May 16, 2022 in Podcast


If you love profiling tools and personality tests then you’ll love today’s episode!

In Human Design, your Profile can be an incredibly accurate description of how you learn, communicate, interact with others, and what your energy brings to serve others.

We dig into the foundations of the 6 profile lines in this episode, and we guarantee you will resonate with yours!  Learning about your profile is a game changer in the journey towards self-love, acceptance and discovering your purpose, so grab your chart and listen in!

Ready to dig into your Human Design with Dana?
Book a chart reading now!

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Check out my free 2 part video training How To Get Started With Human Design

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy! 

Episode 008 -Profiles

Dana: But if you based on what we just said, you would say, well, somebody with a one-three profile, there’s going to be a lot of inner, you know, a lot of their journey is going to be yeah.

In their own process. And then like a four, six, they’re going to be a lot about their, relationships and learning through other people. And, uh, Outward expression , inward expression. So let’s get onto the fun stuff.

and let’s just talk about each line

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist,

Hali: and I’m Hali, the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today, we’re diving into

Dana: The Human Design profiles. I don’t know if that’ll ever get old. It may be old for everybody else out there. Listeners. They’re all going, dun,dun,dun. Yeah. they will.

So I realized in our little intro we do, because we, we do record that each week. We don’t have that prerecorded that we, never say the name of our podcast, I guess, you know it, if you pulled it up on your phone or your desktop who listens, anybody listened to desktop or podcasts on desktops, do you? No.

Hali: No.

Dana: No, I do have Spotify on my desktop, but you know, I can’t listen to a podcast on my desktop because I’d be working

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: I can’t do both. Anyways, I digress. But yes, this is the Human Design Hive podcast. And I don’t know how to else to work that into a intro. It’s five it’s, 5:44 PM here on the Human Design podcast, oh, Human Design Hive podcast. I just claimed someone else’s podcast.

Hali: Oh, gosh,

Dana: Didn’t meant to do that

Hali: that was a good start. It was a great start.

That’s probably why we don’t include our name.

Dana: Probably So anyways, today we’re going to go a little more into the, the chart here in the Human Design system and talk about the profiles. And, this is fun stuff. I mean, not that the other stuff wasn’t fun, but this gets to more into, being able to kind of really, dig into the personalities and, how there’s like typing systems, personality typing systems.

This is probably closest to it. So,

Hali: Oh, a personality type, like the, or like the, is it the Myers Briggs test? The, where you get like the four letters?

Dana: Yeah. the inf J I N T J

Hali: And yeah, that one

Dana: w E N D F. Have you ever taken Myers-Briggs

Hali: I have,

Dana: You have, any clue what you were I’ve I’ve I’ve gotten a couple answers before, but that’s what a lot of these,

Hali: I

Dana: Personality typing tools,

Hali: I want to say maybe it was like, I N T J or something

Dana: I can guarantee you, it started with an I, because that’s for the introverted,

Hali: And I feel like I don’t remember what the J is, but I feel like.

Dana: It’s a, it’s judging, I believe. It’s The thing is with that. Oh my God, it’s the big long, you know, test you have to take. Right. And it is interesting because like most of these, profiling tools, they call them profiling. Like Myers-Briggs Enneagram, things like that, or even your, latest, who does all the quizzes buzz.… ?

Hali: Buzzfeed. See what kind of muffin you are.

Dana: Yeah. Is that they are subjective, meaning you provide the answers based on generally what you think about yourself. I think Myers-Briggs, I can’t remember. It’s been awhile since I took one. Has you kind of think of yourself, I think sometimes in a work environment or is that right? Okay.

Hali: I think so.

Dana: But still listening to, I’ve listened to a lot of people talk about this even before human design that, the subjective part of it, but also it’s interesting because you answer a lot of the Myers Briggs on how you would like, to be perceived, not necessarily how you are perceived.

You know what I mean? So you’re trying to be honest about yourself, but there’s this built-in almost flaw in the system because it’s going through your own filter your own lens and you’re, you know, which we talked about and conditioning, you know,

Hali: It’ll say like, how would your friends describe you? And you’re like, I think they would describe me like this. You’re like, this, is how I want to be.

Dana: I’m loyal and kind

Hali: It’s fun.

Dana: fun.And I have the biggest heart,not judgemental at all.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: Whereas your friends are like, I’m like, God, she’s telling me what to do. I mean, she’s right. But she’s always telling us what to do. This is where Human Design is different because it is using your it time, date and place of birth. And so it’s very specific to you, your profile, just like, the type, your authority, all those things and everything in your chart is very specific and unique to you. And all of us are going to be different because we, um, are all over the world in different places, different times, different years, different everything.

So there’s a lot of variation there and, there are these groupings, so to speak, you know, like type, which type, if you were thinking about a story type would be the, the main role or archetype that you play. Like mother, daughter, friend, boss, villain, whatever did I just group boss and villain together?

Hali: Maybe.

Dana: I didn’t mean to. Anyhow. and then, So profile then would be the character that, you are playing this time. So one time, you know, it could be a mother who is named Mary Jane Phillips as your grandmother, you know, so when you’re thinking about profile, that’s how it is. I’m a generator, but I’m a 4/1 profile.

So we’re going to go into a little bit more what that means here in a second.

Hali: So it kind of just adds a little more definition.

Dana: Yeah, it’s, like I said, it, it digs into more about how you express the role as a, as a generator. And so type really does, it shows you how you interact with life and with others and. If, uh, someone, like we said, if someone were to describe you as a friend, a lot of times profile would be, it would, it would give a lot of very interesting, pretty accurate snapshot of the kind of person that you are and how you interact with others.

And I, I think when I first looked into my profile or saw what it was, well, actually the first time I had an inaccurate chart, which was my fault because I thought I was born at 6:06 AM, but I found my birth certificate and found out it was 6:06 PM.

Hali: Well, you had the time, right?

Dana: I did I just little 12 hour difference, but it made a difference because when I had the inaccurate time, I was a 4/6 profile that your profiles is be a combination of two numbers. And it made me, when I put in the correct, time, my correct profile is a 4/1, which makes a big difference in the sense that, um, it’s a different profile for one, But it was also kind of cool.

Cause 4/1 are, not as common as a lot of the other types.

So, like I said, profile it tells you about your learning style, your relationship styles, kind of the purpose that you’re here, the role, the, how you’re going to fulfill that role. it tells you what you need to feel grounded and solid when making choices. And, um, it’s pretty cool because it It’s pretty accurate as a tool to evaluate someone and, kind of give a feel of what behaviors they might exhibit, how they, what their temperament might be like, communication style.

It’s the closest thing to a lot of this profiling, and, or even like something as broad as a sun sign, you know, all Scorpios are like this and you know, which this is a little more specific than that, but it’s the kind of thing that I believe we’ve already referred to it on the podcast when we’re talking to each other, you know, I’m a line one.

Hali: Yeah, we’ve talked about that.

Dana: There’s that line 2.

Hali: All the information.

Dana: We’re always, that’s right. So, so your profile is a specific combination of the six lines of the hexagram they, uh, pair to create this profile. So when you’re looking at your body graph, which I hope listeners either you have a committed to memory, or you’re looking at yours now, are you are going to be able to readily reference once they know what we’re talking about.

If you look. Yeah. It’s like a snapshot there. You know, there are people that might have photographic memories. No, I don’t have it Committed to memory.

I mean, I know my profile I mean, you should know the eventually if you’re really looking into it, your sun and earth placements are the most important and you don’t.

Hali: That’s why I have the newbie title.

Dana: That’s okay. That’s okay. That’s why I’m the specialist, but really I’m just the obsessive one. I, it doesn’t sound good to say I’m the Human Design obsessed person. Anyways, when you’re looking at the body graph on the top two numbers, the top number on the either side of the Bodygraph, you have the, the glyphs of all the planets and the planets have numbers, which are the gates.

So you’ll see. Okay. We’ll just, we’ll just use me for an example, since I know mine. It would have, uh, on the sun and the earth on the personality side, which is on the right side, which would be in black is I have 14.4 and for the sun and the earth is, um, 8.4. And then on the other side, the red side on the left, the design side, the body side, it is, um, 59.1 in the sun, 55.1 in earth.

So you take the, the point number is

Hali: Well, that always be the same between the sun and the earth.

Dana: Yes.

Hali: Always end with the same point,

Dana: yes.

Hali: The same decimal point

Dana: Yes. Well, I mean for each person, yes. So if you have a, if your is.

Hali: On each side right

Dana: Yeah. Yeah. So they’ll both be, so mine’s a 4/1, so cause it’s yeah, you’re correct.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: So we talked about how, uh, the, this point number is based on the hexagrams that I, the I-Ching component of it. So those the 0.4 is actually a line 4. So if you’re looking at a hexagram. There’s going to be six lines stacked on top of each other. And it starts at the bottom is line one moves up 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

So lines 1, 2, 3 are referred to as the lower trigram and 4,5,6 are referred to as the upper trigram. And so that’s just the I-Ching. That’s how the I-Ching works.

Hali: But tri is three and that’s only two.

Dana: Upper trigram lower trigrams, three groupings. It’s a, I mean, it’s a grouping of three, it’s two groupings of three it’s six lines. Trigram, trigram . How you like that graphic people can’t see that. But

Hali: There were, there was finger movements.

Dana: So each line in the, the hexagrams has a specific expression or personality for the gate that it represents or that it’s attached to it. Cause I always said, you know, gate 14, As the sun sits in gate 14 for six days, roughly six days, it’s going to go through each line of the hexagram gram. It’ll start out in 14.1, then go to 14 .2, .3, you know.

Okay. So, mine is in 14.4. So the line 4 energy is a specific energy. That influences how that gate is expressed. So like, this is just another layer when you look at it because you you’ll have all these people, you’re a 6/2, you have all these, there’s lots of six twos out there, but they’re six twos from anywhere from gate one to all the way to, you know, gate 64, you know, there’s lots of variations there.

So for you don’t even know.

What your slim gate is right now. I always give, I think it’s gate 26. We said. Oh, Lord. See, I don’t, I talk, I don’t have everything committed to memory. I do have a lot of charts.

Hali: You can tell, you can, I can pretty much just ask you someone in our, you know, our family or a friend group or whatever, and I can ask you what type they are. Yeah, what type

Dana Types easy.

Hali: You know it,

Dana: Yeah. Types. The easy one. there’s only five of those.

Hali: You said there’s only so many profiles too.

Dana: There’s 12

Hali:  Haven’t said it yet. We haven’t said it yet. but

Dana: No. So you, I wanted to, before I get to, cause it would be helpful in this conversation. Yes. Uh, oh no, I was wrong. That’s your, the unconscious son is in 26. Your personality, the conscious side, your 63.

I should know that. so you have, um, 63 in the sun, 64 in there. 63.6 64.6. And then on the, design side,

Hali: In the profile, the personality side is listed before the design.

Dana: Yes. It’s always going to be the personality side first and then the design side.

So when you’re, it’s pretty easy, once you figure that out and you can see that, but also if you just look at your chart on genetic matrix or anywhere, really, it’ll just tell you what your profile is. so what’s good to know about these expressions, is that, like I said, a line one has a certain expression line two has an expression of the gate.

And So these are going to be, when we talk about profile as we are today, we’re just going to talk about the line. Individually line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,and 6, because it’s too much to put in an episode to do all 12 profiles because basically these pairings of numbers because of how it moves and everything else around the wheel, which I do not have that grasp on because it’s very technical. We’re not going to do that, but

Hali: We’re just going to talk about like the individual lines.

Dana: Because basically all of us are going to have two of these lines, that make up our profile. And so it can be in different combinations.

I’ll just say that the lower trigram numbers, the one, two and three, if when you have a line one, two or three in either part of your profile, whether it’s the first number or the second number, these are going to be, parts of your personality that are more internal and they’re more interpersonal meaning you’re going to, uh, learn about our express or, learn through in a more personal way in that energy.

And then if it, when you have a 4, 5, or 6 depending on where it is, the upper trigrams are more what they call, transpersonal, meaning they involve other people. So it’s expressions that, so like if a 14.4 like mine with that line four, it means that energy expressed is gonna have a lot to do with other people.

And we’ll get into how a line 4 expresses, it’s a lot about relationships, but, probably that theme of that gate, that line, or that gate 14 is going to have a lot to do with my relationships because it’s a line 4 energy, which we’ll we’ll go through in just a second. So what’s also cool is that since there is these bottom three lines, top three lines, that the trigrams, if you were to take that top part, the four or five, six, and just stack it next to the 1, 2, 3, so you take the top off, stack them next to each other.

So you have two sets of three lines. You can see how the bottom of each one there’s the 1 is on the bottom of the 4 is on the bottom, 2 and a 5, 3 and a 6. And so there’s like this harmonious relationship, because they kind of express, in similar ways. A 1 and a 4 are like foundational themes, but one might be a line 1, would be more personally foundational to yourself. The other one might have to do with how you, might be a little more outgoing because it’s about other people.

I could get into more of that, but if you want to read about that, there’s lots of sources out there that can get more in depth.

I always like to refer toKaren Curry Parker’s books, really good, Understanding Human Design and then another good ones. Different perspective on things is, uh, by Cheytan Parkin, which is, uh, just called Human Design.

And I’ll, I’ll put those in the show notes So, people can check that out. Anyways, basically we are all a balance of both kind of this internal and external journey through life and how we’re going to navigate and move through life. Um,

Hali: So will a number from the lower trigram always be paired with a number from the upper trigram like you can’t have like a 1/1.

Dana: no. Yeah, well, Nope. That’s not true. You can have a 1/3 there is a 1/3 profile. Yeah.

Hali: Is that the only one that kind of

Dana: Yeah, Nope. I answered to quick

Hali: nevermind.

Dana: because there’s a 4/6

Hali: oh, oh, but that’s the same. That’s the same, kind of

Dana: Well, what you can, yeah.

Hali: again.

Dana: Hand motions but if you based on what we just said, you would say, well, somebody with a 1/3 profile, there’s going to be a lot of inner, you know, a lot of their journey is going to be yeah.

In their own process. And then like a f4/6, they’re going to be a lot about their, relationships and learning through other people. And, uh, Outward expression , inward expression. So let’s get onto the fun stuff, and let’s just talk about each line. Okay

And we’re going to start at the line one, because it’s a foundation and that’s where we’re going to start.

I’m also going to tell you that I’m going to give you the traditional Human Design name for the lines, as delivered by a Ra Uru Hu and then I’m also going to give you the quantum Human Design name, which Karen Curry Parker has. She’s kind of working in a whole new language for, for Human Design.

And it’s a lot more, I know I’ve talked about it before. I think I don’t want to use the word positive, but it’s just a more, uh, advanced languaging of, I find more helpful at times. And I liked the way that she, looks at Human Design, which is very much traditional, but with just more, now that we have the information, what do we do?

How do we grow with it? How do we evolve through it? So anyways, I think her names for the quantum, or excuse me for the Human Design profiles are kind of helpful to reframe what they actually do. So line one. Line one is and Human, a traditional Human Design referred to as the investigator and in quantum Human Design as the resource.

And so, as we said, this is a foundational line of the lower trigram. as such line ones have a theme of building foundations. And they find security in knowledge, information researching. want to know everything information makes them feel safe. I’m a line one. I have a 4/1 profile.

Hali: Does does that really resonate?

Dana: I can tell you when you first, this is pretty telling, I think when you first look at Human Design and your type, you might be like, ah, I don’t know if that’s right. You know, authority. You’re like, what, but when you start reading about your profile, like, oh yeah,

Hali: Oh, okay. This makes sense.

Dana: aha. Yes. these are people who are very curious by nature information helps them feel secure.

So yes. they, uh, it’s a very introspective, needs a lot of time alone. Needs to understand things before they act. And, as we’ve all learned in my family, our family, that, yes, I am the researcher. I am the one that’s going to have the information, you pointed out I think before, it’s annoying to you.

When I have to look up everybody in the movie to know where I saw everybody from before, but,

Hali: Little bit.

Dana: But everything, you know, where we’re going to go to dinner where we’re going to go on vacation. Uh, oh my gosh. Booking airline tickets is like the worst. I have to know every possible route.

Hali: I just go on Google flights.

Dana: Oh no, I figured there’s so much more to know.

But I do, I research everything. I, when I go to the grocery store, I’m like looking at labels ingredients, whether or not one’s better than the other. If I’ve heard of it before, I have actually looked at reviews for like spaghetti sauce. while I’m at the grocery store before. Because I hate the buy the wrong sauce.

But I do, I, I research everything, but you know, this is where, the term, the resource comes in because the reason I learn all that stuff is for safety. It makes me, it does make me feel good to have a lot of knowledge about something

Hali: I don’t watch the news. I ask you for the news.

Dana: Thankfully I’ve cut back on what I watched down almost like a 15 minute diet. but these, I say these people, but myself included, needs to have this information before acting because you gotta have a strong foundation and information create strong foundation. So when you think about.

What role that would, play out in the human story, well somebody has to know the things so that it can tell the other people the information that they need. It’s an important part in the, in the human story. But like you said, you, you learn all this stuff and then you are seen as a resource or a go-to person who knows a lot.

Now, one of the challenges with being a, such a resource, I’ll say it nicely line ones is that, um, it is, it’s a foundational thing, like we said, so it’s,  maybe hard for line 1, wants to make change easily and can feel really uncomfortable if they don’t have enough information and they don’t know enough.

This can lead to being often, over-prepared too much information. And then, really you can start having all this information, think you know everything.

Think you’ve got it figured out planned out in your head, and then if it doesn’t go, like you think it can cause a lot of anxiousness or worry that, maybe you didn’t have enough information.

It’s kind of a, it’s a slippery slope sometimes. And it gets you stuck in a place of, of, never sometimes, making a decision but this is where your strategy and authority can come into play and, or really your authority can help you, kind of get out of your head for, for a line 1.

So also in relationships that would mean that line 1’s tend to whether in friends or remote tech, romantic partners, they need to study their partners and probably learn as much as they can about the person, you know, before they kind of commit to it. And I, I just laugh because I can’t believe that just occurred to me for the first time, because,

Hali: Oh,

Dana: Because your father, the quick story is Hali’s father likes to say that I quote unquote stalked him, which is not true. This is him talking.

No, I just, I did many, many, many, many years ago, when I met your dad, I actually, we used to go to the same bar club where bands played and, the first time I saw him, I was on a date with someone else and I broke up with him on the way home. Cause I was like, Hmm, that guy over there, it looks more my type. Uh, and then

Hali: Already, you weren’t feeling the guy

Dana: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wasn’t callous or anything because as, as we can, probably, it’s funny. We’ll come back to this later, uh, as another point, but we’re laughing because I then for the next two or three, at least three weeks went to the same place and just kind of never said anything to him.

Just be like, oh, there’s That guy over there? He’s so cute. Oh,

Hali: Just observing

Dana: I did. I had to know if he had a girlfriend. I had to know what he was like with his friends. I had to know if he got crazy drunk, which he did not.

He did have a girl with him once, but the next time she wasn’t there anymore. But you know, I was, I was observing to see how he was if I thought it was cool or not. AndI was just really intimidated, but anyways, which would tell you something, cause I normally not wouldn’t have cared.

So that is funny. I did study him for awhile. That’s fun. Well, okay, moving on. We could talk about me all day. Uh, so 1’s in the highest expression, are really knowledgeable people. And then, because they just gathered all that knowledge, like we said, but, in a more lower expression of that energy, they can be really just, almost terrified of the unknown and can, really miss out on lots of life experiences because they’re too busy questioning them and trying to find out more and they in order to feel safe.

Hali: Analysis paralysis.

Dana: It can happen. It’s true. So, like I said, the main overall arching quantum purpose of the line ones are to lay the foundation of information for the security and safety of everyone. So that’s the line 1. So I believe Presley’s line 1. I think

Hali: That would make a lot of sense of

Dana: I think he is I think he’s a 1/3pretty sure.

Yeah. He’s a one, three as to the best of our knowledge, because we know his birth time. We had that. Right.

Hali: Yes. It makes a lot of sense that he has a one in his profile.

Dana: Yeah,

Hali: Very much the information gatherer.

Dana: And it’s important to note that that is, He is a 1/3. And so that is a really strong part of his personality as well, because it’s his more conscious side, the line one, he knows that about himself, right. It may have been really evident, Whereas, I think maybe because I’m older, I’ve had more time to spend with myself.

I’ve become aware of these patterns that I do. But even, after I saw it, I’ve seen it play out more since I’ve had awareness of it and realize how much this is, like a really, strong part of my personality and really does, play out. I don’t know if I noticed it as much before. I probably wasn’t conscious of it.

I didn’t, I, you know, like I just figured everybody was like that. I just figured everybody just had to go down the rabbit hole of information but I’ve since learned. A lot of

Hali: Not everyone.

Dana: yeah, because there’s, yeah, there’s only the 4/1 and the 5/1. So that have the one as the, um, unconscious side for the profile.

So yeah, not everybody’s like that. So we are resources. So that’s it. Moving on line two. Well, we’ll talk about this. one. Probably a lot too, because of you, my dear are a line 2.

Hali: Me.

Dana: Do you remember what the traditional Human Design name is?

Hali: is it the hermit?

Dana: Yes, the hermit and the quantum Human Design name is the responder. And so the hermit.

Hali: Sounds better than the hermit?

Dana: Yeah,well, she calls It the responder, but you know, I often wonder if she’s going to change that because it is a different sense than the generator. She don’t want to get it confused with generators respond. Cause you know, you’re a projector, but it’s more because a hermit.that everybody thinks of like pulled alone in their cave, you know, they’re just like, I don’t really care.

What’s going on out there. I’m doing my own thing in

Hali: Leave me alone.

Dana: Oh, Leave me alone. And as such hermits, line 2’s, I mean, do like to have a lot of time alone as part of your process. And I always refer to, and a lot of people do, but I like to refer to the line 2, is the natural, you’re a natural learner and I have seen this and other line 2’s that you reallycan pick things up really quickly when you learn something new, even if it’s taught to you, you have an innate way of just doing it and knowing how to do it. And it might be in your own way, might be a little different and somebody might say, well, how did you know how to do that? And you’d be like, I don’t know.

I just, like when you,we both have iPads, I have the Procreate app for drawing on my iPad, iPad. You do too. I swear, it was not easy. And, you know, you took to it a lot faster. You’re able to just kind of more intuitively kind of figured out and, how it works. Once you see something once or read it, you might can just pick it up.

Sometimes you don’t even, you know, have to see it, you just figure it out.

And that’s why people are like drawn to that energy because they want to know what you know. And a lot of times you don’t know how you know, what you know, and can’t figure out why anybody is interested in what you know, or yourself, because you’re just wanting to hang out in your own space.

And it helps you integrate and process what you know. And so the responding part is your energy is designed to be called out by others. So that means that you can only hide for so long. It involves a process that, that that knowledge is there to help others. Right.

So you can try and hide, but it’s almost like, the more you try and hide. The more time you spend alone, people will start to be like, Hey, come on, you need to come out of your cave. We need to know what you know. So, does any of that sound familiar or resonate with you?

Hali: I don’t know we’ve said it before. I have a really hard time. Um, I don’t know how to, what I’m trying to say, but like recognizing myself, I guess.

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: Don’t remember things like examples of things.

Dana: True. Well, I think this next part applies is this line 2’s can appear shy or coy, you know, like people might think they’re just trying to be, you know, oh no, don’t, look at me or shyness, but, there is a, a theme of, shyness loneliness alone time, because you need that time to re recharge.

But like I said, you sort of have this vortex of energy around you that draws others to them.

So it actually is a good, energy for a projector or a generator because, you know, generators have to wait to respond for things to come to the, or, you know, signs or people projectors need invitations.

So you have that double, you’re a 6/2, but any line 2 projector would have that double kind of energy of needing that, alone time and to be in your own process and do your own thing, that, that is going to draw people to you.

It’s the same for a projector projector has to stand in their own value and do their own thing so that other people can recognize what they’re needed for.

It’s interesting to have a line 2, and be a projector. So in your relationships, this hermit energy tends to be shy, needs to be called out or recognize, like we said, probably, well, I mean,thinking about how you met Presley on dating apps, so kind of went both ways, I guess, but uh, somebody had to swipe, is it right or left?

Hali: I don’t remember what the direction is. That was a long time ago.

Dana: I

Hali: It was Tinder. The dating app was Tinder.

We both had to swipe the same direction,

Dana: I know, but I don’t know what direction that is. I mean I always think like when they say, and this is for anything, not just Tinder when they’re like swipe right on your phone. Exactly.

Hali: It’s it’s like when they tell you the direction of the wind, the direction of the wind is where it’s coming from, not where it’s going. So then it’s the same when they tell you where you’re swiping and my swiping to the right. Or am I swiping to the left?

Dana: I don’t know when you swipe. Right. Does that mean he started the right side of the screen and swipe left?

Hali: Maybe, Maybe,

Dana: This is the pressing question of our time.

Hali: I must know.

Dana: I don’t know. I don’t know,but it’s a good question.

Hali: But we swiped to the same direction,

Dana: Good thing. I just met your dad at a bar. It was a lot easier.

So in a relationships then, because you require a lot of time alone, it would be good if a line two has partner that, also likes to have some time alone or you enjoy spending time together, alone, meaning just the two of you.

Hali: You’re in the same place.

Dana: Yeah. You know, without the crowd having to go out all the time, you know, like you just like to hang out at home and, uh, kind of do your own thing in your own space.

Whether I would, I was, you know, some people might say, oh, you like to spend time alone on the couch reading books, but I don’t knowif he does that anymore, he’s probably playing video games and you might be

Hali: No, he may play video games for like an hour and then it’s YouTube videos.

Dana: uh, the YouTube I’m in men. Love the YouTube. Don’t They

Hali: They do

Dana: mean, I like YouTube too, but.

Hali: I don’t

Dana: I mean, I’m a line one he’s line 1. So maybe it’s the line 1 anyways, so this alone time thing doesn’t mean like, you need to be away from your partner.

If you need your alone time, it just means you just, you just need your time and you’re going to have a healthy relationship if your partner can understand that about you and doesn’t get like, you need to come with me or you don’t spend time with me. Ugh. Sounds horrible to me, to somebody wants to be around all the time, but that

Hali: Mean, most times after dinner, I just end up watching TV. Cause I want to watch my shows then he’ll go in his office and do whatever.

Dana: Okay. So line 2’s then, in the highest expression, are designed to be called out into the right experiences. So they’ve got to be willing to come out and in the lower expression, they tend to hide out too much and miss out on life because they need to come out of the cave.

So the quantum purpose then of the line 2, is to take the knowledge that they know their knowledge integrate into the knowledge and the wisdom and the energy and wait, and be ready for others to call them out.

Okay. Line 3’s line 3. Now this is going to be the top part of that lower trigram 1, 2, 3. Uh, the line3 is referred to in traditional Human Design as the Martyr and the, Quantum Human Design is the Explorer, which is such a better name as such

Hali: Those have like two completely different connotations.

Dana: I mean, I have been learning Human Design for awhile, and I still it’s hard for me to wrap my brain around martyr and it could be background in being raised Catholic

Hali: I mean when I hear martyr, that is, I wasn’t raised Catholic, but that’s still kind of where my head goes is like

Dana: Yeah. It’s somebody who sacrifices themselves for a cause. Whereas the energy of the line 3 is the line 3 is an experiential learner. And so, they, they, they are here to Do just that experience life and try things out. you know they say there’s this trial and error process, but none of it’s really an error.

It’s a trialing process of how they learn. So they might gain information about something or want to learn how to do something. And there’s going to be an aspect of their personality that no matter what they’ve seen, heard, learn whatever they’re going to have to do it themselves to figure it out. there are no mistakes.

They are just here to, really. Try it because they’re then here to help share that information with the rest of us, You know? So they are here to be the experts in things, in what works based on their own experience. So if you want to know how something works, ask a line three and they probably have already tried it.

Hali: Do you know what daddy’s is?

Dana: Well, I’ve been doing more observational studies of him. Uh, and I keep saying I was going to get out the, um, uh, pendulum but I think he may be a 1/3.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: So what’s interesting is sometimes, line 3s, you know, they could have a lot of conditioning around this experiential learning and stuff. They may have been, uh, they might get to a point where they kind of shut down and don’t want to ex you know, experience or experiment a lot because they were told they were wrong a lot or making mistakes, or they mess things up or they did it wrong, you know?

But they need to learn this way and it’s valuable to the rest of us because there’s, if you think about the line, one is book learning and gathering information. To me seems more about. Logical process, right. Of getting facts and information, uh, which would be kind of that logical circuitry. And then, on the other side with the more, abstract, the knowing circuitry in, in Human Design is this Learning through experience.

Hali: Doing it, touching it, feeling it,

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: That stuff

Dana: Yeah. And so they’re all valuable. They’re all valuable ways of learning and they offer different perspectives. And so they do need to give us the actual data, not just the hypothesis, they give us the data of how things work. So as such line threes need a lot of, freedom of space and do their own thing, to find that process.

And so a lot of line 3s, you do have to give them kind of space to just figure things out on their own. And, When we’re talking about relationships in line 3, it’s really important to, take it a little bit slower, because they might right away think, oh, this person’s great for me, but then experience a little bit, oh, this person’s not right for me, but they might be into deep, hurt some feelings, you know, Uh, so if they just take it a little bit slower and kind of feel out the relationship a little bit and might, be a little bit easier for them than just jumping in and out of relationships.

So line 3s, do I think kind of carry around a little bit of not, baggage or damage, but just kind of, they may have been seen, especially if they’re like a manifesting generator and a line 3, you know, there’s somebody that probably did do a lot of stops and starts and trying things. And people might think they’re a little flaky or whatever, because they’re just always, kind of moving into something new and trying it.

Hali: We do kind of give daddy shit for not finishing his projects.

Dana: Oh, well, I don’t anymore. I understand now he’s a manifesting generator and whether or not the, the time is nailed down or not in his profile, he’s either a 6/3 or 1/3. I think it might be a one, but he still has that

Hali:Still there.

Dana: Yeah.

Line3 energy, for sure. So for the line3s, the purpose, the quantum purpose, or excuse me, first of all, it’s top of the highest expression of a line 3 energy.

Of course is here to be wise in life based on experience and lower expression. If they’re not really feeling into it, they can be afraid, afraid to try new things. And they won’t really lean into that, um, experiential energy, because they’ve done a lot of trial and error before, and like I said, it could bring baggage from the past.

So they kind of get shut down and afraid of trying.

So therefore the quantum purpose of the line 3 is to explore and experience possibilities and then share their experiences with others to protect and serve the rest of us because they really are. Is that protection energy, because we were like, no, no, no, don’t waste your time. I’ve done it, don’t even worry about it.

I know it

Hali: Don’t do that. I know what happens.

Dana: Exactly. And I think about my friend, my dear friend, Tonya who is a 1/3 and she very, she’s very much into health and wellness. And, you know, she went to school for, um, holistic health coaching and, and all this stuff. So she definitely researching energy that she is very aware of.

She does really dig into things and understands how processes work and all stuff. However, she then tries it out first before she ever really passes that knowledge on to people. And I would hear her doing it all the time. She used to work for chiropractor. She’d be like, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t, don’t worry about that.

Do this instead, take this, this supplement doesn’t really work with that. Do this instead, you know, like she’s and her life has been a long journey of trying and seeing what works through her own health journeys. And, it’s very interesting to watch, whereas me definitely know line three energy. I just want information and I just want to share it.

You know, I don’t like to make mistakes, but you know, I’ve got to now and then can I get through it? so that’s the line 3

Hali: So I there’s, which it may be continue on with 4, 5, and 6,, but with the first three, it’s a lot of gathering and having the knowledge and then sharing it.

Dana: Well that’s member, because we said we, most of us have this combination of, uh, the interpersonal and the transpersonal. So it is about how, you know, what role we play in that sense and how we’re gonna, externalize.

So moving on then to the line 4, which is the lower part of that upper trigram.

So this is another foundational line and here’s another great name, traditional Human Design named the opportunist. Okay.

Hali: A little sleazy.

Dana: Sound sleazy. Right.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: Because I thought a lot of times it’s the opportunist, the networker it’s like, Ooh, you just thinking guys at

Hali: even worse.

Dana: sliding you business cards and like, Hey,

Hali: Hey, what you doing? I swear. It’s not a pyramid scheme.

Dana: Most people were like, oh, I don’t to like that. But, uh, the quantum Human Design for, name quantum Human Design name is the stabilizer.

Hali: That’s better.

Dana: Yes. I would much rather be a resource stabilizer than

Hali: I like it since it’s another foundational line. Like you got to have a stable foundation.

Dana: And this is, this is another level of the foundation. It’s the foundation of the upper trigram of the transpersonal energies. So we’re moving in this, this from the lower trigram to the upper trigram, it’s moving from one down foundation to another foundation. So the line 4 energy then becomes, they’re a little more fixed in their ways, they’re kind of uncomfortable with limbo and uncertainty.

Relationships and connections are incredibly important to line 4. The line 4 energy is always about relationships really, and how, people interact.

Hali: Which I mean, makes sense with the networking name of it, but networking has such a meh connotation.

Dana: Yeah. Yes. The line fours are, deeply caring, especially about their, their people and, are highly sensitive to judgment and criticism, which I just can’t even imagine that

Hali: Not true at all.

Dana: So 4th lines, they’re opportunities. This is the opportunity as part of it, I guess. Opportunities generally come to 4th lines through there, their relationships, their networks.

So in life, I guess this is another good energy for a generator because things will come to them. Their energy kind of draws people in or a projector, but drawing people into them.

So it says that 4th lines have a lifelong process of really getting to, uh, the foundation, what it really means to be in relationship with other people, being another foundational line. They don’t like,to, I think alpha said this already. They don’t like making change very easily. Want things to stay the same.

And they want people to accept them as they are never try to change them.

Hali: You kind of said that for the line 1, but they don’t like change.

Dana: Yes.

Hali: So you really, really don’t like change.

Dana: All line 4s will, you know, since they are this foundational thing that it’s about moving from that one foundational energy to another, they tend to, I’m not one to make changes or move on to like the next job or the next relationship or anything like that until they have another one already lined up.

They need to know that they have another foundation to move to before they leave the one that they’re on if, does that makes sense? Yeah.

And it’s gotta be a strong one. And so they also, you know, say That I mean, I wouldn’t know, I’ve been with your dad for 30 some years, you know, that generally their ex partners or whatever, even if they break up, they still tend to, can remain friends with their, um, ex ex partners because they build a foundation of friendship often before they move into relationship with people.

So, you know, they really get to know people. let’s see what else. So line 1s, or excuse me, line4. And their highest expression are consistent, stable, good friends, good to their people. And in their lower expression, they can be afraid to maybe put themselves first, speak their truth and fix things in relationships.

They may just tend to like go find another one if they can, instead of kind of fixing the other one. Cause they. It’s it’s, uh, they’d rather create the alternative sometimes. So it’s tricky. Tricky.

Hali: That goes to the confrontation and criticism part of it that you talked

Dana: Yeah. So just from my own experience, again, this knowledge of these parts of my design have helped me kind of, I want to say, embrace that part of it and not feel so, flawed that I’m just this like, cause I’d always say I am, uh, flexible, but I need time, you know, it’s like I can move along, but I do need time to kind of integrate things, To make a change.

You know, I’ve gone through some changes in life situations and stuff like that with people, you know, possibly like moving into my house, like your cousin. And I want that and that’s good, but it takes time to adjust the idea of things. I got to know that everything’s still going to kind of stay the same.

And even though it won’t, I know it won’t, but I just need time to adjust to it.

So the quantum, so the,

Hali: like a fish.

Dana: I don’t know what you,  fish?

Hali: I don’t know. It’s kind of a face you made with it. I don’t know.

Dana: Great. And now everyone thinks I have a fish face probably when, well, they make this a video.

Hali: Oh gosh.

Dana: I hope it never, um, the purpose quantum purpose line 4 is to lay the foundation of community and connection to prepare the way of sharing ideas and information. So that’s the nice way to put it. So. Okay. So moving on line 5, it’s funny because a line 5is hard for me to, explain

Hali: I

Dana:And it’s funny.

Hali:  Name,

Dana: Yeah. It’s what is it?

Hali: The heretic

Dana: Yes. Yes. The heretic, the heretic, or as quantum Human Design calls it, the visionary leader sounds so much better. right? Line 5s have the energy that universalizes whatever’s in the chart, meaning they. How do I explain it?

It’s one of those things that I can grasp. It’s very wispy in my brain sometimes. So I’m just going to, go with what I have here. I’m just going to say it. Okay. So line 5s can be seen to other people as either the savior for their problems or they’re not.

And this is where the heretic comes in because they basically, the line5 has what they call a projection field around them.

They pretty much hold up a mirror. They’re like an energetic karmic mirror to everyone around them. Okay. So this mirror helps others to align their own energy aligned with their own energy and what needs to be healing.

So an example might be a line5 might have someone say to them, you’re not really a good friend because you’re always doing XYZ. And the line 5 is very important for them to understand themselves and love themselves and have a good sense of self because of line 5 We’d be like, ah, no, That’s not me,You do all the time,

Hali: That’s you.

Dana  But they’re just this karmic mirror And so, because it does draw people to them, there is this energy because when they see a line 5, they think they’re awesome because they’re like they they’re seeing things in themselves that they want to see. Or sometimes they see the opposite.

They see. The not so nice things. And so they put it on that person instead of themselves. Does that make sense?

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: I find the mirror helps to kind of explain it.

Dana: Yeah. And so they can be, seen as more mysterious and seductive kind of have this compelling energy around them. They can be very persuasive. Um, they have more of a, uh, destined quality to their life path than they realize, because basically that energy is to be used to help others, But not everybody.

Okay. So they’re not for everybody. And so this is where I said, you have to have. If you’re a line 5, have a good sense of yourself and who you really are because quite often, people are going to be telling you who you are. Because of what they are seeing, but it’s, it really has

Hali: Not actually, they’re not actually telling the line 5 what they are.

It’s, it’s, they’re seeing themselves something they don’t like, or they do like, and then they’re saying,

Dana: yeah,

Hali: what they see.

Dana:Exactly. And so the life path of a line 5 is, is about helping others, but it’s not just by their actions. It’s really just a lot of it is this energetic, influence that is, like I said, that mirror and it’s not really anything they do consciously all the time. It’s just simply how the energy works.

And so as such, line 5s can sometimes have a difficult time, especially in relationships because they may feel at certain times that people don’t ever really see who they are. Don’t really see. You know, so it can be kind of a lonely process because of the people are just seeing what they want to see, basically.

And this is where the heretic part comes out, because they might think you are the answer to, you know, their, their issues or that you can help them, or they See, something they want to see, but it’s not really you. And if you don’t, fulfill that role is line five that they think you should be fulfilling for them.

They’ll burn you at the stake, which is what the heretic,

Hali: I don’t really know what heretic means

Dana: someone who’s burned at stake, but you’ve heard the, term heresy, heresy,

Hali: yeah,

Dana: not hearsay and

Hali: not hearsay, heresyy, like in the witch trials that they have heresy

Dana: yeah. It’s like a blasphemer. No. They said that basically your reputation can suffer because people will start to speak badly of you. They will try to burn you at the stake, quote unquote type of thing.

But yeah. So as a line, as a line 5, if you don’t fulfill that role for them, they, tend to, you know, speak badly of you turn against you, all those things. You become a heretic.

Hali: so formal heresy is the willful and persistent adherence to an error in matters of faith on the part of a baptized person,Catholic that embraces a form of heresy is considered to have automatically separated his or her soul from the Catholic church.

Dana: But they burned heretics didn’t they?

Hali: Let me see.

Dana: Yeah. They burned heretics at the stake.

Hali:Did they burn God? That gets creepy when you’ve just searched. Did they burn heretics? I don’t recommend. First thing I come up with. Yes. heretics, who refused to confess were burned at the stake.

Dana: Right. So you could see how, you know, someone wants something from you. They think you’re the answer to their problem and you’re not, and you say you’re not, or you just don’t act in the way that they want you to. And so, yes, you’re burned at the stake.

They’re like heretic because, you know, so like I said, this makes it difficult because people don’t see who you are really a lot of times, because it’s just a projection of their own consciousness and what they need to work on in order to heal.

So unfortunately this can sometimes lead line 5s to find themselves in the wrong place, the wrong people, which then they end up being the wrong mirror.

Because if you can imagine, if someone doesn’t have a strong sense of self and what they bring to the table, they could be very easily drawn in because their energy is very seductive to others because others are like, oh, you know, I want to be this and see that.


Hali: shiny.

Dana: And they said people could be very complimentary and they could really bring you in and try to, you know, all these things. And then you find yourself in the wrong situation. Likewise, line 5s, hopefully, understand that power they have and use it for good, because like I said, it can be a seductive energy.

They can also, have a way of knowing what people want to hear, or, or see, so it could be, a little dangerous, we could look up so many people are known for that and see what if they’re line fives we’re not, let’s see, So this is where line fives really need to rely on their strategy and authority, depending on what that is, because that will help guide them to, you know, what’s the correct place.

What’s the right people for them. And they may find that there are times that in certain relationships, because you can’t always just get rid of all your relationships if people have issues with you right there, you know, there could be family things here and sometimes the line 5, we’ll just have to evaluate each relationship.

If they continuously have someone who’s always tends to dump shit on them or tell them that they’re the problem, you know, they’re not, you know, they might have to walk away from that relationship because it’s not, not healthy to them, but they may just have to decide how much they’re gonna invest in that relationship.

But what’s important here is quantum Human Design calls them visionary leaders. This is very much a leadership energy, as you can imagine, because people do want to follow the, you know, they’re drawn to them and they have this magnetic quality to them. So there is a lot of power there.

And so it’s good to be aware of that. And even in the smaller relationships, they, you know, can have kind of a lot of power in their relationship because they do have that seductive energy to them. And, because of that projection field, it could take five line 5s, a lot of time in a relationship to feel that they can finally, um, be seen for themselves.

So they might, they don’t like being vulnerable because they’ve probably been hurt before. And so in order to feel comfortable and safe, they probably need a little more time to open up to people. It can be seen as little secretive at times. they don’t like to be vulnerable so when they find the right person, they will slowly reveal their true nature over time.

And so in the highest expression of that line 5, like I said, they can infect effectively influence people. In the correct way and in the lower expression they They can use their power for personal gain

Hali: For evil

Dana: One million .


Hali: One million dollars

Dana: You get the idea. Uh, so the quantum purpose of the line five is to serve as a karmic mirror for others and, to support in the healing process, through reflection, by teaching sharing. The highest possible potential of humanity.

Anyway, so line 6, we come to the top of the hexagram the lines, 6.

Hali: Which it’s kind of, uh, interesting that it’s the top line

Dana: How’s that?

Hali: is, because it’s the say it’s the up on the roof. There’s up on the

Dana: Oh yeah. Okay. All right. I can see that. Okay. So the line 6 is referred to in traditional Human Design is the role model, which is one of the kinder ones

Hali: It really is.

Dana: in quantum Human Design is the adept. Okay. The adept someone is

Hali: Uh, this is one of the ones where I like the traditional one better than the quantum, because I don’t really know what adept is..

Dana: It’s well, it’s somebody who is pretty much they’re, an adept is like established in their knowledge, their fields, you know, kind of like a, not really an expert. They’re just like, they are an adept.

You’re going to look up that one you’d think I’d be looking at. Okay. So the most important thing, like what you were alluding to the most important thing about the line 6, when they’re first digging into their profiles, to know that they have a try phasic lifestyle or life cycle style, life cycle, meaning there’s three major cycles, time periods in their life.

So phase. And so the first one is, basically up until the age of around 28 to 30 years old, it’s generally around 29. 30 is where, um, your first Saturn return comes in is around 29 years old, takes Saturn 29 years to make a full orbit around the sun. And, um, those first years, first phase the line6 lives pretty much like a line 3.

It’s all, very much experiential energy, trying things, learning things, trial and error, exploration, very much line 3. They, and I know you’re a line 6 and you’re in this phase now.

You’ve tried different places to live. You’ve had the same partner for a while, so that’s not so much, but, um, I’ve talked to other line threes who I’ve been like, who are already either on the roof, outline 6, sorry, line 6 is that are already either in the next one or two phases that, I mean, I’ve heard people be like, oh yeah, I was a Vegas show girl.

And you know, and then I did this and then I sold insurance and next I was, you know, it’s just like, whoa, that’s a lot. And it doesn’t have to be obviously that grand, as I said, you’re not that flashy person that has to try all those crazy things, but, you know, you’re probably open to try and you know, more, more experiences.

Um, and then phase two is when they call it going up on the roof. And this is basically from age 30 to 50 ish. And this is the time between your, that Saturn return. That first Saturn returned around 30 and then around age 50 is your Kiron return this, so these are astrological terms. These are not specifically Human Design terms.

These are something you hear about in astrology as well, and they’re just different life cycles.

But in this second phase of being up in the roof, it’s pretty much a time where, the line6kind of gets over all the, like doing, you know, it’s a time to rest a little, it’s a time to, kind of pull back in the sense that you don’t feel the need to go do all the things and learn all the things.

It’s a time when a lot of line 6s, settle down, have families, uh, they also can start businesses. It’s not like a time where you, you know, cause I know from your perspective as a 25 year old, to hear that you’re not going to hit this other role model part of your life until you’re almost 50, it’s like, wtf?

Hali: It’s a long way from where.

Dana: in the long way. But, but it’s an important phase that on the roof phase is important because, it’s a time where you observe a lot of how other people do life. Basically. It’s a, it’s a time to really gather that energy because you know, as you progress through your life and move into the last phase, the, the quote unquote role model phase.

It’s about gaining wisdom through life. It’s about experimenting and trying, but then also living life and just being a, a person and how everything you’ve learned and how other people do it, how that all kind of melds together. Because then at the age, 50 ish, when they come off the roof, which I hear a lot of lines 6s is saying, I don’t wanna to come off the roof.

I like it up here. It’s kind of a nice, it’s kind of nice. I got my nice little life going on here, but sometimes there is going to be a process of quote unquote, off the roof because you were then here too, because remember these are these upper trigrams, these are about externalizing, right? What you learn or know.

So what you have gained wisdom on and which is about being yourself and how you express your design, your energies, these archetypes, what it means you are the example you don’t it’s when you come off the river, it’s not like you have to go start a foundation or doing any things to be a role model. You just generally the way you then live your life, according to how it feels correct for you becomes, that modeling behaviors for others.

Does that make sense? You know, cause I think a lot of people hear role model and they think, oh, I’m going to have to be extra special. I’m going to have to make sure I do everything right. You know, because people are going to be looking up to me, Gotta be exceptional.

And they say a lot of, uh, line 6 is have that feeling that they have this mission in life that they’re here to accomplish.

And in a way they do, I think it, it starts pushing on the line 6 more as they are getting closer and closer to that coming off the roof time, because you know about that time you’re in your forties and you know, you’ve lived this life and sometimes there’s just, there can be pressure there. I know people who have experienced that because, I think that’s that pressure to get off the roof and kind of get back involved in life and just kind of be the example and show people, you know, what it means to, Express these certain themes.

Cause it’s, it’s not about what you do as a line 6. It’s about who you are and how you be. It’s just your existence is the, is the example.

So, yeah. And by you being an example of living your best life is what other people need to see in order for them to live their best version of their lives. That’s the modeling part, a line 6 is in relationships need and deeply desire like a soulmate. They say it can, if you haven’t already found that person, by the time you go up on the roof, it can be a little more challenging to maybe find a mate because, um, there is this kind of withdrawing energy, but just stick with it, it might take some more time to, you know, find it, but the search will be worth it.

So I guess the highest expression then line 6, role models who inspire others, meaning just by who you be, that what you do and in the lower expression, then can get stuck in that aloofness and being up on the roof and struggled to get back out into the world.

So the quantum purpose of the line 6 is to experience and integrate and demonstrate the highest potential of consciousness on the planet and to quietly show us how to live that way. So putting it all together. So like I said, we have all have a combination of two of these profile lines, right.

They’re going to be those conscious and unconscious parts of your design. Like we talked about, we always, you know, just to recap, the first number will always be the conscious side of your personality coming from the right side.

And then the second number will always be from the left side. And like I said, there’s going to be 12 combinations of these there’s only 12 profiles. And, it’s, it’s really Interesting. when you break it down because you can also having a knowledge of the six profile lines.

Those six lines have those same kind of themes through each gate, as well as how they’re expressed, like we were talking about.

So once you kind of get that information about how, um, it, it, applies to profile, you can start when you’re looking at your chart and all the different, Placements save and like, you know, mercury or something is, you know, you may be a four one, but your mercury gate is, uh, a like say 26.2.

So you would know that, oh, I’m going to experience these themes more. It’s going to be a more interpersonal journey cause it’s, uh, it’s a line two, right. Or if I have your, you know, Saturn placement, Saturn is what they call the, the teacher like the disciplinary. And it’s like a real lesson that you learn in life.

That is the theme. Say, if you have it in a line for, you know, that, that theme, that lesson you’re here to learn is probably going to have a lot to do with other people and your relationships. So it, so getting these foundational information about these profile lines can help you start interpreting your own chart more too, and all the other different placements.

That’s kind of fun. Yeah.

Hali: Cause like you, I mean they have all those numbers, they’re all, uh, two digits. Well, yeah, but they all have a point. They all have a decimal point

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: I just didn’t know what it meant. I was just like, okay, whatever. But then,

Dana: It looks like math.

Hali: like, yeah, maths, the mathematics. But then like, when you just say that it’ll the way it’s expressed it’s that is the line that it is a part of, so it will be expressed in that way, somewhat

Dana: yeah. Yeah. So you know how you’ll be experiencing that theme a lot. It’s pretty fun. So, uh, everybody out there, if you’re still listening,

Hali: Um,

Dana: You might be a line 1. No, I’m just kidding. If you’re listening, I hope that, you’re looking at your chart now and you can see it differently and, uh, not differently. You can have a little more insight into it. I should say

Hali:Another layer.

Dana: Another layer.And like I said, that understanding Human Design book by Karen Curry Parker is a really good book that digs into some of that.

Um, I’m trying to think. Yeah, that book I mentioned by, uh, Chetan Parkyn is really good because he goes into all 12 profiles individually. And that’s a really good, reference material to, to look at that. And,  if you’re like me and you like information, you’ve probably Googled it and you can find lots of people’s different interpretations, but being that foundational information again about just the six lines can help you really look into the different types, not just for yourself obviously, or the different profiles, but for those around you and really helps you.

I think it helps you see, like what kind of cool place you have, like what, how you’re actually here to, serve the whole don’t you think? Yeah. Yeah. So, all right, well that’s about it for today, unless you had any other questions about the lines.

Hali: Not that I can think of right now.

Dana: Uh, I doubt that you did. I was pretty thorough now, just kidding.

It was very line 1 of,you. Too much line 1 of me. It’ll be interesting as I go back and see how much information there is about the line 1 and the line 4,

Hali: There was definitely a lot of line 1 information,

Dana: They just know

Hali: Was good.

All right. So this is where we will say goodbye for today and until next time, bye.


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