Picking up where we left off in last week’s episode, we begin by exploring the Sacral center followed by the Root, Solar Plexus and the Spleen centers.

Grab a copy of your bodygraph and follow along!


TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!

[00:00:00] Dana: So we’re going through a lot of changes in the solar plexus in Human Design, it has a lot to play there because it is the emotional center in the sense that it is, our emotional social awareness. It’s where spirit consciousness lives, our sensitivity, our moods, it’s our, it’s a creative center.

It’s using the power of our emotions to create, instead of thinking our ways through it, we can’t, it’s, that’s going away. We’re going to learn more about how to use, how we feel to create what we want, 

[00:00:37] Hali: I can get behind that. 

[00:00:38] Dana: I’m all about, which is basically why we’re here on this podcast is to try to teach more people about this stuff so they can learn to trust themselves and trust how they feel and how that can lead them instead of what they think they should be doing.


 Dana: Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist,

[00:01:04] Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today? We’re diving into 

[00:01:15] Dana:A continuation of the centers.

 00:01:18] Hali: dun, dun, dun

[00:01:22] Dana: I was waiting to see if you, but I was waiting for that little, 

Hali:, it’s my thing. 

Continuation as we journey through the nine centers of the Human Design bodygraph

[00:01:39] Hali: Okay. 

[00:01:40] Dana: Okay. So last week’s episode, we started talking about the centers, which are there’s nine of them in the Human Design system. And what, themes they carry with them energetically. And we’re gonna do a real quick recap, the first ones that we went over, so we know where we’re starting.

And also, I just want to add in another component. We forgot to mention the, the biological relationship of these different centers, because just like in the, the chakra system, these energy centers help regulate certain biological processes in different organ systems and stuff. So is it, uh, in this system.

So we real quickly, we covered, the top of the Bodygraph, the head center ideas, inspiration, and, um, that is also related to the, Oh, wait, I got to find my notes. 

[00:02:43] Hali: Oh my God. 

[00:02:45] Dana: Okay. So we started,

[00:02:49] Hali: I said, how do you lose things?

[00:02:51] Dana: I got two screens, 14 tabs. I’m a line one. I have a lot of information in front of me, okay. 

So the centers starting at the, at the top of the body graph, you see the head center, which is, you know, ideas, inspiration, the connection to source energy and.

[00:03:13] Hali: um, what was the, uh, what was the name? 

[00:03:17] Dana: Gus 

[00:03:18] Hali: Gus? 

[00:03:19] Dana: God Universe Source. Yes. The center of questions. It’s a pressure center, the comprehension, or the pressure to comprehend, to know, make sense of the world as we know it. And, uh, biologically that corresponds to the pineal gland, which sits in the back middle of the brain, which regulates, circadian and seasonal sleep cycles through production of serotonin melatonin.

So those, those hormones, chemicals, hormones. Yeah. which obviously not obviously, which makes sense because the pineal gland is also what some people think consciousness is basically is, uh, just chemical reactions in the pineal gland, but 

[00:04:04] Hali: So people think consciousness is just pineal, pineal gland. 

[00:04:08] Dana: Well, you know, it’s the sum of the, yes, I think that’s, you’ve heard of DMT. Have you heard of that? The, the, well, it’s, we might be getting into territory that I don’t know everything about or anything about, but they say that DMT is a chemical that’s released when you die. And right. And that, that, what we think is the afterlife is really just this release of this, chemical, which I don’t know how that explains the rest of our lives and any mystical experiences we have, but, you know, whatever,

[00:04:45] Hali: it’s that like conspiracy theory video we just watched. So we’re all dead. 

[00:04:52] Dana: What, which one?

[00:04:54] Hali: The guy that’s saying the weirdest conspiracy theory he’s seen is that we’re all actually dead in the whole thing that we’re living as our life is. 

[00:05:02] Dana: Yeah, I 

[00:05:02] Hali: What we’re seeing in that. Yeah. No, I don’t, I, think

[00:05:05] Dana: I don’t, I, yeah. The last 10 minutes of your brain now, I don’t believe that. I mean, I saw a better one that I liked called, The Egg. Uh, it’s a short story, a by Andrew Weir, I think it’s how you say his name. W E I R, Weir he wrote The Martian, and the other, some other science fiction books, but his, this short film, if you wanna check it out on YouTube, I’ll try to link to it.

I like this theory more because it kind of what we were talking about with the, um, the raves. Remember, and the crystals, the consciousness and all that stuff? So that’s a theory that we’re actually reincarnation going over and over again is us experiencing every human experience through every human ever lived, ever was.

Because we’re just kind of in the egg waiting to be born as Gods basically, or what we see as God’s what we think God is. So that’s another one. Check that one out on YouTube. Well, I guess I’ll put a link down below because it’s 12 minutes long, you know, it’s entertaining film. It’s not, it’s, it’s cute. It’s not real heavy or anything for such a heavy topic, but,anyway. 

So moving on. So then, we have the ajna center, which is below the head center, and we were talking about how that is our mental awareness, our actual mental process, conceptualizing opinions, how we actually think. And that is also related to the pituitary glands. 

Next would be the throat center we covered that, and this is, biologically it’s our, metabolic processes, um, metabolism, obviously the thyroid parathyroid endocrine system.

And this is energetically, the center for, manifestation, which, you know, it’s interesting, the correlation between metabolizing our bodies, you know, processing and getting things, moving and, taking things from one form, like food into the energy that it’s kind of the function the throat center has to is taking the energy that, we have to express and getting it out, turning it from thought basically into material existence, through manifesting.

Let’s see. Then we went to the G center, which is our, where the magnetic monopole lives yep. The diamond. So the center of love and identity and direction. And that’s also corresponds biologically to the liver, which yeah. 

[00:07:54] Hali: The liver. 

[00:07:55] Dana: Yeah. 

[00:07:57] Hali: How did, how do they make these correlations? Who, who was it? 

[00:08:03] Dana: Well, I mean, a lot of it is in the chakra system, same thing. I mean, it’s where it physically is in the body, you know, like where these things actually reside in the body. And so the G center being in the middle of the chest sorta, you know, and then your liver lives up underneath your, your ribs.

There’s kind of tucked up, you know, over there and the liver. Well, it, you know, it’s like a giant filter and that’s what it does. Right? Like cleans the blood and then everything. 

Cause you know, I’m a doctor now too,

[00:08:34] Hali: It’s also one of the few organs that can regenerate. 

[00:08:39] Dana: Well, I think as far as, you know, what the G center does kind of, doesn’t really filter things, but maybe in that energetic sense, you know, especially if it’s undefined, you know, it’s, I don’t know, processing the environment. Let’s go there. 

[00:08:57] Hali: It’s about like identity and knowing what’s right for yourself. Right? So in a way it could be filtering out things that aren’t. 

[00:09:05] Dana: Yeah. Good. Be good. Be good. I said, I, I have my areas of expertise and then I have areas where I do not. And you were the one that you were younger. I thought you might be a doctor or some kind of trauma surgeon, as many trauma surgery, videos or TV shows you used to watch. Do you remember doing that?

[00:09:27] Hali: Yeah. I used to watch untold stories to the ER, all the time. 

[00:09:31] Dana: yep. A lot. And you’d be a little six year old self sitting there watching. Maybe she’s going to be a great surgeon one day. I couldn’t watch it. Now your true crime dramas and everything else. Um, okay. So G center and then lastly, the will center is where we left off, I believe. Right?

[00:09:54] Hali: Yeah. We like cut the body in half. 

[00:09:59] Dana: And,  the will center is kind of, we talked about it has just four gates and it represents really a lot of the more material. I want to say material world it’s so it’s like our connection to the material world. 

And so it really deals with our overall physiology, but from what I could find that it, since the four gates, because each one corresponds to a specific organ So gate 40 is the stomach, gate 26 is the thymus ,gate 51, is the gall bladder and 21 is the heart muscle. That’s just what my sources told me. Oh, you’re going to ask me that.

[00:10:49] Hali: I want to look it up. I’ve never heard of that. I don’t think .Thymus… 

[00:10:56] Dana: Thymus gland.

[00:10:58] Hali: A specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. 

[00:11:03] Dana: Oh, oh, okay. There you go.

[00:11:07] Hali: Let’s see where it is. It’s like, whoa. It’s like right in between the top of your lungs. 

[00:11:14] Dana: Hmm. Okay. Well, energetically it’s component sits in the will center. And so moving on. So today we’re going to start, I guess you would say in the lower half of the body, 

[00:11:33] Hali: I mean, it’s the lower half of the Bodygraph. 

[00:11:36] Dana: Yeah, we cut it off, but are moving into some pretty powerful areas. Not that all of them aren’t but these where in these remaining four centers, a lot of the energy that gets moved through the chart comes from because three of them are motors.

The will center. I think we mentioned was a motor. Correct. And it’s a motor that works to rest. So you got to kind of fill it up like a gas tank. If you empty the energy out of the will center, or if you push too hard, pass something, it’ll just be like, Nope, you do not have the energy for that. 

[00:12:08] Hali: Yeah, just sputter out. 

[00:12:09] Dana: Yep. And you can not get it back to you, refill it through resting.

So the next one we’re going to just start it off with the big powerhouse motor of the Bodygraph. What do you think that is Hali? 

[00:12:21] Hali: Sacral. 

[00:12:22] Dana: The sacral center. That’s where you go dun, dun, 

[00:12:29] Hali: What are we going to actually get sound effects so I can click that. 

[00:12:33] Dana: I’ll put that on your department. I’m doing everything else here. So currently doing all the editing and everything. So yeah. Well, if you want to do that, you let me know. 

[00:12:46] Hali: I’ll find some sound effects. 

[00:12:49] Dana: Okay. So the sacral center is the primary, motor in the Bodygraph and it is the center of life force energy, the energy for work it’s sexual energy.

It is like the primal energy that is sustainable, meaning, there’s, it’s always on. And and we talked about types, a large part determines type is if you are defined or undefined in the sacral center. And those that are defined, the generators manifesting generators. Always have access to this energy and it’s very powerful energy.

And that’s why the sacral center comes with that sacral response of yes or no. 

[00:13:32] Hali: So is the sacral energy. It’s, it’s always there, but does it have like pulses where it has more or less? It’s just always kind of a consistent energy. 

[00:13:42] Dana: Yep. It can always be tapped into, so it’s always on. And to that note, it can get used up. but it’s designed for the generator types, which includes the manifesting generators, to have this energy to work because that’s what they’re here to do is to provide that energy, to get things done. And when they are doing things, they really like, that that energy can keep going.

And I can, I can attest to that. You know, if I’m really engaged in something that I’ve said yes to that, I want to do. I, I find I can definitely keep going, like case in point, um, when I was campaigning in 2019 for Marianne Williamson.

 I love her so much. you know, it was volunteer work and it was long hours and it was, going to places, setting up, breaking down, talking to a lot of people.

I mean, they’re not things that I willingly sign up to do for pretty much anything else, you know, you’re not gonna find me working at the bake sale, the, the school fair, all those things. I would find something else to do. I don’t want to do 

[00:14:52] Hali: You were not a PTO mom. 

[00:14:53] Dana: I was not a PTO mom. And so, but I wanted, when I did that with her, I mean, you know, I was, I would get up like really early in the morning, drive halfway across the state, you know, spend all day talking to people and then drive home.

And I loved it. I loved every bit of it. And I would be really tired at the end of the day, but it felt good. I mean, it was exhausted energy, but. I was right back the next day. And that’s what the difference between a sacral energy and people who do not have sacral energy is that people who are undefined, they can tap into that energy because where you’re open, you tap into that, you know, you can borrow that energy, but it’s like too much power into your system.

After a while you just, you, you have to let it go, you can’t keep up that pace. 

So case in point it would be, you might feel super energetic if you’re non-sacral, because you’re around, there’s a lot of sacral people out there. But whereas I can exhaust myself at the end of the day, I will wake up the next morning and I have the same amount of energy.

Whereas someone non-sacral, such as yourself might take a day or two or a week to recover from pushing through too much energy. You know, you can do it, but it takes a toll. 

So that’s why generators generator types have that sacral response of that uh-huh, uh-uh, yes or no to know if, what they are saying yes to is appropriate for them because they can use that energy and other people can use their energy, but if they’re not doing it for something they really care about, they’re going to exhaust it a lot more.

And it’s just a lot of wasted time and a lot of wasted energy for them. So, trust your gut. 

So if you’re defined, we said designed to work, finding the work that you love. I think we covered that and it does feel from my experience, it is like a buzz of energy, especially when it’s really turned on.

It’s just like excited buzz feeling. Keep pushing through. 

So, I don’t know if we mentioned 70% people on the planet are defined, as we talked about those that are defined and undefined, or excuse me, set of generator types, generators , manifesting generators then undefined, the other 30% projectors, reflectors, manifestors. 

Again that sacral energy is dependent on others around you. And like I said, we could take it in, you can take it in amplify it, reflect it back, but it’s not yours. 

So people who are non-sacral, actually are here to learn about that energy and to learn when enough is enough. Because I find from my experience, now that I know Human Design, I know a couple manifestors, projectors, I know three in particular, projectors who can outwork me any day. And I say that in the sense that you’ve got energy, you’ll push through. You’re not supposed to though. 

You know, I have another friend she’s not supposed to either, but she will do so much work because projectors often carry, um, stigma, a conditioning of being seen as lazy.

You’re laughing. Why? Why?

[00:18:22] Hali: ’cause Presley sees me like that sometimes. 

[00:18:24] Dana: Yeah, but they’re not,

[00:18:27] Hali: It’s not, so bad now that he’s working all the time. 

[00:18:31] Dana: And we’ve educated him a bit on this that it’s not the same. Well, because you literally, the non-sacral types don’t have that consistent energy. And like I said, they can tap into it and they can feel like they can conquer the world, but it is exhausting. Um, because this is a very powerful energy. It’s very powerful.

And think about amplifying that energy. I mean, talk about short-circuiting the system

[00:18:59] Hali: So when you, when you have an open center and you’re around someone that has. that center defined it is that you’re open center is amplifying the energy, their energy. 

[00:19:11] Dana: yes, 

[00:19:11] Hali: for all of the 

[00:19:13] Dana: Yes, because if you think about the defined centers, the ones that are colored in on your chart, just think like a broadcasting signal that broadcast is always going out. 

You’re always sending out that signal and then where you’re undefined, the white centers, you’re always receiving that signal, amplifying it and sending it back out in the world. Because the undefined centers, the open centers, that’s where you’re here to, to learn about that energy. And you learn about it through your interactions with other people. So you get to experience how it feels, but it’s not yours, right? So it is really interesting.

Human Design shows you how Really are designed to interact. There is no, no man is an island. There is no perfectly isolated person. Um, there’s no one designed to not to interact with people. We’re all designed to interact, that’s how we work, which is 

[00:20:11] Hali: Is it possible to have every single center defined?

[00:20:15] Dana: Yes. 

[00:20:16] Hali: Yes.

[00:20:17] Dana: Yes. Now every center could be defined, but, which would make them either, a generator or a manifesting generator, but it does not mean that that person is quote unquote altogether, because I know what you’re thinking about. Like, oh, they’re all defined, you know, they, they still will have hanging gates and they can also have centers, which we haven’t talked about really yet a split definition.

Meaning there are certain centers that connect to each other, but they don’t all connect to each other. So you would have these separate feeling, parts of yourself, even though you are defined, definitely say you’re someone here to influence people and impact those around you. However, it doesn’t mean you like have it quote, unquote made in the shade and you don’t need anybody because we all need each other in one respect for another or another.

So that person might need someone to, you know, link up with their energy to help, you know, maybe get their head and ajna center to the throat so they can express what they’re thinking or, you know, things like. 

So, that’s down the road with definition.. You’re always thinking ahead. 

So with the undefined sacral, like we were saying if, you know, you’re often tapping into that sacred energy, but you find that once you leave that sacral connection or near somebody that has that sacred connection, which, even if you or non-defined and defined sacrals live together, it’s good to have a little separation at times, which you two live together, but you work in separate parts of your apartment.

Yeah. So it’s just, you know, good to kind of discharge that energy, which 

[00:21:56] Hali: Beause it’s like, it’s it’s it’s COVID regulations, right? Your energy. It’s like a six. They say it’s like a six foot. I think I’ve heard you say that before. 

[00:22:05] Dana: It is really, yeah. The, well, they say the aura extends at least six feet out. So when we say auric contact, we’re talking about that of being in auric contact, but I believe, you know, if you want to get to the quantum of things, there’s physicality, but also we’re so connected, through technology and like zoom.

And I feel that our energy still interacts, even though we’re, because there’s a lot of thing, things in, energy medicine, a lot of these things that work, whether or not you are, there’s no real physical boundaries. If that makes sense. And I feel funny throwing around the word quantum all the time, because it might sound like I know what I’m talking about.

And my knowing circuit is saying, yeah, you know what you mean? But let’s try to find the words eventually to explain what you’re saying. I don’t have them right now. It’s off topic. I have to do more research on that. 

So anyways, yes. So if you’re non-sacral, you need time to discharge that sacral energy, uh, baths or showers really help, laying down flat helps discharge the energy.

So especially if you’re non-sacral, you should, lay down a little bit before you go to bed. So you don’t, carry all that energy during sleep. And also sacral people is really good to physically use that energy throughout the day. Exhaust that energy go to bed. You hit the pillow exhausted and that’s a good use of your energy. So that’s sacral.

[00:23:37] Hali: And I guess you can use the energy either physically or mentally. 

[00:23:43] Dana: yes. I mean, for, for, sacral types, a certain amount. Yes. Physical activity though, does help more because you definitely need to move the body. It’s, whether you just walks or whatever, you know, the Apple watch tell you to get up every hour to move around is helpful, but, mental energy uses a lot of the, calories that you consume throughout the day.

Correct. Making your brain work. It’s pretty important.

[00:24:13] Hali: Yeah, I think, I think so. I think a good chunk of set, 

[00:24:18] Dana: I mean, I 

[00:24:18] Hali: I know that like some days when I’m really having to focus on what I’m working on, like I’ll leave, leave my desk at the end of the day, like I don’t want to do anything else. I’m so drained. 

[00:24:29] Dana: Yeah,

[00:24:30] Hali: All I did was like build invoices 

[00:24:34] Dana: It’s also boring. Just kidding.

[00:24:39] Hali: A little bit, little bit. 

[00:24:42] Dana: Okay. So,

[00:24:45] Hali: What is, So, what is the physical, physical. 

[00:24:49] Dana: Oh, the sexual organs, testes, ovaries, reproductive organs. Yeah, because that’s also, that is the center also in chakra system, it’s the second one up is the same thing. It’s about creativity as well. And because it carries the creative energy of life, being able to create life is in that center as well.

So, so there’s that. So I think, I think instead of going side to side, I think I’d like to go to the root first because, we’ll go just straight down to the root center next. Cause solar plexus is such a big thing and, it relates to the spleen. So anyway, so the root centers are the bottom of the chart.

Okay. And it is, biologically it’s related to, adrenaline, the adrenal system and stress, stress hormones.

[00:25:42] Hali: On your  

[00:25:44] Dana: What’s that?

[00:25:45] Hali: I said that’s not in your butt. 

[00:25:49] Dana: Why wouldn’t you say that?

[00:25:53] Hali: The root is, 

[00:25:55] Dana: Uh, no, it’s not, no, it’s not pelvic floor.


[00:26:09] Hali: I’ve just embarrassed myself. 

[00:26:14] Dana: Oh, we’re leaving that in.

So the root center is another, another motor center, motorized energy. It’s that energy. it’s the energy to live and to grow and to evolve. Okay. So it has this creative, this pulse of life, basically this and it, this is the one of them pulses, and it’s not consistent. Like the pulse. You don’t know when this energy is going to hit, you just gotta be ready for it.

And so what my mentor, Karen Curry Parker says you can’t, you can’t influence time, but you can influence timing.

 And so which, when we go back through more details about each center, I’d love to talk more about that, about how each gate, helps you prepare, the themes of those gates helps you prepare the field basically for when that creative pulse, when that pulse of energy for growth happens, you’re ready for it.

Okay. it is also, it’s a motor, it’s also a pressure center. We talked about, the head was at the top, the roots at the bottom, the little pressure sandwich on the poor human being of just trying to live and grow and make sense of everything. That’s what we’re doing. So 60% of 

[00:27:33] Hali: the The bottom pressure center is about growth 

[00:27:37] Dana: Yeah. The, 

[00:27:38] Hali: Like 

[00:27:39] Dana: The pressure to know, 

[00:27:41] Hali: Yeah, 

[00:27:42] Dana: And this is about the pressure to grow and evolve and living. 

[00:27:47] Hali: No one grow, no one grow! 

[00:27:49] Dana: We want to grow. It’s like, it’s that impulse to create, you know, it’s life. You know, there’s that impulse, that spark that comes. So 60% of the populations defined. And so if you are defined, you have a more fixed way of dealing with stress and feel comfortable with the pressure to be productive.

So you have your own pace and your own way of getting things done. you don’t really experience stress the same as others. Cause it’s not, it’s not coming from outside of you. It’s like you have your own process for dealing with stress. You don’t experience it the same as others in like an adrenalized way.

You manage your time pressure, maybe a little bit better because to people with defined roots, you know, things will get done when they get done. Does that make sense to you? 

[00:28:48] Hali: Yes. 

[00:28:49] Dana: Cause you have a defined root.. 

[00:28:51] Hali: Yes. 

[00:28:52] Dana: So when it’s there, when the energy’s there, you know, you’ll get things done.

Does that sound correct?

[00:28:58] Hali: Yeah. 

I’m thinking of like my typical month of work and like, yeahI always get it done. Sometimes it’s in like two days worth, but I get it done. 

[00:29:10] Dana: Well, yeah, you can, you know, you, you ready for it. You ready? Um, so 40% of us are undefined in the root center, such as myself. And people with undefined centers are, are, excuse me, root centers are under the pressure to be free of pressure. So you just want to be free of the, the, the, the pressure. I can totally attest that. So, open or excuse me, undefined, root centers, remember, they’re amplifying this adrenalized energy, that comes from the defined root centers.

And so, if you’re undefined, you may not be able to relax or rest until all your work is done. Like if you’re given a task, like I got to get this done and I can definitely attest to that. If somebody else has me do some or anytime I was at work, you know, it’s like I could have a lot of energy get shit done. so because of this ability to kind of use this amplified adrenally adrenalized energy and pressure to get things done, there can be a tendency for people to pile more work on you if you’re undefined, because they’re like, oh my God, she always gets things done faster than anybody else. You just see our work.

We’ll just give it to her. She’ll do it real quick. Right. And, um, oh my gosh, this is so true because at work in a work situation, I definitely, even if I don’t want to be doing it, it’s just like, if, so, if I have a task to do, I will get it done in 20 minutes. It takes somebody else, you know, an hour to get done, just because I want it done because I don’t have anything to do after that you know, 

[00:30:58] Hali: You just don’t want to do it. 

[00:31:00] Dana: I’m just trying to get it done. I don’t want it hanging around. I like want it completed, want my task completed, which is it’s funny because you know, when I’m by myself, I’m not really like that, I can get it done. So that was the root center. Any other questions about the root adrenalized? Adrenal glands, all that stuff. Right. Okay. So let’s move on over to, oh, you want to do first spleen or solar?

[00:31:33] Hali: Solar plexus 

[00:31:34] Dana: okay, so the solar plexus. So let’s start by saying, this is one of the other centers that when we, expanded into nine energy centers from seven, the G center and the will center together, this would have been the solar plexus and the spleen were actually the solar plexus. And then it’s split into these two centers, the spleen and solar plexus, and the solar plexus is another,

Besides the sacral, I’d say this is, I’d say probably the emotional solar plexus is probably the, one of the most important centers in the whole system with the sacral coming in a hot second, maybe. 

And I say, because the emotional solar plexus, there’s another predicted,  a mutation coming up in 2027. Which we’re kind of in the process of it now, it doesn’t like flip a switch and everything happens where there’s going to be another change to our energy system. 

There’s going to be a shift and a change in the way I think the solar plexus and the will center interact. I don’t really know there is information out there. It’s, there’s a lot of talk in, especially Human Design, but in a lot of these more spiritual astrological, circles of this paradigm shift coming up 2027. Which like I said, I don’t think it happens overnight, but it’s the, we’re moving from, I can’t think of the right word cycle.

Like everything moves in cycles. There’s small ones, big ones. So there’s these big Era’s paradigms that we’re moving from the last 400 years, at least in Human Design, we’ve been in this energy of. Which we haven’t talked about incarnation crosses, but the cross of planning, which is much more logical, and, the structures that we’ve been in in the last 400 years with the rise of the logical mind and the, scientific theories and all this stuff where everything, you know, our advancements really became quickly.

We really, as a species, we started advancing very quickly in the last several hundred years with, you know, the more scientific method and all these new thought forms coming up and using our brains to organize. And we’ve created all these structures, the, major political structures, governments. 

[00:34:14] Hali: Technology, 

[00:34:15] Dana: All these things, and we’re moving into where they talked about it a lot in December, you hear people talking about when Saturn and Jupiter were at like zero degrees together till the age of Aquarius everybody was talking about,

[00:34:28] Hali: Nope, no one I talked to. No one I follow. 

[00:34:33] Dana: Oh, well, we basically are entering what they call the age of Aquarius. And we’re moving into an age of more of this paradigm shift, in Human Design, we’re moving into the cross, the Sleeping Phoenix.

 And it’s more about, moving from top-down structures, these power structures to more, what, from a hierarchy to a synarchy is like what Richard Rudd talks about.

And so, the power of the individual and cooperation. We’re moving into an area where we’re learning to trust ourselves and our autonomy and what our bodies and what we know to be true for us individually, as opposed to someone up above us, telling us what we need to know, what we need to think, how we get to work, how we get to live, all those things.

 Which you can see playing out in the world right now, which is why things are so volatile right now, because those older structures are holding on a death grip of no, you can’t think for yourself, you can’t, create your own happiness and your own life.

We’ve got to rely on us to do that. So we’re going through a lot of changes in the solar plexus in Human Design, it has a lot to play there because it is the emotional center in the sense that it is, our emotional social awareness. It’s where spirit consciousness lives, our sensitivity, our moods, it’s our, it’s a creative center.

It’s using the power of our emotions to create, instead of thinking our ways through it, we can’t, it’s, that’s going away. We’re going to learn more about how to use, how we feel to create what we want, 

[00:36:16] Hali: I can get behind that. 

[00:36:18] Dana: I’m all about, which is basically why we’re here on this podcast is to try to teach more people about this stuff so they can learn to trust themselves and trust how they feel and how that can lead them instead of what they think they should be doing.

So, I’m about it. Yeah. So, so what’s interesting is half of us are defined. Half of us are undefined emotionally. So if you are defined,

[00:36:43] Hali: Am I undefined. 

[00:36:44] Dana: Yes, I’m defined you’re undefined. So if you have a defined emotional solar plexus that you’re always riding, or interacting with what they call your emotional wave. 

And your emotions influence your decisions, and what’s true and correct for you. So your emotional awareness informs you about your life, and it’s extremely important not to analyze why you maybe feel a certain way or try to fix when you’re feeling low emotions, quote, unquote, low emotions, but to learn and to accept and appreciate these highs and lows.

 So your emotional wave, what we’re talking about here, if you know, not trying to analyze the way you feel is just to understand that this is just the function of a wave. So the center, the center is a motor, and so this energy operates in waves. There’s highs, there’s lows, there’s different kinds of highs and lows, depending on, um, what, channels define you, emotionally make your definition there and as too much to go into really in this episode.

 So it’s important to know that, you know, there’ll be days highs and lows and it’s not to, if you’re defined, you are not to make, you’re not designed to make spontaneous decisions. You, there is no truth in the now to say, it’s like, you have to get clarity over time, you know, take that beat, sleep on it.

I remember talking about this, but 

[00:38:20] Hali: Well, 

[00:38:21] Dana: I talk about this stuff all the time. So I could have been having a conversation with somebody four days ago and, and be confused here, 

[00:38:29] Hali: That’s why I’m here. 

[00:38:31] Dana: Okay. So yes. So you need to always ride out that wave,, find that in between point when this to high, not low, just make sure that if you, You know, have a big decision to make, to give yourself time, to see if you feel consistently about the decision positively or not before you make that decision.

Um, also it’s important to note that those people who are emotionally defined are responsible for the emotional energy in the room. And this is recently something that was brought to my attention, which I just, it made so much sense to me why this center is so important because you know, holding the emotional space, you know, cause if if I were a complete mess in the room, right, you’re undefined and your dad might be undefined or still gonna nail that down.

It could amp your emotions up more. And so because those who are emotionally undefined are feeling the energy of the defined centers around them. So you have a responsibility to be mindful of what kind of emotional energy.

 I mean, it doesn’t mean we have to be always, you know, in a good place, but to be aware that maybe if I’m not in a good place, I should maybe not be around others, don’t want to make it worse for anybody else. Because the other half, like we said, undefined people in the emotional center do not have consistent emotional awareness.

Now I want to make a very fine point on this does not mean that you don’t have feelings and it doesn’t mean that you don’t care and you don’t love. Love doesn’t actually sit in the emotional solar plexus loves it’s the G center remember, but it just means that, really how you’re feeling can quite often depend on who you’re around.

Does that make sense? Yeah. And a lot of times people who are emotionally undefined are sometimes seen as being the more emotional people, because they’re amplifying the energy around them. And there’s a lot of pain, I think for, people emotionally undefined because they’ve probably been told a lot in their lives that they’re just too much or they are too sensitive or 

[00:40:53] Hali: Or undefined, 

[00:40:54] Dana: Undefined 

[00:40:56] Hali: You said defined

[00:40:57] Dana: emotionally undefined. If I did, I’m sorry that they’re just too much or they’re too sensitive or they’re all over the place or they’re so dramatic, you know, just all these things and they themselves may have always felt that, you know,

If they’re hearing this, that can be so enlightening to the emotionally undefined people, that they’re not really this big mess that they might have been thought that their whole life. So because they can, amplify the energies of those around them, you can tend to feel a little overwhelmed by their emotions.

You know, so you’re experiencing big emotions, everything through other people, but it’s important to know that yes, you can feel this and you’ve experienced it. And I think I’ve talked to you about this before, but it’s not necessarily you. That if you remove yourself from that situation, especially if you have an undefined G center, it can be even more amplified such as you do.

Um, If you remove yourself, you can often find that you can change the, how you feel about things changes. Which makes a lot of sense to me now about your experience in high school or middle school? Well, you just weren’t about the drama shit, 

[00:42:18] Hali: Yeah, I really wasn’t. 

[00:42:20] Dana: You just kinda found your place where you wanted to be and just didn’t really, you, you didn’t really, I mean, you were involved in school and stuff, but you weren’t, I guess it just didn’t feel good to be in certain friend groups or, 

[00:42:37] Hali: Most of my friends are guys 

[00:42:40] Dana: yeah.

[00:42:40] Hali: They are less drama. 

[00:42:42] Dana: I see, they’re all dead inside. I’m

not true. Yeah. Lots, lots of less drama.

[00:42:51] Hali: I wasn’t. Yeah. I guess in high school I wasn’t ever, like, I didn’t really care what any of the popular girls or anything like that. I didn’t care about that. I was there to do my work. 

[00:43:03] Dana: Well, you were there to work and  it could be that maybe you just didn’t like being around it. You didn’t like the way it, I mean, I always notice you didn’t really want to be, like, I would see on your face physically, when you talk about certain things, how you felt about certain people or what they were doing, like just you didn’t anyways.

[00:43:27] Hali: Suprised one friendship lasted so long. 

[00:43:29] Dana: Yeah. So, so basically emotionally undefined people have a immense gift of being able to really experience every emotion, be very empathetic because they know how people are feeling and, um, especially having an awareness. Of this helps because you can now allow yourself to feel the feelings, knowing that they’re not necessarily yours and you get to experience what those things feel like.

And you can empathize with people, but know that you don’t have to carry it around with you and identify with it basically. 

So one thing that emotionally undefined people have to be careful about is either completely shutting down emotionally, because it’s just too much like just withdrawing or what’s more common, I would probably say in women, is people pleasing. Because those are behaviors picked up early in childhood. And I’m looking at you. You were always trying to make me happy. Not that I was miserable, but those early years, I wasn’t so aware of things, but, um,

[00:44:38] Hali: That’s going to say, I don’t think I’m a people pleaser. 

[00:44:41] Dana: No, no, but it can lead to people pleasing because especially if people are in more volatile relationships or uncertain those kinds of things, and they just, you know, don’t know how people are going to react. They tend to, when, you know, they could walk in a room and feel right away if the things are off and either just completely avoid it or just try to make everything better.

So, you know, and like I said, and this is going to vary from person to person. You know, we’re not just talking about absolutes here.. This is information to be, received and looked at and might help people, understand themselves better, but everybody’s going to, you know, see it differently, feel different.

It’s all about just learning about it first and then seeing how it’s either played out in the past or seen, you know, with this new information, how it is at play in your daily life. It’s fun to, see and play around with, so that leaves us with one 

[00:45:40] Hali: Well, where, where is the physical 

[00:45:43] Dana: Oh, what is the, oh yeah. The, uh, physical correlation.

Yes, correct? Correct. Um, the solar plexus, the kidneys, 

[00:45:53] Hali: Gonna say the kidneys. 

[00:45:54] Dana: Yeah, the pancreas and the prostate.

Don’t ask me the physical processes. I mean, I know what kidneys do, but

[00:46:04] Hali: I was just going to say kidneys cause they’re on the opposite of the spleen. 

[00:46:09] Dana: Is the pancreas where the white blood cell production is that pancreas.

[00:46:14] Hali: I asked the Googles, uh, no. White blood cells are made in the bone marrow. 

[00:46:20] Dana: Oh, so what’s in the 

[00:46:22] Hali: What does the pancreas do? Uh, so your pancreas is important for digesting food and managing your use of sugar for energy after digestion. 

[00:46:35] Dana: All right. So we’re just going to cut that part out.

[00:46:38] Hali: Okay. 

[00:46:40] Dana: It was totally wrong.

[00:46:43] Hali: Helps control blood sugar, which can spike. So that’s kind of, 

[00:46:48] Dana: Oh, wait a minute. So, okay, so the pancreas, you said it with digesting food regulating. 

[00:46:56] Hali: Yeah. 

[00:46:57] Dana: So it’s insulin I think, is it somewhere in there with the pancreas anyways, when you were just talking about regulating blood sugar. Now that makes sense to me because of the ups, the highs and lows, you know, of how you can feel with a low blood sugar, high blood sugar, 

[00:47:12] Hali: Insulin? Yes. 

[00:47:14] Dana: Regulating those things to try and keep it in balance.

Huh? Oh, a little light bulbs going off in my head.. Okay. So 

[00:47:27] Hali: The spleen. 

[00:47:28] Dana: But not least the spleen, I have an affinity for the spleen center. I have a lot of gates activated spleen center. Five out of 

[00:47:36] Hali: Seven. 

What did you have removed your gallbladder, 

[00:47:39] Dana: No,

[00:47:42] Hali: Your pancreas? What is. 

[00:47:44] Dana: My I appendix. 

[00:47:48] Hali: Oh, that one. 

[00:47:49] Dana: When was like 23, I didn’t have my gallbladder removed. That would be really difficult.

[00:47:57] Hali: Oh, I don’t remember which one is, which obviously 

[00:48:01] Dana: My appendix, that teeny little thing, had my appendix removed. Um, 

[00:48:06] Hali: The spleen is much higher than I thought. 

[00:48:08] Dana: Yeah.

[00:48:09] Hali: Upper left side of your abdomen, abdomen. Next your stomach, and behind your left ribs. So high. 

[00:48:17] Dana: So your spleen center, it’s an awareness center and it is about body consciousness. As I said, your immune system, your instincts, intuition, survival and wellbeing. That’s what the spleen center governs. And, 55% of us have defined spleen center. You and I both have defined spleens. And so with a defined spleen, they have an inner awareness of what is healthy or not healthy for you.

So you think about as an awareness center, this was our original awareness center and what helped us survive as a species throughout time. And it is also the spleen is, in all mammals Human Design there’s they all have spleen centers because they all have that instinctual awareness center of fight or flight of what you need to survive.

Do I run now away from the bear or what do I do? You know? So it’s that instinctual, reactionary energy that we all still carry and, it’s instinctual for your survival. So it will always just speak once. Cause it’s in the moment it’s in the moment you better, right? I mean, it’s not going to sit there and be like, well, let’s ride out the wave and see if we should maybe decide about re running away from this bear. No, you’re you got to go now. 

[00:49:48] Hali: You got to run right now. 

[00:49:49] Dana: It’s a very present moment. Okay. and splenic awareness is felt as a knowing, as we talked about is it’s instinct and intuition and, not often rational, because you’re using senses and you’re tapping into a part of the body. I mean, it’s fascinating. One day we’ll, I have so many ideas of what we can talk about, but about the, the awareness that is governed here of, like I was reading it’s that book, the one book, uh, um, shoot I can’t remember the name of it right now. Um, the extended, extended brain, Extended Mind. Oh gosh, sorry. So good. Um, but how the skin actually, your, your skin and your organ, like your actual physical body is so much faster than the brain at knowing what’s about to happen or what’s happening.

It’s really quite interesting that, um, You know, they do all these studies and tests with people, experiments of showing them certain, you know, pictures. And after a while the, the body starts to learn what’s coming faster than the brain does, like reactions will

[00:51:02] Hali: If you could think about like, if you’ve ever like burned your hand while you’re cooking, whatever your hand pulls away before your brain even registered, hot.

[00:51:10] Dana: Yeah. Yeah. It’s very quick. And yeah, they were saying that your body will, your skin will start giving off signals and learning faster about what’s happening than the brain does, which is fascinating to me. Um, but it makes sense. Yeah. And it, well, I mean, the skin is yes, 

[00:51:28] Hali: Yes, 

[00:51:29] Dana: Not the spleen.

[00:51:31] Hali: No, the skin 

[00:51:33] Dana: But that’s what, you know, helped us to survive. And so I guess that it’s felt as a knowing,, not often rational, uh, speaks now speaks just one time and, It’s something that if you’re defined that you can trust and lean into and know that you’ll experience it in a certain way. And there are different intuitive senses that go with different gates.

But I’ll save that for another episode, but cause I just love talking about spleen center. Uh, but spleen center is also where fear tends to hang out in the system too. Fear and courage, but fear because if you think about it, these are very instinctual fears, like fear of dying. of, There’s things as fear, the past fear of the future, you know, fear, fear for so long is what kept us safe and healthy.

That instinct to avoid things that are unhealthy for us. And so that’s a learning through fear. And if you think about, on the other side of the body graph, there’s that solar plexus, which is more going to be about, learning and creating and growing through, uh, how we’re feeling, not through fear, but more intentionally, like one side is reactionary the spleen and do so.

Usually with the root gives that pulse. If it goes up through the spleen, it can be a more reactionary and more fear-based fear-based energy to get things done. Whereas from the other side, from the solar plexus, it’s a more intentional, like this is setting the stage. This is how I see it, how I want it to be done.

It’s different types of energy that we’re moving away from fear and logic and moving into, intentional creation, which I think is pretty cool. So undefined spleens 45%. Now, if they’re undefined, these are people are very sensitive to their environments. They have a heightened sense of all these things. And, it’s important that because they’re sensitive, it’s important to be aware of the people that they surround themselves with.

And spend times with that those people have healthy, habits and healthy way of doing things, make you feel worthy. Cause you’re they say that, if you’re undefined in the spleen, you tend to sometimes hold on to relationships longer than are healthy for you because you can get attached to someone with a defined spleen and that energy makes you feel safe.

It makes them feel secure, even though it could be unhealthy. It kind of overlooks that just because it has that feeling of safety around them, that when they’re apart, they don’t necessarily feel so it can be dysfunctional in that regard, but it’s just what it is because you’ll be attracted to people who give you that sense of feel good, um, safety and everything.

So you can have a hard time letting go. People with undefined spleens have a hard time letting go in general, places, things, stuff,

[00:54:38] Hali: Are you alluding to something or someone. 

[00:54:42] Dana: They say they also undefined spleens have a more, flowy sense of time, they might struggle with the concept of time might tend to be a little, free with time management. That’s just something that I’ve read. I can see that in some of the undefined spleen. I know, but not naming any names.

[00:55:05] Hali: That makes me think Presley is definitely defined. 

[00:55:10] Dana: I don’t know why he’s the always on time. 

[00:55:13] Hali: Yeah. He hates being late.

[00:55:15] Dana: Yeah. He’s defined. I mean, I’m defined, but I think I have more problem with my undefined root..

I can bend time, sometimes. I have found that in the sense that if you’re late, you’re like, oh my gosh, I’m so late. I’m going to be late. And if you repeat that to yourself, as you’re trying to get somewhere, you’re late. But I experimented with sometimes that I leave later and I want to be like, I have all the time in the world.

Everything’s fine. I like to see if I can actually slow down times. Works sometimes

[00:55:53] Hali: You tell Ian that he’ll just roll his eyes so hard 

[00:55:56] Dana: They’re in the back of his head all the time. So, um, I think that is the end of our journey around the centers.

[00:56:08] Hali: And I’m going to say it’s probably the spleen is probably physiologically tied to this spleen?. 

[00:56:15] Dana: No, we said the immune system, think the spleen has something to do with that, but 

[00:56:21] Hali: I don’t know what, I don’t know what this. 

[00:56:23] Dana: No, it has to do with our sense of wellbeing, our, um, immune 

[00:56:26] Hali: Say that in the beginning, when you about the spleen., 

[00:56:30] Dana: Yeah. I’ve said a lot. So I’m 

[00:56:32] Hali: Fights and fight it fights invading germs, the blood, 

[00:56:37] Dana: Yeah.

[00:56:38] Hali: Contains infection, fighting white blood cells. 

[00:56:41] Dana: There we go.

[00:56:42] Hali: It also, it controls the level of blood cells. It filters the blood and removes any older, damaged red blood cells. So the spleen is pretty important. 

[00:56:51] Dana: Very important. Yep. And it helps determine what’s good for you. And what’s not. There you go. Splenic awareness.

[00:56:59] Hali: Feel like I got a healthy immune system. 

[00:57:01] Dana: So do you feel you have a little better understanding of the centers and Human Design?

[00:57:10] Hali: Yeah, I think so the one that, the ones that probably surprised me the most were the ajna and the head. Cause I kinda like what they were more tied to and where they were 

[00:57:22] Dana: What do you mean tied to

[00:57:24] Hali: Well, like I always thought that the, the odd, no, the head was like the head and I just thought like the ajna I don’t know your mouth or something. I don’t know. It’s just, that’s visually 

[00:57:35] Dana: Is your nose.

[00:57:36] Hali: Yeah.

That’s how I visually had it in my head, but then like learning that the, the head is more the connection to Gus. I love Gus now 

[00:57:45] Dana: Well, you know, they, I think they say now, if you’re looking at the Bodygraph and kind of where it places it, if you’re looking at it around that and genetic matrix has the outline of the body behind it, that weird outline that I can’t stand, but, um, it’s so weird to me. the, where the channels are connecting the two.

The ajna and the head, I mean, that really is the location in the back in the middle of your brain, where the pineal gland is. And they, they you know, there is this thought that that is really in the pineal gland is where you are connected to consciousness, you know, so it makes sense that the ajna and the, um, with the pineal gland, all those things, just in the, in the head, they’re connecting that source consciousness and bringing it down into this reality and trying to, you know, make sense of what it’s telling us, you know, it gives us all these concepts and questions and ideas, and then we’re supposed to try and make sense of it, you know?

So, yeah, it’s, it’s, I think the head and the ajna are two of the centers that are a little bit harder, really to, start understanding ironically, because, maybe cause there is no emotion really attached to it. You don’t have fields. It’s 

[00:58:59] Hali: I think, I think they’re my favorite. 

[00:59:02] Dana: Well, of course they are. You’re defined there. 

[00:59:04] Hali: That’s what I was going to say. 

[00:59:06] Dana: You can 

[00:59:06] Hali: Feel like that’s where, well, I feel like that’s where I have, like my, I don’t know. It just feels like where I have my most connections. I don’t, I don’t think it

[00:59:13] Dana: Well it’s, but it’s your, it’s where you hold your, your gifts because you being defined very much defined in those areas, all three head gates and your centers. It is really what you are here to help, teach others about through the experience of being around you. So, I mean, it is, should be your favorite cause you’re, I mean, I want to say should, but 

[00:59:36] Hali: I think it’s because I, I can see most the, the questions. Like, I am literally always asking questions, like any, especially like how it was just March madness. Like we would go out and we would watch games and I’d be like, I’d be asked anytime we go and watch like any kind of sporting event or whatever.

I’m always asking so many questions about it. I’m trying to understand it. But I’m just, and like my whole childhood growing up, I’d be out there with daddy. He’d be fixing something and I’d be asking how it works, why it works. Why is he doing that? 

[01:00:09] Dana: How, why and what those are the questions of that gate of the head gates. yeah, it is, uh, interesting to look at now, , let me ask you this, 

Do you feel like you always need the answers or are you just asking the questions?

[01:00:22] Hali: No, I feel like I need the answers because like I asked how the pancreas, what the pancreas did and I couldn’t just let the question, hang there. I had 

[01:00:31] Dana: What, what would have been like if you didn’t have Google?

[01:00:35] Hali: Oh, God, I think I would have I think if I had to grow without Google?

it would be a mess. I’d be like, give me the answers. 

[01:00:41] Dana: You wouldn’t know, he’d spend more time in the library, 

[01:00:44] Hali: Am I looking at encyclopedia? 

[01:00:46] Dana: Whatever that is. Um, yeah. Okay. Well, we’re going to wrap this up, so, we’re glad you all stuck around to listen to us today and joined us on this journey through the centers. Anything else you’d like to add Hayley?

[01:01:03] Hali: Um, rate us on iTunes question mark. 

[01:01:12] Dana: No, just say anything else you’d like to add Haley. 

[01:01:18] Hali: No. 

[01:01:20] Dana: Okay. Well then, uh, we will catch you in the next episode then. So by.

[01:01:28] Hali: Bye 

[01:01:29] Dana: Well, you made it all the way to the end of today’s episode, so you must have liked what you heard. If you did make sure you subscribe, so you never miss an episode and perhaps leave us a good review. And if you know someone who wants to dig into all things, Human Design with us, make sure you share this podcast with them. We’d really appreciate it. Thanks for listening. Catch you in the next episode.