In this second part of the Ajna center convo, we dive into each gate and look at the different ways we are all designed to think, conceptualize and process.  Fascinating stuff!

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Episode 022- Ajna Center Part 2

Dana: So these fears that are here, these mental anxieties in. Ajna really help alert us to the possibility that maybe we are letting too much outside influence, dominate our thinking and kind of getting in the way of our own awareness of how things are. So, we’re gonna go through the, the gates and the associated fears.

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana Human Design special.

Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success. Welcome to the Human Design Hive podcast. Let’s get into it.

Dana: Hello. Hello and welcome back. We are moving on here with part two of Ajna center. If you want some background information into the And the defined and undefined and open. I was going to center how it all works. You can go back to the previous. Previous episode, get the overview, but now we’re going to move on into the gates of the Ajna center. So enjoy part two.

Okay. All right. So as we said, this awareness center, and when we did the spleen, we used his awareness center has certain fears that are associated with it. Same applies here. These are mental anxieties fears in the Ajna center. And as I looked over my notes, I realized I don’t, I don’t think we attach those awareness fears in the solar plexus.

I don’t remember talking about that.

Hali: No, we didn’t really, we didn’t talk about fears necessarily. We did talk about like shadow sides or whatever.

Dana: Yeah. Well, that could be another episode. We can talk about that fear. So like I said, it’s expressed as a mental anxiety of like, not knowing something or the fear of being misunderstood but whether you’re defined or undefined in the Ajna,

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: still these fears that are going to be associated with these gates.

But if you’re undefined, it could be even more intense and magnified in the undefined.

So these fears that are here, these mental anxieties in theAjna really help alert us to the possibility that maybe we are letting too much outside influence, dominate our thinking and kind of getting in the way of our own awareness of how things are. So, we’re gonna go through the, the gates and the associated fears.

So 47

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: at the top, Oppression in the I-Ching, and it’s the gate of Realization and in quantum Human Design it’s Mindset. And so it’s interesting fear. It’s the fear of futility. And so it’s, it says making sense of the confusion. It’s mental anxiety, that life is oppressive and futile, and that you cannot make sense of the confusion.

Hali: Oh, good.

Dana: Well, you think about it’s that abstract thinking, right? Like it’s just, oh, there’s just too much confusion. It’s just, it doesn’t make sense.

And so these are people who are always looking to understand life by relating it to their own personal experience, which makes sense. Right, because that’s what that channel and that circuitry is about is experience, sensing.

It’s the sensing circuit.

Hali: Well, I was, I maybe was gonna say how you guys always say I make every conversation about myself.

Dana true. You always bring it back to you, don’t you?  That’s your channel. isn’t it. Well, that helps you make sense of everything you’re relating it to your own experience or maybe our experiences or your part in the experience. But yeah, well that makes sense now, right? Doesn’t it. Hmm. Nice insight.

Hali: Thanks.

Dana: you’re welcome. so yeah, so it says 64 is the gate that it connects to in the mind. So this is the 64 is who remembers all this disorganized collection of information and the 47 is the, the editor basically that attempts to take that information, put it together into a meaningful piece of experience.

Again, as we said, as this information comes in, you might not have the full picture all at once because that is dealing in these chunks of information, usually just flashes of things. And it’s, so you might not always have that full picture. And so, you know, you maybe trying to sort through all the collection of, memories, images, whatever, how it is, you’re chunking this information together.

And so you might not have all the details. You might try to make a decision too soon. And then your mind keeps changing because your perception will keep changing as more as you more, you allow more information to kind of drop in, right? The more you try to force it, the more complicated it can feel to reassemble all that makes sense, which is pretty much what you described earlier. with your brother. You’re trying to force it. You’re like I got it. I got it. No, it’s there. It’s there. Oh, no, it’s not there yet.

Hali: no. And then it just comes out a jumbled mess,

Dana: Mm-hmm . But, you know, so it just takes a little more patience, you know, to allow it to kind of, and then if you have all the pieces, it can be quite inspiring. yeah. So it is hard to, to wait though, because it’s a there’s pressure being put on you from the head, you know, there’s a lot of pressure there to relieve that pressure once to just like, well, this is what it means.

Well, no, that’s not, well, maybe it’s this. Well, no,

Hali: you know?

Dana: Yeah. yeah. So you kind of gotta wait to be asked sometimes. So, if you have the whole channel, it is more of a storytelling mind because. Right.

You love a story because it’s this, this wanting to break down the experience and make sense of it. And so it’s relating to your experience. And so it is that story, um, telling, because usually in that channel, it is the energy of, like we said, letting things drop in and then kind of mulling it over, turning it over.

What did it mean? What did it mean? What did it mean until you find meaning in your story? So, and why it happened in the first place?

Hali: And in my stories, I wanna make sure I give all of the details, even if they’re not all necessarily relevant.

Dana: well, maybe that’s just because you’re seeing all these little detailed pieces and you’re just like, this gotta be important. Right?

Hali: And then I have like, a 12 minute story.

Dana: Yeah. Well, here we are. I’m doing this. You’re not even in charge. Okay. Gate 24 there in the middle is the Returned it’s called, and it’s the gate of Rationalization and then quantum Human Design, Blessings.

Hali: Hmm.

Dana: So the 61, if you remember, this is in that knowing channel, this is starting in the knowing circuitry. So it’s the gate of rationalization. So the fear here is the fear of ignorance. And so there’s this knowingness here, knowing the answer in like a pulse because this mutative energy is also like a pulse is there, it’s not, and there’s this mental anxiety that you’ll never know the answer and inspiration will never come.

And that you won’t be able to explain your knowingness, which is true. Because there’s not really, you know, with the other ones, there’s a mulling over there’s things coming. But a lot of this, this here is just like. Flash. So these are people who tend to go, tend to go over and over things trying to rationalize them, make sense of.

Hali: does Presley have this channel?

Dana: That is his channel. Yeah.

Hali: Okay. Yeah, there it is

Dana: connects his head. Yeah.

Hali: I remember he had the 61,

Dana: mm-hmm yeah,

Hali: but I didn’t know his channel.

Dana: Yeah. So this gate screens, all the thoughts that come through the 61 and select what it deems to be useful and potentially inspiring, and it can be,once it’s made clear, it can be, have a lot of impact.

I mean, individual circuitry is designed to have a lot of impact on those around them.

Hali: kind of, kind of relevant, but, uh, so the other day Presley was he’d already purchased a travel backpack. And then he was, was like back ordered or something. And then he was like also looking at like a Yeti one, a Yeti backpack. They’re very similar. And I was trying to get him cuz he is like, well, should I just cancel that other one and go for the Getty one?

I was like, I was trying to get him to answer with his sacral.

So I like asked him one question and I was like, don’t answer with words. Don’t think about it. He’s like, how else am I supposed to answer? And I was like, Ugh.

Dana: so what’d you say

Hali: I think I said, like, I don’t remember what I said. I was washing dishes, but he wasn’t, he wasn’t cooperating. So I think I just kind of dropped it.

Dana: well,

Hali: my question was necessarily right. Either I was trying to figure out the right questioning.

Dana: Um, deciding between the backpacks?

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: Yeah. That’s a sacred question. Sure. I mean, you would just be like, do you like this one? Yes or no? Do you like

Hali: I think that’s how I asked it, but he just he’s like, because he will, he is always well this and this, but this, or he’s always like the only thing I’m afraid of is this or, you know, that’s how he always, always has his statements like that

Dana: Well, for me, that sounds like he’s trying to make his decisions from his mind, because as you said, it’s this or that. And then he second guess in the answer that he gets, because he’s out of touch with what a different kind of awareness, you know, to lock into there, to know what’s right. Because, he is very, he has lots of good instincts, very intuitive, for sure.

He just doesn’t recognize it as that. But, there’s definitely things that he doesn’t even have to think twice about. He just knows what the right answer is, you know?

Hali: my Google half the time.

Dana: yeah. And that’s more of his, just his body awareness of like knowing what feels. That’s his sacral a lot of time, but anyway, so , we, we could also call this our “significant other” podcast where we just talk about the people in our life.

Anyway, these are also people with this, gate of rationalization, that need to hear things over and over again, sometimes before they make sense before they integrate it, they can worry a lot and may not let go of a worry until it’s resolved.

Sometimes you know, this is, this is the energy of the people that, that kind of aha in the dropping in that we were talking about, the, it finally makes sense, or you can finally make the connections.

You, you don’t know when it’s gonna happen, but then it just can happen. And that usually

Hali: light bulb moment.

Dana: Yeah, we were talking about last week in the shower. You know, when the mind is more calm in the middle of the night, you know, when you least expect it, a lot of times that’s when it’s come, you can’t, you can’t force it.

Basically to use this energy, to the advantage, to have that space, to kind of go over things, don’t get stuck there, but kind of come back to it mu the problem over, and it will, the knowingness will just, just drop in eventually. and then, um, but there is a lot of fear. mental anxiety, this fear of ignorance that they’ll not really know for certain, or they won’t be able to explain their knowingness.

It can trigger, trigger some anxiety there. I can tell you that for sure. I don’t have that gate, but further on down. I certainly do.

Anyway, so moving over to gate four, which is youthful folly,

Hali: oh,

Dana:  Gate of formulation, and also quantum as the gate of possibility. And so the fear associated here is the fear of chaos. I mean, who’s not afraid of chaos?

Who’s like, I love, I don’t know. Maybe there are people that are like, I love the chaos. I know there are, there definitely is. So this is trying to formulating a logical answer and it’s mental anxiety that you, will never find order in your life.

And that you’ll always be in chaos and it’s the need to find and give answers. So I can raise my hand and attest to all that. My name is Dana and I have a gate four.

So this is about questions that are fueled by doubt about the future, because it’s logical, Memory, logical is looking forward of what could happen or what can happen or what, you know. And so it tries to come up with logical answers of what to, and these answers are only potential, which then must be tested and substantiated proven so. This is the hypothesis, basically.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: And as we move over, we’re gonna go down to the 17 we’ll you’ll so clearly see how they relate, but this is the, like, the question starts the doubt in the 60, uh, three, the doubt, like of, can you prove it? and then this, the four is like, well, yes, it’s this, this is the answer.

Right. That’s what it does, but it’s just this like, need to have an answer. So it just comes up with an answer. Doesn’t mean it’s the answer. It’s an answer. it’s possibility.

Hali: Youthfull folly?

Dana: yeah, it is, These are people who use their mental awareness and their intelligence to also judge what they think looks suspicious.

Hali: Oh,

Dana: they always have a need for questions to resolve. So it’s, it’s a very thinking, thinking mind here. With this fear, this mental anxiety that comes with this is when their minds don’t understand something.

They don’t have an answer. remember that 63 is doubt. Right? So this one’s always trying to come up with an answer to solve, to get rid of that pressure.

Hali: Yeah. I don’t like not

Dana: yeah.

Hali: things.

Dana: Yeah. If you don’t have that 63, you could be someone who has a potential answer for every problem. and may spend a lot of time looking for the next inspirational question to answer or become anxious that your life is. Like I said, always gonna be in chaos. It’s just driven by this need to answer questions.

Hali: all of the questions.

Dana: dude, I mean, can we just take a moment here and experience that with like the open head and all you defined heads in the room and me trying to like, come up with an answer for everything, trying to read all your minds and like, know what to say to everybody.

Challenge here is to learn to embrace that, you know, these ideas are just possibilities, not answers, and to just kind of let that possibility stir the imagination, you know, which then maybe it’s that daydreaming allow it to be more of that to help, you know, calibrate that calibrate the heart, basically to see, you know, what the possibilities are.

And, it’s also about teaching us that, waiting to see which possibility can actually manifest and, to not worry about if things aren’t happening immediately, but just kind of again, resting in this field of, of possibility and, um, not trying to make every answer a reality. that makes sense.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: moving on gate 11 . So gate 11 is called Peace. So nice. It’s like one of the most normal, yeah, one of the most normal names, it’s the gate of Ideas and in quantum Human Design, it’s the Conceptualist. And so the fear here is the fear of darkness of having new ideas to share.

And it’s this mental anxiety about not having new or stimulating ideas to think about or learn and anxiety about sharing and manifesting your ideas. And so this one is always one of the easier ones for me to latch onto to remember it.

When I was first learning about all this stuff, that gate 11 is the gate of ideas and people who have this gate are full of ideas. Full of them. The problem is, not all these ideas are theirs. Most of them aren’t intended for them. , they’re literally receiving the ideas and can have lots of ideas, but they aren’t necessarily meant to act on any or most of them they can be they’re meant to be shared. So, they love the stimulation of new ideas and they love stimulating others with their ideas.

And it takes that energy from the 64-47, because the circuitry, when it comes down the, the first part, so the abstract circuitry there, excuse me, sensing circuitry comes down on the, the left side there and then hops over through the Ajna over to the 11 to the other side of the Ajna. And this, what this does is it takes all the pieces that were gathered in that 64 47 channel and kind of tries to put them into a specific shape.

And it’s these ideas. So remember this is still part of that collective circuitry. So it is a part of that storytelling process still because it’s like, well, you had this, um, formalization of a thought, and then it has these ideas to, to, to share with other people. And it’s. In the mental process here where you sort through all that information of the experience and sort it out, what has been remembered, the ups and downs and the all in between.

And they may, if you have the skate, you may be prone to when you’re remembering, be thinking more of the positive part of the experience than anything else, and kinda leave the rest of it out.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: because you’re formulating beliefs about the experience of what it really meant, what it happened. If you would then also have the 56, then this is the channel is a storytelling channel because it takes all those experiences and then tries to communicate what it meant, what the experience meant. Okay.

And so you can be under pressure to, to tell these stories, but you definitely need to, again, it’s not motorized. You have to wait for the right, for the right timing. One good piece of advice. I tell people with gate 11, since there are so many ideas and this pressure to like, act on them because they’re like, well, I have so many great ideas. How do I know which one to, you know, is get a journal that you could all, it could be just a little one, it could be a bigger one, but you could create it as your idea journal and every idea that you get that like really it’s like, this is a great idea.

This is a million dollar idea. Well, it might not be your million dollar idea. and so just kind of collect them in almost like a sacred container of sorts, where they have a place to, um, To rest and reside until the right time for them to be shared because, especially dependent also like what your profile is, your profile on, you might be also a line 4 and have this gate that you’re, connections with people would also help enhance these ideas.

You’d probably be somebody who’s always like, oh, I’ve got an idea for you. I’ve got one for you. I’ve got, you know, you could be an idea machine but, um, so if you get ’em out of your head and onto paper or on your laptop or wherever you wanna collect your ideas, you know, makes room for more ideas. But also it doesn’t keep you in that mental process of always trying to decide which idea is the right idea.

If you follow your strategy and authority you’ll know when the right idea is for you, cuz it’ll show up. You’ll get some confirmation on that. Okay.

So moving over to gate 43, which is called Breakthrough, gate of Insight, and it’s also called Insight in quantum human.

Hali: So

Dana: This carries the fear of rejection.

And this is having a unique perspective and mental anxiety that your ideas are too weird and will be rejected. And it’s the need to make sense to others. Again, this is in that individual circuitry that mutative energy. We went through the 61, 24, that knowingness drops in it’s a unique perspective.

You have a new way of looking at things and, it’s usually a creative, more creative way of looking at things. And these people can have a gift for expressing their thoughts in a more unique creative way. And so it takes that rationalized truth and puts its unique perspective on it and then tries it well, makes it ready to be converted into speech in the 23, which we’re gonna do throw next week.

So basically it’s taking all this knowingness and, and putting your spin on it and getting it ready to be brought out into the world through language but they have to wait for the right time, because this is the one that, you know, we’ve talked about many times because it’s kind of dominant in my family.

The, the whole channel is that genius to freak channel, which is that unique perspective and having the ability to communicate it through the 23, but only when the timing is right. Because if people ain’t ready to hear it, they’re not gonna hear it.

Hali: then you will come off as freak.

Dana: Yeah. Weird. But likewise, you could the perspective that someone with this gate that, waits for the right time and is asked for it and can give their knowingness, their, their ideas can just completely transform how people think, cuz it’s something new and it’s something different.

And um, it’s not logical. It’s just, you know, it’s just coming from somewhere from Gus.

Hali: So how prominent is it in our family? I have it. You have it?

Dana: I have it. My mom had it. I think Nancy has it. Lakelyn is not technically, I mean, she’s our niece, but she’s not our side of the family. She has it. But Ian and I have the full channel. I think my mom had the full channel too. What I’ve seen so far. I can’t remember other people in the family. I think your dad has it too.

Not the full channel, but I think he just has the, um, 43 activation.

Hali: I thought he was completely open though.

Dana: No, completely open hand. He does have activations in the Ajna.

Hali: Yeah. because you guys, where you have activation is pretty identical. Right?

Dana: No, where we have openness. We have the same. We have the completely open head will and root center. Yeah. He has the 43 as well.

People with the 43

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: are minds that really only know what they’re interested in and not necessarily interested in what others know , which yes and no.

I could see that for myself. Yes and no.

It can also, says it can be difficult to teach these people anything, as they have to know everything for themselves, you know, I can mold that around in my brain.

I mean, I, I would say, yeah, I do. I would definitely listen to a teaching, but I do try to learn it myself. Like, I’ll listen, I guess, in a way, but I do have to try and like, I wanna figure it out for myself as well.

Could also be my line one just once to know more and go deeper

Hali: Mm-hmm

I can see it. Like if it’s something I already feel like, I know, like, I don’t want someone

Dana: not listening.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: You’re like,

Hali: Like I don’t, Ialready know this. I don’t wanna

Dana: Yeah. Again. So like in the other thing, this is, mutative thinking it comes in pulses, the, the insights come through, you can be not knowing and then knowing. And then this is also knowing this is not backed up by facts. And so it can take a lot of courage to, to, to stand behind your insights and try to explain them because they may seem weird, different, and they’re new because it’s mutative circuitry and outside the norm.

And so, it can also with this gates, as it can be difficult, for you to listen and really hear others sometimes, which is not really a fault. It’s really protecting this like individual circuitry it’s protecting you from undo influence. So, because you’re meant to bring forth new ideas. Right. And so that’s, um, Yeah.

So the fear of rejection here is, um, really wondering, you know, if you’ll be able to explain yourself and your ideas, and I, I think I have talked to people before who’ve been helping me with stuff. That is definitely one of my biggest things that hold me back is my throat. a 23 is like, no, don’t say it.

no, I’m just kidding. Is one of my biggest things is being misunderstood of sharing what I have to say and people misconstruing what I say or thinking it doesn’t come from a, a genuine place or they’re gonna put their spin on it. That. You know, if they think I’m too opinionated or, you know, that it’s not sincere or they just don’t understand me whatsoever.

That is like something that definitely keeps me from expressing a lot of what goes on in this head. Sometimes I literally, it’s not the right time for it, which but, um, yeah. How was your experience? Do you have any experience with that?

Hali: Probably one of my biggest things is I don’t wanna look stupid.

Dana: Yeah, well, I think that’s probably inherent in most of us. Yeah. I mean, because there’s a lot of that in that head energy of not, you know, fear of looking stupid comes from. A lot of things, but you know, maybe it is, I don’t understand the way it’s supposed to be or how it’s supposed to be done or other people know more than I do, or,

Hali: Oh, all of I had all of those feelings in the one class in college that I cried in and it was a calculus class because I was like, I do not understand. And he just kept teaching. And I was like, I do not understand this. And I was like,

Dana: you just

Hali: it together.

Dana: you just described like the last two years of high school for me and the first year of college and math classes, I think I told you all, I couldn’t even get outta algebra my brain did not wanna think that way. It did not like it. Um, yeah. Math made math made me feel stupid. I didn’t like that either.

Hali: I mean, that, that wasn’t, that was also the highest math class I ever took, but that was the only time math was ever. Like, I don’t understand, but it was the only class I’ve ever cried in and I sat front row.

Dana: Well, at least everybody couldn’t see you cry. They’re all behind you. I’m you’re

Hali: keeping together.

Dana: all right. So if you have that gate, you just gotta kind of trust your knowing, let your strategy and authority guide you when this right time, just, you know, share your ideas when it’s asked usually, but, uh, Okay.

Gate 17 is called Following and it’s the gate of Opinion. In quantum Human Design it’s Anticipation.

So the fear here is the fear of challenge, and it’s having opinions based on facts and fear that your opinions will be challenged. So you don’t share them and the need to have the details to back up the opinions.

So, as we said, just a not so short time ago, gate four, youthful follow has a, oh, I have an idea. This is, this is an answer. Right? And then, so it’s the start of, okay. The question. What if the answer, and then over here to opinions because the energy moves over across the to 17 and says, Okay. So if that’s the answer, they use their logical minds to have a need, to organize a solution to their, to their question, into a workable concept that can then be expressed.

So it’s logical circuitry. So they’re trying to shape a new opinion out of the answer. Does that make sense?

Hali: Well, I have this gate, so I’m kind of like trying to see the relevance in my own life, going back to gate 47 there But I, so I don’t really see it, but maybe

Dana: Okay. So you might, so it’s taken a doubt about the future up there in the logical circuitry and formulated a potential solution. And then that’s what this is doing. And now it feels pressured to express it as an opinion. Okay. Because then it connects through to the throat. In the, um, in the gate 62, which helps take that opinion and translate it into language.

So there’s a lot of pattern recognition in this gate because it is logical. There’s a lot about patterns there which is what logical does is it sees all these patterns. And so this is what will happen based on what has happened before. Right. and so these are people that are really good at recognizing patterns and how things have occurred.

Mm-hmm , mm-hmm . Yeah. they have a eye for seeing and understanding like frameworks and structures. they may not be able to really share what they understand instantly, but they, you know, again, they can see it. They say it’s the gate of the right eye. You’re very, these are visually oriented people.

And it’s, um, taking the world at a glance, seeing it as a collection of visual recognizable patterns. We were really probably really good. Remember the match game, God, I used to love the

Hali: I love playing the match game.

Dana: I can do this. Now. This gate 17 does not show up on my Bodygraph because it is activated on my, um, Bodygraph in Chiron.

So Chiron influences the chart, but it doesn’t activate the gates, but there is an influence there for sure. And that’s where mine and, you know, this is, you know, trying to take opinion as fact, and it’s not, it’s not a fact. , it’s an opinion.

Hali: I have it on my unconscious and conscious design.

Dana: oh, you do.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: Hmm.

Hali: I love patterns.

Dana: you know, what’s funny is that my dominant way of thinking is knowing, and here I am talking about different ways of thinking and trying to explain what I know about it. And I don’t really have the language about it. Like I can see it, feel it, I sense it in a way in my head, but I’m just like, how do I, how do I explain what it is?

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: it’s kind of ironic. Isn’t it?

Hali: just, just a little bit.

Dana: So you have your opinion about things, about how things might be and how you want to influence things. And, just kind of go through with that direction.

Like you think, what is happening, what’s gonna happen and go, but, uh, challenge here is to learn to share thoughts about what you think is gonna happen only when people ask for ’em and not let doubt and suspicion keep you from seeing other potential outcomes.

Like don’t get so fixed in one in one direction there. People with this, Energy can use the power of their minds to explore potentials and possibilities and inspire other people to think bigger and bold. So there’s still, there is a lot, like you said, in that circuitry, cuz it’s looking forward, logical circuitry is looking forward to possibility and what could happen.

Whereas, you know, the other side of the sensing is always looking back and saying, what did happen? What did it mean? And then the knowing is like, oh, here’s something new. we don’t know where it came from. It’s just here

So those are the gates of the Ajna center, our mental awareness. And I know we had talked about doing the head and the mind together or the head and the Ajna together. They do work together. Might have been easier, but boy that’d be a Whopper of an episode.

Hali: that’d be so long.

Dana: it’s so long part twos, part threes, which is fine. But um, but I, I think it. I love how you can. Well, maybe that is my pattern seeing in mind, but how you can see how, um, the process starts and how it starts influencing, what we do because we, and that we’re all going to tend to lean maybe more logical or more abstract, or, you know, you can be a blend of things, but, um, you can see how it also can create anxiety, mental anxiety.

If, like you said, you have a couple different dominant energies there, right? That are kind of always playing against each other in a way. And that’s also why it’s important to remember that this is not where you, make your real decisions because there’s always gonna be conflict inherent in there in, in the mind, cuz it’s just gonna keep turning things over and reviewing and researching, going and going and going.

It’s not meant to be the boss. This is it’s a research center.

Hali: I mean between my head and my Ajna. I have a definition in every single circuit there

Dana: mm-hmm yeah,

Hali: in both in both parts.

Dana: yeah, yeah. You’re you got all three of those head gates and um, and so there will be that push and pull between you of like, and you probably do try to tend to want to make things more logical and just kind of know what you mean. Cuz you have those hanging gates there, you feel like there’s more of this.

Like you feel like you’re missing something. So you’re kind of striving to be at times a lot more logical instead of leaning into, oh, you know, it’s like, it’s cool. I’m not gonna really. Have a reasoning behind this, I’m here to, you know, let it just kind of drop in and see that more, uh, sensing side of your mental process.

I can definitely see why there’s some push and pull there in your mental process of how it is you want to express what it is you’re thinking. and so best thing to remember is that if you’re defined your natural state is your own fixed way of thinking and the gifts that you carry are having, um, more, more structure for processing and kind of computing information and kind of more leaning into the dominant way that your mind wants to, to function, which said for your more dominant, your strong suit, is that abstraction.

if you’re undefined, remember that there is no consistency there to your thought patterns, you’re more fluid, adaptable, able to soak up new ideas and concepts and, um, without becoming too fixed on one thing or the other, but you really need to be come more comfortable with uncertainty because there’s never really gonna be, definite certainty there because you’re undefined, and not to worry too much about understanding things, um, remembering things or comparing yourself unfavorably to the defined minds around you, which there’s more undefined minds out there than defined.

I mean, it’s pretty even, but there’s a little bit more, And then, like I said, defined don’t overthink things. don’t let the thinking override your whole life.

Hali: don’t get stuck in your head.

Dana: Don’t get stuck in your head. Right. But that’s where we all are. It’s what we’ve all been taught to be is in our head. But like I said earlier through this exploration of this and through the exploration of the whole Human Design thing is to show that that’s funny, I awareness first of all, how things operate, but you know, we’re now being able to understand how to harness the power of the mind for what it’s good at,

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: you know, and.

There’s so much. We don’t, I can’t, you know, we, like I said, I keep saying this, but we’re really gonna push through and get through all these centers. But when we can talk more about, you know, mindset’s my jam of how our minds work and how we, we were talking earlier about forming beliefs and how to change beliefs and how to really alter, the course of your life or, or how things are coming to you based on using your mind and the way it’s meant to be a little more focused and possibility oriented.

Hali: One, one aspect oflearning about Human Design that I really like is how it’s, it’s a lot about sharing. Like it’s about, even when you have definition, it’s more about sharing. What, what that definition is than like, just harnessing it for yourself.

Dana: well, that’s why we say like knowing what your, your purpose is really is like where your strengths lie is that because you cannot help, but broadcast to those around you, what your consistent defined things are in your chart. That’s what it does. That’s why it feels natural to us. We don’t recognize it as our gifts because it’s our natural state.

A lot of the times, you know, for the most part. And I mean, you can still find conditioning there, but you’re much more, um, Likely to feel a little more solid in those parts of yourself. And like I said, yes, they are. Those parts of you are here for those that are undefined in those areas to learn about those themes and vice versa.

You know, so it’s always this like you said, sharing, it’s this give and take that is there between all of us. And when you can look at it in that big picture way of how beautiful it is that we all have all these pieces that are meant to connect and, vibe off each other.

Hali: it’s making me feel warm inside.

Dana: Woo.

But that’s also good to have the awareness of what is also happening because it can also, if you don’t understand, it can also. Be seen as, you know, areas that were weak where we’re not, you know, it’s just like, it just is. And I just love it. And I’m glad, glad you see it like that.

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: cause it’s what it’s, it’s what it’s.

All right. Well, we’ll wrap up today. I think we’ve yammered on enough. always say that, but, but I mean, it so it’s been fun exploring how our minds want to work

and um, yeah. So we appreciate everybody listening today and we’re gonna be coming back at you the next time with some throat

Hali: with the last center, right? The last one.

Dana: uh,

Hali: a doozy.

Dana: too.

I think we talked about this might be a two-parter I think

Hali: there’s so many

Dana: that. Didn’t we do a two-parter episode on another one. We did another

Hali: Yeah. On something.

Dana: I can’t remember. We

Hali: know We did a two partner.

Dana: Yeah, we did. I know. Well, it’s alright. We’ll do another one. It’ll be fun because yeah, there’s um, it’s like 11 gates, I

Hali: Yes. I just counted it as.

Dana: 11 gates and, but it’s, it’s pretty important center.

They all are. I mean, honestly, have we gotten to one yet? This is what we could do without that.

Hali: Well, this one you don’t really need. It’s like, you’re what your pancreas is. That is that the organ you can live without? No, no, what’s the gallbladder. I don’t know.

It’s falling apart. It’s falling apart.

Dana: technically you say, they say you can live without your physical spleen,

Hali: Yeah, I was fine.

Dana: but I think you’re born with it, I think it’s kind of important. I mean, you can’t live without it, but, um, anyways,

Hali: My

Dana: was doing so good at wrapping up this episode and then you just totally derailed it.

Hali: I was sorry.

Dana: So for reals this time, we’re gonna wrap it up. We’re gonna let everybody go. Have a good night Hali.

I love you. And bye

Hali: Bye. Bye.

Dana: bye.

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