July 21, 2022 in Podcast


Human Design shows you how your unique energy works, and the 12 Universal Laws shows us how all the energy in the Universe works!

You may have heard of the Law of Attraction, but that’s just one of the Universal Laws.  These laws are always in play, always shaping on reality, and learning how they function gives you a leg up on going with the flow and getting into alignment!

Hope you get loads of value from today’s episode, enjoy!

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!


Episode 017- 12 Universal Laws

Dana: These laws explain energy and how it works and everything is energy. Everything in the universe is, is energy. You’ll see that these laws are interconnected with each other. They tend to kind of overlap and weave, but they are broken down into 12, basic laws.

And, they impact basically every aspect of our lives, because we are also energy because everything is energy and everything around is this energy.

Hali: Everything is energy.

Dana: Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana Human Design specialist,

Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today, we’re diving into.

Dana: the universal laws and Human Design. Couldn’t decide whether to put how many there are first all, but yes, we’re gonna talk about the 12 universal laws are the 12 spiritual laws of the universe they call it. So you could say it either way, universal laws, spiritual laws of the universe. So I know springing this one on you.

Hali: And this one sounds fun.

Dana: It is quite fun actually.

And I’ll tell you how it came about because you know, kind of, I have a running list of things that I wanna talk about, talk to you about. And, I, we delayed our recording for a couple days becauseyou’ve been really busy at work. And so I had more time to think about it. And I, after doing a little, uh, little meditation yesterday morning trying to clear my head, I was, I don’t know, online.

Like I always am and I, I don’t know what, how it came about, but it literally came across my desk, something about the universal laws. And I thought, oh yeah, you know, I’ve been wanting to look into those again. And so I started pulling ’em up and I was like, oh my God, this is what we gotta talk about because it’s all very exciting because it’s basically. It’s all about energy and how energy works. Okay. And, you know, I’m all about the energy. So

Hali: It’s why we have this podcast.

Dana: when

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: one of the universal laws that everybody’s familiar with off the top is the law of attraction. We’ve all heard of the law of attraction. Even you’ve heard of the law of attraction.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: What is your understanding of the law of attraction?

Hali: It’s basically you, I guess, kind of like you attract what you put out there, basically.

Dana: In a way. Yeah, we we’ve touched on it before. We’ll talk about it more. But actually when we go through these, it’s probably the one I’m talking about the least, cause everybody talks about the most, but

Hali: Fair,

Dana: very familiar with it. So the law of attraction is became really, interesting to everybody when Oprah highlighted, um, the people that wrote the book, the secret, have you ever heard of the secret? Oh,

Hali: doesn’t ever

Dana: you know,  I would forget our age difference sometimes. I mean, I’ve been there the whole time, but I’m like, gosh, how old am I? you’re 25. And it was a long time ago, so, oh God, I miss Oprah, but I mean, she’s still around, but be on TV every day, her.

Hali: She just doesn’t have her show.

Dana: No. but she introduced everybody to the book, The Secret, which, okay, so it was probably, I mean, you, when she had it on TV, you were around, I think because it was around the same time that, um, I’d started doing yoga and everything.

I remember that because I just remember when everybody got really excited about the book, the secret and the law of attraction, I was like, wait a minute. That’s just like, that’s not a secret. That’s what all these ancient cultures have been teaching us all these years about how the universe works. Right.

And about how energy works and using your mind and all this other stuff, because that’s what I had been studying yoga philosophy and everything else. So, so I didn’t ever read the secret. And then, um, cuz I was annoyed by it because this happens to me a lot. That I’ll be, you know, have learned something, discover something or onto something maybe ahead of the curve.

And I’m not trying to be, you know, I’m so much better here, but it just happens sometimes. And then it gets very popular and it just annoys me that everybody’s like, it’s amazing, which shouldn’t annoy me, but

Hali: you’re just an early adopter,

Dana: I guess, I don’t know, maybe, probably…

just staring out the

Hali: but really it took

Dana: No. I was just thinking about how it also annoys me. Like, I will go the opposite way when even if it’s something I hadn’t heard of or experienced or done yet, or a movie I haven’t seen or a band and everybody in the world is like, you have to see this. It’s amazing. You have to read this. It’s awesome. I’m always like, no, I’ll go exactly the opposite direction.

Hali: I, I do that sometimes too specifically with like TV shows. I’m like, I don’t wanna that. And then like couple months later, I’ll watch it.

Dana: Yeah, I think that’s how I was with sadly, but all in good time was with Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. Remember too, because, now in the streaming world, I don’t wanna watch something when everybody else watching it. Cause I need a good solid season in to be able to watch everything right. as I just do not wanna have to.

I mean, we grew up, Hali, waiting week to week having to go through commercials to

Hali: can’t

Dana: something.

Hali: I can’t even stand commercials anymore. Like

I was eating, I was eating, I think, lunch or whatever the other day. And I was sitting out in the living room and I just turned on the TV and it was even ridiculousness and I love ridiculousness. And then commercial came on. I was like, I, I can’t do this.

And I went and flipped it to Netflix. I was like two seconds into commercial. I was like, I cannot do this.

Dana: Commercials are so bad. They’re so boring and loud and, and they’re all drug commercials. Yeah. So that puts me on a whole nother tangent every time, because then I’m like, why are we so sick and why are they marketing to us?

And I hate pharmaceutical companies and it just spirals, has the opposite effect. Okay. That is kind of in line with the universal laws, energy. And how you can shift and change your energy. So, yes, that’s why I’m excited to talk about this today because it reminded me again of because sometimes because I do like to do a lot of research and go lots of different directions. I’m responding to what comes into my, you know, awareness.

And sometimes it takes me off track and I get, you know, a little confused at times, but it kind of brought me back to center, reminded me of what I really do love totalk about with people.

A lot of it is in these universal laws and I’m sure once we go through them, you may even have an experience of that, of growing up with me,that are, you know, not with me, but , I mean, we didn’t grow up together, but we kind of did kind of did grow up together. I grew into a better human being as you grew up into yourself. And it’s a lot about how I try to live day to day and be mindful of my energy and a lot of the inner work that I’ve done.

A lot of it ties to these universal laws because basically when it’s a law, the way they’re talking about it is not like a law made up by men, but their truths universal truths is another way to,

Hali: I mean, it’s like a, it’s like a law of nature. Like it,

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: it just happens. We didn’t, we didn’t make it a law. It just is there. And we’re like, well,

Dana: And it always is there, like whether you observe it or whether you believe in it or anything, whether you intentionally try to work with it or not, it’s just always there. and it’s interesting that, you know, these are pretty much, these unchanging intrinsic laws of the universe, ancient cultures have always kind of known about, that’s what I was saying with the, learning about it and yoga philosophy.

It wasn’t deemed the 12 universal laws. It was just, it’s just kind of woven into all the, great teachings of a lot of these, systems. And, and that’s what I also like to. Remember sometimes is that, or I wish other people would remember is that, religions are just like these organizing factions basically.

But they all, at the core of them, when you study the great religions, as far as the longstanding, you know, all of them, even the native cultures a lot, even though theirs can be very different for us, they’re much more earth, you know, tied to the earth, to the land and everything, but they all kind of come back to these laws and so that’s how, that’s how I always said, well, you know, I don’t, I just can’t believe people don’t see that.

Well it’s because they’ve never looked at other religions. They’re only looking at their own and they think everybody else is wrong, but they all kind of have the same core components, which is a lot of these, things we’re gonna talk about here, but these, this is not a, these, these is not a religion.

This is not a religion. This is just the way things operate. Right. It’s just so, and so now as I dug back into ’em again, it was also interesting and we’re gonna kind of weave it in how, obviously how Human Design displays this or works with this, which makes sense because Human Design is the synthesis of all these known, already known systems people, throughout, time have put their own systems together.

And, so anyways, that’s really jumbled way of saying that, but I will say after talking to my friend the other day, I’m going to try and honor this piece of me that does tend to, tend to talk in circles sometimes because I am embracing and owning and getting used to that. This is my, channel 43/23 in action for me, because it is me trying to speak my mind.

Hali: that one is, uh, I said it backwards last time. Genius to freak.

Dana: Right. Yeah. It’s a knowing channel. It’s in the knowing circuit coming from the Ajna to the throat. And so it, and that is the only channel I have to the throat. So that says that I should be, I have a voice that speaks my mind. And the speaking that I do, doesn’t always make sense at first because it is, well, like I said, it, it’s kind of trying to find the words for what it is that I can or feel or know in my, you know, in my head, but getting words for it sometimes is a word salad, but it’ll eventually make sense.

I’ll try not to waste anybody’s time, which is why I try to have notes and everything, and I can get off topic because I don’t wanna, but I

Hali: Well, part of the experience though,

Dana: Yes. And if you’ve listened to any episodes, and this is more than the first or second, you must be okay with it. or maybe it’s the next one.

That’ll be like, oh my God, I can’t listen to her for one more minute. So I’m sorry.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: it happens. It happens. Okay. So as I said, these laws explain energy and how it works and everything is energy. Everything in the universe is, is energy. You’ll see that these laws are interconnected with each other. They tend to kind of overlap and weave, but they are broken down into 12 basic laws.

And, they impact basically every aspect of our lives, because we are also energy because everything is energy and everything around is this energy.

Hali: everything is energy.

Dana: Yeah. So especially if, if you’re feeling, stuck, confused, about purpose or what you should be doing, maybe feel a victim of the world, this kind of mentality, learning about these laws and, as a whole, but also one by one, you could be using them as a, inner practice of observing them and kind of seeing how they’ve played out in your life, or even just experimenting with them and using intention, to see if what this law says, actually you can find evidence of it in your life.

And once you start to see that it does help you feel a little bit more empowered, a little bit more confident because you can start to be like, oh, well, this is just kind of like a, it’s almost like a game in the sense that it kind of gives you that glimmer of, of hope of understanding how everything’s really meant to work.

And with the Human Design component, we can see ourselves in it. We have this map of how we’re designed to work within the bigger, picture. And so it can start to be kind of, kind of fun. I mean, I think it’s always fun, but well puzzle, whole puzzle. So, like I said, so knowing these laws, how they operate, play out in your world, um, could help you get more in the flow, get into alignment a little bit better and actively participate in creating a life that you want.

So, just to. Also preface it with that, that, you know, this can be very deep work if you’re prepared for it. I mean, you don’t have to take it like super seriously, but it can help you uncover some things that can be uncomfortable at times. But as you’ll see, as we go through these laws, there’s a reason for that too.

So , it’s all good. All right. So you ready to dig in?

Hali: Yes.

Dana: Okay.

Hali: Tell me again how many there are

Dana: 12,

Hali: 12.


Dana: you gonna keep count.

Hali: I’ll lose count after like four

Dana: I do have them numbered

Hali: Okay, good.

Dana: so I know.

Hali: That’s a start

Dana: Oh, and one other thing I also wanna say is that I myself was in a bit of a slump, whether it’s the emotional wave or what, just kind. I told you I’d sat down for meditation. Cause I had been a lot in my head and just kind of little freaked out and worried about stuff as I tend to get every now and then

Hali: bubble.

Dana: head bubble. So after I started reading these again and it just kind of reminded me, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. That’s right. This is what I need to focus on. This is what’s gonna help. This is what, and it’s it shifted everything shifted and it was much better. So it feels better. Okay. So

Hali: There you go,

Dana: there you go. Okay. So the first law is the law of divine oneness,

Hali: oh, we’re starting out strong.

Dana: which, I mean really, it says everything’s connected and we all come from the same source, which

Hali: a hundred percent.

Dana: isn’t this kind of a cornerstone and of a lot of religions as well.

Everything’s connected. We are all one. whether or not people pay attention to that, they misconstrue it and they say, oh, he’s the only one. No, we are all one. And this means not just people. This means everything of the, the, the plants, the animals, the universe, the stars, the neutrinos, it’s all connected.

and that also is like, our consciousness is all connected. It’s the collect. Did you just say that? That is so funny, because I had that in my notes, the Hive mind

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: collective consciousness, the collective mind. It’s like we’re, oh my God. We are in the hive. So obviously this law is foundational to all the other laws, because for obvious reasons. And so it’s also important within this law tells us that we all come from the same source, but that at all times that source energy is within us as well. It didn’t just disconnect from us once we got here, it’s still a part of us.

it’s within all of us. So, This one, all the oneness thing and source energy being within all of us is something that I find is one of the things I tap into, especially when I’m having issues with people or, like people. I know I was gonna say other people, people, I don’t know. I like to remind myself that when I find that really judgey part coming up or the really angry part or the really like, you know, mm.

To remember that fact that we are all one. And even though I might not like the personality of that person, doesn’t diminish the fact that they’re still part of this whole, that we’re, we’re all part of. And I think Marianne, Williamson used to always say how, I think it’s even in the Course of Miracles saying, you know, that God is not, you know, putting the same judgment that you’re putting on people is not God God’s like, well, you know, really like to help him, but he was kind of an ass asshole the other day or something like that, you know, it’s just like, can’t do that now.

We’re all we all come from the same source. and also this is the thing of whatever you do to someone else you do to yourself as well. Right. I know you’ve heard that before. Treat your love your neighbor as yourself. Anybody hear that one before? What’s that called?

Hali: the golden rule

Dana: Yeah. A foundational

Hali: do unto, unto others, as you would do unto yourself,

Dana: Because you do, because you do, yes. On a spiritual level, they say you are that person you’re doing it to yourself and it is, it is true. and so of course in Human Design, it shows us that we are definitely all part of a whole, that we all have that piece of it. And it shows, you know, even in your personality and your design side, personality to side, I have the, the, uh, understanding of, this is the, this smaller sliver of the bigger you, that is a part of the bigger whole that is here right now is in that, design or excuse me, personality side of your, Human Design.

but it just shows us how we’re all representing, or we’re all just different configurations of the same, because even the, the Bodygraph the gates and all that stuff, they’re all the, human archetypes, right? It’s all the different ways humans can express and it’s just which way you express it.

But essentially we all have the same. So.

Hali: It all starts out with the exact same layout of the Bodygraph.

Dana: Yeah, because there is this component of we’re all the same. Okay.

Hali: We’re all the same inside. Same

Dana: yeah. So that’s the first law, the law of oneness.

Hali: Divine oneness.

Dana: oneness. Thank you. The second law is the law of vibration

Hali: Ooh.

Dana: mm-hmm , uh, and this law states that everything in the universe, is in motion

Hali: Scientifically proven.

Dana: mm-hmm and vibrates at a specific energy, right.

Frequency. so everything has its own vibrational frequency and like frequencies tune to like frequencies,

Hali: Mm-hmm mm-hmm

Dana: that, which I think is so cool. Like when you see like, um, well, I think I told you this, the heart math Institute, when they would, They would track EKGs of people like they’d link people up

Hali: oh, they would eventually like, like people’s different EKGs would eventually kind of like meld

Dana: yeah. They won’t be exactly the same, but like the heartbeat, the heartbeats

Hali: like the same rhythm kind of, yeah,

Dana: yeah, they’ll start to link up. It’s pretty cool.

Hali: glad we got there together.

Dana: Without hand movements, what we do?

Hali: No one else can see us

Dana:So being that everything is a vibration, we can often feel these frequencies, these vibrations, you can, get more in tune to that. And then especially if you’re looking at your Human Design chart, Where your openness is, is definitely gonna be an area where you will have more awareness of the different, and I don’t mean like awareness, like it’s a conscious awareness, but your, your energy body is always, I guess, communicating with these other frequencies and everybody around you and, your open areas are more heightened to experience those, those energies.

Um, mm-hmm . And so knowing that everything is energy and a vibration, the frequency you can learn to work on changing your own frequency if need be, because it’s proven that you can, bring lower vibrations up higher in the sense that they tend to in the universe, move towards this.

Um, it up to a higher frequency and not really to a lower frequency, if that makes sense.

Hali: Sure. And I, I, I think lower frequencies are slower.

Dana: Yeah. And so In Human Design, when we look at the emotional solar plexus and emotional definition, right? Half of us are defined and half of us are undefined there. And so I feel that part of this in our human journey here, human experience is learning about the frequency and the vibration, because the defined solar plexus has an emotional wave that is mechanical.

It is not, really anything that you can control in the sense that it’s gonna go up. It’s gonna go down. It can be different for different people. And because we don’t even know necessarily there’s no normal, pattern from person to person everybody’s different. Right?

Hali: you can’t change it.

Dana: yeah, you, you can influence it in a way , but you can’t.

it’s it’s always gonna be there. I can’t, I can’t

Hali: can’t just keep it at the

Dana: have no, no, I can never not have an emotional wave. It will always be there until the day I die. What I can do though, is change my baseline frequency.

So if you have, if you think about a wave, right, a sign wave or whatever, the lower frequency waves, like you said, they’re, they’re longer and they’re slower, right?

There’s a lot of gaps in between the highs and the lows. Whereas the higher frequencies, they, they vibrate, the, the waves are very close together. Right? So when you think about learning to work with that emotional wave, it’s recognizing the highs, recognizing the lows, how they feel highs and lows and emotional people are not supposed to make decisions in a high or a low you’re supposed to get used to where that in between space is.

And I think this is us as a,

Hali: collective.

Dana: collective. Yeah, I don’t wanna say species, right? Wherever, all of us, learning to understand about not just always being highs and lows of learning to raise that baseline vibration. Right. Instead of just riding the wave without control, we’re learning how to recognize thein general wellbeing in between.

It’s like the everything in moderation, you know, don’t go the high don’t go the low it’s like, just try to find that nice, even balanced spot. So attuning to those feelings and emotions you can, you know, raise. So I think that’s about the lot. See, I was gonna try and not talk so long, so I’m gonna move on to the next one.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: get excited about this stuff. Okay. So the third law is the law of correspondence. This law is related to the law of oneness and its basic, tenant. Is that patterns repeat throughout the universe.

And so there’s always a correspondence between our inner world and our outer world. This is the adage of as above, so below as within, so without makes sense. So what’s happening outside of us is a direct reflection of what’s happening inside of us. Have you ever been introduced to that concept before?

Hali: Subconsciously probably, but then just kind of thinking about it in a real, real world situation, it’s like,

Dana: Mm-hmm well, it’s true. And this goes so far as even, your own immediate life, but also outside of your immediate life to your larger groups, to your communities, to your country, to your, to

Hali: yeah. I mean, that’s like countries immediately where I went.

Dana: Right, right. That, and it’s true, c because there’s a lot of us that are generally unhappy, scared. angry, you know?  There’s a lot of this inner conflict happening right now for a lot of people because we are, in this progression of moving forward, this evolution, it’s like, We’re always in the middle, we’re in the middle of evolution, we’re in the middle of change and you don’t, you don’t know what it is when you’re in it, you know, it’s like, it’s, it’s gradual it’s happening.

But even physical evolution, like from animals, that crawled up out of the water. It didn’t just happen one day. it took a long time. Hopefully it doesn’t take us that long to all get in touch with our hearts again and grow spines, but,

Hali: one can hope.

Dana: One can hope. So this also states that your current reality is a reflection of how you’ve also felt in the past. And this is part of that tenant, because what was happening within you? Manifests outside of you because it’s all energy, baby. So that being sad. If you have low, self-esteem feel badly about yourself, constantly when we were saying, feeling anger, hatred, loathing, most likely you’re outside life is a bit of a mess you might.

And I think we all know these people , you know, that even, you know, people in the same house living together, you could have people, same job where there’s the one person that everything is a, is just, everybody’s crazy.

Everything’s a mess. Nothing ever works out for me. You know,

Hali: little, every little inconvenience is a disaster

Dana: Mm-hmm And I think, well, I always want, like my examples. I used to work in public schools as you know, You were there when you were just a wee one? I worked in a primary school. And I was, at that time had been doing, started doing yoga and I was doing a lot of this mindfulness stuff. so my perspective was often different than those around me, because it’s a very, very, very, very stressful job.

It’s not a very well appreciated job. It’s tough. It’s tough job working with little kids all day long. And  and I mean just in the structures, they’re in the school’s ridiculous. But these teachers, the one I worked with in particular, like was a whirlwind. Her whole life was a whirlwind, you know, and we, we occupied the same space, but , I just did, you know, I would always try to, I hate to use the word guard my energy, but I would be aware of my energy.

And I always tried to keep it calm. Things would around me would be calm She was never tending to her energy. It was always chaotic or like they were always convinced all the teachers there were like, well, this is another one. Well, you know, um, it’s, the seasons are changing, gonna get sick it’s flu season gonna get sick, you know, they would just tell themselves that was their beliefs that they just were either susceptible or, or whatever they would get sick.

I didn’t get sick. I don’t think I have that much more immune system. I just not gonna go down that road, but anyways, so also explains why there’s people who thrive, you know, even in chaotic times when it looks like the world’s burning, there’s still gonna be people that are doing quite well. You know, mainly

Hali: what

Dana: you know, it’s just, well it may be chaos in the outer world, not their outer world, other people’s outer worlds, but if they’ve been tending to their energy, kind of, you know, staying in their lane and not giving into this, hysteria, they can also still manage to thrive. It’s not, you know, doesn’t mean you turn a blind eye to the world and that’s a fine line there.

I think a lot of people, the self-help community, especially following all these laws want to just say, well, I have to keep my. Energy pure. So I can’t be bothered. Well, you can do both you can, you can check in, you can help where it’s needed. You can do all these things, keep your baseline good. But, at the same time, keep that inner world of like, this is all working out.

This is going to, you know, things will eventually get there. You can help or not.

Hali: this, this kind of fits in here. I think, I don’t know the rest of the laws, but like, I don’t like to think of anything bad or like, like detrimental happening or like speak it because I don’t wanna put it out there at all. I like, I won’t, I just won’t do it because I’m like, doesn’t need to be out there.

Dana: mm-hmm words. Words are very, very powerful. And this will also, this definitely there’s more.

Hali: I don’t like to think about ’em I’m like that. Nope.

Dana: Well, you know, the thoughts were, the thoughts are gonna happen. I really do think the thoughts are gonna happen. It’s how attached you get to the thought.

One of the things they, one of the great things I learned early on in yoga was like, meditation is this was from mindfulness teachers. And for meditation is that you’re not responsible for the first thought that pops into your head, but you are responsible for the subsequent thoughts, right?

Especially you, you have that your brain’s always working. Your head’s always working. You have to define head and ajna. And that is a really, really valuable thing to say like, well, you’re not always going to be able to stop the thought from coming in, especially if it’s something that’s happening outside of you, but where you go from there is like totally under your control, whether you wanna spiral or whether you just wanna be like, okay, I don’t have to get caught up in this drama in my head, make it worse, but that’s very good.

So I’m glad you do that. Yes.

So basically to wrap up the law of correspondence is that if you want to change, your outer reality, you have to work from the inside out, which I say, Ugh, but anyway, I didn’t know that at first so I do not mean to mock anybody. Who’s hearing that for the first time. that’s really bad. Trust me. I know it’s hard. I’m sorry. That’s

Hali: makes a lot of

Dana: Yeah. Okay. So law four now, these laws I’m giving them 1, 2, 3, 4. I don’t know if there’s an exact order of ’em.

It’s not like set in..

Hali: No ranking

Dana: Yeah, I, I get, except for the first law. I don’t know. It makes sense. I think, as it goes on, what I’m saying is I think I saw it in other places. Some were switched in number, so it was just not like maybe always law, number four. Yeah. Like you can’t just throw out at people universal law, four buddy, like you gotta use the whole thing yeah. Okay. Number four, the law of attraction yes. So like I said, the most familiar one everybody’s heard of this by now. And it is basically like attracts, like, and that to get what you want, in whatever it was in the world that you want, you need to vibrate at the frequency of whatever you want. Now the law of attraction works, whether you are aware of it or not.

So whatever you are vibrating at that frequency is the level of frequency that will entrain to your frequency makes sense. Everything’s vibration. Right? So what I think this is really clearly tied to cuz we actually tied and talked about it when we talked about the G center and, working on how you are feeling working on the vibration so that your magnetic monopole

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: is, Bringing in the level of frequency of the things that it is that you want.

So that’s why working with that emotional wave, the solar plexus and, and everything else is learning. That’s why you wanna raise that baseline so that the more higher frequency things that you are wanting to attract are attracting being pulled in that tractor beam of your magnetic monopole so I, like I said, I don’t have a lot to say here because I think we’ve all kind of dug into that one before, unless you have something to

Hali: like, oh,

Dana: mm-hmm

And, um, I will,

Hali: the big, like manifesting

Dana: well, it is, it, it really is. And that’s what it mostly gets tied to, but it’s kind of like when you’re looking at the Bodygraph, you can’t just pull out one part to explain all of you. It’s like. You can’t just pull one of these laws out. They’re all connected. Right. And so, um, the, that is the one that was focused on in a lot of these teachings, because it sounds great.

You know? But also it’s misled a lot of people because it only taught that part of the universal laws of like, well, just, you know, focus on what you want and then you’ll get it. That doesn’t happen right away. I mean, eventually in the laws of the universe could happen because it just takes a lot longer

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: but a lot of people are like, well, I’m just manifesting a million dollars in my bank account.

Why isn’t it working? It’s because everything’s energy and you may want that. But if you have the vibration of that never happening and you know, feeling more negative towards life or, focused on, what’s not happening more than what you would like to happen then, you know, and I will say that, I listen to a lot of, Abraham Hicks, which you probably don’t know who that is.

People may or may not know what they’re listening. So, actually it’s Esther Hicks is a woman who, years and years ago started, uh, channeling this, collection of, beings known as Abraham. And so. They speak through her, just go on YouTube, Abraham Hicks, all you gotta do is look up Abraham mix.

They’ll be like these 10 to 15 minute long videos cuz she does all these things. And she’s very funny. But it’s really all about really these laws of the universe. It’s mainly focused on the law of attraction, but it is basically everything’s vibration and you have to , you have to understand the vibration of where you want to be and what that feels like because that’s what you’ll vibrate at.

And that’s what will allow things to come to you and you and show is that you don’t have to be feeling good about the thing it is you want, you just have to feel good. the more you just can feel good and excited in life. That’s what I also tell you. You can’t, uh, change you can’t. You can’t get the things you want by hating the things you have because you’re like focused on the negativity part.

So that means your vibration is gonna be different than the thing that you want and how you wanna feel. So that’s kind of what all these laws are about. Okay. So this is another part of the law of attraction that gets people messed up is the next law, which is the law of inspired action. And this says that we have to actively pursue our goals


Dana: You have to take inspired is the word here, inspired action.

This isn’t just throwing yourself into action. This is getting clear. And then when the inspiration or the energy feels right to take that action. So, like I said, how. Abraham Hicks teaches. It is that the key is, is meditation. It is getting clear 10 to 15 minutes a day, just, you know, clearing your mind and don’t focus on anything, just focus on a mundane noise or a fan or your breathing or whatever, to focus on.

Nothing. Just try to just get clear and then just see what comes up. See what comes into your awareness of what you Something as simple as, you know, making a phone call or doing something you don’t know where it’s gonna lead, but you just got to take these inspired actions. So I find this in Human Design closely tied to your strategy for each type, because what your eyes are going, huh?

Hali: what strategy is.

Dana: okay. Strategy for projectors waiting for the invitation.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: Or recognition. Okay. So what this really, your strategy really is in play. When I mean Human Design is teaching you to under, because everything will say use your strategy and authority, strategy and authority And what it’s telling you is that, okay, so if you’re a generator, I’m a generator, right?

My strategy is to respond. So for me, my auric type, the way my energy works, when I can tune to myself and how I’m feeling and, coming from a place of, wanting to pursue the things that make me feel good, raise, raise my vibration, clear my mind, trust my strategy for the action to take when I am.

Clear about these things and I’m tuned into my body and not letting my mind run the show. The mind can start the process of asking the questions. What do you like, what do you wanna do? What should I do next? But then not answering the question. right. Cause that’s not inspired action. That is like mental, you know, trickery of me thinking I know what ha needs to happen next.

But if I can just trust that I will be shown what is the next step? I’ll know it because my body, my energy will respond to it and be like, yes.

So. As a manifestor as a person, who’s a manifestor same thing. They, they have this internal creative flow, but they’re tapped into, to source more clearly than, than we are. And, um, for a manifestor, you know, every thinks manifestors don’t have to wait, but they do in a way they have to know when the time is right.

They have to take inspired action when they feel that internal click it’s time

Hali: right. It’s, it’s an internal thing. Instead of like generator has to wait to respond to something external

Dana: Yeah. The manifestor has to take action when they, you know, feel that click generator has to take action, when something shows up. Projector, you guys take action too. in the meantime you are gathering your energy, you are doing things that lights you up, that nourish you that feel good.

And then when the invitation comes, you take action. You know, so reflectors when the time is right, they take action. You can’t just ever, we don’t live in vacuums.

We are all going to, at some point, have to interact with the physical world in order to, to, you know, get things done, because that’s what manifestation is, is, well, we’re gonna go into the next law as we wrap up this law because we’ll just flow right in there like that.

Um, sorry. I’m just thinking. No, I was just thinking about how Lakelyn changed the settings on my Spotify account. So my songs now one flows into the next one.

Hali: That’s.

Dana: that’s what we’re doing here. it’s a nice clean flowing into the next law, number six, the law perpetual transmutation of energy. It’s a mouthful,

Hali: Come again

Dana: the perpetual transmutation

Hali: okay. Changing.

Dana: of energy. Correct.

Hali: Oh

Dana: So you would say that that means

Hali: The ever going change of energy.

Dana: yes. Basically energy is in constant flux, right? It’s always changing from one form to another. It’s never.

Hali: never be created nor distort destroyed. Only changed

Dana: Exactly and no, this exactly. We, we can’t see it. Most of it’s at the atomic level, but nonetheless it’s there. Energy’s always moving, transferring transmuting, nothing stays constant, nothing which always blows my mind. When you think about like the solidness of your desk, you know, or the chair, it’s like, it’s nothing but empty space.

Really. It’s just molecule everything. We just agreed all at the same time that this is a desk. And so now all the all the energy and matter is like desk but it changes all the time.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: think about a human body, even, you know, it’s like, you are Hali. You are my daughter that you have been here since, you know, the last 25 years, my whole life, but nothing about you is the same as you

Hali: Nope.

Dana: were.

Hali: What are they, what is that? Like every seven years or something it’s like every, every part of your body is a new

Dana: mm-hmm , which is also wasn’t that in the deconditioning teachings of Ra is that he said in the system, Human Design system deconditioning takes seven years.

Hali: we.

Dana: I mean, I feel there’s a lot of things. I mean, but that was the basis of that was because, well, no cell will be the same cell as when you start, but it’s like, okay, we, if we’re gonna, if we’re gonna play in the quantum field, let’s full on play in the quantum field, we can change things. Doesn’t have to take seven linear years.

My belief anyways. So another, so yeah, like you said, energy does not disappear go away, add to itself, which is incredibly interesting that nobody ever talks about this stuff in a daily basis, like normal conversations people or you’re with me, like what?

There’s never more energy added. Well, you know that we’ve had this, we’ve had many conversations, but the ones where we try to start thinking about space and we

Hali: Oh, God,

Dana: we just shut down.

Hali: can, I cannot wrap my hand, my head around space. It’s just,

Dana: What do you mean there’s no end?

Hali: I could just, I could go on and on about space. Probably.

Dana: yes. because it goes on and on

Hali: Wild

Dana: so one thing, researching this law that came up was. I mean, I can’t believe I’ve ever thought about it this way, but it always gives the example of water. Like you said, water, you know, cause we’re always hearing here that we have a water shortage and you know, it is not, there’s never, the earth will never receive any more water than it has and it has not lost any water.

It just keeps changing form and shifting around of where it distributes the water. I mean, that is insane.

Hali: it’s cool. Crazy.

Dana: I mean, it’s

Hali: if you think about it, if you think about it, it’s the same thing with the air that we breathe

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: a little

Dana: thing with our bodies

Hali: true, true.

Dana: and this will really start to twist your brain

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: so

Hali: it goes back to the, everything is one.

I mean, it’s just, everything comes in. It goes out, it changes it, it goes from something else to this. And, but it’s all the same.

Dana: That’s shifting forms. Yes. And so how you can work with this law is that with this knowledge, that energy is always moving and in motion, you can affect how that energy moves. You can have the power to change a vibration, help it change form, right? So your energy can affect others and vice versa. So that’s very interesting.

And this goes to the whole thoughts, becoming things. you’ll hear this a lot in the talk of the manifestation world and the, law of attraction, all that stuff, thoughts become things. So a lot of the things taught in manifestation practices. It always says it’s law of attraction, but it’s a lot of these laws working, you know, with them.

So you have a thought is literally, Karen Parker says, is a thought. It’s a photon storm of light in your brain, right? It just lights up part of your brain, right? It’s a vibration. And then that vibration, that thought creates an emotional response, which is another type of vibration that’s moving. And that emotional response is what entrains that, magnetic monopole, it’s what, frequency you are attached to.

So it is this energy cycle of coming from one form of a thought, into a thing, thoughts into things, thoughts, emotions, things. So something fun to play with. Next one, Law seven. The law of cause and effect.

Hali: Oh, preach

Dana: all actions have a corresponding action. And this is like, Newton’s third law of motion. Right?

Hali: for reaction, there’s an equal and opposite

Dana: Yeah. There is an effect for nothing just happens.

Hali: reaction. No

Dana: you know, I mean, we do tend and there, there are random occurrences, I believe, but somewhere around the way there was, you know, what we are experiencing is the, is the

Hali: something caused it, even if it’s a random occurrence.

Dana: Yeah. Everything causes the reaction, no matter what it is. And, anything you do can create a similar circumstance, that ripple effect type of thing, which is also that correspondence to, I believe.

So this is also where the laws of, or the thoughts around karma come into place. You know, what you put out comes back and, because you know, a lot of people are like, oh that’s your karma, that karma bitch, you know, you deserve that kind of thing, you know but it really is this law of just, be careful with what you put out there because in one way or another, this energy has to, you know, it’s gonna find its effect. for sure. Yeah. So law of cause and effect,

Law eight, the law of compensation mm-hmm so this is a little, I don’t wanna say it’s trickier. It kind of sounds a lot like cause and effect, but it’s a little different, there’s a little distinction because this is the reap, what you sew kind of thing, but which sounds like karma.

But if you really think you reap what you sow, how much effort you put into something is what, you know, you will be compensated back through the laws of the universe. And so that means that whatever we do think, feel, whatever it is, will create a level of compensation equal to the, the deed of thinking, feeling, acting that we perform.

It’s not always monetary but it’s energy. So, you know, a lot of times people talk about there, there is a great book by Marianne Williamson,  small book Law, Divine Compensation, where it talks about this because people are always, focused on, especially right now we can, probably relate to this whole thing around effort and work and we do right.

And like we were saying earlier, if you’re focusing on the negative aspects, there’s more negative probably gonna come back. So this law says that whatever the means we’re gonna be compensated one way or another. And so whatever your intention, whatever your effort is, it will be repaid to you in some way.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: So that means that even if you’re in less than desirable circumstances, as long as you bring your full, self to it, you do your job with love, with positivity, you know, with having the more, not phoning it in because you don’t wanna be there anymore.

Right. This can get confusing for people. I mean, I think we’ve all experienced this, be like, oh, I don’t wanna be there. I hate this place or whatever. And it’s just like something better’s gotta come. Right. But don’t look at me like that. So, but that’s, you know, for a lot of these laws are not going to, That’s probably not the outcome you’re gonna have.

Right, and so by putting in your best effort and your best intentions, you’ll be compensated to an equal degree. So there may be other things to come of you performing that job, that support you in some way that, will come back around to you. So always bring your a game, and also this means that, and I think that the things that we love to do, and this may be just an American thing. People in a capitalist culture, I don’t know that it’s only worth doing if it has a monetary return. Right.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: but to really do the things you wanna do anyhow, because there will be that compensation coming back to you in some form.

So someone who loves to play guitar say, wants to be a guitar player, like for a living or whatever, but it’s not paying the bills. It’s and you feel bad about it or whatever. Go get a job, go do something else, but don’t stop playing guitar.

Still do what you love. Put your love into the work that you do and see what happens. You know, there might be opportunities that come up to you because you’re just basically shifting that energy again, of having faith that you will be compensated and you will have the things brought to you that you truly need and desire, no matter what work you’re doing, you have to just put your love into it.

Put your A game on.

So you can see how these laws do kind of all overlap and interconnect because as you start going down the list here, more and more, you’re like, well, isn’t that kinda like the other thing? Yes, it is. It’s just kind of an aspect of, these are just little, little, little tweaks here and there

Hali: Well, little nuances.

Dana: how they all are working. Okay. So the next law would be the ninth one we’re coming to here is the law of relativity. Nothing is inherently bad or good.

Everything is neutral. What we give meaning to is what creates this good or bad, right?

This is the relativity piece it’s relative. So yeah. So say somebody, um, makes, uh, $20 an hour. If they are somebody who, comes from a family that nobody ever made that much money, it was like minimum wage, or just ridiculous that it’s not $20 an hour, but anyways, or

say they’re very young, you know, this is their first job, like $20 an hour would be awesome.


Hali: first job. Hell

Dana: But you know, conversely, if that was maybe a step down in pay, or maybe you had a lot more mouths to feed, say you have three or four or five people that you need to take care of $20 an hour is not a lot of money. , it’s all relative. It neither is. Or isn’t, it just is right. same as, you know, The house I live in, I love this house.

I think it’s a modest house. It’s like 2300 square feet. I remember when I moved into this house 23 years

ago, it was it was the biggest thing I’d ever lived in. And I was just like, oh my God. I mean, I remember

Hali: big step up from your previous house.

Dana: it was, we, we live in the house that your dad grew up in. And so, when we moved in here, it was 2000.

You were just a baby. You were two, three you’re almost three. Yes. And Ian was a baby learning to crawl. And two things that always stand out to me is that I remember putting him in the playpen, like old school playpen that your grandma had to kind of fold it up. It’s like a big square. Um, Because I was afraid I was gonna lose him in the house.

I was like, there’s so many doors and rooms. There’s like a hallway here. And it’s, you know, it’s just a ranch style house. But our last house before was literally just a square in the middle with, you know, two rooms on either side and, um, very small rooms. It was you, you knew where everybody was in the house at one time, this house was a lot longer.

I also remember the kitchen, you know, we since remodeled it, but I remember the kitchen, all the cabinets. It was like, my last house had like two or three shelves underneath the countertop didn’t even have any upper cabinets, none. And so I remember got to this house. I was like, oh my God, I will never fill up all these cabinets.

And now, now I have an auxiliary in the other room. We had to make an extra room of shelves. And my wine fridge And all that. like clutter. So , I don’t know. I’ve been

Hali: shelves?

Dana: well I’m well, actually we have gone through ’em a couple

Hali: I know I saw I in Lakelyn in a snap, I saw that the fish tank had moved out to the living room.

Dana: that’s right. Um, and yeah, I keep contemplating, do I need that? Do I need that?

Where am I gonna keep that? You know, and I have some of it’s yours, my dear,

all the baking stuff, because likes to bake and I  do not.

Hali: didn’t know. Was even there

Dana: Well, I know, but you don’t like us getting rid of your stuff just because you don’t want it.

Okay, well, we’ll save this conversation for the, but yes. So basically this to me seemed like a big house and it is still, it’s a very comfortable, I love this house. It’s a wonderful house, but you know, somebody that lives across the waterway over there in their 6,000 square foot home would probably be like, oh, there’s poor people over there

Such small homes

Hali: That’s too much house. You just fill it with nothing. You just fill it with


Dana: Yes, exactly. So it’s all relative. It’s what your experience is. And so, you know, and this is like in quantum physics, even, you know, it’s like, what is reality is through the observer? You know, it’s like, it can be different depending on, uh, you know, who’s observing the whole Shroer what’s this cat shred

Hali: Schrodinger’s cat.

Dana: cat

Hali: neither alive nor dead until you open the box.

Dana: And who’s the psycho that the cats dead. no, I’m just kidding. Why are you expecting a dead cat?

Hali: Well, because you put it in there with like kibble that’s poisoned.

Dana: oh,

Hali: That’s the other part of it.

Dana: it’s horrible.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: so basically when you’re looking at any situation, you’re looking at your relationship, what you are, um, what’s your your filter of what you’re looking at it

Hali: like I said earlier, your perception is your reality

Dana: which is a huge, huge part of, the mindset work. And it’s what we work a lot with in Human Design, because it’s like, and also a lot of the things I’ve done, in course, miracles, all this stuff is like changing that filter, changing that perception, And you can cuz everything’s energy, you can change any of those things.

This is what the condition deconditioning piece is all about is, you know, when we did that episode about that with the conditioning, the imprinting is like, what is truly your beliefs and what isn’t. And if you want to change your outer circumstances, you gotta work from the inside. And so you have to identify what these beliefs are that you have that is creating these, uh, I guess I didn’t wanna use the word beliefs again, but is creating your reality where something is good or bad.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: Right. So.

Hali: something has value or not.

Dana: And this is one of my favorite things to do is shifting perceptions in myself and in other people and helping people see things differently. Like I love doing that and I think I do it a lot. You know, I’m always like somebody comes to me the problem you’re like, well, have you thought about this side of it?

Maybe it’s this, maybe it’s not the worst thing that ever happened. maybe it had to happen. Maybe there is a benefit here, I love doing that, so.

Hali: think you are good at that.

Dana: Thank you.  The next law law, 10, we’re getting there, is the law of polarity. So we’ve seen everything’s connected, but we also know that everything has an opposite and these opposites help us understand life and our experiences. So an

Hali: was this law name again?

Dana: polarity.

Hali: Polar. Okay.

Dana: So that would be

like happy and sad. like how do you know if you’re happy? If you’ve

never been sad,

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: right. How do you know if you, um, you know, are in a high, if you’ve never been low, how do you know if you’re angry?

If you’ve never felt at peace, you know, it’s just like, there is an opposite experience of, of everything

Hali: you have to, you have to see both sides.

Dana: mm-hmm . And what I like to say is that, and this helps me a lot too, is that you, in order to know what you want, you often experience what you don’t want.

Hali: Yeah. I, I know, like I can probably tell you the things I don’t like, better than things I do, like, let’s

Dana: Yeah, but that’s good. I mean, as long as you’re not always stuck in what you don’t like, it’s called, that sifting and sorting, it’s having the experiences and saying, okay, that was great. Let’s have more of that. But then also it’s like, okay, don’t wanna do that again. Let’s have less than that. This is, I don’t want to feel, um, I don’t want to feel poor and stuck and, not flourishing.

I want the opposite of that. I want to feel, you know, flourishing and abundant and prosperous all these things. So you do have to experience both sides, I

Hali: mm-hmm yeah.

Dana: I think over time you can, you know, also find that middle . but yeah, that’s the love of polarity. So also another thing that gets talked a lot about with Abraham Hicks is, you know, uh, they’re always talking about your inner being, you know, which is basically your, your inner knowing the higher self, whatever you wanna call it, the part of you that is still connected to source.

It’s always saying that our emotions are our guide in a lot of these things of knowing what we want, knowing what we don’t want. Often says that you’re and this is another, like, what was the other law about the, the vibration and the correspondence, all these other laws. If you think about it says that you’re you’re inner being, your higher self always knows what you want knows, and always holds that vibration.It, you know, that part of you will not bring itself down to your current reality.

Hali: oh,

Dana: it’s high. It’s always holding this higher vibration for you, right? So when you feel bad about something, it means you are not lining up with that energy of how your inner being feels about something. It’s a compass point.

So when you’re like feeling bad about your, your finances and you feel like nothing’s going right, well, you feel bad because it’s not true. , you’re not in alignment with where you really are going and the more that you feel that discord and that, you know, as harmony, it just means there’s, you know, also on the other side of that, there’s so much good and so much prosperity waiting for you.

Can you bring your vibration, your energy to where that is, waiting for you. and that helps you focus on things that make you feel better. and it doesn’t mean, like I said, this is the hardest lesson I learned. It doesn’t mean that, um, because if you’re not feeling good about money or relationship or whatever, it’s, it’s very hard to make yourself feel good about it.


Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: don’t worry about it. Just like go pet your dog, do things that make you feel good. Right. Because it’s not about feeling good about that thing. It’s about feeling good.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: Anyways. That always makes you feel good.

Thinking about your

Hali: yeah. Well that made me think there was one time. Uh,what I had was like, I think I was getting a checkup, whatever, and she came in and took my blood pressure and it was high because I was just nervous because it’s just how I am.

And she’s like, well, I’m gonna give you a few minutes, you know, think about something that makes you prom and I’ll be back in.

And so I just started thinking about Bailey my dog, and then like she came back in a few minutes later. She’s like, I don’t know how you just did that but it is much better.

Dana: you are near comatose. You’re like I’m in my happy place.

Hali: I know, I don’t remember if it was my blood pressure or my heart rate, but one of those was, was

Dana: your blood pressure. They check the I’ve had that experience before too. I’m always like. Okay. Don’t be thinking, just be calm, breathe, be calm. Mm-hmm so, yeah. So in order to experience, one thing you have to experience it’s opposite as well. There is there’s there’s polarities and everything.

Okay. So the 11th laws law of rhythm, and this is the law that all things come in cycles change is always around the corner, no matter how great things are, there’s gonna be a change and it’s to learn to, be okay with the cycles of, of life, the circle of life of knowing that just the, and this is the one they say is the most visible in your outta reality.

We understand seasons change, right day to night, everything there’s this natural rhythm in the universe that is always, um, occurring. And so it’s understanding the flow of things. And I think a lot of us think that once we reach a certain place or a certain attainment, you know, like it never goes back and it doesn’t mean it, you know, you’re gonna lose everything or everything’s gonna go bad again.

It just means that there’s always gonna be cycles of, more, flourishing, prosperous times. And then there’s, you know, replenishing times let’s say, and that’s just the nature of things. That’s the natural rhythm of things. And so it also encourages you to see the beauty in every phase of, of life and in nature, you know, it’s like, it’s understanding that in order to, you know, there has to be this downtime, this reset time for things to, you know, ramp up again.

And so that’s that emotional wave as well. There’s gonna be highs. There’s gonna be lows. There’s gonna be highs. There’s gonna be lows. and also conversely, even things when they look bad means give you hope. It’s always gonna come back around. There is

there is this natural rhythm to things

Hali: yeah.


Okay. Last one.

this is the name of it. Let’s not all get too excited about it. It’s the law of the law of gender, but this is not like specific sexual gender that we’re used to talking about these days. This is in the spiritual realm of the divine feminine, divine, masculine, the yin, the young.

That there are kind of that polarity thing that there are these forces in, in the universe and nature, basic two types of energy. One is more outward, focused action, focused, moving, um, outwards. The masculine would be, um, it’s like that sun energy. It’s very much more based in knowledge, action, outward focused, right?

That’s the, that’s the young, the yang, the yang, the yang. It looks like yang, but it’s pronounced young and then the feminine, the yen is more, um, intuitive, more, knowing, receiving is a more dynamic flowing kind of energy. And so it’s saying that these two forces are always present in the universe. There is this give and take.

There is this back and forth. And what we need to do is to find the balance in between these energies because if you get two out of balance, Too far one way or the other

Hali: it’s not great.

Dana: Yeah. It’s less effective. Cuz if you, if you’re too much in the divine, you know, feminine energy, the yen energy, you’re probably not taking so much action.

You’re kind of always just in this like flowy state without having the impact. But if you’re too masculine energy type young

Hali: mean, when you, when you see the, the symbol, everyone knows for

Dana: mm-hmm

Hali: and young

um, they’re, they’re equal parts to, to the whole circle they’re equal.

Dana: the basic energies of active and passive, that give and take kind of thing. And so, we’re seriously, uh, experiencing a lot of these, Balance issues in our current reality

and not saying those are, the political parties are one or the other, but my point being, when we see then there’s too much to one side of this energy or ideology, or cause we talked about this before, you know, if you go too far in one direction, you need to bring it into balance back in the other direction, because it becomes less effective.the universe doesn’t wanna work that way. It wants to work in balance.

Hali: Yeah, and harmony and equalness it just,

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: everything’s a little bit better when

Dana: Working together. Yeah. So that would be, that’s what it means by the law of, of gender is those two types of energy in the world.

Hali: things are peaceful and calm and.

Dana: So that is the trip through the 12 universal laws. What is your response? what is your experience of learning all these? How’s it going?

Hali: Well, I mean, some of them are like, like I was getting, uh, a scientific concept, ish, things of them. So it’s like, I’ve had experience with them before. And a lot of them, they all sound great.they we all need to just, I kind of you saying just kind of be more in tune with it and

Dana: mm-hmm

Hali: sort things out what,

Dana: Well, you, you know, like we said, these, these things are occurring. This is happening. Whether we’re working with it or not, you just, you look at bewilderment on your face,

Hali: I know because my AirPods have 10%,

Dana: go, we,

Hali: beeped at me.

Dana: we good. so yeah, whether they’re happening or not. And so I think it’s far better to be aware of them. And, I think the first step is looking at where you are now. in your life taking stock of that. And, chances are for most of us, we want more of something, right. We want to change something. People are probably listening to this because they want to understand themselves better because they want something different. There is some kind of, discord somewhere. And I don’t think anybody can ever say that they’re ever completely like, Nope, that’s it. I have nothing else to do. .

I mean, even, you know, the people that, I mean, look at fricking billionaires, trying to go to Mars or the moon or wherever they’re going, they’re going to Mars.


Hali: If they’ve been to the moon, they wanna go to Mars

Dana: you know, it’s like, these are people that are just like driven, driven, driven to do whatever I.

Hali: there’s nothing else on the earth for me. I’m gonna go to

Dana: honestly, I take that back. They’re not driven, driven, driven. They may have been driven at some point and then everything just started working in their favor.

But, um,

Hali: compound.

Dana: sorry, getting a little better there.

Um, you know, once you have everything like lockdown in the physical world, you know, this is, you’ll see a lot of people that are very successful that they’re, they need to improve something. Usually they start, know, working on themselves more or in their communities more of, you know, we’re always trying to grow and evolve in one way or another. We always

Hali: Which is good. Otherwise the species

Dana: Yeah. I mean, we are even, I think even if we’re not trying, we are in some way, always learning something, And I do come at this from the perspective of someone that’s been paying attention to this for last, 15, 20 years. So I know that there’s gonna be people out there say, and I guess actually, if I just get out in the world around average people, I hate saying average, you know what I mean?

Just like the general populace. I understand that people do not think like me, they’re not always like focused on working on themselves and everything, but, I do think that the experience of being here and being human is teaching all of us something, whether how many times we have to come back and work on it again.

I don’t know, but , we are all learning. So my point being, if I didn’t get to my point already is that this awareness of these laws and how they operate and are operating. Gives you a huge advantage in, making that progression forward, getting your life to work the way you want it to work, because you are now not swimming upstream.

You’re working with the flow. You’re understanding

Hali: you don’t have to you don’t have to fight it to, to get where you wanna go. If you kind of understand how it works around you.

Dana: yeah. And then the extra component on top of that, if you have an understanding, you start gaining an understanding, like we said, of your own personal Human Design, where you can see your energy of how it’s also meant to work within this larger framework. Things can really start to, to flow for you because you stop worrying about the shit that you don’t need to worry about anymore.

Right? It’s like, that’s not even, I don’t have to worry about that. I just gotta follow my strategy and authority and keep my vibe high. Within reason, you know, not that you’re always gonna be happy, but working towards that elevated baseline, clear out the crap that other people have placed in you for your filter of your experience.

write your own new story, new narrative of what your existence is and what you wanna do. And, watch the miracle start to unfold. It’s an ongoing process and that, you know, what, as much as we can get frustrated or bitter about how our circumstances may be in the present moment, none of us really truly want just everything solved and perfect because the really is the journey.

It’s the

Hali: It’s boring.

Dana: yeah, it’s the excitement of learning and seeing and trying these things and seeing what works and what doesn’t work and seeing what unexpected things the universe has inline for us, which really. It’s just our own selves calling in

Hali: I like the, uh, kind of phrase or whatever. It’s like, if you’re the smartest person in the room, find a new room, cuz you’re just always should be learning things.

Dana: Mm-hmm yeah. And that’s also, that makes me think of the other line of like, you are the, not the product, but whatever, the five people that you hang out with the

Hali: Oh yeah. Your, your personality. I think it is. It’s like a culmination of the five people that you hang out with the most

Dana: Yeah. So look at the people around you

Hali: Who

Dana: and look at your experience. No, it’s true. Well, you know, we’re talking about that, that energy piece of it doesn’t mean you have to burn all your relationships, but I mean, you do have to like, if you are trying to better yourself and improve your experience, but you’re constantly exposing yourself to people who have no interest in doing that, or they don’t want you to do that.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: you do have to learn to, find the vibration, be around people that hold a vibration that make you feel good and are also reaching for, betterment, because it is important.

Hali: Cause if you have someone that you, anytime you hang out with them, just you feel bad about yourself or then like bad things happen or you always get in trouble or then shit hits the fan and then you just kind of have to step back and be. Do I want this?

Dana: Yeah,

because ultimately you’re responsible , you’re there and you know, people are like, well, I can’t it’s my family. I can’t do that. Yeah. Well, you can’t, you always have a choice in your experience. It doesn’t mean you, For instance, I told, someone, I know that who’s having the experience of a friend.

Who’s not that supportive, but you know, still loves her friend and, feels hurt by it. But it’s like, you know what? You can have that relationship, but just don’t put the

expectation on it that you used to, you know, the, the, if someone is not, on that same wavelength, let’s say we use that word all the time, use the same wavelength, then, just don’t spend all your time in that energy, you know,

Hali: wanna keep the relationship.

Dana: same thing with family.Like people are always like, well, I can’t just divorce my whole family. Well, no, you can’t, but you can decide how much you want to. Engage

Hali: you give to

Dana: right. Engage in the behaviors of, that makes you feel bad in that relationship is it says in the course of miracles, you can, can either have a, something along the lines.

Like, I don’t have the exact quote in my head, but it’s like, you can either be right or you can, experience a miracle or you can just, you know, continue to fight it. what are you gonna do? So like people that have to go home for, the holidays or Thanksgiving, and they’re like, what do I do?

It’s like, well, don’t feel the need to argue with everyone. Don’t try to prove yourself. Right. don’t try to fall into the old behaviors, just focus on the parts that, are good for you. And, Remove yourself from the rest. I know it’s complicated. I know it’s complicated, but ultimately the control is in your own hands of how you experience things and, the reality that you wanna create for yourself.


Hali: yeah,

Dana: that’s what I hope we’ve given everybody a lot to think about.

Hali: I liked this one. I’ve said that about the past couple, which is good

Dana: That is good.

Hali: episodes, but yeah,

Dana: well, that is good because I mean, we’ve talked about this before and I love, teaching the components of human design but I also, like I said, coming across this again has been like, I really, when I set out, I wanted to talk about a lot of this stuff, which falls under the umbrella, I guess, of mindset, but is really about energy and working with energy and being able to, create it, what it is that you wanna create.

And doing that through your own, energy and the 12 universal laws. so hopefully we won’t be digging into that more. Okay. So it is evening time, time to wrap it up and, uh, see how I’m getting texts from your father about what’s for dinner

mm-hmm . Yeah, but we’ll end that there. So thanks for everybody listening today. And hopefully if you like this episode, you’ll maybe give us a good review there on, uh, on the old iTunes, helps the podcast get found a little bit easier for people that are searching for all this shit that we talk about.

So, alright. Hali, will you have a good night? All right. And, uh, I love you. Bye.

Hali: Bye.

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