June 20, 2022 in Podcast


Are you struggling with figuring out where to go, what to do, and who to be in life? 
Do you wish there was some kind of magic bullet that would help align your energy to all the goodness you know is out there waiting for you?

Well, grab your bodygraph and hit play because today we are exploring the G- Center and the
“cheat codes” it holds in attracting to you the very things you need to live in your highest potential!

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!

Episode 013- G-Center

Dana: It’s going to calibrate things that are right for you, because if you’re, if you are honoring yourself and accepting yourself, like honoring what you need and, Accepting yourself for who you are, all these things, your energy is going to then have no choice, but to call in the things that also are going to reinforce that because you are calibrated to this energy now of what is really good for you, because it feels really good.

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist.

Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success. Today we’re diving into

Dana: The G center and more specifically how it helps you find direction and operate really, as it’s meant to operate as a magnetic monopole to bring in the things that you’re looking for.

Hali: bring on the monopole.

Dana: It’s probably the most detailed description I’ve given of what we’re going to talk about today.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: Well, couldn’t decide, cause we’ve gone over the centers a little bit, but I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do first digging into the centers, but I think G centers a good one because it helps G center.

Do you remember what the G center,

Hali: That’s one that’s all about, uh, is that the one that’s about love and like knowing yourself?

Dana: Yeah, I love, identity and direction, like where you’re supposed to go, literally physically and just, you know, in life. And I wanted to talk about it. Cause I think a lot of people probably that are listening. One of the reasons they’re listening, is that they are possibly looking for their own sense of direction or re-evaluating who they are.

Oh, you’re raising your hand. You’re not

Hali: Myself included.

Dana: listen to the podcast. I mean, you might go back and hear something that you didn’t hear while we were talking about it.

Hali: I probably should.

Dana: It’s okay. You don’t, you don’t have to. So, yeah. Trying to find out what it is they’re maybe here to do, or one also cool thing about the G center is it plays a big role in the hot button topic, these days of manifesting and which I, I’m down with that, it’s, it’s a fun topic to talk about of using the, the power of your own self, your mind, your emotions, to bring into your awareness that what you want.

And the G center has a lot to do with that in your energetic system. Yes, because it holds the monopole

Hali: I was going to say it’s because it’s a monopole

Dana: it’s all monopole that’s right. And monopole only attracts so it means it only is bringing stuff to you, right? It is possible for your monopole to, maybe not function as well as it could.

Hali: it gets dirty.

Dana: well, but yeah, if you get off track or you’re not quite living the fullest expression of these energies that we’re going to talk about, then it kinda gives the signal out there of either attracting things that, are different options.

Like if you’re confused about you, what you want, you might, you know, depending on what your, um, informing the basically informing the quantum field with, of what you think you want, or, all these things, then it can get a little, um, Confusing, but it’s never, it’s never repelling anything.

Cause it’s a, monopole like you can’t, you hear a lot about people saying, well, I’m blocking this or I’m blocking that. Like, they feel like they’re physically blocking. So they’re actually repelling things. I mean, there could be a little bit of a block, but there is no like repelling nature of your energy.

I don’t think, you know, you could be more aligned with things, but I don’t think you actually cause things to like run away from you. Okay. I mean, that’s just my thought but anyways, so yeah. So your G center really tells you a lot about how it is you’re supposed to find your way, how to find your sense of direction in life.

There’s eight gates in the center. And so there’s eight different themes and really the eight different archetypes. The story of, what we as human beings need to feel loved, feel good accepted for, for who we are.

And so the G center also shows us how to increase those things, which then helps us, pull in the things that we want, as we said, and give us the direction we’re supposed to go. It’s the source of, for all of us, whether it’s defined or undefined, it is your source of your sense. Excuse me, not source your own sense of lovability.

Now I know you’re going to ask, so So as far as the population goes, 50% defined, 50% undefined.

Hali: Nice even split there.

Dana: So for me. Well, and what’s interesting is the G centers actually. what in the chakra system, we call it the heart’s chakra. So the G center and the will center, some people call it the ego center.

I call it the will center, although last couple of times I was talking about, on something. I call it ego center. I never call it that, but I did. So I don’t know. So those two centers are really part of the heart. There’s it’s interesting because this part of it is really, like I said, it’s about lovability our identity and what we’re here to, pursue in life.

And then the, the other part of it kind of split off into the more material, in action kind of things of following the heart. So that’s too much, but anyway,

Hali: I thought it was interesting.

Dana: Oh, sorry. Thank you. I’m sorry. where was I going with that original thought G center? Oh, one question that comes up a lot is why is it called the G center?

And I asked this question and I thought I was going to get an answer, but there really isn’t an answer. So, um, that’s one of those things that just

Hali: what the voice the was? Was it the voice?

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: Is that what you referenced it as?

Dana: The voice. Yeah. So I like to say I’ve heard it referred to it’s because it’s like the, the gods center it’s like connected to our divinity, which I kinda liked that because it is about love and

So with half of us defined and half undefined, that’s what I was going to say to me. It, it shows that this is another area in the chart where we’re really learning how to really use the energies here effectively because a lot of us are defined and then some of us that aren’t are learning it in different variable ways from the rest of us who can kind of show our more consistent ways of experiencing some of these energies.

Now, I think, especially in the G center, even though you’re defined or undefined, I think there can still be conditioning if you’re defined as well, because it is so tightly closely to who you are. And if you feel your love for who you are, if you’re defined, because you can’t really change that, now we have experienced here, you are undefined and I am defined.

So, um, these things that we’re gonna talk about will be applicable to everyone, whether you’re defined or undefined. The only thing to remember is that if you are defin ed any of these gates, if you’re defined in any of these gates, you’re just going to have a more consistent way of probably experiencing some of these things, but you can still work with, um, focusing on these energies, if you’re wanting to, maybe shift or change your circumstances.

And if you’re undefined, you can explore lots of different ways, of how you want to experience these gates. depending on, you know, you’ll feel it around other people, or if you just kind of focus on what comes to you in that day or whatever environment you’re in, because with the undefined G what really informs you the most, do you remember?

Hali: Um, no.

Dana: Okay. For an undefined G what informs the most is environment like your actual physical environment. So, it helps you find your direction in that way, because it, whatever, wherever you are physically, if it feels good to you, like if you feel comfortable, you feel safe there, it feels good. Then you’re probably in the right place because the right people will be there.

If it feels off, it means it’s not really a place you need to worry about or be, it doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. It just means like there’s,

Hali: it’s not quite right.

Dana: not quite right. And, and whoever’s in that environment. Isn’t really, um, going to be, I guess, helping you on your journey, you can kind of just, well, let’s not waste my time here.

Hali: I’m moving on.

Dana: Yeah. That’s the bare bones about it. But, what’s interesting here is that in the G center, because it deals with not just direction love, but with identity we can really figure out. How am I trying to say this? Our ultimate guide to what’s correct for us is really how much capacity we have for love and acceptance of ourselves because whatever, um, our highest expression of our identity is also going to be really a high expression of love for yourself. Does that make sense?

Hali: I think so.

Dana: Well, I mean, let’s look at it this way. It’s going to calibrate things that are right for you, because if you’re, if you are honoring yourself and accepting yourself, like honoring what you need and, Accepting yourself for who you are, all these things, your energy is going to then have no choice, but to call in the things that also are going to reinforce that because you are calibrated to this energy now of what is really good for you, because it feels really good.

And so, because that monopole only attracts, that means it’s going to attract more of what is good for you and is, you know, you, as much as you’re willing to accept for yourself, the G

Hali: Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.

Dana: that’s one of those areas where I’m like, oh, I think even I’m getting lost, but seriously, sometimes things just start rolling. And I don’t know what I’m saying. So, um, and I, I think that’s that 43, 23 sometimes. So I just, that’s why I stop and say or genius to freak.

Hali: genius.

Dana: because I, you know, don’t know sometimes if that’s coming out right.

Okay, so a little bit more about the undefined in G talking about being in the right place with the right people. It’s because remember if you’re undefined there and that, or even completely open, you are taking in an amplifying other people’s energies and that environment. So that’s why if it doesn’t feel good, you might not, you know, you got to really learn to start trusting how your body feels, which is what Human Design is all about. Um, but sometimes with the open G they can, tend to, if they’re not aware of who they really are, like, what is them? And what’s not them is take on the identities of those around them and not like you totally lose your identity, but, um, in the sense that, the girl that, you know, loses herself in every relationship or the person that’s always, morphing for the different friend groups and it never

Hali: Or if you’re not, you’re not really sure if they’re actually your opinions or someone else’s opinions

Dana: exactly. Yeah. Because, um, it can make you confused about who you really are. If you one aren’t aware of it and too, aren’t, you know, paying attention, you do have to cultivate your own sense of self, which is, uh, really what the undefined G H is here to be wise about. They’re here to really sample all those different, um, ways of being and ways that people, feel about.

Cause the, the open G can, are undefined. I got to quit using the word open cause that’s different. Undefined means. Not defined, but could still have some gates activated, whereas open means nothing. Yeah. There’s no gate activations or anything. So I got to be careful about that. So, . So the undefined G It could be confusing if you’re not, really aware of what is yours and what’s not yours. really it’s important for the open G at times to, maybe have some time alone. So they’re not around other people and paying attention to how it is they feel when they are, out of auric contact with other people, and then how they feel different when there are around other people.


Dana: So the undefined G is here to learn, from others, what it means to, love the self, accept yourself as you are.

They may question their own lovability and may adapt and change who they are because they think that will make them more lovable. But that’s the piece where, you know, when they’re sampling all these different identities of people, because they can really feel how other people feel about themselves and what they think about themselves.

You know, when they, are here to learn that, they can, realize that they don’t have to change who they are in order to be loved because all of us. Uh, are here for a purpose. We don’t have to earn our purpose. We don’t have to demonstrate our purpose. We have a purpose because we’re here. And, um, we are valuable because we are here because we exist and we are lovable because we are here because we exist.

So, it’s really, I think for an open G a lifetime of that, of sampling all these different ways that that could play out and then just being solid in themselves. Um, even with all that variability. So one note on how do you know if you’re in the right place? Well, I mean, like we said, you know, it’s how you feel, but what if, you know people that well, that’s great, it sucks here, but how, how do I know where to go?

And so there’s different ways you could do that. You know, there’s something called astrocartography, which is really, really cool.

Hali: Sounds like star mapping.

Dana: Well, so I’m gonna, it’s like earth mapping. It’s these people it’s astrologers that have trained astrocartography and they basically help you find place on the earth that, um, And line up the energy of different ley lines on the planet with like where you were born. Like,

Hali: yeah, you’ve told, you’ve told me a bit about, about this before.

Dana: Yeah. And I’ve tried, I’ve tried looking at it and it’s so complicated.

You definitely have to train. And I think, okay, I’m going to stay in my lane here and I’m not going to try to figure that one out. Maybe

Hali: in your

Dana: generator, I would, but I’m a generator. So, uh, but it’s really cool to see. Cause it’ll show you like a line on the map of this is your Saturn line or this is your Venus line.

So a lot of people have had a lot of trouble in their lives or struggling with this, or that might find that they were living in a place that was where their Saturn placement was, was, which is Saturn is all about your lessons and challenges. Yeah. So, um, So if you’re really struggling with that, and you’ve maybe moved many places and you’re just like, I don’t even want to have to experiment again.

You could always get a reading done by someone with astrocartography. Um, and then another note is that if you are, you think you do know where you want to maybe, and this is, we’re talking about living situation here, but, um, if you feel like you do know where you want to go, it’d be really important. If you have an undefined G to try and go there first, before you pick up your whole life and move, like spend a little time there and really see how you actually feel like literally in the area where you think you would move to, because you might be surprised what’s in your head might make sense.

And then you get there and it’s, doesn’t feel good, but then you’ll try to

Hali: try that.

Dana: Yeah. Then you’ll rationalize, like, but this makes sense. I shouldn’t be. How do you feel where you live now?

Hali: I mean in Charleston yes. In our actual apartment complex location no, because it sucks.

Dana: Oh, yeah. Why is that?

Hali: Well, like I love like where it actually is being on the water. Like it is, I love that it’s beautiful. But then 5- 26, this, and to get to either Charleston or Mount pleasant, you have to get on a bridge. And then half the time the bridge is jam packed because the only way to get around

Dana: I feel your pain on that one. I mean, I don’t have as much traffic here obviously, but when you do have to go

Hali: so not just bridges, yeah. It’s, it’s annoying.

Dana: Okay. So, so definitely. Checkout where you live. I mean, where you think you want to go live before you get there to see how it actually feels to be there. And then if it’s just not possible for you to like pick up and leave where you live, because that’s really a luxury for a lot of people to just be able to move. Try to make your environment that you live in your home, mix things up, try moving things around, placing furniture in different places. Maybe you bring some plants in, you know, just do things in your own environment that could maybe shift it. Heck you could even try something as, doing a little Sage, cleaning your apartment or your house, you know, we’ll leave the doors open one day, let it air out.

there’s lots of things you could try to try change the environment that you live in. If you can’t actually move somewhere. So that’s important. So not only living, but jobs, things like that. If things don’t feel good, it’s really time to evaluate one. If you have a undefined G what it is, it’s actually, if it’s just time to go or if it’s just maybe the building sucks I don’t know. Okay. But getting a little far down this. If you, have a defined G you’re going to feel a lot more fixed in your, um, direction and have a more consistent self, a sense of self and who you are in the world. And a lot of times people would defined G’s may actually feel like they have a mission in life.

There’s lots of things, lots of markers in your chart that can lead to that. I think we all do, but as far as feeling like you have this mission, because from my experience, you can kind of tap into this sense of. Knowing what’s right for you and not, what’s not right for you. for me, it’s kind of hard to explain.

I think I’ve said before. I don’t know if we’ve said it before that I can’t necessarily tell you, you know, this is who I am, but I can tell you who I’m not, like if you try to put labels on me and things that don’t apply to me, I definitely know. Um, that’s not me. And, uh, if you try to make that me, it, it, it doesn’t work well.

And, and well, I don’t mean like I’m some kind of bastion of strength that you can’t change me. I mean, we all get molded and conditioned, right? To believe that maybe who I am isn’t right. Because if it’s ever, bumped up against somebody else that either it felt like too much for them, then you might.

Try to think, well, what’s wrong with me? Well, nothing you just are who you are. And so defined GS can struggle with that. With that sense of, is it okay to be me? And sometimes they tend to hide who they really are because they can’t change it. Undefined G’s, you can change whatever you want G’s, we could try but ultimately we are who we are. And, um, so defined G’s can also be rather sensitive to criticism, especially if they’re, connect or not, if that’s the only connection, but if there is a connection that defines the G to the throat, because that means that when that person speaks, they’re speaking from their heart, they’re speaking from their identity of who they are.

So when they speak, it’s very personal to them and if they are criticized, it feels incredibly personal to the person who’s defined through one of the channels to the G. So just some little, little tidbits. So let’s move on to, to really get an idea of this monopole thing and how it all works.

Okay. So we’re going to go back to things we covered in episode two, our flagship episode, there of just jumping in the deep end. So you remember you remember the talk about the design crystal and the personality crystal? You remember talking about it? Okay. this is really the short synopsis of how the system says it works in our physical form. Okay. So the voice said that at conception, actually eight hours before conception the design crystal, which is going to be that side of your chart on the left, the red, you know, those energies represented there.

He said, they’re not actual crystals. It’s just the easiest thing for our human brains to hold some kind of imagery with, I guess. Um, I say that those design crystals are just there in the earth, just waiting to get called for. And so the energy of the father, but right before conception calls forth, this design crystal, which is basically the, the vehicle of the human to be.

And, uh, the design crystal holds the codes, they say, of the life story and life purpose for the physical body. So it’s like the energy template of who you’re going to be in the human story. This is where the, the epigenetics are, you know, all these themes, what the epigenetics, the epigenes, those are the things where those are the markers that can, um, influence your, uh, DNA.

Doesn’t change your DNA, but like how your genes are expressed, where you’re talking about like the Holocaust

Hali: yeah. Okay.

Dana: victims, children and stuff like that. So this is, these are past traumas, family, generational things, all that stuff, but it’s the, the life purpose. The design side really is the physical vehicle of what you’re pulling forth.

And so. That is in the design crystal. And then at the same time, it says it also calls in this magnetic monopole that only attracts and it takes up residency energetically in the heart center, in the G center. Right. And that’s that magnetic resonance field. And it’s the, a unified energy, which have you ever looked at any of this stuff about heart resonance, like heart math Institute, any of that stuff is crazy.

They say you could, you put a group of people in a room together over time. They’re there. Um, basically the field, the, uh, electrical field around their hearts will all start to. Resonate at the same frequency, like things start kind of

Hali: They sync up.

Dana: yeah. It’s like the tuning forks, you know, that if you get them all, all, eventually it’s,

Hali: Oh,

Dana: there’s, there’s some really interesting stuff out there about the magnetic field around the heart, which is pretty much a monopole, it’s attracting.

Um, and so there’s that, monopole, there’s the design crystal that wants to attract into our life, which is what we’re here to do in this lifetime. Okay.

Hali: okay.

Dana: So the design crystal takes up residence in the ajna. And then remember that is, um, 88 degrees or roughly 88 days before you’re born. and then

Hali: the unconscious,

Dana: yes, it’ll be on the left side, your

Hali: the red,

Dana: in red,

Hali: right? Yes.

Dana: And then at birth, your soul drops into the, the head center, which has the codes of your soul purpose, which is the personality crystal. Correct. And so.

Hali: So the design you said was the, life purpose of the vehicle, the body. And then the personality is the, whatever you just said. It

Dana: soul purpose.

Hali: soul purpose.

Dana: So if you think about it, it’s like, okay, they, they’re not separate. A lot of people like to sometimes take the two apart and say, well, if you look at my chart, just my design unconscious side, I’m a, I’m a projector. But if I, on this side, I’m a generator. And how does that work? And it’s, I, it doesn’t, there’s no separating them because remember, these are all within you.

They’re layers for sure. But really it’s that design side, the life purpose. That’s the vehicle that you, your soul has chosen at this time. It’s going to use this, this form to experience itself in this lifetime. Basically. And so your personality side is the side, you know, that they say the, you, that you think is you, but basically, I heard it expressed, which I thought was brilliant is that your soul is just so vast.

We can’t even comprehend how much there really is to us in the quantum, in this, you know, not in this physical form. And so your soul says, okay, I’m going to take these attributes with me at this time to learn about the things that I’m here to learn in this lifetime. So it’s just pieces of you.

Hali: make sense that it’s in the head spot since that’s like your connection to source Gus universe,

Dana: That’s

Hali: I’m making hand motions.

Dana: Lots of

Hali: Uh,

Dana: a lot for a lot, for lot. Okay. So again, I think I’ve probably talked for half an hour before I’ve even gotten. For me to have everything. So,

Hali: we need the recap slash information before we can really delve into it.

Dana: yeah. So why this is when, you know, I said that this has a lot to do with the G center with the manifestation. Cause it’s all about the creative process. And so really every, you know, there are people that in Human Design that want to just look at something on the chart called the variables, the arrows like, oh, your specific or non-specific manifestor, which I guess you could do that if you want.

But I don’t, I don’t, I looked at it for a while and it didn’t really resonate with me. So like a lot of things in Human Design, I’m like, no, I’m not going to go with that. Because it said for according to the arrows, in my chart, I should be someone that’s very specific about, you know, what I want, which I don’t necessarily operate that way.

Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but. I’ve managed to manifest some things in my life that I wanted. So, okay. So think about it this way. So the creative process really starts in the mind with inspiration and possibility up in the head and the ajna right? It’s there’s either inspiration received the mind, starts to create.

Um, basically there is light, like light starts going off in your brain, creating images and pictures in your brain as you receive this inspiration. And then what happens is there’s an emotional response that begins right away with these thoughts. Now your emotional response is going to be closely tied to your, what we call filter, which is really your. Beliefs, your conditioning, whatever it is. You think about certain things, because you say the word, um, I don’t know what to think of something really like dog. You know, you say dog to certain people, they get all warm and fuzzy. You say dog, you did, you smiled. He like, ah, you think of all the love you have for your dog.

And then you say same to another person. And they have a very different emotional reaction to that because their experience is either benign and have no experience with dogs. I don’t really care or they’ve had a bad experience or, you know, so how we’ve lived and what we’ve been told, informs how we feel about things, which is why it’s so, you know, good to, um, start working with that emotional energy to, so then, so the mind. Creates the images, the thoughts, which in turn causes an emotional reaction. And then depending on what that emotional reaction is, is what is drawing into the G center? Does that make sense?

Hali: So you have the conception of whatever I keep using my hands, a conception of whatever thing it is a comes in, and then you’re emotional. You, you respond to it in an emotional manner somehow. And then, and then it makes its way to

Dana: the,

Hali: G center.

Dana: the emotional response then calibrates the monopole basically and pulls things in for you to respond to in the physical world. So say that’s why they always tell you to like, it’s like think positively, but it’s really more of feel, you know, how do you feel, how do you choose to feel about things?

And so, um, that’s why right now everything is. So, uh, everybody’s talking about your thoughts and your mindset and how you feel everything. Cause it is really important because, You have to know what it is you think and feel about certain things, which is why some manifestation techniques just don’t work for some people because the not getting to the root cause there of how it is they actually feeling about things.

You know, you can say things to yourself, a hundred times about being a millionaire, but if deep down you don’t feel it, it’s probably not going, it could eventually happen, but it could take a lot longer anyways, things we’re all working on. So, so what did, so yeah, so it creates that emotional response starts to draw things into your physical world that then you get to respond to through the energy of the root, the spleen or the solar plexus.

Cause that’s where in our physical world where they’re like, you know, you’re splenic, you’re Hmm, yes or no, our sacral center. Yes or no. Or, um, you know, the solar plexus, how to, you know, again, maybe have to wait a little bit longer to see if that’s something you want to respond to. But so it’s this really interesting process of thinking, feeling, and then drawing in responding.

Do I want this? Yes. Or no kind of thing. So, and if you do bring me more of it, bring me lots more. What that all means then is that the more that you can, calibrate your, your G center to this sense of wellbeing, it is going to keep attracting in things that feel good to you. Does that make sense?


Hali: Yeah.

Dana: So, like I said, there’s eight ways to activate this heart energy and attract what you want because there’s eight gates. So we’re going to look at the Bodygraph. Well, we’re going to talk about the Bodygraph. Hopefully y’all out there have a copy of a Bodygraph if not your own, preferably your own. So you can see if you have any of these, um, gates defined or not.

And I guess I might as well just pull yours up cause you don’t know

Hali: I don’t know, I don’t actually have a copy of my own body.

Dana: Jesus.

Hali: There is a reason. My title is Human Design newbie. Thank you.

Dana: Okay. Newbie. I say every episode, get a copy of your Bodygraph and look at it.

Hali: Can you please send me a copy of my Bodygraph? Cause I don’t know all of my birth details. Cause I mean, I was there, but I wasn’t.

Dana: Surprised you weren’t running the show. You kind of were actually you kind of where you’re like, I need a little more time.

Okay. So when you look at the Bodygraph the G centers, the diamond shape in the middle, it’s either going to be white or it’s going to be colored in yellow. That’s the traditional colors for it is yellow. And so if you have any of the eight gates or channels defined, it is whether you are undefined or defined in the whole center.

If you have gates defined, you’re activated in that, um, in the G center, it’s a clued, how you can more active consistently activate these heart energies to help calibrate your, um, G center, like, it’s kind of a little cheat code. If you’re undefined, that means you can work on any of these ways, which we all can.

And we should, because they’re all really important themes of how to really just be the best version of yourself basically. And when I say best version, the most aligned version, not like there’s bad version, it’s just working with the good energies here. So, um, let’s start to the left on the body graph.

You’ll see gate 10 and gate 10, there’s reaching down. Well, it can connect to the spleen and to the sacral center, but gate 10 is the gate of self love. Okay.

so basically it is the love of self really. And it’s it’s because if you love yourself, you’ll attract to the relationships opportunities, et cetera, that reflect this love for yourself. Um, and so I know this is one that probably a lot of people probably struggle with. because honestly it’s about, well, I mean, I just, I just don’t feel like we’re really encouraged or taught to be like, I love myself, you know, maybe as we’re like little children, but I feel like there’s just so much conditioning this world away from like, like being proud of yourself, you know what I mean?

Of like owning you’re like, I love me, you know, it used to be, we’ll go around going. I love me like, oh my

Hali: Yeah. It’s like, if, if someone is like, uh, says, oh, I love myself. You’re like, wow, they’re really conceited

Dana: really fault was all which, you know, that kind of energy is more in the, in the, in the will center of, that materialistic kind of like self-important this, but this is actually just like this loving your self as you are. Right. So really it takes, you know, if this is something you struggle with is to really honestly like ask yourself, what do you love about yourself?

What do I love about myself? Find things. I mean, they might be small things at first, you know, like, it can be very superficial things like, I like the color of my eyes or, you know, it, sometimes it’s not even physical thing. It gets, you know, kind of hard for people, but I’d be like, oh, I, you know, I, um, I like that, uh, Maybe I struggle with this one. I’m just kidding. I’m trying to find things that aren’t just physical, but, um, you know, I like that I’m a good friend or I like that I’m a hard worker or I like, you know, just try to find things about yourself that you actually love about yourself I think all of these themes, these gates also have very simple like statements.

You could start repeating to yourself that help call calibrate that in a mantra sort of way. Um, and this one would be, I am love. Or even you say, I am loved, or you can say, I am love, or I love myself and just see how that sits and feels. And so the more you can cultivate this sense of love, the more it’s for yourself, the more you’re going to attract things that are loving as well, people as well, because let me tell you, you aren’t, if you don’t love yourself, you are not going to attract the right people in your life.

Hali: No, no, you will not.

Dana: you. So that’s another one of those things to look at. Okay. Moving on, moving up towards gate 7, which the traditional name for is the army. And this is the self. Yeah. This is essentially, this is the self in, um, interaction with other in collaboration. And they say that this is kind of like where the energy of democracy is, um, is in this, this channel here because, it is the gate of, for the self of empowerment and realizing that you have just as much of a voice in the world as anybody else, and that you get to decide and you get to choose what is correct for you and what you want.

You can decide what it is you want, it’s your own power. And so. A mantra that can go with that as I decide, it’s about not giving your power away to someone else to decide what’s right for you. Hence that democracy piece. And yeah, I just, and then, or you can say, I choose, or I am powerful.

These are things that you could focus on to help strengthen that energy in those areas

, moving over to gate one, which is a really powerful, important, gate and energy in the chart because it’s they say the most, most yang, the most, or when you say yang young energy.

So it’s the most masculine energy in the chart.

And masculine is just more of that yang side to the yin is the more feminine, you know, it’s the giving receiving kind of thing. Um, but this is a gate of, self-expression also called the creative and quantum Human Design is called purpose. This is the, the gate of personal self expression as the individual.

And this is another place, where people have this real sense of mission. If they have this gate activated in their chart is another place where it really shows up this push to really, live out or find purpose because. Overall this gate is about the creativity piece as an individual, as a human it’s like being your own creative self helps empower others to also be that way.

But you ultimately have to find what it means for you to be who you are. You are what you are. I am what I am, and that is literally the mantra I am, who I am. And so it’s really the energy of realizing that who you are, what’s your purpose here in life is not what you do is literally who you be or who you are.

And so I am who I am is that voice of that gate. Moving over to gate 13. Were you going to ask me something. No. Okay. Moving over to gate 13, this is the gate of the listener, and it’s also a quantum called the narrative, which, I really like this gate. I don’t have it, but I just like the way it’s called the listener, because they say people have this gate.

People often tell them just their life stories all the time. People are always letting you know what their story is, but, but really the, in this purpose of what we’re talking about G center in calibrating, the heart, this is about narrative and this is about story. And what that means is, is that when we talked about that creative process of what is the lens, the filter that you are, um, creating from, right?

That’s a narrative, that’s a story. Your beliefs are stories that you have told yourself or other people have told you that you’ve taken on to believe. This energy here is about creating whatever story you want it to be. And that also means looking back at your story and. what, let me, cause I want to bring in the real key factor here is this is a gate that the energy of forgiveness is in because they say that, say, you carry a story of someone that has hurt you or has wronged you.

And you’ve always had this story of, I am, hurt by this person. Therefore, this is who I am. And this is energies of forgiveness is well, that happened. You can forgive it so that you can move forward. Forgiveness is about writing a new story. It’s about not letting those things define who you are moving forward.

You get to choose again, you get to choose, and then you get to decide who you are and you get to write that new story through gate 13. Is that energy of forgiveness. Having the capacity to change your past, which is really cool. I mean, this is something, and A Course of Miracles too, cause it’s all about forgiveness work is the how literally you can, in your, I want to say in your mind, in your body, in your belief system, you can literally rewrite your past because you can rewrite what you think about it and how you feel about it, by forgiving it.

Hali: Did you know that your, uh, memories or just the last time you remembered it? So like, if you think back on a memory, it’s just the last time you remembered it. So that’s why things get, so, can get to like different, if you’re comparing memories with like a family member or a friend or something,

Dana: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. and not, not even to mention how skewed the perception is in the first place. So every time. Which, you know, maybe one time we will do a more in-depth episode on EFT because I’ve trained in that, which is what it is. EFT is tapping, and it helps you work through, um, some of this belief system, even serious traumas because you take something that’s happening now and you, um, experience it as you tap on it.

Like you talk about it or whatever you say it out loud, and it’s amazing. It’ll slowly, you, you be tapping on something that happened to you today in certain instances, it’s not always, you know, you can do belief systems, all this stuff, but sometimes you got to do it in the moment. You’re mad about something, whatever, and you don’t want to be, so you can start tapping on something that, and then realize quite quickly it’s because of something is a same feeling.

You’ve had that when you were like seven, you know, you find out it’s the same story that, informs every decision that you make. And when you start changing that narrative, like you said, think about it. And that, like what you said about your memories. it could start changing your past by, by that and starting a new way and attracting new things in.

So you let go of the old attract in a new story. And so your mantra there would be, I can tell my own story. I am forgiving, or I am forgiveness, which I’m going to tell you that I used to think when people talked about forgiveness, I always thought it was, you know, it just, it just sounded like this is, this is very revealing.

This sound like being in a position of weakness, but it is like such strength to be able to forgive. I always say you don’t have to forget, but you can forgive because it’s only holding yourself prisoner. Okay. Are you excited? Because you know what gate we’re coming to next, you finally have a gate

Hali: And I have a defined in two style defined by two things.

Dana: Yes, Hali finally has copy ofher own bodygraph in front of her. So she’s like 25. Yes. Gate 25 is next gate 25 connects over to the, will center. Gate 25 is the love of spirit, or simply just referred to as gate of spirit. And so this is the energy of being connected to spirit or source and of being in service to something greater than ourselves.

And it does connect to the will center, which is our, center for like what is in this material world. And it is connected to that gate 51, which is initiation, but it’s about trusting source, Gus, whatever you would call it as your source for direction.

It’s about aligning with, aligning with source and, being of service, making your life in service to something greater than you, which is spirit or source. So the more you can align with that energy of, of trusting that it’ll bring things in to support you because you are aligning with source.

Hali: I don’t know. I just have a hard time seeing things in myself to begin

Dana: you have a hard time. What?

Hali: seeing things in myself to begin with.

Dana: Yeah. well we all do. We all do, and I’ll just, you know, Point out to you, you were 25, right. Going by. Okay. The next couple years, you’re going to be approaching your first Saturn return as you approach 29 and gate 25 sits in two places in your chart. And one of them. Well, it’s interesting because once one is your south node.

Okay. And so that’s generally, that’s generally here, what you’re here to let you know, go of what you’ve brought in. And, um, it’s also in your unconscious Saturn. And so this will be something that if you have awareness of now, before you reach this Saturn return of maybe letting go more. And letting Gus take the wheel trusting that you will be, um, you will be supported in all things through source.

So aligning to that more kind of timely then in your, your start talking about all this stuff with your mom ever talked about growing up. Um, but anyways, so the mantra there would be, I trust source I serve source or I am serving just, you’re here to serve. Uh, gate 46, moving down and around is

Hali: My other one.

Dana: I have this one too love of the body or embodiment.

And it says we’re designed to make choices that keep us physically vital and healthy. And, when you love the body, like you honor the body take care of your body, try to keep it healthy. It brings in positive experiences in your actual physical reality in physical form and, things that help keep us physical vital and dynamic.

And so, I mean, think about it. We are in physical bodies, we can’t do this journey without them. Right. I mean, when we don’t have the body anymore, we’re not here anymore. So, really moving the body, honoring the body, taking care of the body, eating well, moving, it keeps saying, moving it, like I said, I have this gate as well, but this is something also, if you have this gate, really, and this is something I, you know, since discovering all these things in Human Design, I, have tried to pay attention to and notice more.

Is that, when do you feel more connected? What makes you feel good for me, I do a lot of times what I like got to get out of my head and, or I’ve like, get a funk. I got to go for a walk, you know, I’ll get outside and do something how about you?

Hali: I feel like, like when I’m like, if I’m bored or I’m like, I feel like I have a lot of shit that I need to do. It’s like, if I can just move some way, like, even if it’s just pacing, pacing, back and forth and in the living room, but like I can just get up and move like. It feels less overwhelming or, or less boring

Dana: moving the body take care of, but you do pretty good about trying to, you know, eat right and healthy and take care of yourself to a certain point. Like we all do.

Hali: as I had Chik-fil-A for lunch today.

Dana: I had Thai food

Hali: Oh,

Dana: Okay. So, yeah. So when you’re not honoring the body in the physical form, or if you’re just not embodied, like if you’re always in your head or just ignoring the physical form, or if you’re possibly burnt out, like you’re just exhausted because you haven’t been honoring, yourself. this could often be where people are feeling stuck and they feel like nothing is coming their way and they’re not getting any new opportunities. It’s because to the, the monopole to the world is like, or to the quantum it’s like, oh, You just don’t have the energy for this. You’re not prepared for this.

Your body needs attention in order to carry out what it is you need to do. So, you actually, in that sense, it’s close to, you want to be, to be like blocking yourself would be that really you’re the universe is like, oh, you need rest. And this especially true for projectors because projector is always like, oh, there’s no invitations, but if they’ve been like not honoring the, unsustainable nature of their sacral energy, and they’ve just keep pushing their burnt out the universal literally say, Like you just need to rest and we’ll hold these opportunities for you for when you’re ready, but you’re just not ready right now. So that’s something that I’ve suggested to people before, and I’ve seen it work for them that when they’re feeling that really stuckness and things, aren’t working to just. Pay attention to yourself and do things that are good for you and feel good and are, restorative to your soul, to your body. And, I think that’s one of the hardest things to wrap our brains around is that things, one mantra I have for myself is everything’s always working out for me.

And, I don’t know the ones, like, I don’t know what ought to be in a lot of has to do with timing, you know, everything’s timing. And so you always feel like you’re missing out or it’s the wrong time you’re going to run out of time. That might be my open route, but essentially everything is in divine timing.

And if things are moving a little too slow to maybe not try to push more, to make more happen, but just try to relax more. Take care of yourself, which brings us to the next gate gate two, which

Hali: Wait, what was the, uh, mantra on that

Dana: oh, you you’re right. Uh, your mantra would be, I am vital or I am vitality or, um, I love my body might be easier to say, like I am vitality.

I like that one. It makes you feel like vitality feels like strong and clean and

Hali: I love my body feels very superficial.

Dana: I have, I have played around with that before we are so much negative self-talk we don’t realize is even happening, you know, to even like flip the script is be like, instead of going, oh, my knee hurts. Be like, I love you knee

Hali: yeah. I’ve I’ve, there’s one girl. I follow on Instagram that she, she says more instead of like all like, oh, I love the way my body looks. It’s more like, I love the ability that my body provides me. Like, I love what it can do for me. Like what it allows me to do.

Dana: I know. And especially as, as generators especially take it for granted because, you know, we have this sacral energy that keeps doing it more, but, I’ve also found that, which I’m also paying attention to is how my body feels in different environments. I think with that channel, uh, or that gate in particular is, how it actually feels doing different things in different environments.

It’s another clue to like what’s appropriate for you. It’s really how your body feels. Okay. So like I said, um, restoring vitality, right. Can help you bring opportunities. But, so I said, instead of pushing more, maybe receiving more at which brings us to the next gate gate 2 keeper of the keys. the gate of allowing or the receptive it’s called sometimes.

So in this gate, we are told that we are designed by virtue of our existence to receive support when we need it. This is gate two member, a gate one was the most young, this is the most yin and it is about receiving and allowing yourself to receive, which is a really difficult one. I mean, we all think that, well, of course I can receive but do we really?

I mean, especially for, well for anybody, I mean, I don’t, I, I think that we equate receiving with earning something like we, we have to earn it, you know what I mean?

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: And that’s because there’s nothing in our culture that says, Things just are there for you to provide for you so much?

Hali: it’s like, if you get something for free, you’re like, what is, what is the catch here?

Dana: Exactly. Or what about even receiving a compliment? How hard is it to receive

Hali: I hate receiving

Dana: a compliment

how often do you explain a way a compliment? Do you,

Hali: Or how like, oh, I love your dress. Oh, thanks. It has pockets.

Dana: or you look nice today? Oh, no, I don’t. You know, or,

Hali: oh. Or like, like when we were at the wedding and the rehearsal dinner and they’re like, oh, here’s so you like, you dress, they were saying it to me. And they were like, oh, you know, you’ve just looked so good. These, these things on your dress, just so pretty. And I was like, oh, you should see me the other 90% of the time.

Dana: I’m just trying to be relatable,

which really, you should see her now.

Hali: Wow.

Dana: It was a really cool dress you were wearing, but, but yeah, so even just allowing yourself to receive in the sense that knowing that you are, if you are now, this is the two is a channel that is with the 14 off the sacral, and the sacral um, like the 14-2 channel is supposed to be like this really for energy in the chart, it’s called the beat because it takes that pure sacral energy that is just straight to the G center.

But the two gives it direction is what they say. And so it. You have to be able to receive what is coming your way and how you do this is to ground yourself in gratitude, because gratitude is is just really observing what in your life feels good to you and allowing yourself to receive that and having a gratitude journal is one of the greatest things I can say, do towards, um, starting to calibrate that monopole because it is really looking at what you have already received, I mean, uh, practice of even before you go to bed, you know, they say the things you’re,

Hali: Write three things. I tried like, like tried that for a bit. It’s like you’re supposed to have right before. Well, not right before, but just before you go to bed, like just write down three things you’re grateful for. And I’ve just felt like they were always the same things. I didn’t,

Dana: Well, that’s okay. It doesn’t always have to be different. I agree with you. But I think we overlook a lot of the things that we can, um, have a lot of gratitude for, I mean, sometimes I’m like, oh gosh, just my bed. Even though I wake up every morninggoing, I need a new mattress, but then I go to bed.

I’m always like, I really love my pillows. I love my comfy bed. I mean, anytime I’m feeling sorry for myself or worried about the future or, you know, got all this angst what are we going to do? I literally am like, you are laying in this big ass bed by yourself, in your room, air conditioned, soft sheets, you know,

Hali: Quiet

Dana: you’re safe.

You’re, you know, you’re safe. Allow yourself to receive all that you already have. Because we’re so focused on what we don’t have and trying to go get, instead of looking at how much we have and allow more of that to come to us. So, it really is about recognizing what you already have and saying, yes, please.

More of that

Hali: Yes, please. More sir.

Dana: and realizing that we are designed to be supported by doing the things that feel good for us, or just being here and being happy, we’re designed to be supported. So a mantra would be, I allow I am supported or I even use like gratitude. I am gratitude. I know it sounds weird at times, but just try them out or you can just, you know, what, use that word gratitude, like you said, it feels good. Anyways. Okay. So last one, gate 15, the gate of extremes also in quantum, she calls it the gate of compassion. So, it is their energy of compassion for yourself and others, but really for yourself as is really important here, because I think we can be very compassionate towards other people, but I think we don’t give ourselves a break enough,

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: very hard on ourselves.

Right. And so this is an easy path to heart opening because it really, you know what they say, if you’ve feeling sorry for yourself, or you need a mood lift, or what do they tell you to do? Go help someone else. Right? Oh, you’ve never heard that.

Hali: I don’t think so.

Dana: Another gratitude builder there. Yeah, no, that’s one thing they say, you know, if you’re like, really, really, if you just can’t get out of your own like story of woe is me go help someone else or just, you want to lift your mood. Cause it does, it does just tend when you know that you are helping someone or in some way, serving someone else, it does kind of tend to make you feel better and give you more connection to that, that, um, heart center piece.

Um, and so sharing, giving, being compassionate to others is a, is it clear, a clear path away to help, um, calibrate that heart center for you so a mantra there being I am compassionate or I share, so, all right.

So basically, just to recap, so these eight energies around the G center, that if you’re trying to calibrate your heart, your monopole bringing those things into you into that feel good energy of, of basically literally these are the, the cheat codes in life that tells you if you are focused on the highest expression of these eight things, that being self-love self-empowerment, your individuality, your unique contribution in life, your narrative forgiveness, your connection to spirit, your love for the body, your ability to, Feel gratitude and feel supported and receive all that is coming to you and be compassionate to others, just living in those, um, or at least trying to tap into the higher expressions of those energies as much as you can.

I mean, you can almost feel it now as you talk about it, you can feel it in the heart center when you just really focus in the heart and, um, and really you can feel as expansive feeling in your heart. There’s I think I mentioned earlier, we were talking about the heart resonance. There’s the heart math Institute does a lot of work.

You know, you can Google heart math. Uh, you can find meditations on YouTube. There’s a really good one, which basically it’s just doing a meditation where you literally, if you have to place your hands on your heart, if you’re not used to focusing on your heart center, because most time meditation though, I was telling you to focus right here in the ajna in your mind, but more breathing into the heart.

In breathing out, like, imagine it there, it literally just starts to expand and you can feel that energy. And to me, it just feels like joy. I focus on the word joy a lot, because I think for me it might not work for other people. So people it’s peace or love, but anything that helps feel that expansiveness in the heart that’s really that’s calibrating that monopole to bring more of that in for you.

And like I said today, we talked about those cheat codes to, I use the word cheat codes, you know, like the words, cheat codes, like I’m so familiar with using cheat codes. I know that’s like a gamer thing, right.

Hali: Yeah. I mean, yeah. Cheat code is the system. Yeah.

Dana: Yeah. But it’s not really a cheat if, I mean, it’s laid right out for us. It’s like here, focus on this. Some of us. Yeah. Have a clear path, you know, like I need to focus on, what it means, to receive and to, you know, be in the body and love the body and you have to more connected to source and body.

So, you know, it’s just, it’s very interesting, but anytime you’re feeling like you need to calibrate that heart, just focusing on those energies there. so if you’re feeling any, fear around making decisions, feel like you don’t have a purpose or direction, you’re worrying. Anxiety is keeping you from doing what you want. Being yourself or questioning your lovability, look at the energies here and see how you are expressing these themes. You know, do you love yourself?

Are you empowering yourself? Are you being yourself? What beliefs do you hold? Are you connected to spirit? Do you love the body? Are you allowing goodness in? And um, you know, are you, um, compassionate with yourself and others? So that’s the gist of it, which I think is pretty cool.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: Yeah. So, uh, I encourage everyone to, if they weren’t already doing that to go ahead and look at their Bodygraph contemplate those things and, See what starts happening. If anything, just start with that, you know, five minutes a day, focusing on breathing in and out through the heart. It’s a doozy.

It’s a good one. What I mean is

Hali: That sounds really weird.

Dana: Well, yeah, well, I’ve seen some interesting graphics. They say, do you know what a T a torus is like? Um,

Hali: No think so.

Dana: um, Karen’s always showing these, um, graphics of the resonance field around the heart. It’s like this feedback loop, almost it like goes out, comes around and goes back in and comes out, goes around.

And, um, they, they say like the energetic field around the earth kind of does the same thing between the poles. It kind of goes out and around and loops

Hali: Well, yeah, if you do look like that, like the

Dana: That’s a torus yeah. That’s a torus kinda this looping system that feeds back into itself. You know what I mean? So they say that the heart’s magnetic field looks like. As the earth, which they’ll probably see, it’s probably the universe and further and further, and don’t forget, they haven’t discovered yet, but they will. The prediction is they will discover that a monopole is what the source of

Hali: Gravity

Dana: gravity. I mean, when, uh, when this system was delivered, they didn’t have the proof of existence of monopoles and now they do.

And everything else. So far I said is, I think they’re onto something

Hali: Come to fruition.

Dana: Yeah. So that’s the G center. Hope y’all found some value with this today. And, I hope it helps you find direction. And if you want any help around, maybe decoding your own G Center center, of course you can book a reading with me.

We can, uh, go over that together. So links in the show notes, if you want to do that. So any further thoughts or questions today,

Hali: I don’t think so.

Dana: I’m always waiting for a big doozy of a question and then I’d be like, I don’t know, wrap it up.

Hali: Let’s wrap this thing.

Dana: That’s a great question. I’ll get back to

Hali: I’ll answer that on next week.

Dana: maybe. Yeah. And don’t forget also, I’m glad you said that in the show notes, if you’re listening, there is a place in there that you can, um, ask us questions. If you want to, we have a spot down there. You can leave me, um, take you to a form where you can leave a question that you might have about Human Design and maybe we’ll talk about

Hali: Yeah,

Dana: all right, well, you have a good night and, uh,

Hali: well, they may not be listening to this at night.

Dana: I was talking to you.

Hali: Oh, hi.

Dana: You have a good night and uh, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

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