July 28, 2022 in Podcast


Arguably the most important center in the Human Design system as we all moved forward into a world where we recognize and honor that how we feel IS creating our own realities!

It’s a complex center, with a lot of powerful energy and whether you are defined or undefined here, it’s vital that we all understand how it operates, especially if you are wanting to change your experience.

Grab a copy of your own bodygraph and get ready to take notes!

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!

Episode 018- ESP

Dana: So, this is important because when we talk about the magnetic monopole and the creative process and how we wanna create, we know that how we feel is gonna play a big part of that, because we talked about the universal laws and how energy works and how you can affect the energy around you, through your emotions and how you feel

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana Human Design specialist,

Hali: and I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today, we’re diving into

Dana: the emotional solar plexus. You can have a little more, uh, confidence in that

Hali: just wanted the subtle effect of it.

Dana: It’s very subtle. So you you’ve achieved that effect. Oh, oh, lost my headphone there.

Hali: Jesus. We just started

Dana: we just started and things are already

Hali: falling apart.

Dana: Yes. So today I thought we would talk about solar plexus, because we’ve been kind of, I don’t know, moving around the Bodygraph the different centers going into a little more depth.

And the last one was the last center that we talked about was the will center.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: And so I thought we would talk about the solar plexus because, we’ve done the G we’ve done the will, solar plexus. I think it’s kind of all traveling through this, and then talking about the universal laws, this creation and manifestation process and the solar plexus has a huge part in that.

So we’ve touched on the solar plexus, and in the main centers, the two episodes we did back in a little bit further back, I don’t know what episodes they were

Hali: I have no idea.

Dana: I should know these things when I referenced them, so I thought we would talk about really some of the gates there as well. Because really this center has pretty much.

Other than the sacral, which helps define type, you know, the solar plexus really is a big defining, element in the chart because if you have a defined, it is the, prominent authority that we talked about. Emotional authority is the, is that motor, the solar plexus, which is a motor, has dominance as far as authority.

If that makes sense.

Hali: It’s the top of the authority hierarchy.

Dana: Yes, carries the weight. And basically, as it suggests, the emotional solar plexus, it is the source of our emotions, sensitivities feelings, that kind of thing. And, it really, when people are first looking at their Human Design, finding out if they are emotionally defined or not, can have a large impact on.

Really how they see themselves,

Hali: mm-hmm is, is this one that’s 50% of the population is defined and 50% isn’t.

Dana: right, correct. 50 50. And, um, so I don’t know what I was gonna say

Hali: I don’t know.

Dana: I had a lot to say, but nothing at the same time. So anyways, How it can change how people see themselves, when they find out their emotional definition is because if you’re defined there means you’re gonna have an emotional wave, which we’ve talked about.

Is this more of a mechanic of the system in the sense that you don’t really have control over your wave or when it’s gonna hit or anything like that, you can kind of gauge what kind of wave you have, like the the way it, plays out, but you could track it, but you can’t really know when it’s gonna happen.

you could maybe see a pattern, but the important thing there is to know, well, this is why some days I just, I just not in it. I just don’t feel it. I just, you know, and we always go searching for meaning as to why we feel that way, but there isn’t any, it’s just, you might be in a low of your wave.

Likewise. if you’re undefined and you, when you find that out, you may have found that you’re somebody who has always been deemed the more emotional one in the group or erratic, or you’re all over the place or all these things,

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: you’re actually just amplifying the emotional energy in the room of whoever you’re around.

And often those people have felt kind of out of control in their lives, especially if they are around emotionally defined people who aren’t so good at handling their emotions so to speak. So it feels even worse for them. So, I have seen people who yeah, when they find out they’re not defined and their emotional solar plexus is like, just changes everything for them

Hali: it’s like a light bulb moment.

Dana: a light bulb moment.

But then they also know there’s a way now that they could just like, oh, if I feel my emotions getting outta control, they can just remove themselves from a situation and get back to a set point of what they know is really them, which, and in this conversation, if everybody doesn’t already know already, I think we mentioned on the last one, I’m emotionally defined.

You are emotionally undefined. Yes. And lucky for you when you were a baby. not even a baby, I guess you were, I guess five years old, four or five years old? No, even maybe a little bit before that. When I realized I was having, emotional fluctuations, which I believe were just from motherhood, early motherhood, and I think it was more mental anxiety.

I know I didn’t handle my emotions as well. And then, especially when Istarted again talking about doing yoga, meditating, learning how to manage my myself was I think I’m so grateful for because, I can’t take back anything that you saw or witnessed in your early, early, early, early years, you know, extra anger or yelling

Hali: don’t remember much. So there’s that

Dana: One day. I don’t know. You always come back with, oh, the wooden spoon. One time you barely got touched by a wooden spoon. The threat was enough. That had a deep impact. I must have been scary that day. Oh no, I wasn’t. I remember that day clearly, because I knew I had to do something. I had to like make my point. I wasn’t going to hurt you and I didn’t, but you threw my watch across the room and you broke

Hali: at Ian.

Dana: You threw your watch at your brother threw it, but Hey, you know what I mean? in retrospect I could now say, well, your brother’s emotionally defined.

I emotionally defined. Maybe things got a little heated and you’re the one that comes off as the

Hali: It’s all y’all’s fault.

Dana: It was probably just your brother. Cause I think it was just the two of you involved. I don’t even remember how it happened, but suddenly you were spitting fire and throwing a watch across the room.

Hali: would, when, when we were little. Oh, he would drive me nuts. I would get so mad at him,

Dana: yeah, he has that effect.

Hali: but not anymore.

Dana: No, so like I said, knowing your emotional definition can really help you. Um, See some of maybe the emotional patterns you’ve maybe had in your life of how you’ve behaved around certain people or certain situations, or just in general.

And you can start tying that back to what your definition there is. You know, like I said, it’s been, it’s given me a lot of clarity to know, for one, when it becomes your authority, I mean, when you’re defined, it is your emotional , it is your authority. Even if you have splenic definition or whatever, it doesn’t matter.

You have emotional authority if your solar plexus is defined and, the waiting piece, you know, finding the clarity. But I, definitely could notice. if I’m maybe moody or whatever, to just kind of be like, well, I’m just moody today. And it’s just the way it’s gonna be. UI try not to dwell in it to make it last any longer than it needs to.

And I think that’s where, when you start looking for why you might be moody, because if you feel bad and you start to identify why it is, you can come up with a billion, different reasons. They just compound

Hali: Yeah, I, I, I do that. If I feel overwhelmed, then it just keeps piling on and on and I just keep spiraling and I’m like, I gotta stop.

Dana: mm-hmm yeah, yeah. I mean, this morning I was telling you earlier, you know, my dog’s having issues with her ear. She has a hematoma and it has swollen so much. And, and the vet had helped me the last time I spoke with him. And then this morning, of course it’s a Sunday morning. Can’t do anything about it, but it’s it’s seeping.

It’s not a good situation. And I was greeted with this first thing in the morning by your father telling me before he left. And I just got overwhelmed, like you said, because I feel so bad for her and it made me,

Hali: She already always looks so sad. I can only imagine. And.

Dana: I know. And it just, you know, I felt myself doing that. Like I was getting like, I wanted to cry.

And then later on I was feeling myself emotional, too, like wanting to cry. I’m like, why? You know, I’m like, oh, I’m crying because the dog. And then it’s like, no, I’m crying because of this. I was like, oh God, you’ve got to just like stop finding reasons to be sad right now.

Hali: Yeah,

Dana: are you really sad? Well, no I’m okay.

Hali: the dog’s making you feel guilty.

Dana: I think I was more mad. I was, I was, I was mad at the vet. I felt like they could have helped her, but they’re gonna see her tomorrow. Just situationally, you know, just, you just wanna be able to make sure everybody’s okay. And she feels bad and don’t want her to be in pain. Anyways. I digress. So side note, so I’m glad we talked about before we got on here else, everybody’d be hearing everything about the dog.

Okay. So in the Human Design system, there are three awareness centers. Okay. There’s the splenic center, which is in the now awareness, the ajna, which is mental awareness. And it’s over, it says it’s awareness over all time. And then, you know, it’s like big picture awareness and then emotional solar plexus governs emotions, as we said, and operates, on an oscillating wave.

So it’s over, over time, meaning awareness over time, you’ll get a clearer, sense of awareness as you ride that wave. When you’re emotionally defined, you’re not supposed to do anything. decision-wise split, you know, big decisions. you’ve got to, yes.

If you’re a generator manifesting generator, you respond to it and then, or if you are even a manifestor projector, what it, whatever it is, comes into your awareness, you have to still, before you enter into anything new or take action, take some time, gain some clarity by giving yourself some space to maybe experience a little bit of that wave, see how you feel about it.

And if it’s still a yes, as you have journeyed along this wave, or at least giving yourself 24 hours, at least, if you can, and it’s still a yes. Good to go. If you are at all confused, hesitating, as you move up and down the wave, maybe you’re like, yes, maybe you’re no. And you enter into it now. It doesn’t mean it’s automatically gonna be bad for you, but you’re probably gonna experience a lot of that up and down feeling about what you entered into,

Hali: yeah.

Dana: you know, cuz it may not have been the right decision for you.


Hali: It probably won’t be very easy thing to be doing.

Dana: No. So in traditional Human Design, it says that the solar plexus has been mutating over several hundreds thousand years, moving us to a new kind of awareness that will be this spirit awareness. And I don’t want to go too much into this because this gets really kind of esoteric out there in the sense that as far as the upcoming 2027 shift, where it says there’s gonna be another mutation of solar plexus and what we’re moving towards eventually, which probably won’t happen for many, many generations.

But this is the groundwork of it is what spirit awareness is, is that having this sense of oneness amongst all of us.

Hali: Oh,

Dana: And which we are all connected, but we still all see ourselves separate. We have our own separate. beings and vehicles, I guess you could say it, but, it says that as we move forward, we will actually be able to experience that oneness with each other, as in literally when you are like around someone else, you can literally understand that they are you as well.

This very connected oneness, which, I mean, even it even says anything I read about, it’s like, it’s really, we, we can’t understand what that even really means. we’re so used to our separateness, so it won’t happen for a while, but we’re moving there. That’s why I think, you know, with half of us being defined half undefined, we’re really just learning, the differences and how we kind of play off of each other aurically anyhow.

But, It also says that once we, in order to reach spirit consciousness or spirit awareness is what they’re calling it. we’re gonna have to like really move totally away from that mental awareness. So that’s gonna be some time from now. I think

Hali: yeah, that go take a minute.

Dana: yeah, I think so. So, no sense going too far into that. I think we just stay here, in the now, because this is another thing that, we’re gonna be talking about is just paying attention to what’s happening now.

So the role of this center then is it’s where we process emotional energy. And like I said, this is changing. One thing to start paying attention to is when you talk about how you feel, do you say I am sad or I feel sad. I am angry, or do I feel angry because how, Karen Parker talks about it, that the, I am part of us is in the G center it’s identity.

When you use those statements, I am, that’s part of identifying with what you’re saying and making it, who you are. Whereas if you say I am feeling this, then you are talking about the emotion and not really taking on the identity of that. Does that make sense?

Hali: Mm-hmm mm-hmm

Dana: And allowing the emotion to just be its own thing.

It just, especially if you’re emotionally defined, it’s just moving through. Right? So, this is important because when we talk about the magnetic monopole and the creative process and how we wanna create, we know that how we feel is gonna play a big part of that. We talked about the universal laws and how energy works and how you can affect the energy around you, through your emotions and how you feel

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: you’re with me.

Hali: yes.

Dana: I actually saw a pencil in your hand. I was like, is she taking notes today? No, she’s just nervously twirling.

Hali: actually I’m just rubbing the words.

Dana: you’re just rubbing the words.

Hali: Yeah. On the pencil. I’m just rubbing the words.

Dana: wasn’t

sure what you

Hali: I, wrote down two words and I’m just rubbing them with my finger now.

Dana: no, you’re not. Sorry I didn’t know what you meant. okay. All right. So, so like in the creative and process, the role of the solar plexus and that energy center is to synchronize, the electromagnetic attraction field. So you have the thought and the intention of the thing or the, whatever you want to happen.

And then the quality of your emotions, how you feel about that thing is what’s going to help bring it into your awareness. So if you say I want a million dollars. I want a million dollars. I want a million dollars. I want a million


Hali: feel like you’re never gonna get it.

Dana: if you’re like, oh, I don’t know what, what people think of me.

I can’t handle it. Ugh. It’s chances are, it’s not lined up vibrationally, so it may not, you know, get there for you.

Hali: I’m, I’m putting it all together from the last episode about changing the vibration of

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: your waves and

Dana: mm-hmm yeah.

Hali: I’m there I’m there.

Dana: yeah. So, this helps calibrate how you feel helps calibrate your monopole, which helps bring to you whatever vibration you are aligned with. So, there can be lots of different reasons also for why it’s not lined up and it may not be that you’re doing it wrong or anything like that.

There is no really, I believe doing it wrong, but maybe if you have a certain vision for yourself of maybe a new job or starting a business and you’re like, yeah, that’s what I really want.

And you think about it and you, but then there’s just something in you. That’s this little niggling. You’re not sure what it is. I mean, it could just be that you’re looking more just for a change in your current situation. It doesn’t mean you have to go, in one direction, like your, your emotions really help steer you which way it is you truly need to go.

When you can feel that lineup with your emotions, with the action that you’re taking really helps. Because like I said, you might not want to, you may think you want a new job or you may think you wanna move somewhere because of the way you feel. And it sounds exciting when you’re like, yes, I wanna move to Italy. but then there’s also this like, Ugh, feeling, you know, there’s a lot going on there and it helps you parse out which part of it you’re not in alignment with whether it’s the technicalities of moving or maybe it’s just like, no, I just need more vacation time. Or maybe I just need something

Hali: on vacation, Italy.

Dana: Yeah. There’s we are complex beings. We are human beings. We’re complex. There’s no one way. And this, work with Human Design helps you kind of understand yourself more, but also especially working with the emotions and feelings and energy really helps you get clarity around things. And, and quite often when we’re not making forward momentum or doing things we wanna do it’s cause we just don’t have clarity around it because we’re just, and so the universe is like in idle, like,

okay, just let us know it’s time to go. Throwing at you.

If we’re gonna talk about how the more specifics of the emotional solar plexus and the energy and the themes there there are seven gates in the emotional solar plexus, and each gate is part of a channel.

And if you have a channel defined, which means your solar plexus is defined, depending on what channel you have defined, you could have one or more than one or everal emotional waves. There’s basically three types of emotional waves.

So the first type of wave is the individual wave. So this is tied to individual circuit circuitry. And so that’s, if you have the 1222 or which is so the throat solar all likes to the throat or the 39 55 solar plexus to the root, you see how they kind of go across there, you can see if you line those up.

Hali: they’re right above each other.

Dana: Yeah, this is the wave of high highs and low lows. So like you could be really high one day really low the next day. That’s just like, boom, boom, boom, up and down. and it can be a more challenging energy because there’s a lot of intensity and creativity in this. It’s kind of like the channels, the energy of the tortured artist kind of thing.

And we’ll talk about it a little bit more as we go into the gates, we’ll see who it is, but there’s a lot of drama and passion in that circuitry. and then there’s the collective wave, which is the 35-36. So it’s that outside channel from the solar plexus to the throat and then the outside channel, the solar plexus down to the root.

That is the, uh, 41-30. That’s the collective wave and that’s the slow rise up and then a steep dropdown. So it’s like up, up, up, up slowly and then boom. So, you know, this could also be, you know, you feel good one day, feel good the next day feel good, feel good.

And then suddenly your mood can just plummet for no reason. Right? Likewise, it could also be the slow burn of energy of little annoyances, little annoyances. It’s okay. It’s not that big of a deal. I’m pretty even keeled person. I’m not gonna let it bother me. And then one more thing, that’s drawing the camel’s back and

Hali: lose your

Dana: You are throwing spaghetti. I don’t know what you just I’ve had enough

Hali: that’s it.

Dana: and then the dam will burst. The emotional energy is released, and then you start back down and you can just get back to the baseline.

Then there’s also the tribal wave, which is if you have the 59-6, the six going over the sacral or the 40-37 going up to the will center or the 19-49, which goes down to the root. That’s tribal circuitry and that’s just kind of a little slow undulation, not very big, not big highs, big lows, just kind of, um, and it’s not always as noticeable as the other waves.

There’s not as much intensity there. And a lot of times it can be just not really noticed at all, unless something’s happening in your relationships or in your families involved, someone you love. So like if you’re having, you know, a Rocky time, more apt to feel really low days, you know, that kind of thing.

and then also, depending on your definition. So I would say that my, I only have one channel, so the 59-6 that defines me emotionally and it’s unconscious.

Hali: Hm.

Dana: But, I don’t really, I don’t see myself as a overly emotional person I have emotions and I enjoy emotions, you know, but I also, I don’t think other people see me as highly emotional either, um, can confirm apparently I used to be some mess, but no very guarded emotions for sure.

But, it’s cuz I, I don’t really notice some of that. I mean, you could notice when you’re happy and when you’re sad, but um, I don’t feel like my emotions are controlling me that’s for sure. Um, and that maybe. The combination of the tribal and the unconscious side of me, I’m just not really able to put my finger on it. anyways. , now there’s gonna be people that have absolutely no gates activated, which is a completely open sacral center, which will make you highly sensitive as well.

But as like you you’re undefined and you only have one gate that is defined and that’s the, 37. Oh yeah. We’re gonna go into that in a minute. Makes sense. and so that means if you’re undefined. In general, you’re,picking up the energies around you and amplifying it, So if you feel yourself being unusually emotional around certain people, you can notice a pattern.

Like if you’re around them a lot, how you feel about it, just, you can kind of prepare yourself for that and realize you may still get emotional, but you also can realize this is not me. So you don’t identify with how you’re feeling. You can just literally, like I’ve

Hali: just experience it.

Dana: Mm-hmm you can just let it roll through you because you are here to get wise about those emotions.

And that does make you very empathetic because you can literally feel how people are feeling at times. And when you have that awareness that this isn’t me, this is how this person is feeling right now. I think it makes you very compassionate as well because you, I think it makes you also very good at just negotiating people because, when you understand how people are feeling and you have that empathy towards them, it’s a lot easier to, I think navigate differences and everything else, if you’re prepared If you know what you’re getting into, and, does that help at all, knowing that, I mean, have you, since you’ve discovered this about yourself, Do you notice? I mean, you, you can say, no, you don’t.

I mean, you can tell me the truth, but have you evaluated your own, like emotional, side of yourself of like how you thought of yourself and how you see yourself now or

Hali: Um, not, not entirely, but I know that there are times where like, I’ll get really annoyed with Presley and I’m like, am I actually annoyed at him? Or is he annoyed about something and I’m feeling it.

Dana: mm-hmm

Hali: So that’s like, definitely just, that’s pretty much the only time that I really kind of take stock of it and be like, is this actually me?

Or is it not?

Dana: yeah. And

Hali: other than that,

Dana: he’s undefined as well.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: I believe, right?

Hali: I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know.

Dana: Yes.

He is undefined and looking at his chart and what he has 37 as well as you do. And the 22. It’s interesting. Cause we’re gonna go over what these energies are. It makes sense. What you’re saying. You don’t know if it’s him being annoyed or not because he does have a gate, that 22 that you don’t have.

And so there may be some more themes, which will be interesting when you hear it.

Hali: oh,

Dana: Okay. So emotionally undefined, make sure, you start getting in touch with really spending some time alone, away from other people. If you can go for a walk, get out in nature, spend your, start spending time with yourself so you can understand how you emotionally feel most of the time, you’re probably pretty even keeled.

Yes, you have feelings and emotions, but it’s just how you experience them are gonna change depending can change depending on who you’re around. Whereas myself, if I’m in a bad mood, I can be in a bad mood. You know, it’s not any, it’s not coming from outside of me. Generally. It’s like

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: fluctuations for me are more internal, whereas undefined they’re external.

Okay. All right. So we want to, uh, know how this is working because we want to create intentionally and use these energies for good and to make our lives easier. So let’s dig in so, okay. We’re gonna look at these gates. And when I first started digging to ’em, I was going around, you know, like we do, we go around clockwise, but I, as I looked at it, I think so much more so, especially in this center with these channels, it’s important to kind of go with, um, The opposite size of the center. So we’re, it’ll make sense. So like we’re gonna gate

Hali: gonna follow the circuit.

Dana: Exactly. Thank you.

Hali: I got what you’re saying.

Dana: okay. So we’re gonna start on, uh, the gate 30, which is connects to the root down there. And gate 30 is called the clinging fire

Hali: oh,

Dana: and it mm-hmm and it’s the gate of feelings. And, uh, in quantum Human Design, it’s called the gate of passion.

Hali: that’s that sounds better than clinging fire.

Dana: It does until let’s, let’s stick into that a little bit. So this, this energy here. So it, so when it, the channel that it is part of there with the 41-30, that channel is the channel of recognition, but it’s also, it starts this creative urge, the root energy, or the root center creates these pulses of energy.

This, it wants to do something right. You gotta have the pulse to start something. Okay, we’ll go into the root one day. And so it starts this channel here, the 41 starts this process of like having a vision for something it’s, it’s this creating from desire. It’s this internal, I want something, I want to do something.

I want to experience something. Okay. And so people who have this gate, just the gate, Are people who are never really free from desire. There’s always this kind of yearning, you know, but it carries the energy of being able to take this desire, take this vision and try to get it out into the world to experience.

So this is the source of emotional yearning, like I said, and you might not always know what they’re yearning for, so they might try to do many things, especially if they don’t have the full channel. If you just have the gate. Because if you have the full channel, that 41 will kind of give it a vision or a focus of where to put that passion and that energy where if you don’t you might, you know, just like I said, try to get you think, oh, this is my passion.

Oh, that’s my passion. Oh, this let’s try this. Let’s do that. And that’s that’s okay. It’s okay. As long as you don’t get attached too much, meaning to each thing, because a lot of times you’d be like, oh, I, I just, I thought that was my passion really

Hali: Well, that does, it does play out in, in your life.

Dana: and it’s supposed to, this is part of this experiential creative energy of having the experience right. To see what happens and um, So it, it is that energy to, to have the experience, but like I said, not to get attached to it. Don’t take it personally, just do what comes up and see what happens. And it will show you then, whether or not this is what you wanna keep going after.

The important part is to enter into any experiences that you feel drawn to in a clear emotional state, or as clear as you can get with emotional definition, because you never really really know takes time.

We can get the law of averages here. Do I feel good about it or feel good? So you can have this passion and this drive, but to always honor that, you know, if you’re emotionally defined, to wait that out and see if you still want to pursue a certain thing, and then.

Even if you’re, you know, undefined, but you have that gate defined again, it’s not attaching yourself to, the outcome of the experience, but just see where, where it leads you. because it is, and not to be too upset if it didn’t

Hali: have the experience.

Dana: yeah. And not get too upset if it didn’t work out the way way you thought.

But it was certainly, like I said, really no effort is wasted.

Hali: You always learn something.

Dana: yeah. So, without the focus of the 41, you gotta be, be careful to make sure you’re not burning yourself out because there is a shadow side here of burnout, because if you’re always taking this intense energy that you have to create and do and go, but you’re just going after everything, then you definitely recipe for, for burnout.

So just try to temper yourself a little bit. Don’t say yes to too many things. trust


Hali: then don’t, don’t expect much

Dana: Yeah, right. generally.

Hali: expect too

Dana: that sounds kind of, yeah, I think there’s another way to say that I don’t expect too much. It’s not, not expecting too much. It’s, um, being open to see what happens more, right?

Hali: That’s better to say don’t expect much

Dana: But no matter what, your, no matter what your definition is, no matter what your type is, follow your strategy and authority, and you have a better chance of this gate’s energy working out to your benefit.

Hali: Mm-hmm.

Dana: So then if we follow the line of that circuit over to the other side of the solar plexus is the top right hand side gate 36.

Oh, um, wait a minute. I wanted to say something else about what you said about the clinging fire.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: Well, what’s interesting because the first time I heard it, I don’t remember where I saw it, but yeah, the cleaning fire in the I-Ching and that’s the name for it? And the I-Ching is like, no matter what they do, or no matter what you do, there’s always this yearning, this desire for something more, something new, and that desire literally clings to you, that passion, that fire, that fiery energy is clinging to you.

And so, like I said, these people are always gonna have this kind of simmering desire for something. And Karen Parker says that if you have the gate 30 anywhere in your chart, it kind of amplifies everything in your chart because there is an intensity there, there to it. So I just didn’t wanna forget that.


Hali: Yeah.

Dana: okay. So as I said, gate 36 is called the darkening of the light in the I-Ching.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: The gate of crisis in quantum

Hali: So we go from the gate of clinging fire to the gate of crisis.

Dana: mm-hmm

Hali: This a crisis. If you have a fire that just won’t go out

Dana: that’s right. Well, uh, uh, quantum Human Design, she calls it the gate of exploration, which

Hali: much better.

Dana: yeah. So this is the energy where, um, you create and meet challenges. You go through emotional crisis in order to, create change. So let’s unpack that a little bit. Oh my God. I just used the word unpack.

Let’s unpack the whole, but

Hali: Yeah, you did.

Dana: okay. So,There’s a lot of restless energy in this circuitry here, particularly, because like you said, you’ve got this clinging fire, you’ve got this yearning and then you wanna do something with it and mind you a circuitry. So it’s trying to reach up to the throat for manifestation.

So it’s like, let’s go, let’s do something. And so this gate in particular, these people can be susceptible to feeling bored and boredom and stagnation. You know, they always feel this need to want to jump in to something. And this is the impulse, the desire it wants what it wants, and if it waits, it can probably have it, but too often, it doesn’t wanna wait.

It just wants to go. It just wants to leap. And these people could often cause Crisis drama in their lives in order to, to gain clarity, it’s like they’re forced into something to help them gain the, clarity they’re looking for.

They’re here to learn. They’re here to gain this emotional intelligence through the highs and the lows of their wave. So this person might try to push through too quickly. They’re they’re kind of, you know, this wave is that, that slow burn up and then a drop off. So, you know, sometimes they might try to push that along a little bit, little bit quicker to get through the wave, to gain the clarity. So they might have this like energy of just like creating chaos and drama in order to kind of, it almost releases that energy and lets it settle gets built up and then it settles.

So this is someone who’s always looking for new experiences, like I said, and tends to get bored easily because it’s receiving the energy from gate 30 to gate of passions. And really this energy is about teaching us to not let our passions and excitement get the better of us.

It’s to learn, to find that in between point of, is it worth committing the energy to this thing is, instead of jumping off the cliff for change, can I just sit and be comfortable in things not moving right now? If I can stay focused on what I want to have happen, meaning. I don’t want to blow this up just to have something to change.

Can I get comfortable with just understanding my emotional waves and how I feel and know that this is just how energy’s working and I don’t have to, it will change, you know, I will get there. I just don’t need to blow my life up every three months or

Hali: can’t rush it.

Dana: Yeah. It’s working with this restless feeling in boredom so that they’re not always just jumping because when you jump ship, especially if you’re a generator and you carry this energy generators are kind of meant to also do this kind of plateau spots where they, they gain some mastery or some knowledge and then the energy just kind of stagnates.

And especially if you had  some of this circuitry, you might be tempted to be like, well, this is wrong. This is not the thing I should be doing. This is not the relationship I be in it. Wanna jump and then chaos whereas if you could just sit with a little bit, realize this is just how it works, this is how this energy feels and just use your strategy and authority again, and see where the next step will lead you.

So it’s keeping your eye on the prize to wait for the next time next, the right time. Sorry, not the next time. it’s funny, you know, when I first started learning Human Design, even not even before I started learning it, like when I first got my first report, that made no sense, over and over again, everything, it said as soon as it started to not make sense, it would then say, just trust your strategy and authority.

I’m like, what is this? Every time? Just do what the hell I was like, what a cop out. And now I hear myself saying it more and more and more. It’s true. I know there’s all these things that can, trip you up, but just follow your strategy authority, and you’ll just be led in the right direction. You don’t really need to know any of this. It’s just for fun.

Hali: extra.

Dana: All right. So those two gates, those energies part of that collective wave, but that’s really creating from this desire, creating from this internal prodding of getting something, going, getting something, moving, having a, a vision and creating something and see what you can create as that moves up towards the throat, just seeing how it plays out. And then learning from it okay.

Hali: Let’s move on.

Dana: Okay. So moving on now, we’re gonna hop up over to gate 55, which hop up over, I say hop up and over, cuz we’re going back over towards the root gate, 55 runs from the root or from the solar plexus down to the root it’s the channel that 39-55, there is the channel of emoting. Make sure you got the correct. what I’m trying to say there. and this is the individual wave. This is individual circuitry and it is the design of moodiness.

Okay. So there’s a lot of moodiness in this, channel or in this circuitry. And it is, uh, called the gate gate 55 is called the gate of abundance.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: it’s also the gate of spirit in quantum Human Design. She calls it gate of faith. this to me is creating from mood and how you’re feeling. So if you think about the other one was creating from this internal drive, this is having the energy and the emotional awareness of when you feel like doing something, if it’s the right time. Like I said, it’s the channel of emoting and so. Where it starts in the 39, 39 is, provocation provoking. And so way that plays out. If you have the 39 energy, your energy is kind of provoking.

It kind of almost kind of pokes people a little bit at times to see what kind of react it’s not intentional or anything like that. What kind of emotions can this bring up? Okay. if something needs to be healed, usually if somebody, that gate 39 is gonna provoke something in you. anyway, so the gate 55 is susceptible to a lot of melancholy. Melancholy is such a great word, cuz it it’s more than just sad. It’s literally like to me, the doldrums, it’s just kinda like, Hmm.

Hali: I feel like you can say the word and I feel it.

Dana: Right. Yeah. It’s just so much more than sad.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: it is I think

Hali: it’s because it’s kind of

Dana: harmonic when

Hali: you say

Dana: it..

mm-hmm yeah. And so they say in particular, this wave, this emotional wave is, especially in this channel, is this oscillating between hope and pain.

That’s how they describe it. And these are the people who can feel either, well, I guess all of us feel this way, but it is that energy of half empty, half full, half empty, half full. and your mood certainly determines what’s correct for you, and when.

So I think this is really, and they say that the, this gate in particular has a lot to do with the upcoming mutations in our spiritual and our energetic bodies, because it’s really honing us and getting us used to calibrating what we do and how we act. And when we act based on how we feel and not just like trying to align your emotions, it’s like, no, there’s just going to be time that I just need to be alone and contemplate and be my myself.

And they, that’s what they talk about these melancholy periods, cuz you really don’t feel like being around a lot of people when you’re a melancholy,

Hali: You’re like, just leave me alone.

Dana: Yeah. But that gives you that time to kind of, they say there’s a lot of creativity here in that period where you’re kind of alone and in the, in your own process.

So another thing to note here is that. Honoring those moods and those changes. If you’re not in the mood to do something, you just don’t do it.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: that means you have to be in the mood to eat to work. Be sociable, whether you wanna create whatever it is you wanna do, you really have to honor your moods with this energy.

I can lean into this. I also have this twice. It’s actually, part of my incarnation cross. It’s my unconscious sun. No, it’s my unconscious earth I met. And it’s also my, um, unconscious north node, which is even more prominent now at my age. So I like this part where it’s like, if you feel like being alone, do not attempt to explain yourself. Just embrace that it’s a mood and it’s how you’re feeling. And that’s what you wanna do.

You wanna be by yourself? So just like, I love being by myself, love my family and I love my people, but I also do need that alone time for sure. they also say people at this gate can be very, it’s a acoustical gate tune to sound a lot of musical creativity, not for me, but for other people love music, but I’m not musical.

Hali: Not musically inclined.

Dana: no, .

But I will say this part is acoustic could also be that these, individuals are very sensitive to, uh, sound and the tone with which things are said. which I can say that I could definitely say tone really, has a lot to do with how I perceive things. when people talk to me,

Hali: I don’t have that gate. And I still feel like that.

Dana: well, some, some people are toned deaf, and so yeah, you can notice when they’re toned deaf. So, important note here, abundance and spirit, these are the themes in this gate is also having the awareness that where your abundance and where abundance comes from is not, somewhere else. It’s more like how you’re connected, how your spirit, how you’re feeling, no matter what’s happening outside of yourself.

You have that stability, that strong sense within yourself of where your true source of abundance comes from, which is, um, from your connection to your higher self or whatever you wanna call it, Gus

Hali: Yes.

Dana: understanding how you feel contributes to what you experience.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: So as I said, in quantum Human Design, it’s called the gate of faith. And so it’s really about having faith and understanding that navigating the highs and lows of how you feel, the moodiness, all that stuff. Is that understanding that no matter what’s happening, you’re always supported having faith that you are your, um, abundance comes from within and not what is happening outside of you, if that makes sense.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: So as you go across the solar plexus, then following that line of energy, that circuitry up to the top, uh, corner there, gate 22 is the gate of grace.

And it’s called the gate of openness. And in quantum Human Design also called surrender.

And these people are people who can be very graceful or charming, uh, as long as they’re in the mood. Okay. Remember, this is gate 22.

Hali: Uh, huh, You said Presley has this one?

Dana: He has this gate I think your dad has it too, so when your mood changes, however, there could be a drastically different and sometimes antisocial, mood side to this person.

So it’s very important for people, especially if this is part of your emotional wave, like meaning you have it defined, that channel then. and even if you had the other, other 39-55, I think you could say the same because they’re in the same circuitry. That same kind of wave is, you know, that’s when important to start tracking those waves, to see how you feel, notice any patterns that you could.

Notice, when is the right time or not for you to engage if you have this energy. Because like I said, it it’s very charming energy. It’s like the energy of the, the benevolent ruler, the queen, you know, people just love the, the, the rulers, you know, I’m thinking back, when everybody’s the lovely, beautiful queen, it’s this graceful, very, engaging energy that feels good, feels graceful to people.

This gate’s deeply tied to timing because true beauty and grace shine through when the time is right. And if it’s forced, it could be rather ugly. I had to write, I had to read that as it was written. Cause I thought it was funny

Hali: yeah.

Dana: they are highly influential and can be seen as very wise that’s that charm and grace coming through.

Especially when they learn when it’s time to listen and not force it, So that’s where that grace comes in, where somebody who’s not trying to put their agenda across and they can see, be seen as someone who is, and, and graceful seems like a weird word to describe a man. You don’t always think is graceful.

It sounds like a more feminine quality, but I guess maybe that feminine quality to it is knowing when to just receive what’s coming and, listen instead of trying to force. But, so what I was saying is when I was talking about Presley, um, and then what you were experiencing, you’re like, well, is this really me?

Or is this him? So maybe if you are getting a reaction from him that is uncomfortable, let’s say maybe you could take a step back and say, am I forcing him to talk about something? Am I forcing him to think about something? Is this the right time? You know, that maybe that’s just not where he’s at.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: So maybe say, would this be a good time to…?And he’s sacral so he’ll tell you yes or no.

Hali: Yeah,

Dana: instead of just barging


Hali: get him to focus on his pay attention to his sacral more

Dana: Yeah. Well, you know, that’s, you’re here to help him get in touch with that as far as. You’re the projector in the relationship. Soyou could maybe pay Okay, so kind of really grace beauty this is definitely like, again, how 55 is tied to mood. This is also tied to mood creating or doing acting, when in the mood. That’s what’s most important there for that, channel.

So then we’re gonna go pop on down over there, again, the gate 49 connected to the root. This is the gate of revolution.

Hali: oh,

Dana: It’s also called the gate of principles and in quantum Human Design, it’s the catalyst. And so this is really this creative energy that comes from a need for change. Okay. So people who carry this energy are those whose principles cause them to either reject others or be rejected.

So this is very principled energy here. These are people that really, usually stand for something. And it’s the principles in relationships when, the principles of a relationship are established. So they need to have their principles or rules obeyed. When I say need it doesn’t mean that’s what’s gonna happen.

but that’s that’s how they feel when they enter in relationships, they have to feel that people are gonna honor how they feel like these are very, like this is the right thing, kind of people, you know, they, they really are tied to that. So, and if they are. Broken, if they’re principles, what they think that the agreement was in the relationship, they feel that those principles have been violated they’re out.

They will. Sever ties very, very quickly. Yes. So this channel here is, is very much in the relationship energy in the chart. It’s marriage and divorce

Hali: Hm.

Dana: because it’s okay. What are the parameters? Where are the principles gonna be? You know, what are, what do we believe in, in this, this marriage, this relationship, this partnership, whatever it is.

They with this gate in particular are always looking to see who will be by their side and rejecting those who won’t. There’s a lot of black and white energy here. And a friend of mine that carries this 100% identifies with this. There is black and white. There is not a lot of gray area for her, especially in her relationships.

If someone, if she feels someone has betrayed them, they’re dead. Like it’s just dead. Like we’re not going back. It’s over. You had your chance, you knew this was a line for me and you crossed it. And it’s, it’s a very severing energy , but there’s importance to this, energy as well because, it’s, it’s tribal energy and it’s, it’s concerned with, you know, making those, Bonds and those relationships that we can all agree upon.

And also there’s a lot here, that’s tied to, I don’t wanna say survival, but it’s more of, what the people need. This is very, this channel and this energy is tied to food a lot. Because basically it’s making sure that the tribe, your people yourself has what it needs. So. It’s concerned with food distribution. Like, does everybody have what they need? Because basically people who, um, are well fed and taken care of don’t go to war is what it says, hungry people don’t go to war. And so if the French revolution is a good

Hali: You just said hungry people. Don’t go to war.

Dana: you’re right, well fed people don’t go to war, which is a huge generalization.

But I think what we mean is when your needs are being met, you don’t feel the need to go revolt against something else. Right. You’re just like this we’re good. I got food in my belly place to sleep. I’m good. Um, so there is a lot of concern with social change and reformation in this gate. What is, is there something that needs to be changed?

What needs to be changed? You know, are our principles being honored, or do we need to make a break and do something different because this isn’t working out anymore. Right. So it’s, it’s the energy of, of change through revolution wanting to change. So I would say though, if you have this energy present in your chart or relationship, that again, it’s emotional energy and to try as best as you to, not make rash decisions.

Once the, the ties have been broken, it’s very hard for someone with this energy to go back. So knowing you have this energy, maybe you can, maybe work on fixing it before it gets to the point where you’re just like, that’s it, done.

Hali: Yeah, cause, uh, I assume if you’re gonna go for revolution, you’re gonna burn some bridges.

Dana: Mm-hmm we’ll be done here. okay. So, uh, then this. We’re gonna go to gate 37, which connects to the will center because this is also tribal energy. And it, it kind of has the same theme there of gate 49 being concerned with the tribe and the community and the needs of the tribe. So this gate is called the family and it’s the gate of friendship or the gate of peace.

And so the energy of the gate is always seeking harmony. It’s communal energy. These are people that can easily make connections, emotional connections with others, uh, especially through touch and they’re incredible, sensitivity, which makes them seem, very, accessible to other people friendly.

I mean, it’s literally friendliness. you know, it’s, it’s helping people feel welcome and bringing them into your community, into your family.

This gate really just wants harmony and wants to have that in a group wants to join with others. Yeah. It’s tribal so there’s also an element of seeking this piece in harmony, through bargains and bargaining, there’s gonna be bargains in the relationship. So if you think about that revolution and the principles and you know, what we all agree on, this is also okay, so we’ve agreed on this. And now as we enter into this community, this relationship, whatever this energy is, who’s gonna do what in the relationship? You know, you feel like there has to be kind of a, almost a give and take here of, well, as long as this person’s also contributing, somebody can help carry the load with this. Like somebody does the cooking and who does the cleaning? Who does the, you know, childcare? Who does, you know, it’s the village energy of.

Let’s all just get along. Let’s all contribute. And let’s, have these, agreed upon things. There’s a lot of sense of responsibility here. In this channel, it connects with the 40 and the will center, which is the resources. So gate 40 would be the provider of the resources and gate 37 is the distributor of the resources.

If that makes sense. Everyone’s fed everybody, has what they need. And so energetically speaking, emotionally speaking, sorry. It’s about understanding. Cuz she’s, you know, quantum Human Design says gate of peace and it’s really this understanding of where peace emotionally comes from is I guess, how am I trying to say this? Connecting your own emotional stability in peace, so that no matter what’s happening outside of you, uh, you have your own sense of harmony in peace within yourself. Cuz I have seen this, uh, people that when they’re trying to control everything that’s going on with outside of themselves, thinking that’s gonna give them peace if everybody just does the right thing around them. Whereas truly if you just, you know, try to focus on your own sense of harmony and peace, no matter what’s happening outside of you, then, you know, you’ll, you’ll feel a lot, feel a lot better. Does that resonate? Hali

Hali: Um, not, I don’t know how much about the piece part of it, but a lot of the more friendship and family aspect of it, I

Dana: mm-hmm well, let’s say this. Do you feel that, um, sometimes you find yourself trying to control outside of yourself to make yourself feel I’m just asking. I don’t know for sure. I mean.

Hali: I mean, maybe I’m, I mean, I do like to have control of things.

Dana: No little bit.

Hali: a little bit, uh, but I’ve never like consciously thought that, you know, I’m doing it so I can feel at peace with myself

Dana: How about, how about this? Um, is your mood affected when you feel like someone isn’t holding their part of the bargain,

Hali: Yeah. oh yeah.

Dana: do you take it personally? If someone like starts slacking off on what they said they would do

Hali: Yeah. Then there becomes a lot of annoyance

Dana: yeah, that’s just, you know, just how it goes. So anyways, that’s that gate. So last one that leaves us then with is gate six, which reaches over to the sacral. And this is also tribal circuitry, but it’s part of the defense circuit. The defense circuit is just literally the, this channel 59-6, and on the other side of the SAC world, the 50-27, which reaches to the spleen, but this is called the gate of conflict gate of friction and quantum Human Design it’s impact.

And so, when I was looking at these more deeply, cuz I’ll be honest. I hadn’t spent a lot of time looking at the solar plexus and a lot of the themes there. It’s a very complex center. The solar plexus

Hali: emotions are complex.

Dana: emotions are complex, but also just it’s very complex, like trying to piece it all together. But the gate six basically carries all the energies of the other, um, The other, uh, channels in the sense that it carries, um, this generates all three modes of this emotional awareness, the feelings, the sensitivity, you know, that creativity from within the mood, the sensitivity to what’s happening in relationships, all of that kind of gets channeled through this gate six in a way, because this gate is about creating, um, alliances or bonds because those two gates that, or those two channels off the SAC that go off like that 59, 6 is called the channel of meeting. And then, the other one is, uh, preservation. And so this is very much about, I mean

Hali: about continuation.

Dana: yeah, well, a lot of ’em like a lot of people like say, well, it’s just about mating. It’s just about sex and who you have sex with and procreating and all that. Yes. That energy is there, but there’s more types of bonding relationships.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: especially in our modern world, that are just as important. You know, these are more, they are intimate relationships, but it’s really, if you went to the mechanics of it, it would be like, as humans who’s gonna be safe to bond with. And so usually there’s a little bit of conflict. There’s a little bit of defensiveness there, which is, you know, there to really filter out who is going to, um, be good to bond with or not.

And so. It carries this, uh, fear with it, fear of intimacy and nervousness about being vulnerable and open to others because, you know, it’s, it’s a bonding energy. And so, it’s designed to, I guess, in a way, create that friction and then resolution, if you wanna look at it that way, it’s almost like every romcom out there, it’s like, they hate each other and they fight and he’s the worst person ever.

And then they come to a, you know, a like, oh, I can see you now fully. And then they’re in love.

Hali: your standard hallmark Christmas movie.

Dana: Which I didn’t think about that until just now. It’s like, but yeah, you’ve, uh, it’s designed to create friction and then resolution. So it also carries the energy of diplomacy here as well. So these are people that this energy is, can be intense. And it’s known as an aura busting energy, meaning that if you carry this energy, your energy is felt whenever you’re in the presence of people, no matter what you’re doing.

And it’s going to either be an energy that causes friction disruption, or it can also be an energy that helps calm the situation as well. and this is just a mechanic. It’s not anything you’re necessarily doing. It’s just what happens. people either feel riled up or calm in your presence. based on how you’re feeling.


Hali: Well, as we discussed on one of our previous ones, oh, Trump had that has that one.

Dana: Oh, he’s inflaming

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: so it’s no, it’s important to point out that conflict happens. Conflict breaks out when two or more people identify with their emotional state. So when they are just reacting from how they’re feeling, their emotions, it’s literally the, you know, we’re going to war . This is what’s gonna happen.

But, it can also be resolved when there’s a resonance reached between these energies. If we can just kind of calm down for a minute, see if we can’t find something that we agree on. If we can’t, we go to war . If we do, we have peace. And so these people carry this energy can be very discerning on deciding who to bond with. But like I said, that’s not just an intimate relationships that can be in any relationship where there’s bonding.

So that is basically all the gates there and, really the solar plexus is exploring the whole range of human emotions and the role that, that plays in the creative process. It’s what drives us to create, like I said, inner fire, how we’re feeling is it the right time is the right situation?

Can we, you know, do this thing? So it’s what drives us to create creating from that inner desire that fire that propels us towards, um, Experience and exploration or, you know, creating when it feels right for us. And regardless of what’s going on outside of us to be really just kind of centered in with your own self and how you’re feeling and not being pressured to move at the wrong time.

and also to build these foundations and knowing what’s, you know, should we be creating something new what’s right. What’s the right direction to go. And who’s the right people to go with. So

Hali: yeah.

Dana: I just blathered on for an hour and a half just to tell you that, sorry. . so with that in mind, that’s why I kind of wanna do this now as we, because I think we will be talking a lot more about, I wanna call it manifestation, but it seems so like, you know, word of the moment kind of thing, but it is, it’s a word, but it’s essentially what we’re talking about a lot here is having the effect in the field, the quantum field, this all energy that you wanna have, you know, being able to learn how to work.

With the actual energy and how we feel to create what you want.

Hali: like you said, you gotta calibrate your mono pole and it’s calibrated through your solar plexus.

Dana: Yeah. And also to get comfortable with knowing that, um, it’s not always time to act, you know, it’s not always that you have to be doing anything, youhave to,

Hali: needs to learn that one.

Dana: yeah. That’s a hard one. I mean, at least, you know, you say he’s golfing more now and he’s, you know, taking the time now that you guys are down there and he’s closer to some of his friends that he has the chance to, if he has an afternoon to just blow off some steam, it’s good.

It’s good for him, you know? Especially if you say are working towards something, a dream or whatever, trying to get something to happen or something to change. It’s good to look at your definition here first and foremost, to see what you’re dealing with and then exploring some of these themes around this and see if there’s, not a way to, shift your perspective about what’s happening, shift your energy, maybe work with it, know that, you know, maybe it’s just not the right time, not the right people.

There’s so many variables here.

So on that note, I am looking forward to seeing you next weekend or this weekend, whichever way you wanna look at it.

Hali: It’s a heated debate in our family.

Dana: the big debate in our family. Is it this weekend or next weekend? But, we will be feeling good. We’ll be in each other’s company, your gate of community.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: we’ll be in each other’s presence. We will, we are going to see Hamilton next weekend in

Charleston. Very excited. That’s gonna be tending definitely to our, uh, wellbeing,

Hali: Yes.

Dana: in so many ways. I’m very excited. There’s going to be food eaten. It’s going to be laughs had,

Hali: always

Dana: it’s going to be emotional moments during Hamilton and seeing the creative arts play out.

I haven’t been, I can’t think of a live, play performance I’ve been to.

Hali: I can tell you

Dana: know, I know what it was. Go ahead.

Hali: it’s when we went to see, um, uh, the Nutcracker, I believe

Dana: That’s for you. Yeah. Yeah. No, I went to a couple years ago was before the pandemic at right before the pan. I think it was the Christmas before it might have been before it might have been

Hali: that’s. When we went to go see the Nutcracker.

Dana: So I went to go see mama Mia in Conway. They had that local production. So it may have been, she might have been the same year.

I don’t remember. It was really good, very small theater though. We’re talking local theater. Right. But this is the touring company of Hamilton. So very excited.

Hali: I’m so excited.

Dana: will just have to make sure that, you know, Hali doesn’t sing all the lyrics too loudly because like I was

telling hunter,

Hali: restrain.

Dana: I was telling hunter your yearly wrap up was what? Spotify on Spotify

Hali: It was just basically a hundred percent Hamilton. It was like that. And then some true crime

Dana: True crime. Okay. not gonna miss my shot. All right. It’s exciting. So yay. Excited to see you in a few days and just, uh, wanna thank everybody out there for listening today. And if you have, um, any questions, remember in the show notes, there is a form there that you can fill out. There’s also all my contact information.

If you don’t wanna fill out the form, you can always contact me. And as always, if you want any help with, um, exploring your own chart and want a more trained eye, maybe that I could help you. Um, look at your chart. You can also book a reading with me anytime. So with that, we will say goodbye, until we meet again, which is very soon and, uh, have a wonderful rest of your day.

So, bye.

Hali: B.

Dana: You made it all the way to the end of today’s episode, so you must have liked what you heard. If you did make sure you subscribe, so you never miss an episode and perhaps leave us a good review. And if you know someone who wants to dig into all things, Human Design with us, make sure you share the Human Design Hive podcast with them. We’d really appreciate it. Thanks for listening.