is a pressure center, they need to look out for sometimes feeling pressured around each other to figure things out. Especially if they have a issue or a question or something they need to work on, they might around each other. There might feel more pressure to figure things out, I can attest to that.

okay. So then moving on to the Now, important to note that if there is an undefined ajna in the relationship, that means there’s also an undefined head.

Hali: because the head only connects to the ajna.

Dana: So if the ajna is undefined, that means the head is also undefined. That would automatically make the relationship a 7-2 at least 7 and 2, what to do well in this configuration, there’s a lot you can still do because it’s not uncommon for open head in ajna to exist in a relationship.

It’s not that big of a deal. They say if it’s above the throat or above, it’s

Hali: feel I feel like they’re a little similar similar.

Dana: they are similar, yes, very much. Because really the ajna’s in charge of taking all those ideas and inspirations and formulating ways of thinking about it and how to express it and get it out through the throat because the ajna only connects to the head and the throat.

So that’s what its job is. So if they are undefined there, they would probably enjoy that mental exploration together of looking at things differently, Maybe having those philosophical conversations, they could probably get lost together and contemplating things, but they also need to be aware of, again, that mental pressure from the head of trying to figure things out and might struggle in relationship with more clarity, might have a little more doubt and confusion.

if they have some mental things to figure out might be a little more confusing for them. Okay. So those are pretty simple. Now the throat center, if it remains undefined in a relationship, there could be a little more conflict here. Meaning? The throat is about communication manifestation.

So if they both are undefined here, they would enjoy conversation. They would enjoy speaking, sharing, communicating, doing things, manifesting together, making things happen because there’s just a lot of ways they could do that. What are you smiling?

Hali: I’m just thinking is, I don’t think either one of us, me and Presley have a defined throat.

He’s not a manifestor

Dana: no, you’re right.

Hali: or a

Dana: No, he does not have a motorized throat, but he also does not have a defined throat. Cause you could have a defined throat like I do and still be non-motorized, but I don’t think

Hali: I forget that part.

Dana: It’s one of those little nuance things. You sometimes think that the same thing, but they’re not.

Hali: Right.

Dana: Now, if it stays open in a relationship, the right, the undefined throat has this need to be recognized to be heard. So it’s often seeking attention because it needs recognition again, just a mechanic, because it’s looking for that energy to get whatever it is that needs expressed or out into the world.

It needs other connections with other people or planetary transits to do that. So it’s often looking for recognition. So if you both have undefined throats, there can be a struggle to be heard. Y’all might or not saying you two, but open throats, undefined throats may tend to talk and not listen. Because they want to be heard, but they’re not listening because they both want to be heard.

They both want to be recognized. So there could be some talking over, so not listening. So if you’re have a relationship like that and that this is a point of struggle and your relationship is not feeling heard, possibly you both have undefined throats in your relationship and need to recognize that in each other and give each other time to, speak.

Now it doesn’t mean you gotta be, you be doing this all the time. It’s just, when there are things that you want to talk about or be recognized for, maybe just preface it with a little, Hey, do you have time? I’d like to share something with you. Okay. Is this a good time? Yeah. The G center. We went over that a little bit earlier.

It’s about they’re here to explore, themes of love together, finding direction identity. Also, we talked about, there could be some pitfalls here when that centered remains open with both individuals of struggling with finding the right direction that the relationship needs to go where they need to go.

If they aren’t aware of it, it can cause problems in their relationship. But if they are aware of it, this is what’s great. You can navigate these things easier. So the will center, from what I understand is one of the most common areas where there will be what.

Hali: From what I understand.

Dana: When you think about it, it is only 30% of the population has a defined will center. So most of us have undefined will centers. And so it’s most common that this will stay undefined in relationships with others. Not

Hali: Do you know anyone what’s a defined will center?

Dana: Do I know anyone? I know a couple, but I’m not married to one.

And so that is the center of value and worth. And so when these two are together and relationship and it’s undefined, and they’re here to discover the true value of life, true value of work, true value of each other true value of themselves, really because, it’s, that’s what it’s about is learning to value yourself and learning to value each other.

And so the pitfall, there can be that people with undefined will centers in relationship, which like I said, could be a lot of us tend to take each other for granted because we’re not recognizing the value either in ourselves or others. And we just it’s not that present all the time. So that’s a pitfall there themes the solar plexus, which is the emotional center.

So if that remains undefined, they’re here to explore the emotional terrain together. And so these, it could be either way these relationships could be, could seem more dramatic than other relationships.

They could also be very calm, especially when it’s just the two of you together. Two undefined emotional centers, in relationship together, things can get very amplified and dramatic, but usually if it is, they’ve been around other people from what I see it is because they’re really, they may have their own issues that they are disagreeing about.

But if they’ve been around other people, especially other couples who have emotional definition, it could be more intensified because you’re also pulling in their energies and amplifying them back up. So there’s a potential there, because that way, as you see together, you’re exploring what it means to be in emotional relationship together through all the people that you are around and how you navigate that.

And yeah, that’d be nice. Probably people like that need to go a deserted island for vacation.

‘ cause I said, I think you guys are both emotionally undefined as well. It’s just can be, it’s just the two of you and there’s nothing really else going on could be more low key. you’re both

Hali: Pretty low-key

Dana: So the sacral center then it, which is more rare to have two undefined sacrals because 70, 75% of the population is defined,

Hali: generators.

Dana: Yeah. This would be manifestors projectors or reflectors are in relationship with two projectors in relationship together. It’s not impossible, but it happens. And so this is the center of life force, workforce sexual energy. So They’re here to explore those themes of when enough is enough and what all those things mean, but they don’t have sustainable energy around each other or in their in the relationship.

So they can struggle with getting things going sometimes because they’re very calm. They

Hali: one are we talking about? That’s what They

Dana: center

Hali: you said, but you said the energy wasn’t consistent, but I thought sacral was,

Dana: if you’re defined. Yes. But if you’re undefined, if two of you do not have a sacral center, there is

Hali: I didn’t know. We were talking undefined. That’s what we’ve been doing.

Dana: Says the non-sacral girl being on the other side of the screen, who’s already cashed out she’s like, I’m done. You’ve thinking about it all together. We’re not even done yet

blacked out for a minute there,

two undefined sacral center. So two projectors are a projector and a manifestor to reflect or in relationship.

Hali: more sense. I’m I’m with it now. I’m with it.

Dana: So this could be they could struggle with the more intimate parts in their relationship, not in being intimate together, but like with sexual energy, it could be hard to get the ball rolling sometimes because they just.

Naturally have consistent sustainable energy. It’s not impossible, like I said, but I know I’m a couple, I won’t name names, but I know them and they both are projectors and they’ve been married a very long time and have very comfortable relationship and enjoy each other. But they also have other markers in the chart, besides the undefined sacral, they have the 1949 together, some of these bonding channels, which makes them very well bonded together.

But she has said herself that. Yeah. It’s not a real spicy relationship they’re happy it works for them. But it also could be not just with sexual energy, but with any kind of energy, like what if two projectors have to like, do the chores on a Sunday or whatever it might never get done, or they might take more than a couple days to get it time to get things done can be more challenging for, two open sacrals, but that’s what they would be here to learn about with each other.

Two more. So the root energy, if it remains undefined in a relationship paying attention. Yup. Okay.

Hali: Yeah

Dana: You’re on it now. Okay. Okay. So the root center, if it remains undefined in the relationship, this is the center that they’re here to explore the energy, the adrenaline together. So they could be a couple that enjoys adventures together. They may even be a adrenaline junkies, always looking for an experience to now, get that a general adrenaline flowing.

On the reverse. They can also experience that pressure from the root center, that adrenalized pressure to get things done. So they might have a hard time. Really just I don’t want to say relaxing, but feeling that need to always, maybe have something done, get their work done, get this done.

Not take the time to just chill, relax, do something fun. I can see that. It’s the, not so much on my part. I’m like, no, let’s do something fun. But I do know that, yes. I tend to want to get things done that need to get done before I feel like I’ve earned the right to relax and do something fun. And your dad has always just, being a manifesting generator with an undefined root, he’ll get the thing done. Then he’ll do another thing. And then he might not get that done, but he’ll go to the other thing. And then he may not do that one, but first, before he goes, do this, he has to go do that other thing. Then he started over there and then it’s just this never ending, like doing.

And I’ve told people that when Richard walks in the room, sometimes I may just be chilling, not so much anymore. I might be on my desk when used to be a time where I would just be chilling and he’d walk in and I’d be like, I felt like I had to get up and walk around and do something. It’s always makes me feel like I should be doing something, but so yeah, so they could enjoy a lot of adventure together, but they could also spend all their time doing and feeling the need to do and get things accomplished that they don’t enjoy any time together.

And lastly, the spleen, these are people, that if they have the open spleen defined or undefined in their relationship, like I said, it’s about instinct and well-being and healing, and they’re here to be wise about those things. But undefined spleens, again, like I said, has that feel good quality to it?

And there’s just a thing about people with open spleens, that they have a hard time letting go of things. Things literal things as well, people, but also things. And they can also in their relationship have a hard time letting things go in general. If they have certain beliefs or issues, grief. Yeah.

Grievances with each other grievances gripes. Yeah. Things like that. It may be really hard to let those go, people with undefined spleen. So if that’s something that’s occurring in your relationship, you need to maybe check out the energy dynamics there and see if this is a theme that is this present. So

She’s referring to her father who has this toaster from like 1952, that none of us can understand his attachment to this ancient toaster that literally has six foot long

Hali: so long.

Dana: braided, like fabric cord

Hali: It’s so

Dana: like it’s just designed to be dropped right into a bathtub full of water that kills someone. It is a murderer and murdered a bagel.

oh my gosh. What about when you put it down? It makes a

Hali: Oh my God. And then you looked over the screen.

Dana: makes a huge noise. Yep. He’s been holding all that thing. He will not, he cannot understand why the rest of us do not like it, even though we’ve told them it burns everything. Not that it burns.

Hali: It makes the perfect.

Dana: It doesn’t burn anything.

Hali: anything in It

Dana: It doesn’t fit modern day bread bagels.

Hali: But it toast the perfect piece of toast.

Dana: Yeah, a skinny piece of white bread toast. That’s what it came from. White bread, middle America in 1952, that toaster perfect. Wonder bread came into existence. And so did that toaster.

Hali: It was the immaculate conception.

Dana: Yeah, so he held onto it a little longer, but he still has it, but he did go get a new toaster the other day for Lakelyn. But anyways, so that’s just the tip of the iceberg with relationships and what draws us together and what we have the potential to learn from each other.

So there’s lots of other things that we can go into about really about the different types of relationship, profiles and relationship, but how that all works out. There’s more to dig into in the future.

Hali: So, many layers.

Dana: but that’s it for today. It’s pretty easy peasy today.

Come to the hardest part of every podcast besides getting started is how to end, which cause neither one of us, ironically, neither one of us has the gate, 53 or 42, which is beginnings and endings.

So we struggle, but that’s all right. So we’ll say what you pose to me next time for an idea. If you do, if not, I’ll come up with something else we can talk about.

Hali: Cause you said you suggested the first one that I was like me. I don’t know.

Dana: Oh, no, that’s fine. So like I said, if you’re interested out there in a composite reading, a relationship reading, you can find out more information about that on my website. always check the show notes. You can see where you can go get free. Copy of your Bodygraph and so you can also get free copy of anybody else you want, that you have their information.

If you have a free account.

Hali: That you have legally obtained.

Dana: that. You will have to download them separately and probably print them out. It’d be easiest to then look at them side by side. But if you get paid membership, you can just pull up

Hali: I’ll do it for

Dana: chart. It’ll just show you the connection chart of where you are.

Okay. I hope you found some value in today’s episode and learning more about electromagnetics and the chart relationships. And I guess we’ll just wrap it up here and say goodbye. So by Hayley

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