The biggest misconception about decision making is that you need to use your head…as in your mind is the final authority.  Human design teaches us that your decision making authority actually resides in the body, and in today’s episode, we’re going to dig into what that really means.

Learn about splenic vs. emotional authority, and we’ll walk through the different possible authorities for each energy Type.  Grab a copy of your chart and dive in!

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!


[00:00:00] Dana: And that’s really what is so awesome about learning Human Design is because it gets us out of our heads for decision-making because we are intellectual beings, we do think, and we reason, and the mind is for processing and questioning, but it’s not for making decisions because every time your mind makes a decision, it will then also come up with a reason why that’s the wrong decision.

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist.

[00:00:39] Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today? We’re diving into

[00:00:50] Dana: The authorities. There you go again.

[00:00:56] Hali: It’s my thing, now.

[00:00:57] Dana: Ah, okay. Makes everything sound like it’s

[00:01:00] Hali: You hate it?

[00:01:02] Dana: It’s okay. If it’s, if it’s going to be your thing, I can not dissuade you from that for sure. fruitless lets you live your life.

[00:01:13] Hali: Yeah.

[00:01:14] Dana: Absolutely. So authority. So we’re getting into another layer here, which is fun. We covered the types and the strategy and so well, do you have an understanding of what authority is.

[00:01:32] Hali: I have no idea what it is other than what you’ve kind of told me. And then it’s like, it’s the way I think of it. Is it, it flavors, your strategy?

[00:01:44] Dana: Influences. Yeah.

[00:01:45] Hali: It gives it a little sprinkle,

[00:01:48] Dana: Yeah. In a way.

[00:01:49] Hali: It is. I really don’t know what it is.

[00:01:52] Dana: Okay. Well then you’re in the right place.

[00:01:56] Hali: Wow.

[00:01:57] Dana: Really are a newbie. Okay. Wel,l authority. Yes. It influences your strategy, but it does not change the strategy. And as we covered before strategy is inherent to each type. So if you’re a manifestor, you have, uh, your strategies to inform if you are a generator, it is what, Hali?

[00:02:24] Hali: Oh. And, uh, wait to respond.

[00:02:26] Dana: Correct. If you are a manifesting generator, I feel like I am in a classroom. You’re ready. You’re sitting up at attention. Okay. Ask me next. Raise my hand. If you’re a manifesting generator, your strategy is

[00:02:41] Hali: If you have to wait to respond, but also, um, you have to, um, uh, wait for the invitation.

[00:02:49] Dana: Nope. Nope,

[00:02:51] Hali: that’s me

[00:02:51] Dana: Um,

[00:02:52] Hali: Uh, it’s the

[00:02:53] Dana: You wait to respond. that’s correct

[00:02:55] Hali: Wait to respond. Oh, and you have to inform

[00:02:58] Dana: Correct. Before taking action, correct? Uh, okay. So for projectors,

[00:03:04] Hali: that one’s wait for the invitation or the recognition.

[00:03:06] Dana: Yes. Correct. And for reflectors,

[00:03:09] Hali: Uh, I don’t remember that one.

[00:03:12] Dana: They don’t, um, they have to wait 28 days lunar cycle.

[00:03:16] Hali: Oh, that’s the moon,

[00:03:18] Dana: the moon, LA Luna. Um, okay. So those are the strategies of the different types. So authority basically helps you navigate life in tandem with your strategy, but kind of helps you when you’re needing to make maybe smaller decisions, because say as a projector, uh, the waiting for the invitation, and we talked about how these aren’t invitations, you know, simple, small things.

Those are the big invitations where your energy is being called forth and is needed by certain people. And you could, potentially at times receive invitations that aren’t correct for you. So authority helps you kind of delineate what would be a correct invitation and what wouldn’t be and so same thing with all the other types, even a generator, while they’re waiting to respond to something on a, on a bigger decision level, they can also, just take these little, you know, they have the sacral response, which also helps them, immensely. And, um, so authority just kinda, while you’re waiting for the strategy piece to quote unquote, kick in or waiting for the right timing, it kind of helps you navigate these smaller, decisions, really. So, really you’ll hear that there’s lots of, lots of different types of authorities, because again, authority is determined by your own particular definition. And So that means what centers are defined or not defined in your chart helps determine authority. But when you look at the chart, You see, on the one side, the spleen, and then you see on the other side, the solar plexus, those are the two triangles that are pointing at each other.

And those two really are the two main ways that authority works. It’s either in the moment, splenic authority or it’s over time clarity over time waiting emotional authority.

[00:05:33] Hali: So that’s why I’m a splenic projector?

[00:05:37] Dana: Yes, you have, you have a defined spleen to the root.

You have a defined spleen to the root

[00:05:40] Hali: I have a splenic splenic

[00:05:43] Dana: authority, splenic.

It’s the spleen, but you have splenic authority

[00:05:50] Hali: Yay. English.

[00:05:53] Dana: I know I was thinking the same thing. We’re not splenic or splenic. So an important thing to note, because it can get kind of. Uh, might feel a little complicated if we dive into all the different types, because, um, there are variations for different types of authority.

And I mean, variations on authority for the different types is what I should say. And when you’re looking at a chart generating software, genetic matrix, like, you know, it’ll tell you your type, your strategy and your authority. It spits out some weird, uh, authorities sometimes, um, that overcomplicate the matter.

Um, and so what I hope to do today is keep it as simple as possible and really note the fact that all the types will either, you know, you’re either going to be waiting over time to make a decision, or you can trust your in the moment knowingness.

So that’s the main two parts. So as we talked about the splenic center, and the emotional solar plexus. Now these two centers are one of the two places in the chart where, it is different from the energy centers in the chakra system. So like the chakra system that I, learned about through yoga and meditation and all those studies was seven centers. Okay.

And we’re going to do an in depth more in depth thing on centers. There were seven, but Human Design tells us that in, uh, when, um, in 1781, I believe it is when they discovered all those outer planets, you know, a little bit about astronomy. Right?

[00:07:43] Hali: I know all the planets in Spanish.

[00:07:44] Dana: Go ahead, Hali, go ahead. I knew. I knew you were going to say that. So go ahead. You want to do it? It’s your talent. It’s your party trick. Go ahead.

There you

[00:08:06] Hali: Pluto

[00:08:09] Dana: Nebulous.

[00:08:11] Hali: that’s Neptune.

[00:08:12] Dana: And what’s Pluto?

[00:08:15] Hali: Pluto. Doesn’t have one

[00:08:17] Dana: Oh, what happened? I know it’s not technically

[00:08:20] Hali: Well, what I learned and it wasn’t a planet, I guess. I don’t know

[00:08:24] Dana: oh,

[00:08:24] Hali: but it’s Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune,

[00:08:34] Dana: and Pluto. Now in Human Design and astrology, we still count Pluto as a planet it

still influence.

[00:08:40] Hali: Pluto is the best.

[00:08:41] Dana: Uh, where were we?

Oh, okay. So yeah. So with the discovery of these outer planets, it kind of shifted the human energy system. And this is where we got the two quote-unquote extra centers that you see in the Human Design chart.

One being the heart chakra split into two. So what we know as an Human Design is the G center and the will center, which is also referred to as the ego center. But I like to refer to it as the will center. And then we have the solar plexus because in the chakra system, it was, the head, the ajna center, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root.

And now we see that the hearts chakras split into those two, like I said, and then the solar plexus center split into the emotional solar plexus center and the spleen. And it’s really interesting. Um, over time, just more and more that you learn that gets revealed to you, or you just start to understand more is probably more accurate, but basically it, those two centers, the spleen and the solar plexus are about in the moment, reactive decision making or more deliberate over time with clarity, decision-making okay? You with me? Okay. So the splenic center is the center of instinct survival, um, health wellbeing, timing in the moment.

[00:10:24] Hali: That’s the very like primal one, right?

[00:10:26] Dana: yes, it’s it is our, one of our first awareness centers as humans, meaning yes, it’s what helped us survive. It is instinct. It is the fight or flight that helps us, that helped us survive.

and get to the top of the, uh, what was it called top of the food chain. Okay. I’ll take it.

[00:10:51] Hali: But I think food chains, what you’re going for.

[00:10:54] Dana: Yeah. And this, the splenic, response, it’s an intuitive pulse. It is very much in the moment and it doesn’t repeat itself because this is the center that when you were being chased by something that wanted to eat you, or you saw it across the field, you were Like I gotta go, you know, I gotta get outta here.

It just gave you that fight or flight you know, response. That is the spleen and it doesn’t, you don’t sit there and try to, reason it out or think about it. This kind of response is just like now you got to go, right? And we still have that instinctual awareness. However, we’re no longer hopefully being chased that often by things that want to eat us. There are things that definitely, uh, endanger our lives that your spleen will speak to you and tell you, no, don’t do that.

Don’t walk down that dark alley. Don’t, don’t drive 150 miles an hour, without proper precautions. It could be fun, but

[00:11:56] Hali: Like you like looked like flashback. Like you’d been

[00:11:59] Dana: there before


I didn’t flash I thought about it. I was like, I’d like to do that.

[00:12:05] Hali: There are like, there are like some places that you can, uh, basically like sign up to rent and drive race cars.

[00:12:13] Dana: Oh we’ll do it. I’m a good driver. I like to drive as you know, but anyways, so this, uh, awareness center can kind of wreak havoc on our daily lives now in our modern world, because we don’t have those same needs of survival in that sense. But the response is still the same. It’s, it’s a pulse. It’s what is best and healthy for you in the moment.

And it doesn’t hang around and talk into it. It tells you once, and then it’s gone. It’s like

I told ya

[00:12:48] Hali: You better pay attention.

[00:12:50] Dana: Right? . But just knowing that it is that in the moment response, and then the emotional solar plexus, as I said, this is more of a clarity over time.

And so what does that mean? Right?

[00:13:08] Hali: Yeah.

[00:13:09] Dana: Yeah.

[00:13:10] Hali: Yeah. Tell me, tell me.

[00:13:12] Dana: So the solar plexus, the emotional solar plexus is a motor. We talked about That right. And one of the first episodes.

[00:13:24] Hali: That was the last episode. Yeah.

[00:13:27] Dana: Okay. And this, energy that helps move energy through, through the chart operates in waves. And so there’s variations on these waves and the waves are determined by your definition in the solar plexus. So remember we talked about definition is where you, um, connect through a channel to another center and that determines if it’s defined or not.

So there are these waves of feeling and you kind of have to wait out a wave to make bigger decisions. So mantra for people with emotional authority is there’s no clarity in the now splenic there’s clarity. Emotional authority. We have to wait. Why? Well, because

you know, what a wave looks like on a sine wave is that what they call it, you know, it goes up and down?

[00:14:21] Hali: Yeah,

[00:14:22] Dana: Yeah. So if you were looking at a sound wave or, you know, it goes up, it goes down and it’s usually, uh, like a vibration of energy. You see it has ups and downs, ups and downs. And then if you were to, sorry, if you were to draw, draw a line through the

middle point. I know. Cause I talk with my hands.

[00:14:42] Hali: But not only that, I think you keep hitting the cord. So I keep hearing that too,

[00:14:46] Dana: No, I shouldn’t be

[00:14:47] Hali: even when your hands are like, maybe it’s you hitting your mic and I don’t see it, but it’s like when your hands are here and lower, no, it’s

[00:14:53] Dana: try to I’ll wave my hands above my head. I am a hand talker. There’s a reason for that gesturing is important. Ooh. Which I’m very excited about. We’re going to do an episode on that one day about how the brain works and, and, um, really cool things anyways. So where was I?

[00:15:17] Hali: sound waves.

[00:15:18] Dana: Oh yeah. So if you were to look at a vibrational wave sound wave vibration, and it has the undulations up and down, if you were to draw a line through the middle gives you, the baseline basically, it’s what, you know, a baseline of energy is.

I hope that makes sense. So people with emotional authority. The emotional solar plexus, since it operates in waves, there is no truth in the now because you may be in the high part of your wave your low. And that means like emotional energy and making decisions from a high or a low spot could be inconsistent.

So it’s important to know half of us have emotional authority and half of us do not.

[00:16:04] Hali: when you say emotional authority, are you, do you mean talking about the solar plexus specifically or is there another way to be an emotional authority? Just as a, okay.

[00:16:14] Dana: one way to be an emotional authority is if you are defined in the solar plexus.

[00:16:18] Hali: okay.

[00:16:20] Dana: Okay.

And so half of the population is defined in the solar plexus and half is not. And so you can see also how relationally over time that can create a lot of confusion with people and disagreements in relationships, because some of us can move fast, and some of us, can’t. There’s a lot of reasons for that also, besides just emotional authority. But that’s the biggest, one is that it’s not correct for our decision-making. Which also can contribute to the reason why so many people are experiencing or in things that just, they’re not happy because they entered into it either rushed or incorrectly, they don’t feel good about they didn’t trust their body’s response to, what was correct for them.

And that’s really what is so awesome about learning about Human Design is because it gets us out of our heads for decision-making because we are intellectual beings, we do think, and we reason, and the mind is for processing and questioning, but it’s not for making decisions because every time your mind makes a decision, it will then also come up with a reason why that’s the wrong decision.

Or maybe I didn’t make the right decision. It’s just constant questioning, which I’m sure you’re familiar with with your defined head, all the questions. So human Design, especially with authority helps us when it, when it can pinpoint for you and show you what kind of authority, what kind of either, sensation or mechanism you should be working with when making decisions big and small, you can see how it could start, start to help you make things that are aligned with, in line with what’s correct for your energy. Did I say that right? Did I say that? Okay,

[00:18:17] Hali: I, I didn’t exactly follow it.

[00:18:20] Dana: were you’re not listening to me.

[00:18:23] Hali: I don’t, there was a lot of words in there.

[00:18:26] Dana: It happens. I’m sorry. Anyway. So, um, the biggest difference we said between splenic authority and emotional authority, reactive versus deliberate decision making. And then if you have an emotional authority, no matter what type you are, you’re going to have some sort of wave.

[00:18:45] Hali: How do you basically, how do you know when, so you don’t go into a low or, you know, go pass your ideal decision point.

[00:18:54] Dana: You’re right. Because since there are ups and downs, you want to get, you want to be entering in or answering from that baseline point.

And so in order to do that, you have to wait through a cycle, at least one cycle of a wave. So that’s how it’s important to why it’s important to start paying attention to that.

So it all it’ll play out a little different for each type. But the truth is if it’s a yes, you feel, yes, it has to stay a yes, over time. So like, say, you’re offered a, a job or you’re offered a new position, at your job. And when you first offered it depending on your type, you know, might be a yes, but you say that’s, you know, thank you for the opportunity, can I get back to you tomorrow? At least give yourself time, at least 24 hours or just sleeping on it, like sleeping on it is the best thing ever, because it’ll save you a lot of time and a lot of money in the long run, but saying yes to things that you then later regret, because depending on how, where you were on your wave.

And I would say for myself, this is what has cured me from shiny object syndrome. Knowing that I am emotional authority and that I cannot, or I should not make decisions like that in the moment I, I have definitely made purchases committed to things that I probably shouldn’t have mainly purchase FOMO.

You know? I mean,

[00:20:40] Hali: Yeah.

[00:20:40] Dana: I mean, I hate to use such, trendy clever, you know, maybe it’s not even trend anymore FOMO to say that,

[00:20:47] Hali: Yeah. I don’t know if it is.

[00:20:49] Dana: you tell me twenty-five year old.

[00:20:52] Hali: I don’t know should ask Ian,

[00:20:55] Dana: Yeah. He’d probably

tell us anything we talk about is not cool to talk about.

[00:21:02] Hali: He’s too cool for us.

[00:21:04] Dana: too cool, but, yeah, I mean, we’re, we’re taught that we need to make these snap decisions. Everybody should know what they want in the moment. If it’s a hell yes, go for It Right then right there, don’t hesitate, strike while the iron’s hot, right? Well, for half the people on this planet,

[00:21:24] Hali: like a generator.

[00:21:26] Dana: no, not necessarily for half the people on this planet, thats’ a bad idea because, um,

[00:21:32] Hali: Hello?

[00:21:33] Dana: Yeah.

You can, you’ve got splenic authority. I have emotional authority. So this is one of those areas that we can let’s discuss. So again, if you are presented with an opportunity and it’s a yes, wait it out. But if during that time, when you’re like, oh, you said yes, but then you’re like, well maybe yes. And you just, you know, maybe over a 24 hour period or a couple of days, if you have time to think about something, you feel yourself talking yourself into it.

Reasons why you should take the opportunity or, maybe it won’t be that bad. You know? I said, yes. Do I really mean yet? Like, if you’re all over the place, that’s not something you should probably say yes to. Let’s put it that way.

[00:22:19] Hali: Yeah, that makes sense.

[00:22:21] Dana: Yeah. So, because if you do enter into something that you are all over the place, your decision-making probably your experience of that, then we’ll be all over the place.

Whatever you enter into, you’ll always have highs and lows because, our authorities are here to tell us what’s right for us. And what’s right for us is pulling us in the direction of what we want. what we really want that magnetic monopole is attracting to us what we really want. And if we aren’t really paying attention to what feels good to us and what we really want, and we’re getting really clear on that, then we’re going to get a hodgepodge of everything.

And then that’s why people feel uncertain. I know I certainly did a lot So yes. Best thing. Emotional start plotting your waves. . I It is hard to tease out my emotional wave because I would never, I know I’m a, I can be an emotional person, but not a hysterical emotional person, but I think that comes from years of practicing self-awareness because you

[00:23:21] Hali: I don’t really see you as, like, you’re not an emotional person. That doesn’t mean you’re not like

[00:23:27] Dana: no moody

[00:23:29] Hali: or yeah. You’re not like I like, no, you don’t have weird mood swings or in like the, I would say you’re pretty consistent.

[00:23:36] Dana: well, that’s good because you’re not emotional. So you would pick up on that. If you, you could probably tell me better than I can, what my moods are, because you can feel that energy from me when we’re in contact, you know, which I’ve, I’ve been trying to notice that up and trying to pay attention to that when we’re, actually in the same room with each other.

Cause you live too. Yeah, cause we’re here together now, but we always get along just fine. The two of us. But I’ve been noticing, especially like the last time you were home, how I would notice it now, like when we were, I don’t know if we were eating dinner or something. You, me, your dad, your brother. And I think Presley, your fiance was there last time you were here.

Yeah. Yeah. Um, how much more intensely, you got annoyed with your father and you know, we love him dearly, but he annoys me a bit. I mean, let’s face, it we’ve been together for like 30 years. So there’s going to be personality things that I try to temper. I can feel myself maybe doing it too much. So I try to pull back, but that’s when you ramp up. And I noticed it that’ll be a Hali stop.

And that’s why,

[00:24:56] Hali: you

[00:24:56] Dana: I’m like,

maybe I need to stop because you were getting hot

[00:25:01] Hali: He was really annoying,

[00:25:05] Dana: You were getting hot I was like, Hali. Come on.

[00:25:09] Hali: really annoying.

[00:25:12] Dana: That’s my fault, it’s probably my fault because people with emotional energy, they do hold the emotional energy. They’re responsible for the emotional energy in the room. And I don’t, I not, like I said, I don’t think your dad has emotional authority. Ian does. And Presley does not. So Ian and I in that group were holding the emotional authority the emotional energy in the room.

[00:25:40] Hali: you’re holding us all hostage.

[00:25:42] Dana: luckily we’re both pretty low key,

[00:25:45] Hali: Yeah.

[00:25:46] Dana: But anyways, so

[00:25:47] Hali: nine times out of 10, we all get. Get along. We all get together. Get along.

[00:25:54] Dana: we Get along.

very well. We do, we enjoy each other’s company.

[00:25:59] Hali: We have fun.

[00:26:00] Dana: Yeah. So, all right, so let’s dive into, um, by type what, what authorities, each type, can have and how that might be experienced to the best of my ability to kind of tease it out right now.

[00:26:17] Hali: Oh

[00:26:19] Dana: Okay. Okay. So manifestors, as we talked about, they have the strategy of informing and we also talked about how the. Have their own internal, creative flow. They have an internal process, so they’re not responding to things necessarily outside of them for knowing when to initiate. Okay. For them to get into action. And so manifestors can have essentially three different types of authority. They could have, uh, emotional authority, And it can be kind of intense with an, um, emotional manifestors. Their emotions tend to run a little bit intensely because, um, again, this is all very internal process for manifestors and they will still, even though they can initiate and to get into action, if they have an emotional authority, they do have to have an awareness of what their, uh, wave is so that they’re not jumping into action when it’s not really the right time for them.

It’s not, outside world is telling them it’s very much an internal process for them. So they still have to, you know, cause when they S a lot of times you’ll hear people would wish they were manifestors because they don’t have to wait for anything. And they just do whatever they want. That’s not really true.

I think if you take the fact that 9% of the population are manifestors, okay, so that’s a small group. And then, generally half of them are going to be emotional. So that means there’s a smaller, like 4% ish.

[00:28:00] Hali: Four and a half

[00:28:01] Dana: yeah.

Um, and even smaller than that, because Four and a half. Okay. So they’re not emotional, so they’re more in the moment, but then we’ll break it down to two more authorities.

So it’s actually gets down to a very small percentage of people on the planet that are designed to act. And yet the whole world revolves around, at least in our culture and the Western world and America revolves around just do it. So, so half

of them are meant to wait. . Oh, I forgot one important part. If we’re going to rank authorities by what has the most authority like a hierarchy of authorities, I guess, ranking what’s emotional is always first.

So no matter what your type is, if you look at the chart and your solar plexus is, um, defined, you have emotional authority, that’s it? That is your top dog authority. It rules your life.

[00:29:02] Hali: So can you have multiple authorities?

[00:29:05] Dana: No, you could have multiple. Definitely. I mean, yes and no. I sh that was a quick, that was that. Okay. That was a quick like generator sacral response.

[00:29:14] Hali: Yeah.

[00:29:16] Dana: Cause no, but it’s kinda know, and this is, this is this. Applies here with manifestors and generators. You’ll see what I mean? So say that a manifestor does not have a defined solar plexus, so they’re not emotional, but they’re defined through the will center to the throat. Okay. Or will center through the G center to the throat whatever it is.

The, the will center is the main motor that is generating that because the hierarchy would say that the, um, emotional solar plexus, the will center, the ego center and the, um, for a manifestor and, um,

[00:29:59] Hali: It sounds like more of a flow chart.

[00:30:03] Dana: Well, it’s Bodygraph is chart

in a

[00:30:05] Hali: no. So you’re saying if your, if your solar plexus as a find your emotional, if it’s not, then you’re moved to the next one, which is the G center. If that’s defined then

[00:30:14] Dana: no, no,

[00:30:15] Hali: whatnot, then whatever you want, the wish one willpower will, whatever one you just said.

[00:30:20] Dana: All right, let me back it up. Okay.

Manifester. This is just for manifestor emotional ego manifested or what they call splenic authority in a, in a manifestor. Okay. So if they’re not emotional, they’re going to be one of these other two and for a manifestor. This is, and that would be the will center again.

It’s also called the ego center, so it will be called ego manifested. This is all about the energy on the material plane. So. Uh, manifestor with this kind of authority is going to be responding to clues in the material plane. It’s not the same as a generator that needs to wait to respond to things. It’s just more of a manifestor will get, uh, more clues when their ego manifested like this, from that it’s the right time.

They’ll just see things, they know it’s the right time. It’s a confirmation of the right time for them, but it doesn’t rule their timing. And it also informs them if they have the energy to initiate because that motor center, um, works to, um, rest it like empties like a gas tank. If you deplete it, you gotta fill it back up before it’ll kick in again.

[00:31:40] Hali: Remind me again, what all the motors are.

[00:31:44] Dana: Hm

[00:31:44] Hali: There’s the, I said the, the motors is, is the root, the sacral, the solar plexus the Wilson center.

[00:31:55] Dana: You got it. Okay. So as we know, manifestors do not have a defined sacral center.

So the next, um, authority, I, you can’t see the quotation marks and would be a splenic authority for manifestor. So that the only way for a manifestor to have splenic authority is if they are defined from the root. Goes through the spleen, to the throat.

That is true splenic authority for a manifestor. And that, the root is not very consistent either. You don’t know when it’s going to give that pulse of energy that’s needed the timing of in the now. So. That is very much a manifestor needing to be. It’s probably, probably one of the easier, uh, authorities, authorities pretty complicated for a manifestor because they are like very much internal.

They have to be really clued into their own internal world and how they operate to, to know when to move into action is probably why so many disastrous things in history, probably from manifestors that were acting when they shouldn’t have conquering nations and shit like that. anyways. I digress.

So if they have splenic authority, They’ll get that pulse it’ll feel right, because it’s going through the spleen. They can feel that it’s the right time. This is the right thing to do. This feels good. Boom. They can go into action right away. But if they’re defined for the emotional solar plexus, they’re going to have to kind of wait through that wave a little bit longer.

It can be very, I can imagine it’s gotta be really frustrating to be an emotional manifester, to

like, want to go. And no, you can, but also you’ve got to just make sure you’re in the right space basically, you know, and if you’re a ego manifestor

they have to figure out if they’re at the right, right energy. So anyways, that’s the basics. Sorry. If I complicated it, it’s a harder one to understand. I think

[00:34:10] Hali: still confused on whether I’m confused on whether it’s a hierarchy or a flow chart.

[00:34:16] Dana: Well, I think it’s more of a hierarchy because no matter what type you are, if you have emotional authority, that is going to be the number one authority. Okay.

[00:34:28] Hali: No, but you said, you said that emotionally we’ll be the number one authority, but you can’t have more than one authority. So I’m confused how it can be the number one authority when you can’t have more than one authority.

[00:34:41] Dana: Maybe it’s the way I said it. Well, okay. I understand what you’re saying. I understand the confusion. So you are going to have a dominant authority as. Yeah. If you’re emotionally defined, right. Cause that’s

[00:35:00] Hali: And you mean dominant as a, not like, like that authority as an emotional one, his stomach. It’ll what

[00:35:10] Dana: well, I think if we move on to generators, it’ll help clarify this because I can use myself again as an example.

[00:35:20] Hali: Okay. Well then we’ll move on and I’ll see if I still have questions. The same

[00:35:25] Dana: So the, uh, generator. Okay. So the generators can have a couple different as well, but mainly it’s going to be emotional or it’s going to be a sacral splenic response. Okay.

Hang with me.

That is because again, if you look at a chart and you’re a generator, and if you have your solar plexus, defied, you are emotional full stop. Even though you have sacral authority that gives you that yes or no sacral response in the moment, that is not the end of the story there for your decision-making for, for the bigger things.

Right. I mean, it is for what do you want to eat, but it’s not for, you know, should I buy that couch? You know, it’s like, let me think about it. Okay.

So this is where you could see the hierarchy because I. I’m emotionally defined, but I have a sacral center, which is also an authority for generators, because you can be a generator and have a sacral authority and not be emotional. Right. So like Presley has a sacral authority and what they also you’ll see it on the chart sometimes they call it a pure generator because that sacral response is the, in the moment. Yes, or no. Is the final decision point for a generator, their sake role we’ll tell them yes or no. And I know you’ve seen that.

Okay. There’s no wishy-washy there. And, uh, I mean, they could have a no and still proceed as a yes. Going against their authority, but their authority is their sacral. Yes or no. And the more they can tap into. The better they’ll be. But, um, and then you might also see on a chart as a generato, might say that you’re a splenic generator, because you might have, um, definition to your spleen as well with say Grohl, spleen, or even the root going through to the spleen.

And that sense, again, that sacral center as a dominant motor over the root, you know, so, and the spleen, isn’t a motor, so it’s not going to make any decision there. The sacral response, in a generator and a splenic response are kind of very much feel the same. They’re the same kind of thing, right? Because, sacral like yes or no, that’s good or not. You know, it’s not going to your sacral response. It’s not going to lead you to something that’s not good for you. Does that make sense?

[00:38:18] Hali: Yeah,

[00:38:18] Dana: So that’s what I mean by the hierarchy, because, okay. I have emotional authority. I’m a generator and I’m defined in the spleen,

[00:38:27] Hali: so

[00:38:27] Dana: that’s Yeah.

no root, but that does mean that I am, even though those other two centers are defined, my emotional authority is the number one dominant authority for me. I have to, even though I get intuitive hits or, you know, I so I could play it out.

Like I get an intuitive hit. My sacral says yes or no. And if it says yes and I get really excited, like, oh, I pay attention to that because I’ve been thinking about this, then that showed up and Ooh, that’s confirmation. Yes, it feels good while I still have to wait. I got to ride the wave and make sure. And I mean, at least kind of wait, like I said, I’ve really gotten better at not feeling I have to make decisions, um, important decisions right away that I can now give myself a little bit more time to make decisions, to see how I really feel about them. And that’s a tremendous, tremendous help.


[00:39:30] Hali: wonder if that is like, have the feeling of having to say, have an answer to things right away. If that’s more of a. Uh, issue in the U S compared to other places,

[00:39:42] Dana: Yeah. I don’t know. I mean, I do think, yeah, I think we know that experience here. Definitely think life moves at a slower pace in other parts of the world. And so maybe they are given that grace of more time to think about things, but yeah, there’s something definitely in the American culture of you must be decisive.

If you’re

indecisive, you’re weak. Like where did that come from? Like really, probably from somebody who didn’t have emotional authority.

[00:40:20] Hali: It was probably, uh, it was probably a splenic manifestor.

[00:40:26] Dana: What’s wrong with you people? Why can’t you make any decisions?

[00:40:28] Hali: Give me an answer.

[00:40:31] Dana: Yeah, cause there’s no one person that definitely came up with that, uh, idea or cultural influence for sure. But it is interesting. Okay. So we’ve covered that. So manifesting generators, again, they, they could be emotional as well or sacral in the moment.

[00:40:51] Hali: So can every type, except for a reflector, have an emotional authority?

[00:40:56] Dana: Yes. I said that earlier, but yes they can. I

did. Yeah, I did. But I throw a lot at you, so,


[00:41:05] Hali: recap in my head.

[00:41:06] Dana: understand that’s what you’re here for. Otherwise I’m just filling the world with more noise. Hopefully not. Yes. Uh, the thing about mgs manifesting generators, you know, if they have sacral response it’s fast. I mean, it is fast in the moment and they’re out the door before you would know they’re gone.

And I believe that’s your father,

[00:41:31] Hali: Probably

[00:41:32] Dana: Because he has sacral, I mean, he has that channel 34 20, which links the sacral center directly to the throat. So that could put them into action fast. Like they said, you know, you could pose the question do you want to go to dinner and they’d get up and they’re out the door before.

They’re like, wait a minute. Do I want to go to dinner?

So if a manifesting generator has sacral, that’s going to be their main response. If they, if they also have a defined will center, which, you know, you think a manifesting generator has to have a sacral to find, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be what motors the throat, you know, it

[00:42:05] Hali: Right. Cause the sacral is what defines a generator.

[00:42:09] Dana: Yes. Yeah. So they could also, they could have like a generator.

or excuse me, sacral to say root. But then separately, they could have their will center, which has also a motor connected to the throat. So, so somebody may be like, well, they’re an ego. No, they’re not. They’re a sacral, you know, a sacral authority.

Cause that motor is power more powerful than the will center is. So um, you know, the only thing that cause, you know, maybe influence that is that, uh, they might not get a sacral response if their will center is if they’re like burned out or tired since that, that will center is a motor that you know has

[00:42:58] Hali: So that was the gas tank.

[00:43:00] Dana: Yeah. So the only way it might influence the, the manifesting generators, if. They’re kind of burned out. They might not get much of a sacral response on something, but their sacral is still their authority. If they’re non-emotional, if they are emotional than what we talked about, they’re going to have to, as hard as it’s going to be for them, they’re going to have to like, they’ll get the yes or no, but before they get out the door, before they tell us, you know, they have to actually sleep on it.

And that again can be a challenge for, um, manifesting generators. But, you know, these challenges are not here to like punish anyone or just make it more difficult for the sake of making it more difficult for people. It’s really a gift to determine, um, if they’re, if they’re going to have the energy to commit to whatever it is they’re being asked of them.

Cause you know, that sacral energy. I can say yes to things that aren’t right for it. And that’s leads to burnout over time because they could be doing work that just doesn’t light them up, or they could be entered into relationships that don’t work for them. So. Okay.


[00:44:14] Hali: so, so manifesting generators it’s either you have an emotional authority or your sacral authority

[00:44:22] Dana: pretty much. Yeah, because there are other motors, but that sacral’s going to override them. Yeah. Same for generators. The sacral’s going to override them generator though. Won’t have a, I mean, will center to the throat or anything like that, but anyways, over-complicating things. All right. So projectors.

[00:44:43] Hali: My favorite.

[00:44:45] Dana: Yes. And so generally projectors can have, uh, different types of authorities. And this is where I think it gets nuanced out to like, you’ll hear a bunch of different types of authorities for projectors, but, there again can be emotional. Half of them are going to be emotional and then the other half, it could be a little variation.

So like, you are splenic. You are defined from your root to your spleen. So that gives you definition. Um, and do you remember when I told you that when I told you about splenic definition about what that, what that, you don’t?

[00:45:19] Hali: No. I know that you told me one time that for making decisions, I have to make sure that at least before I make the decision that I am just by myself to not be like

[00:45:31] Dana: Well, it does

[00:45:32] Hali: with other people.

[00:45:33] Dana: It does help you well, okay. So projectors to really tune into their authority. And even this, you know, this goes for projectors reflectors and, people with non-motorized throats generators, we do all tend to, on top of whatever authority we have need to talk things out a lot of times. Kind of have a sounding board, but more so for projectors and reflectors because there’s no, there’s not necessarily that sacral response or the emotional, um, not the emotional authority.

They don’t have the sacral response, I should say, to assist with that knowingness, that you need to talk things and sound things out, just see how you’re feeling about things. And it’s not the same as asking people for advice. You don’t necessarily want advice. You just want to talk about what your choices are, what you’re thinking about.

Right? So again, if they are emotional, As we said earlier, if they, if you get an ,an invitation, you have to wait out the wave to see if the desire is still there to, accept the invitation stays the same. So if there’s any, I’ll give you an example is a friend of mine, she was trying to transition into a different type of career.

Right. And she was not necessarily finding the invitation she wanted there yet, but she was contacted by, someone she used to know a colleague or a past client that wanted her services for what she used to do, she was really good at it, but it wasn’t what she wanted to do anymore. She had an emotional authority, so with that invitation, she had to wait and see how she felt about it because the mind would get in the way, she even talked to me about it. Um, again, having to sound it out of, well, it’s an invitation, I should take it. Right. You know? Cause I’m a projector. I got invited. That means it must be correct for me.

No, it doesn’t. Not all invitations have to be accepted. That’s where the emotional authority clarity would help determine that if over, couple days or whatever, if they have time to think about it and feel into it and it doesn’t feel right. Don’t accept it. And then that’ll be fine. Same though with good invitations.

If, she’s also talked to me about good things that have come up and wants to talk it out and feels good about it. And if she’s had several days that she’s been going over it and talking about it and thinking about it and it still feels like a real yes to her, then, then that’s probably good for her.


[00:48:20] Hali: Yeah.

[00:48:21] Dana: So splenic authority, as you, gives you the boost in decision-making in between big decisions as well. Because probably for you with a bigger things with splenic authority, you’re going to need to talk out bigger decisions with people you trust just to get just, and it’s really to hear yourself and hear how you think about it. Which also goes into the other types of authorities you’ll hear about with projectors. You’ll hear about self projected or mental projected authorities.

And those are projectors that. See there’s too many of them. That’s why they’re very simple waiting or not waiting. Right. but those are projectors that don’t have any definition, like below the G center, they don’t have any motors or any of that. Right. Those are the more mental projector types. They also, they will have to talk things out.

[00:49:17] Hali: because of projector is no motorized throat and no sacral definition.

[00:49:22] Dana: Right. So they could just have head and ajna defined. They could have throat and ajna defined, but no motors. So this is where it gets a little too nuance for me. I think it makes it too complicated. I think as a projector, either you have emotional authority, splenic authority, and if you don’t have either ones, you definitely, you’re just going to be talking things out, especially with bigger decisions.

I think with no matter what authority you have as a, as a projector, you’re going to be, using that time either as you ride out the wave, to make for the bigger decisions, but for, like splenic someone like you, you kind of have a little bit easier quote-unquote than some other types of projectors, because you do have that little bit of a gut level yes, or no. Should I. should I start taking this supplement? is it okay for me to eat that today? You know, it’s just like, it kind of helps guide you a little bit easier, but still all of big decisions for most projectors. You’re just going to have to talk it out over time.

[00:50:20] Hali: Yes.

[00:50:22] Dana: Last one, reflectors.

So reflectors don’t really have an authority, because there’s nothing internal, because they don’t, have definition in their chart. So there’s nothing internal that helps anchor them into what’s right. For them. So for

[00:50:38] Hali: but they, they don’t have like permanent definition because when the moon goes through, they get some definition. Is that right or no?

[00:50:46] Dana: Yeah, they can get definition throughout the that’s their strategy. That’s part of their strategy of waiting it out. And so what they say for reflectors is that it’s about their authority, which again, I’m doing the quotation marks is about being in the right place because they, they need to feel that they are in the right place in order to help them make aligned decisions. Because it’s all about their environment, the environment that they’re in, in general for reflectors.

And so they are definitely reflectorsdefinitely need trusted, consistent people, couple people in their lives, and they don’t have to all, you know, feel the same way, but they need some consistent people in their lives that they can use as sounding boards, because they need to hear their own process through speaking to other people.

And those people can listen and reflect back to them, what they’re hearing, you know, what they hear the reflector saying. Which helps the reflector then gain clarity about what they’re thinking and what they’re feeling so

[00:52:01] Hali: I feel like being a reflector sounds hard.

[00:52:05] Dana: well. I think anything I’m not sounds harder than I am because of, cause that’s how I am.

[00:52:13] Hali: That’s true

[00:52:13] Dana: That’s how I’m meant to be.

[00:52:14] Hali: But I feel like, I mean, I don’t feel like I have a lot of knowledge about myself, but then like, I feel like listening about you explain like a reflector. I’m like, I just see an empty person.

[00:52:27] Dana: And that’s so not true. Yeah, no, they’re actually very full. I mean, cause they, like I said, they, they don’t have their own as you look at it, definition the chart, but they are literally reflecting back their environment around them all the time. So they actually, I think a lot of times can come off as very vibrant, intense people, depending on the environment they’re in, because that’s what they’re doing, you know, all this is on the subtle energetic level.

I mean, we can, we can learn to tune into it And pay attention to how our bodies feel, which helps gives us clues to what’s going on. But so much of it is at a level that we’re not aware of. and it’s something, you know, that’s. You know, you have more openness in your chart than I do. So it’s even something that it’s good to talk about once you know people’s types and how they’re, where they show up different in their, their charts to get an understanding of it because you can only have your own experience really as yourself. Like I have all my definition, I don’t know what it feels like to be open in all these other areas, which I’m really excited to get into the the centers has that is just another one of those layers that really helps, like, Ooh, really help you gain some clarity around it.

But really so all in all the authority is just to support your decision-making in tandem with your strategy. So as you’re navigating through with your strategy, authority can help you, more fine tune those, those decisions. As you wait for your strategy to kick in.

[00:54:06] Hali: And so like big big picture on the authority, it’s either, right in the now you know, something right now or it’s having to wait, wait for it.

[00:54:19] Dana: I think so. I mean, people may disagree with me, but that’s what I’m gaining a better understanding is that some of us are meant to make decisions a little quicker than others and neither one is incorrect or correct. It just is.

[00:54:35] Hali: It’s just a different way.

[00:54:37] Dana: Yeah. And And like I said, taking it back to, you know, what is in the moment and what is over time? Is, is it reactionary? or is it deliberate And it’s really the evolution of us as human beings. Like I said, the awareness centers, when I talked about earlier about the, um, intuition or the, the splenic center instinct and intuition, you know, that, that’s how we used to make decisions only was quickly, and in the moment? There was not this, emotional awareness so much that was informing.

[00:55:11] Hali: you cut and you, you didn’t really have time to be like, well, should I run from this lion, it looks a little dangerous, but maybe it’s friendly.

[00:55:19] Dana: Yeah. And, and splenic authority, is splenic awarenesses is in all living creatures. it’s an energy center that’s that’s present is this authority of, or not authority, this center, this awareness of what is going to help me survive. You know, whether you’re a plant or a fish or a person, they all have it where, and then.

You know, over time, then we moved into this emotional or not emotional, this mental awareness center, which is what became dominant for so many years. You know, centuries, the thinking mind, the rational mind is what was informing everything. And that, you know, we went away from this like, whoa, the animals act on their instincts.

Right? I am, I am a civilized person. I have a brain and I make decisions with my brain. And this is what we’re recovering from now. Well, think about it. You know, people say, be rational, make a rational decision, make a logical decision. And I think that’s also that split between, the feminine and the masculine and the, the patriarchy is more like let’s be rational and logical about this. Emotions are weak.

You don’t make emotional decisions, this kind of thing. Right. Whereas now we’re moving away from even that mental awareness as being our dominant awareness center to- and this is what was been happening in the last couple of hundred years of us moving away from this, mental awareness to emotional awareness and that I think started happening around that time, when everything split in 1781. Ever since then, we’ve been moving into this more emotionally aware, um, awareness. Which will become as humans, our dominant awareness center, especially they say after the big shift happens. And apparently there’s another big shift coming in 2027, but we can’t go into that, now. I still look at your face. You’re like, whut? So that’s

[00:57:31] Hali: I can’t handle anymore, not after 2020.

[00:57:33] Dana: I know. Oh, it’s all going to get better. Don’t worry. I have faith. So that’s, that’s the authorities. in a nutshell,

anything else,

[00:57:45] Hali: Um, I don’t sound like a robot, so that’s

[00:57:52] Dana: you know, you’re ready to take a nap. You’re like, I’m ready for a nap now going into projectors shutdown mode.

[00:57:59] Hali: It’s

[00:58:00] Dana: you told me you did how many jumping jacks before today, before we got on today.

[00:58:04] Hali: Total 300.

[00:58:06] Dana: Wow. Pace yourself, darling.

[00:58:09] Hali: I, I didn’t. I mean, I, I saw, cause it was 10 rounds of 30 jumping jacks and I didn’t do the math until like much later. I was like, I just did 300 jumping jacks.

[00:58:21] Dana: 10 rounds of 30. Good lord.

[00:58:24] Hali: 10 rounds of 30 jumping jacks and 10 pushups.

[00:58:27] Dana: 10 rounds of three or three rounds of 10.

[00:58:32] Hali: do both.

[00:58:34] Dana: The accountant, can’t do the math. Anyways. All right. So we’ve reached the end of Our show and our, our generally, so far weak part is how we end the show, but we have this problem. We have this problem in, in person with each other, knowing when to say goodbye.

[00:58:54] Hali: whole family

[00:58:55] Dana: I’ll wave at you at the door for like, okay, she’s still outside, bye!

[00:59:01] Hali: Our whole family. We have like seven different times that we will say goodbye.

[00:59:05] Dana: Yeah. Stages, the big stage.

[00:59:08] Hali: There’s the initial one. And that’s still, usually in wherever we are. And then there’s

[00:59:13] Dana: And then everybody gathers

[00:59:14] Hali: Three more there.

[00:59:16] Dana: And then we get closer to the door then you got to get in the car And then you got to get the dog in the car,wave, and then I got shut the front door. So I know we just can’t stand it anyways. All right. Alright. Thanks for listening. Catch you on the next episode. Bye.

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