July 11, 2022 in Podcast


This tiny center holds our power as individuals. We explore how it contains our stories of our own personal value and worth, and how it is leading us forward through this massive cycle of change and evolution we are going through right now.

With the majority of the population undefined in this center, it’s important to understand how these energies are used in healthy, constructive ways, and what happens when it goes off the rails. Hint: we’re living through both as we speak!

Let’s dig in!

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!

Episode 016- The Will Center

Dana: Three out of these four channels are tribal energy. So that right there shows us that this is energy, that yes, it’s individuated, it’s about resources and material and value and worth, but it’s how is that gonna help everybody?

And that’s what we’re moving into is how do we take this and help everybody? How do we make it sustainable? Our resources, it’s less, so much like all the grabbing and just like figuring out how we can all, you know, have enough.

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be.

I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist.

Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today, we’re diving into

Dana: The will center. She’s back.

Hali: had to bring it back. It was requested.

Dana: Old school. So the reason decided to go with the will center is that we have already talked about the G center, which is closely tied to the will center, which the will center is what I refer to it as it’s also in traditional Human Design, I believe called the heart center.

But I found that to be too confusing for me. Because, I mean, the G center is, looks like it’s in the middle of your chest and your heart. And tin the previous episode, when we talked about the age of Aquarius and everything that was happening and all the crazy shit going on in the world, I think is also, there’s a correlation between all that, and what we’re gonna talk about a little bit in the will center today, because when we talked in that episode, we talked about 2027 and like, you know, we’re in the age of Aquarius and that we’re also going to be shifting into this new energy paradigm and everything.

And this directly affects the will center because the leading thought or prediction in Human Design, or maybe it was, I don’t know, Foretold by the Voice maybe was that there was gonna be a mutation transform, you know, a change

Hali: Mm-hmm.

Dana: In the will center. So I thought it apropo to get familiar with it. And it’s a very small little center. It’s the smallest little one in the Human Design Bodygraph but it’s pretty significant.

Hali: not smallest in terms of gates, right?

Dana: Yeah. There’s only

Hali: has less than three. Well, the, the head has three

Dana: That’s three you’re right. That has the least amount of gates. It has more than three. Ithas at least three because it connects the head. But no, it has more than that. It has like 6, 7, 8 maybe. Oh gosh. Don’t make me look. Don’t don’t catch me off guard like that.

Hali: I don’t know. Yes. I don’t have my chart up so I can count. I don’t know where it is.

Dana: So, oh, I’m looking at ones right here in front of me. Oh yeah. Okay. 6, 7, 7. Oh, I can’t see. I don’t have my glasses on

Hali: just guess seven. Is that right?

Dana: no, it’s six. Yeah. Three on the top three on the bottom. The

Hali: Three and three

Dana: aThe ajna, so, should have known that by heart, but, it’s kinda, you know, you get near that throat center. It’s got gates going everywhere. There’s a lot of gates off the throat center. We’re not gonna ask, say how many right now. I don’t wanna count those either, but we will be talking about the

Hali: It’s a lot. It’s a, so back to the will center.

Dana: the will center. So when you’re looking at the Bodygraph, it is the little, triangle just to the bottom, right. off the G center, which is the diamond shape in the middle of your chest.

And when we’re talking about the energy centers and the chakra system, the G center and the will center were both the heart chakra before the mutation, split happened in1781.

According to the voice, when we went from being seven centered beings to nine centered beings. So the will center is the center, it’s the ego center. So it concerns with the self, the individual in the world, in the material world. So before I forget, I know you’re gonna ask me 63% of the population is undefined.

So 37% is defined a larger portion of us are undefined. Here. You are undefined in the will center. Although you have

Hali: I have a gate. Don’t know whichone? I think just the one

Dana: I know you have gate 26 because that is your,

Hali: that’s the,

Dana: sun

Hali: was gonna say the one. No,

Dana: no integrity. Well, it’s the gate of the egoist. We’re gonna go through all the gates, all four of ’em in the will

Hali: hope we can keep it straight.

Dana: Hope I could keep an episode short. That is about four gates, but, you know, I start packing all my information in there as my line one wants, doesn’t wanna leave anything out.

And, next thing you know, it’s like, oh Lord, it’s another hour long episode. it probably will be because it’s just, I like to be thorough. Okay. Yes.So you just have the one gate 26, but you are undefined and I am completely open in the will center, meaning I have no activations whatsoever.

Hali: thought you were defined in the will center.

Dana: No, it’s a big open white triangle on my chart. And let’s see, I think all of us in our family are undefined. Your father is also completely open with no activations in that center. And then your brother is also completely open with no

Hali: so I’m the only one that has anything in the will center.

Dana: Yep. You are the only one. Again.

Hali: I’m special.

Dana: you’re the only projector And you’re the only one that’s emotionally undefined. So you’re here

Hali: thanks guys.

Dana: teach us a lot, I guess. And you have all that definition in your head and you know, your dad and I have no gates activated in the head either, and he has a wide open ajna as well. So anyways, we’re getting off track. We’re just delving into our individual charts here.

But, so the will center has four gates and these gates in the, physical body are associated with the stomach, the thymus gland, the heart and the gallbladder.

So bladder, so sure. There’s a lot of, I think most importantly, when you talk about the stomach and the heart, because literally this is a area chart to look at, for indicators of burnout, which will explain why, but, you know, it’s like you push a heart too hard.

What happens,

So as I said, the will, center’s associated with the material world and it’s one of four motors in the chart. Do you remember what the other centers are that are motors?

Hali: Um, um, it’s the will center, the root,

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: the sacral

Dana: mm-hmm

Hali: and the solar plexus.

Dana: Yay. Gold star

Hali: Yes.

Dana: And I think about if we ever have a component of video, it’d be funny, cuz your face was just so scrunched up trying to remember what they were

Hali: I had to imagine the chart.

Dana: that’s good. Trust me. I’ve been looking at this stuff for a couple years now and I’m like, ah, where’s that gate, how many gates are in the head center?Bbut so it is a motor that drives, individual willpower and basically the power of the individual. So it’s a lot of it is about

Hali: that’s, that’s the one that’s the gas tank.

Dana: mm-hmm yeah. Mm-hmm we’ll get there.

Hali: Oh, sorry.

Dana: So it’s responsible for bringing things forth on, the material plane and there’s a lot of, In the Human Design system, when they talk about business circuitry, there’s a lot of energy there because it’s about, you know, resources, material, wealth, all these things.

It’s got a direct connection to the throat through the 45-21, the 25 or the 21 comes off of the, the will center goes directly to the throat connecting with the 45. And so the will center carries a lot of tribal energy. Three of the four gates are in the tribal are in tribal circuitry.

And so that means that that connection, there is the voice of the tribe of, you know, when they, when we talk about the throat center, we’ll be talking about the different voices of the throat center. And, this is the voice of the tribe or the community.

So the tribe has always been the support system that ensured the survival of families, community, because you know, way, way back, how tribal things occurred was this bonding togethers of peoples into groups, so that they could ensure each other’s survival. It takes a village so, the energies that are in these four gates are also what helped create the hierarchical structures that built our civilizations.

The gates are about resources and bonding, living in harmony with others, bringing children into the world, creating things like societies, cultures, religions, and those structures that were needed to nurture and support us.

So if we go back in time and we think about, you know, when we talked about the different ages and the different, how we’re moving from the cross of planning to the, cross, the sleeping Phoenix, that those 400 year cycles right in the Human Design system.

So, this, the cross of planning starting around the 16, 15, or something like that, what was happening then was more and more of these bigger institutional structures started to occur when the cross of planning started to occur. I mean, there was already, you know, religion and all this other stuff, but

Hali: but I think we, we talked about how it was like when the, the Romans and the, and the Greeks and all of that was starting to really take hold

Dana: And so what happened in when the, this will center split off, basically these energies that we’re gonna talk about is what helped to, as they move, as we moved forward and evolution and everything.

Like I said there was already religion. There was always, you know, there was monarchies and churches and all this stuff, but people as individuals were not really considered what the will of the people was.

There was no consulting the peasants as to what the Monarch felt he should do next. It was very much a top down structure.

And so when we, kind of when that energy split happened, it created within us the energy to start listening more to our own inner authorities and relying less on that outside of us to tell us what to do.

So we’ll talk about how that kind of happened. And it gave us the drive to explore and find our own sense of, you know, what the material world and where we belong beyond what old religious and superstitious beliefs were out there.

And I mean, I love history and there’s a lot of it I don’t remember, you know, you have like all these eras, you remember when you were in school?

Beause they teach a European history and then American history. And you’re just like, when was that? But the 16 hundreds, I feel like were pretty well, the 17 hundreds when, late 17 hundreds obviously is when they discovered the outer planets, you know, and you started to see the rise of the more scientific, logical approach to,

Hali: when, when we were talking about, um, astrology aspect,

Dana: right.

Hali: they, they were starting to kind of observe that more.

Dana: Yeah. And so. Let me back up. So before this energy came into play, the things that determined our value and our worth in the world were basically, you know, what we provided to these monarchies, these churches. They, like we said, they were in charge of everybody.

And then this energy came about at the same time, they start discovering, new ways of doing things . So like I said, this center’s also referred to as the ego center. And so, what is an ego? I mean, we tend to think of ego as somebody’s, you know, like egotistical, like,

Hali: I mean, I pretty much just have a negative connotation of ego.

Dana: right. Which is incorrect because, not that you’re incorrect, but I mean, that, it’s just a negative connotation is what I mean, because when I started doing yoga and stuff and learning, you know, the yoga philosophy and all this other stuff, they talk about the ego all the time and the death of the ego and all this stuff.

But the ego really is the individuated self, because you actually need to have a sense of self in order to survive. You have to do what’s best for yourself. You have to know that you are basically separate. The baby, you know, has to eventually take on its own identity and strengthen its own ego in order to, survive because that’s just the nature of things.

So it is this individuated energy that is important now. I say it gets this negative connotation, cbecause we see it as someone who’s self important and selfish and all these things. And there are things attached to it like that, but it’s not necessarily all there is, but this is what we’re learning and what we’re grappling with is what this means to be the individual.

So as this energy of the individual starts to emerge towards the end of the 17 hundreds, we’re seeing this is when we saw like the French revolution, the American revolution, the industrial revolution occurred after that, like all these things of where well, yeah, because unbeknownst to us really, there was this energetic, rising within all of us.

That’s like, Hey, you know what? I wanna have a say in what happens in my life. And up until that point, nobody really thought about as far as we know that it was even possible to have a say in how you wanted to live your life.

And that’s why I think it’s even more important now is because we’re starting to take an even bigger shift away from these these top down structures, you know, which were good for a time.

And they helped us organize and helped show us how to organize. But then also we’ve been playing with this energy of like, where do I fit in the picture? And what’s best for me and mine moving towards, okay, what is best for all of us?

Like what can I do to help serve all of us, which is where I think we’re moving.

So going back to the material world and how we look at wealth and resources value worth, because this is the center of self worth and value as well, because it’s very much tied to what your, you, as an individual, what your worth is.

And so how do we generally measure worth right now in our world? What’s yeah, the currency is money. money is associated with worth and power. I mean, that’s pretty evident yeah. It’s something here that we definitely relate to, but, how we define values changing, which we talked about the other week, too.

So I was saying the evolution of the center is moving from me, like just me and what’s good for me and mine and what I want for myself, my tribe, like I said, is moving towards this value of me and how I can serve the we.

Hali: mm-hmm. yeah. Mm-hmm

Dana: So there is definitely a shadow side to this center, which can be seen as selfish and detrimental to those around you. And there’s some great examples out there, which I was looking into today. But like I said, three out of these four channels are tribal energy. So that right there shows us that this is energy, that yes, it’s individuated, it’s about resources and material and value and worth, but it’s how is that gonna help everybody?

And that’s what we’re moving into is how do we take this and help everybody? How do we make it sustainable? Our resources, it’s less, so much like all the grabbing and just like figuring out how we can all, you know, have enough.

We’re basically, as we move from the cross of planning to the cross of sleeping Phoenix, we’re learning presently, definitely that, value is no longer how much you have, but how much you have to share, which I’m sure people are running through those saying, Oh my God, they’re socialists.

They’re communist. They’re trying to give away everything. No. That’s not what it’s about. There’s plenty for everybody to go around. And that’s part of this outdated energy is thinking that there’s only enough for your tribe and you have to gather all the resources just for your tribe, cuz everybody else is gonna take what’s yours. Then it’s this, you know, doesn’t have to be that way.

Hali: no. When everyone works together, things are better. Yeah,

Dana: Yeah. So, like I said, in this, in this center, it’s all about willpower, self worth and value. And as we re redefine what personal value is, things are gonna change here.

So along the lines of the age of the Aquarius and moving into sleeping Phoenix is, really we’re learning that every human being is valuable and is an important part of the whole, and this isn’t where we’re at yet. We definitely don’t know this yet, but as we also discussed, it’s coming, it’s where we’re headed.

We can either get through, we can even learn these lessons through pain in more separation, or we can do it painfully, or we can do it easily. So hopefully bringing some awareness to what some of these themes and in this center and what we’re dealing with might help. So as you remember, when we talked about the G center, the G center is where the monopole is.


Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: And what does the monopole do it.

Hali: attracts

Dana: Attracts right. More importantly, it attracts what it is you’re in vibration with what you’re in alignment with. So that would suggest that to attract a lot of these, things that it is that you want in your life, you kind of have to be in the alignment or the vibration of, um, the same value of the things that you want.

And so what that means is if you don’t value yourself and have a sense of self worth for yourself, it’s probably gonna be hard for you to align with the energy of anything more than that. Does that make sense?

Hali: Yeah. And this is like a lot of what people think of as like manifesting, right?

Dana: Yeah. And, and the way it’s been taught to me one way through Human Design is that this is definitely a component of it. Because if you think there’s this direct connection that comes from the emotional solar plexus, which is like I said, we’re moving into that energy of intentionally creating through how we feel because it’s being revealed to us more and more that how we feel carries a vibrational energy that then affects the quantum field around us, quantum possibilities.

You know, that’s another shift we’ve had is shifting from more logical scientific method to this quantum, quantum science, which your dad loves to talk about. . He’s always like that can’t be possible, but science is finding out more and more that we really don’t know much.

Hali: Yeah. Like

Dana: about how the universe yeah. How the universe really operates, but there’s more and more field of thought, especially in quantum science that we actually are affecting the field, the reality around us and that there’s all kinds of potentials out there.

And, they’ve done things that have proven that things don’t have to be in physical proximity to each other, to affect each other. They call it non locality. They have experiments they’ve done and stuff about someone being in another part of the building or room or whatever, being able to affect what’s happening in another part.

It’s really interesting. That is a really loose

Hali: Real loose explanation.

Dana: highly scientific. So, um, okay. So yeah, so basically that will center is that bridge. Literally you could see it, it’s a bridge between the solar plexus and the G center. So it shows us that using this emotional energy and then as it travels through the will center, if we’re looking at circuitry, like how, How am I gonna take this emotional energy?

How do I feel about how do I feel about myself? How do I value myself? What am I gonna do with this?

You know, having this vision of something that can help everyone and then calibrating your heart, your G center to what it is you’re trying to, to bring in. So that means that as this center evolves, it’s really calling us to heal our own self worth and our self values so that we can use that energy of our own like value and own enoughness in order to basically calibrate our hearts to create enough for everyone else in the world.

So it’s like an abundance energy really?

Hali: I like it.

Dana: Mm-hmm and so when we talk about the power here and creating material wealth and all these things, which it certainly has the power to do that, but it is, because, like you mentioned being a would you say a gas tank? Is that what you called it? Yeah, this isreally the theme here is to think about your ability of how of sustaining your resources, gathering resources over time.

Do you have enough to last over time? Because if this is a motor, which it is that works to rest is what they say it works to rest. Meaning like you said, it has a certain amount of resources. Like a gas tank has gas in it, and it expands that energy through work, usually physical in the world, doing things.

If you deplete it, then things start to that’s when we start talking about burnout and exhaustion and all these things. And so it’s also teaching us that there’s gonna be cycles. There’s gonna be up and down because you’re gonna use energy and then you’re gonna have to pull back. You’re gonna use energy and go pull back.

So it kind of shows us that knowing that ther’s gonna be periods of less energy, where you’re less able to gather resources, there’s gonna be a rest period. That’s important. And it’s not that, that rest important is rest period is important because that rest is what helps build that energy back up.

Right. So it’s not like a useless, like lazy rest, because we’re so used to associating rest with.

Hali: lazy.

Dana: and no drive, no ambition. Yeah. But it’s the opposite here. It’s like, I see it as this rest period is charging in your iPhone, you know. It’s just like, it has to sit and build it back up, build that battery back up and then hopefully has more of a charge than an iPhone. Hope it holds a charge better than an iPhone.

It’s interesting, because like what we said, you know, you gotta work hard, because that’s so prevalent in our culture and I used to think it was just like the world, but the more you study the rest of the world, you realize that is not true. It is

Hali: You’re talking about like outside of the us.

Dana: Yeah. It is a real problem in this country and my friend and I Tora, we talk about all the time, because she was raised Mormon, how she has a defined will center. So she’s my access to what a defined will used responsibly can look like because  she’s a projector with a defined will center, defined root center,and defined solar plexus.

So she has three outta four motors, but I’m the generator that’s supposed to have more energy, but I just have sacral and solar plexus. I have, you know, I don’t have the consistent access to the other energies because they’re undefined and I’m always like, man, are you sure you’re the projector and I’m the generator?

Because she gets a lot done, you know? And she puts her mind to it because she has that defined center. But we talk about all the time, how much is in our culture of idle hands are the devil’s work. And you gotta put in a hard day’s work to, you know, earn your, keep. 
You know, the harder you work, the more it pays off.

I mean the whole hustle and grind culture is just bullshit

Hali: I saw a reel the other day on Instagram that it was like vacation in, in Europe and it’s like, all right, I’m gonna go on holiday. I’ll see you in a month.

And then here, it said, you know, uh, PTO in the us or whatever. It’s like, um, I have to use PTO day, because I have to go to the hospital, but I’ll have my phone on.

I’m getting open heart surgery, but I’ll have my phone on in the operating room in case anyone needs me.

Dana: Yeah. I’ve seen a lot of versions of that, of like, we have no idea what it means to rest. And I think that goes back to our puritanical roots, you know, it’s just like your value is defined by how hard you work. And it was, I mean, part of that is true and it was necessary at the time in certain respects, you know, in building this country, you definitely people, they definitely had to work hard.

So basically. Since this motor does work and like what you’re talking about and these fluctuations, it means it’s here to teach us that, you know, we need to rest as much as we need to work.

So, it’s, it’s a real struggle we’re still working through , especially since the majority of us have undefined will centers and. That’s where this whole, like, just do it culture comes from, so let’s talk about the defined and undefined then, because that

Hali: let’s

Dana: So if you have a defined will center, that means you have a channel that’s connecting the will center to something else makes it defined.

And on your chart, easiest thing to see if it’s defined is if it’s colored in it’s white it’s undefined. so if you have a defined will center, it means you have consistent, reliable access to basically willpower, because this is the center of that. And so like we started to talk about this is where this whole just do it.

Culture comes from of just have willpower. I mean the diet industry alone is builds on, you know, you just, you can do it. And, and so many, so many of these, Self-help gurus and all these other people that you know, are so good at motivating, empowering people. It’s a good chance, a lot of them may have a defined will center.  Because it feels easy for them to, I mean, my friend that has the defined will center says, no, I don’t feel that I have constant access to will or to willpower, but she doesn’t know what it’s like to have zero you know?

It’s like people with defined will centers are much more likely to be able to stick to something like that. You know, they might take breaks from things, but if they like make a commitment to themselves or to someone else they’re most likely gonna stick, stick with it because they have that consistent access to it.

It can be a little willful, people with defined will centers tend to speak a little bit more often with that whole, voice of what is important to them, what they want to do, what they desire, because they, that is the voice of the quote unquote ego. So it’s like are here to talk about themselves.

Doesn’t mean they have to only talk about themselves, but it, it is something that they came here to share with the rest of us is that, you know, this is what I want, I desire.

Hali: Yeah, I think we talked about that in a different episode, how it was like the, some of the centers it’s like, I think

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: I know I want or whatever. I can’t remember.

Dana: uh, maybe, but like I said, tapping into that willpower energy. These are the people that if they’re undefined around them can certainly feel like they can do anything.

They can be empowered to do anything. So it was important. I was reading once is to note, because remember if you’re undefined in anything, you’re reflecting back what you are in auric contact with your amplifying, reflecting it back.

So that would say that if you are undefined, you do not have consistent access to, to willpower. So it’s important for if you’re undefined to really not make any promises that you don’t really feel like you can keep.

This is tricky because. If this is the center of value and worth and we value, or we are equating value currently with how much you put out, how much you earn.

That means if you have an undefined will center, quite often, you’re not valuing yourself enough, because you don’t have consistent access to that feeling of worth and value. So you probably do over commit or promise to do things because you think, well, to prove my worth to this person, I have to X, Y, Z, do this output, do this thing for them.

And that attempt to live up to this person’s measure of you, you can also burn yourself out, pushing too hard.

Same as if you have a defined will center and you push too hard because your gas tank is empty, also burning out.

So what we were talking about earlier, this is very, um, centralized theme here of beware of burnout. But I, I think it was really revealing to me when I learned about this access to willpower. because I definitely feel like, well, I know I was somebody that just didn’t feel like I had willpower. Not like didn’t have intentions, but you know, I’d be the one that, okay, I’m gonna start the year.

I’m gonna go to the gym every day kind of thing, you know? Even though, I know I didn’t want to, find more enjoyable ways to do stuff to exercise, but, you know, make that commitment.

And I, I would say I’ll be the first person to break a commit commitment to myself, not to other people, because I don’t wanna do that because I also have the gate 50 responsibility I don’t wanna let my people down so I will just push through with my sacral energy to get things done.

But, it is very hard to even keep promises to myself. And that also makes you feel unworthy or not enough or any other stuff, because you’re like, why can’t I do it? Other people can do it.

Or, you know, they talk about getting in the energy of somebody that does have it. Like I said, we were talking about these self help gurus that people really do feel like they can do anything and they can take on the world because there’s sharing this energy and there’s chances there’s other people around them, like if you’re at an event, that carry that as well.

And then you go home and you’re like, I’m gonna do this thing. And, and then it’s gone after a couple days and you feel like such a loser. You’re like, why can’t I do it?

Hali: Why can’t I do it? They can do it. They make it look so easy

Dana: I know. And so it’s not to say that everybody out there that’s a leader like that has defined will center, but it’s just one of these other things to consider whether you yourself have a defined will or not.

And take that into consideration that maybe you were around somebody that, that did, but it doesn’t even really matter. You just have to take a little grace with yourself to just be like, this is gonna be inconsistent me. There’s days. I’m gonna feel like I’m on top of the world. I can do anything. And there’s days I’m not

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: and just learn to live with it and not tie your value to your output. It’s a big lesson.

Hali: That one’s gonna take some time for

Dana: yeah.

Hali:  For everyone

Dana: yeah, we are in the throes of it. So basically if you do have an open will center, you should always ask yourself, am I trying to prove something here? What am I trying to prove? Who am I trying to prove it to? Do I need to prove anything? No, that is like the mantra I’ve taken on. I do not have to prove anything to anyone.

I don’t have to prove myself to anyone. Exactly. This is a lesson that’s a hard one to, you can know it in your mind, but these are things that we have to learn to embody and like experiment with and see how you feel when you say these things. and then when you’re presented opportunities. So you have to really.

This is where, you know, your strategy and authority and following these things can help you navigate these centers, whether defined or undefined a little bit easier, because it’s really starting to pay attention to how you feel in the moment.

So with all that being said about definition and openness, and we know that this is about, um, the material award and resources. I really wanted to dig into it because having a completely open will center

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: it almost. I don’t. These are areas that it is harder for me to kind of, Tap into the experience of some of these gates, because it is literally gonna be different depending on who I’m around, because there’s no consistent way that I’m experiencing any of these gates.

Whereas for you, with your one defined gate, when we get to what that is, you, you might, you know, when you get in the presence of someone else that helps connect that will center. it’s probably gonna play out through themes in the gate 26 that are more consistent feeling for you. .But anyways, so let’s look at the gates real quick.

Hali: All four of ’em

Dana: Well, like I said, I wanted to kind of dig into these because when you, when you start looking at your Human Design chart and you start getting really familiar with what gates you have, right? Those are the ones you tend to focus on. because you’re like, Ooh, I have that gate. Now, remember we all have all the, the chart.

It’s just how we experience it, whether consistently or not. And so it’s easier for us, I think sometimes, to see some of those things in the defined areas and not the, not the undefined areas. So you tend to pay more attention to what, you know, they tell you or what the chart shows you is consistent in you.

because you’re trying to like, make sense of the puzzle and put it all together. So you tend to gravitate towards what you know. So therefore I, haven’t done a lot of digging into these four gates for me personally, cuz I don’t have ’em don’t

Hali: Ooh. Yeah. Mm-hmm

Dana: figure it out. I’m supposed to learn. So it was really interesting when you put ’em all together in this context of the material world, which you know, is intentional. The voice said, this is how it goes

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: this is how it goes. So start with the, gate 40, which is the gate, that reaches over, like I said to the solar plexus. And when these two centers are connected, it’s the, um, channel of community.

So gate 40 is known in traditional Human Design is deliverance, the gate of aloneness. And so this people with this energy carry or carry this sense of aloneness, even when they’re in a group, remember we’re talking about the individual, right? So, this aloneness is this beginning of the individuation process and it’s the need to separate the self from the tribe, because remember we are moving this evolutionary from the, the tribe to the individual

Hali: I like how it it’s on the actual chart too. It’s separated from the other ones

Dana: mm-hmm

Hali: from the other gates there

Dana: So it’s cultivating a sense of, wholeness within one’s self. And so what I, what I always try to, convey to people with this channel particularly, is part of this gate, this alone, because there are gates specifically in the chart that deal with a lot of this kind of pulled back or not only gates, but profile lines and things like that.

Like line two, such as yourself that needs this alone time. There’s lots of gates that kind of has that retreating energy to it. And in this case, it is the need for time to oneself, to what to recharge, right?

So it’s in service to the community and it wants to be part of a community and it wants to offer its resources and its power to its community and tribe.

But it’s almost like a reciprocal thing in the sense that they, they want their resources to be honored and valued and what they contribute to the tribe. And they want to see that recognition and that appreciation in, you know, the tribe also offering them, um, the alone time to take care of themselves.

And so reciprocating, like, to support you emotionally to feed you to also take care of you. So it is kind of a, it’s a community it’s, you know, the person that wants to provide for their community, but they also need to know that the community has their back as well to help provide for them, because they’re gonna need that time to gather their resources.

So they have more to offer. Does that make sense?

Hali: yeah, you gotta have yourself feeling good and charged before you can really help anyone else.

Dana: Yeah. And so if you only have gate 40 and you don’t have gate 37, they might sometimes feel like they’re looking for, they’re always looking for a community or people, friendships that they want to help provide for.

So there is that energy. So, then so that’s going down towards solar plexus. So then from the solar plexus, if we look at the chart at gate 21 gate 21 comes off the top of the wheel center and it’s pointed towards the throat center gate 45. And, this is the it’s called Biting Through.

This is now when I say traditional Human Design. A lot of this is I-Ching language as well. So this is referred to as the gate of the hunter or the hunt dress.

This energy is about control and it is really having control over your domain. And so in order to apply its strength and energy, their willpower, this energy is here to ensure that the survival of their tribe, they really wanna feel, and they kind of have to feel that they have, um, a sense of control over something or someone.

Hali: that makes sense.

Dana: yeah. In today’s world, this energy can kind of be seen as how it’s played out in people who are heads of companies, president CEOs, police officers, this kind of, protective, almost protective and directive kind of energy.

Because it is connected to the gate 45, w which is more like the king queen energy as well. So they do kind of go hand in hand.

But, anyways, so these are people that might feel more successful when they can control, their own material resources and they can control like where they live, how they live, what their home is like, who they work for, how they make a living.

And so you could see how this has been important in this evolutionary role, because before these are things, nobody had a choice over, right? You just, you were born, you existed to serve the structure basically, and there was no choice. And so this gave us this through this gate, this interview energy of choice, which is really being tested it’s boundaries now of what does that really mean?

Because seen it taken to extremes all the time, you know, of controlling everything. And we’re learning is there’s a way to use this energy that the individual can make the choices of how, when and where they work. What’s best for them, but no longer, like you don’t live in a vacuum, you have to like really help benefit everyone.

I know a lot of people are probably not gonna maybe jive with this right away, this thought of . But I mean, I think we’re seeing that and the way things are breaking down right now that the more there is this grabbing of resources of what’s best for one’s self is not working anymore. You know, like we talked about earlier, it’s like the death of capitalism is, is happening.

We can almost see, you know, these corporations and structures that have taken on this role of,

Hali: mine, mine, mine

Dana: mine, mine, mine without regard to anyone else. It’s only what’s best for their tribe being their shareholders. And, it’s not sustainable. I mean, we’re seeing really clearly that if the people at the bottom aren’t thriving, the rest of the system’s not gonna thrive because we all rely on each other.

We’ve tried to stick our head in the sand and believe that it’s only those who work hard and, you know, have the money right.

Hali: we’re the biggest part of the pyramid if the base is unstable things fall apart.

Dana: I wanna say we’re the carbs no, it’s the fruits and vegetables. What was at the bottom of the food pyramid?

Hali: I don’t know.

Dana: not gonna say that, but anyways, because in this need to control, so there’s a shadow side of this, obviously, which is having too much control and trying to control everything, which is a big lesson.

You, we can’t control everything. And if you try to force your control, there’s gonna be a lot of forceful resistance to that.

And so as much as there is this need to control, and it is an energy of providing that kind of protective and directive energy, it has to be asked for, because I think we can see the more forceful, uh, leaders or. dare I say, police officers, people in power who abuse their ability to control others is certainly now getting a lot more pushback.

Hali: yeah.

Dana: We are definitely moving away from that structure of that control. That makes sense. What I’m trying to say. I’m trying not to blather on for too long.

Okay. So moving on, we’re going to go over clockwise counterclockwise to gate 51, which gets a bad rap in the Human Design system. Gate of shock, it’s called the arousing.

This one connects to the G center through the gate 25. And it really is the energy of the individual initiative of that, actually engaging in the world. Right? It has the power of the ego’s will and the ego’s courage,, to do something and it has a lot of power to compete.

There’s a lot of ambition tied into this, this gate, and kind of drives these people who carry this energy consistently, to be more risk takers and kind of try to be a step ahead of everyone in order to find or create a place for themselves. So it’s that initiating energy of, I am the individual I am here.

This is what I’m gonna do.

Hali: makes me think of like a Mentos and a Coke bottle.

Dana: not sure why.

Hali: I don’t know. It’s something with the initiation part of it.

Dana: Yeah, well, it’s, it is a design it’s called gate of shock and it does carry this energy that, it’s the design of being able to have this shocking effect on others, or being able to withstand shock, because it’s basically saying it’s, it’s this energy that, you know, sometimes. I almost wanna say it’s like what happened with a lot of like, even the Roe V Wade thing.

It’s shocking us out of our complacency. You know, like we have become complacent in so many ways. We’ve been complacent with our individual rights and our, you know, the G we’ve seem to think that democracy is guaranteed. Once you attain it, it’s not, it’s something you have to keep working towards.

We get complacent, we get comfortable. And, this energy here, these are people that carry this energy, can, you know, it’s not like they are always intending to shock people, but there could be delivery. There could be just events that happens around them that does carry this shot. Or they have things happen to them in life that kinda wakes them up, you know, brings them to a point

Hali: a, like, a slap in the face.

Dana: Yeah. And a lot of people like to talk about how Ra Uru Hu, carried this energy. Right. I wanna say it was one of his, Sun energies.

Hali: I was gonna say it makes a ton of sense.

Dana: Yeah, it’s his conscious sun energy and it’s in line five and it’s in line five. So, this, a lot of people, you know, I like to, point back to

this and a lot of people do too, is that he definitely. If you put that together with him being a manifestor, it makes more sense why this system may have been delivered through him because he could initiate, he could bring it through and, put it out there. And he was okay. His energy was able to withstand the, the pushback from that, you know, because there was a lot of sh

Hali: was just waiting.

Dana: yeah, there was, I mean, there was a lot of pushback here from a lot of people.

It was very shocking when, just how it was delivered to him. But then as he started to bring this system, after he, you know, kind of started to put it all together and figure it out and started experimenting with that, he was able to stand in that energy quite often of shocking, a lot of people and, you know, saying, Hey, I mean saying, you know, Hey, this is, you know, This is, this is what the told me and only know what I’m trying to say here.

The, Hey listen. But yeah,

Hali: told me this, listen up.

I got some stuff to say.

Dana: yeah, because we have been complacent and we need to wake up and it is connected to the gate 25 reaches towards gate 25, which is the gate of spirit of the self which was this, you know, so it’s, it’s this shocking energy to wake us up, to move us towards something, higher than ourselves.

It’s connecting to that other, other source, which , you know, in service of love in service of spirit, God, whatever you wanna call it, I equate it with the, the power and the energy of love, because I think we can all agree on that.

And no matter what we wanna call it

Hali: Maybe I would, I would say love is probably the strongest energy. Good or bad.

Dana: Yeah, because like I said, it is the one thing we’ve all had some experience.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: One thing that when we feel there’s a lack of it that creates us, or causes us to have all kinds of behaviors that aren’t healthy for us. And it’s what we’re always trying to get back to. You know, it’s the feeling that we’re all trying to get, whether it’s through relationships or through food or through sex or through power or money, it’s just like that same like feeling of wholeness and love of being loved.

You know, that’s what

Hali: one of the few things that connects all of us.

Dana: I think it’s the only thing that, and breathing,

Hali: tell you actually, physically surviving and

Dana: we all have to breathe, we all need a certain amount of water we could probably do without food, but I mean, we need water. We both drink water.

So, important thing getting back on the gate, 51, the lesson here to learn is that because it is in that will center motor, which is designed to rest, what it kind of will teach you here is that you’ll be able to withstand any type of shock or disruption or occurrence like that in your life.

The more rested you are, the more able you are to absorb these shocks basically, and to be able to keep moving forward.

So it’s important time to recuperate, especially if you have that gate.

So lastly, we come to gate 26, which is the Taming of the power of the great, it’s also referred to as the gate of the egoist. And so. This gate, like I said, connects over to the spleen through gate 44. Gate 44 was when we talked about

Hali: it’s the,

Dana: fear of

Hali: of, uh, the future. No past

Dana: the past, past fear of the past repeating itself, but it’s also recognize the patterns of the past. And so the egoist, gate 21 is what they also

Hali: gate 26.

Dana: is the gate of the, the salesman they like to call it because this I know automatically you’re like, Ugh, but it’s the gate where memory can be manipulated.

They say to where the past is selectively remembered in order to persuade or distract us from fear.

Now let’s think about why that would be. If we’re thinking in tribal terms. If we’re thinking about the main energies of the center is concerning, the tribe and the betterment of all, why do you think it would be?

I mean, I’m just curious if you have any thoughts on this, why it would be important to carry the energy of somebody who can help steer the narrative, I guess can help manipulates a bad word at times, but

Hali: wanna be able to have someone that kind of like. Can put on the rose colored glasses for you and be like, remember, like we had this happen, but then we had this happen and it was so good. And like, we need to get to that. And kind of just since I just like fear of the future, kind of

Dana: for

Hali: kind of covering up, Oh yeah. Fear of the past. Just kind of covering up the bad parts of the past.

Dana: the past. Mm-hmm , that’s so good.

And that’s so interesting because that’s your unconscious , sun gate energy is gate 26. This is a large part of your energy. And I’m glad that you have that understanding of it because you’re right. It’s like somebody has to help guide the tribe, remind them of the past.

Right. But you know, the salesman like knows what you need. Knows what’s good for you.

Now, there is this negative connotation to sales, but if done with integrity, which Karen Curry Parker calls us the gate of integrity, really a salesperson is there to serve who they’re selling to. They have something that they know somebody needs.

and they have to demonstrate to them and show to them why they need it. Right? Because we can’t often know what we need what’s best for ourselves. And this carries that energy of, showing the tribe or whoever this, this is important. This is what we need. This is gonna be good for us.

And that’s kind of the energy that is there. And so that’s why it’s important.

I think why she calls it the gate of integrity, because it’s important to have that sense of integrity, which you certainly do my dear, my dear because it’s with this comes with a lot of responsibility, you know, you have to make sure that you are in integrity when you are helping to, steer the tribe, get them, your people, whatever, as a leader, it’s really important energy because, you know, you’ve gotta make sure that you’re acting in integrity with yourself and what’s best for the tribes.

That make sense. Yeah,

Hali: I

Dana: yeah.

Hali: definitely

Dana: too much. Sometimes I’m just kidding. I’m like, can we fudge it a little bit? No. cannot yes. And I learned from you. Thank you.

So, if we can keep our eyes on the prize with this center, whether you have it defined or undefined, if you have the center defined, you have a lot of responsibility there to use this energy, in integrity, to, because you are, broadcasting that energy out to the world. And you are undefined here, you’re here to learn about that from all these other people of what’s really valuable.

What, self worth and self value are all about resources, money, earning all these things. You know, it’s all very much tied to, what is the best way moving forward to work with these energies, cuz we could experience it in many ways. so I’m starting to see through and looking at it and understanding a little bit better for, for myself that I think this is where I have tapped into what I think is, I dunno if it’s empathy or if it’s like, I don’t know.

I definitely feel like I can tap into others’ value and worth because I, as we talked about earlier, what was really the underdog story, the downtrodden, because I really do without even realizing it most of the time, it just kind of clicks in very quickly for me when I’m around people.

What it is they need to hear about themselves. What’s valuable, you know, like, I’ll be your cheerleader. Like, no, you can do this. You’ve got XYZ. Right. Can’t see it in myself.

But, on the other side of that too, I can have very quick, aversions to people as well, which, I never really understood, but I think a lot of it is this center at play because, now whether or not I’ve paid attention to it and honored, it is another story now doesn’t mean they had to have been defined in this area or anything.

It just means there, my openness was able to quickly, energetically feel it. My brain tried to analyze it sometimes if it was a closer relationship where it, yeah. I’ve gotten in trouble before, but I’m trying to honor that more that if I get certain. You know, feelings from people. I tend to create boundaries quicker.

And it’s gonna take some time more now for them to, you know, I hate to say prove their worth, but that’s

Hali: recognize it. Mm-hmm paying attention.

Dana: I meant to, I meant to say like, prove that, you know, their intentions are good. Maybe it was an off day.

But, so without getting too specific, but I’m gonna get specific here because I’m, like I said, in the last time we were talking about what’s happening in the world, I might as well just alienate people.

It’s no

Hali: I like specific, I vague

Dana: If you know me, it’s no secret if you know me, how I feel about our former president. Because let me tell you completely open ego center. He does have a defined ego.

And I think it’s really good example of how conditioning could also happen in, defined centers because shadow sides, gift sides, looking into those gates that we just talked about.

I mean, you could see how the dark side of a lot of those could really play out, which they did. They have, you know, of someone who feels the need to control, they need, you know, all the resources for themselves. You know, it’s all about me, me, me, me, me. And if you were to look at his design, he’s defined in the will, but what’s interesting is, he has a completely open G center

Hali: Mm

Dana: which carries your own personal feeling of, you know, are

Hali: And, and you, right? That that’s, that’s the one that’s like who you are, right?

Dana: Love and identity. Yes. And so it’s been known, I’ve heard, I’ve listened to a lot of things about him and stuff that his father was also a pretty horrible person who very much, was no excuse, but he very much, pitted his children against each other very much had this, feeling in the family of survival, the fittest, like you had to be the best, the smartest of everything.

Right. And possibly with an open G center, completely open, no activations, with an open G center, trying to find his place.

Conditioned him in other ways, because he had access to all this consistent energy in the will center.

So what’s also interesting is what defines his will center is that connection between the 21-45. So the 45 and the 21. So that was the one about the hunter and the Huntress. And, it’s called the money line.

That’s what it’s called in Human Design because it is the energy of being able to go out, get it and make it happen, because he is an emotional manifesting generator.

And so this is where Human Design can be so interesting. You know, if you know enough about people’s histories, characteristics, you can see it in the chart, which is, you know, how I learned a lot of this stuff is through people I know personally, but also through observations.

And, he has the, he has the 26, but he isn’t using it too well, but he’s not using it in integrity.

He’s definitely able to like, he’s a salesperson. right.

He can sell a narrative for sure. Well, definitely he’s using it for his own, gain you know, but I mean, how else did somebody convince so many people of a certain reality that may not be true? You know, he’s, he’s very charismatic. I’ve never understood it.

And then when I also look at the Human Design, unrelated to the will center, he does have the gate 59 or the channel 59-6, which is the gate of, or is the channel of mating. And,  it’s the sacral to the solar plexus. And this explained to me why this man still was able to have so many women attracted to him because it literally carries that energy.

They say people with that, uh, channel carries a certain when people don’t have it, it’s, it’s very appealing. It’s very drawing

Hali: I found

Dana: it is yes, because it is about sex, but it’s about procreation and it’s about bonding and all that stuff. And so he also, has that. So that was like, well, that helps me explain some of that stuff.

Cause otherwise I don’t understand.  But anyways, I was, yeah,  I was drawn to look up his, his chart today because especially after things that we’ve, you know, been hearing lately that happened towards the end of his presidency and more true colors being revealed. Maybe to the rest of the world, not to me, I saw for some time, but I know a lot of people did too.

I’m not the only one, but, you know, it, it, it can kind of help you better understand how these things come out. Like I said, it’s not an excuse. And it’s like, none of this stuff is a, a pass to get you to act a certain way that you, like, I get to be an asshole because I have gate

Hali: cause it’s because that’s how my chart is. Like, that’s just what it is.

Dana: no, no, you are exactly.  You can, you do have choice of how you want to live it out. And even if maybe you were conditioned in a way that made you, act that way. Like I said, I love a good redemption story.

Hali: you can choose to work through that and, and

Dana: Hmm mm-hmm yeah.

Hali: through that conditioning and go to the more gift side of things instead of living in what it is now.

Dana: And that’s where like, looking at your Bodygraph and getting familiar with it can help you see these areas in your life wherever they are, that you can start evaluating those themes around the centers, the gates, the channels, or whatever, and say, oh, whoa, okay, am I, you know, expressing this in the, you know, more favorable light or if I’m not, well, how can I change that?

How can I shift that? Do I want to, yes, I hope so. but, um, yeah, so that’s why I wanted to talk about it today. One, because it kind of feels complete to, you know, put it together with the, the G center, but two, we really are reevaluating all these themes around personal value and worth and it’s, it’s under even more pressure now because there’s, I don’t, I’ll be honest with you because this is one reason I love Human Design.

There’s so much to learn

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: and this upcoming mutation that’s supposed to be happening. That’s affecting the will center. I keep reading about it and trying to understand

Hali: 27 on

Dana: 2027. Yeah. Well, we’re kind of in the midst of it now

Hali: right?

Dana: it’s happening. I don’t have a full grasp on it yet to, to really understand, but I do know that what it is centering around is our ability to more and more tap into intentional creation through how we feel and how we want to serve and how we can use these energies to calibrate our magnetic monopole to attract those things.

So we are moving more and more away from reaction from power being outside of ourselves to intentional creation and using our own internal compasses and desires and everything to create our reality around us.

So the more, you know, the better equipped you’ll be. I know, I didn’t know if you , I didn’t know if you remember that at all. It’s from NBC used to do these little like announcements, like, I don’t know if you’d call ’em public service, but it’d be like, Hey, did you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then that little rainbow would come on the more, you know, which is the hand gesture you gave me.

So I knew you understood that.

Hali: think I know it more from a meme than I do from like actually seeing it

Dana: probably that’s what I was saying, because I think it was, you know, in the age of when they had commercials that people couldn’t fast forward through, they

Hali: commercials suck.

Dana: They certainly do.

Hali: They’re all drug commercials.

Dana: don’t even get me started.

Hali: We’re so side note we were yesterday, me and Presley were listening to like just potential first dance songs. And one came on he’s like, what are we in? Like a Zyrtech commercial?

Dana: I can totally see him being like Hali. What are we in a Zac? Are we gonna start frolicking? What was the song? Do you remember?

Hali: I don’t even know. Your typical prescription commercial song.

Dana: I hate all of them

Hali: yeah. Or like one of few countries that allows people allows pharmaceuticals to be commercialized, like have

Dana: marketed to individuals to be able to go to their doctor and say, Hey,

Hali: about it.

Dana: can you give me this? They said it

Hali: I need all this. Hmm.

Dana: Okay. so we’ll just wrap that up.

And, again, hope you enjoyed this conversation today about the will center, the evolution of the will center.

And like I said, look at your own chart. See if you have those gates, any of those gates, or if it’s defined, remember if it’s defined, you’ve gotta take care of that energy center for yourself, work to rest.

And, if it’s undefined, remember you have nothing to prove to anyone. So I’ll leave you with that. And any other final thoughts, Hali?

Hali: you are enough

Aw, it’s so sweet. I felt that I felt that right in my will center. I know, I wasn’t expecting that. That was so nice. Thank you. Gate 26, let us know what we needed to know. appreciate you. Love you. Have a good night. Bye

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