May 23, 2022 in Podcast


In this episode we explain circuitry, or how the different gates and channels are designed to be expressed Individually, Tribally, or Collectively.

It’s a quick trip through the wiring harness of the system and is another piece in helping you understand how your unique design operates!

There’s a handy visual guide you can download before you listen if you’d like, so grab it, a copy of your Bodygraph, and let’s dig in!

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FREE Guide to Circuitry  DOWNLOAD NOW

Check out my free 2 part video training How To Get Started With Human Design

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TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!


Episode 009- Circuitry

Dana: When you’re looking at a chart or looking at your own chart, you can see it’s can be very complicated looking and you can easily get lost in how to look at it and where to focus.

But circuitry is a way to look at it and have a better understanding of how your energy all put together is going to be expressed, human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana, the Human Design specialist,

Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today, we’re diving into

Dana: Circuitry channels and circuitry.

Okay. That’s a new sound.

Hali: Switch it up.

Dana: Yup. So yeah, today. I told you, I hadn’t decided really what we’re going to talk about until yesterday morning. And cause it just was like, no, you have to talk about this now. So, okay. So I’ll talk about circuitry because it doesn’t really get talked about a lot. You will probably hear it referenced.

Maybe you’ll hear the terms, collective circuitry or individual circuitry. I know you have for me

Hali: Yeah. But even like, when you have showed it to me before, it was just like a, it’s almost like not really a gloss over, but like a glance, but it was like, you just kind of told me which ones I had that was more and then you’re just like, Okay.

Dana: Okay. Well, I’ve, I’ve come to learn that it is, it’s pretty interesting because basically, in the Human Design chart, in the Bodygraph, there’s all the gates and there’s 64 gates. But I read somewhere that these gates, because of all the different, um, possible combinations, connections, types, you know, what, what other things people have activated in a, in a chart that just one single gate could have something like 56,000 possible combinations in that one gate with all these different connections of how it could be played out in a chart.

And so that’s why you can start seeing the really, um, complexity and the really individually unique elements of the system, because it’s a lot.

Hali: That is a lot of different possibilities.

Dana: Yeah, because it could be connected in this way, but then somebody would have, you know, it’s only one gate, but it really is interesting that a one gate could have a different kind of influence based on, you know, the person and so many different elements. So when you’re looking at a chart or looking at your own chart, you can see it’s can be very complicated looking and you can easily get lost in how to look at it and where to focus.

But circuitry is a way to look at it and have a better understanding of how your energy all put together is going to be expressed, because what it shows you is how these lines of energy, the channels in the Bodygraph operate together. It’s very intentional. Remember it took how long, how long did that voice torture Ra to, to get the, uh, system downloaded?

Do you remember

Hali: Three days,

Dana: Eight?

Hali: Eight?

Dana: I think that’s what you said, well, I mean, it’s what I said, but you told me it didn’t let him eat or not eat. Didn’t let him sleep. You said when you did your research. You’ll have to go back and listen to episode two. Maybe you should listen to it Hali.

Hali: Maybe.

Dana: You’re just one and done here. I was like, Nope, we’ll just have the conversation and then done listening. But, yeah, so it explores the way the energy circulates with, through the channels in the Bodygraph and it helps you design or helps you understand, um, how. How these centers connect to each other, what the themes are and what they’re really going to be about as you express this energy.

And so it’s looking at how you’re actually wired. We always talk about it being like an energetic blueprint. And this is when you look at circuitry, it really is. You can think about an architectural drawing where you can see, or maybe a wiring harness would be more appropriate, where you see where the connections are and how the energy is supposed to flow and which ways it’s flowing.

That basically is what it does. It shows you which circuits dominate your design because we’re all going to be a mixture of all of them, because we all have all these different possible combinations with gates, depending on where the planets were when you were born and 88 astrological degrees before you’re born, which is what comprises the Bodygraph.

It can show you how your behaviors might tend to lean towards or what motivates your behavior. and it shows you what it’s, really what you are going to be more drawn to or seeking, or, you know, it’s just, it’s very interesting way of looking at things.

Hali: Yeah

Dana: Okay. So let’s review real quick, not even really review, we’re kind of going over it. Circuits are composed of the channels and the channels are composed of what? two gates, Leading the witness.

And so basically what a channel does is it connects one energy center to another. So then these gates are like entry and exit points for flows of energy out of the, in and out of the centers. And so channel connects them. And what’s interesting, not interesting, but the gate has its own individual expression, but then if it connects to the other end of that channel to the other gate, then that is activated.

So it almost creates this interesting third type of energy, because say like, the sacral connecting to the solar plexus, you know the sa cral center has lots of themes about work and life force and, acting in response and everything. But the solar plexus is about, uh, emotion and timing, slowing things down a bit clarity over time.

And so those centers have different themes, but then when one gate from the, there connects to the other, it creates a whole different new kind of energy. So it’s just,

Hali: Kind of a meld?

Dana: Yeah, kind of a meld. The information from one center gets passed to the other center through that channel. And so, that’s why it’s like, you know, if you have a hanging gate.

These are where these electromagnetic connections come up. It was what they call it, where you’re generally drawn to other people. Cause they would have, if they have that other end of the gate, it creates that channel and that flow of energy going. And so energy starts flowing through the chart a little bit better when you’re around other people, if they have your connection.

Cause it’s all about getting that energy flowing from the root up to the throat and from the head down, you know, just trying to get everything expressed out into the, into the world, through the throat chakra. So that’s a little bit about energy,

Okay. 64 gates. There’s 36 channels and then there are that checks out there’s six circuits. I mean, there’s three main circuit groups and then they have sub circuits sounds more complicated than it is. And, um, and then there’s these four channels which are known as the integration channel, which really aren’t part of a, um, circuit.

But I’m going to go over that just a second. So because I’m a visual person. I was able to understand this circuitry better by looking at it.

And so I have created a quick PDF download. If you want to pause this, you can go look at the show notes. There’ll be a link there for the PDF download of the circuits, and you can follow along and look at it if you like.

So go hit, pause, and then do that. Okay.

Unpause. All right. So as I said, three main surrogate groups and they also have sub circuits. So the three main circuit groups are the individual.

Hali: Oh, I was going to try.

Dana: Okay, go ahead.

Hali: Okay. So you said individual

Dana: I did

Hali: Tribal.

And collective.

Dana: Very good. There’s your first gold star for today’s episode. Right.

The individual circuit group consists of two, sub circuits and they are the knowing circuit and the centering circuit.

The tribal, circuit group has two as well. The ego circuit and the defense circuit . the collective circuit group consists of the understanding or logic circuit group and the sensing circuit.

Okay. So we have these main circuits that we were talking about and the three main circuits. And then we also have the integration channel, which I’m gonna talk about first. Okay. Each circuit group also has a keynote or a theme of what that’s about, which is it’s pretty self-explanatory once you hear it.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: So first starting with the individual circuits and the integration channel. So these, channels that are comprised here, I carry the themes of mutation and transformation. You mutation being, you know, something new transformation and the ability to articulate new ideas when the timing is right,

Hali: Hmm,

Dana: As you can imagine, these are just very individual people with very individual nature.

As the name suggests, the sub circuits of these, the, the knowing and the centering circuit also have specific tasks that help you understand what kinds of change you’re here to bring.

Hali:You said you were going to do the integration ones first.

Dana: I am this, I said individual circuits plus integration channels, but they’re all very individual.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: So they all carry a theme of mutation and transformation, but there’s a slight difference here, which I was getting ready to get into. But once again, you’re ahead of me.

Okay. So starting with the integration channels, there’s that master keynote for that one is individuation and, These integration channels, like I said, they’re not really a circuit. It’s more of a foundation of our physical descent into form our biodiversity. It’s like how we came to be from mammals to actual like homosapiens.

Okay. There’s four channels here and they are, cause I was going to list about here, for everybody, just so you can hear them.

If you’re not looking at the chart and you kind of know, maybe you have, cause some people might know what channels they have. So people have like one or two or five or six.

So these are the channels are the 10/20, the 34/20, the 57/34 and the 57/10. These are all part of the integration channels. And if you look at them on a Bodygraph, they all kind of, um, kind of hook together. It’s interesting because it’s hooking the sacral, and the spleen, the G center and the throat.

So this is kind of the, this energy here is kind of the backbone of the core parts of the, what they call the individuation process.

It’s really about the energy of what it means to be Human. And, basically the purpose of the integration channels is developing that sense of self, that awareness of the self as being different from others and being conscious in your own form.

So individualization, individuation, and this is that there, the channels there that were formed.

Like I said, when we first began to walk upright, representing that transition to actual homosapiens. and so they are about what makes us selfish, but that selfishness is, is what helps us survive because you have to have a certain sense of selfishness in order to just like, cause if you don’t care, what happens to yourself and you’re not protecting yourself, you’re you’re going to die and your species species is going to die out.

It’s good for our genes.

Hali: Their self preservation.

Dana: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. because what’s good for your own health and your own survival is good for your species generally.

Hali: What’s good for the goose is good for the Gander.

Dana: I don’t really think that’s an appropriate use of that. Sounds nice. But.

Hali: Why not?

Dana: It’s the Gander, the young goose, or that’s a Gosling.

Hali: I thought it was the group.

Dana: Maybe it is maybe I’m wrong. Oh, no.

Hali: What is a Gander

Dana: Gander of geese.

Hali: Oh,

Dana: What is it?

Hali: Um, I’m getting mixed answers from the Google, because this is saying a male goose. I don’t like that phrase

Dana: We might just, we might have just to stop at self preservation. Just up there.

Hali: Why not leave it all hard? Some of our teams.

Dana: Sometimes I do. If you’d listen to the podcast, you know,

some of

Hali: We record, you’re like I’m just going to cut that out.

Dana: And I leave tit in sometimes. Okay.

So it’s should be noted that if you have one or more of these channels and I have seen charts, I’ve done readings for people that have had almost the whole entire integration network channels, all the integration channels. And they very much identified with this, uh, sense of being a very much an individual.

You know, they can come off to others maybe as more self-absorbed and self-centered because that’s the energy in these channels. Aren’t really concerned with how they impact others. It has nothing to do with other people. It is literally about thriving simply by following your own path in life. So it was somewhat of a primal quality to it.

Cause it’s like, I gotta you do you, I gotta do, because I’m, I’m getting out of here alive

Hali: Why is it?

Dana: What,

Hali: Why are they not? Why, so why are they not considered a circuit?

Dana: I think it’s because, I mean, I, because a lot of the other energy in the chart is about how our energy is then impacting those around us for the betterment of everyone.

Whereas these four channels are specifically just about that primal, moving from mammals to human beings and, you know, the, the chart continues to change and mutate over time, but it’s really, it doesn’t have anything to do with anybody else.

It is very much because other channels in the individual circuit, they may be individual energy, but that individuality is there to help mutate the collective.

They all relate to each other, but these are just about the self. Hmm. Hmm. So, um, yeah, It has nothing to do with the past or the future, which we’ll talk about in some of the other circuits and how they operate.

This is like in the now, because it has that energy of like, is it safe? What’s that noise? Is it going to eat me? Am I going to die? That’s where this energy came from, but it’s still part of us. It’s still in our systems. And some people, it is consistent in them. They will have very, defined, instincts there.

Like I was just talking to my friend Larissa. I don’t think she’d mind if I mentioned she might I’ll listen to this. And, um, she has the 57/10 it’s one of, I think she has two channels and that’s one of them and she definitely personifies this energy to me because she’s always had a very, I think she would you know, some people would look at it that way cause she has a very strong sense of self in that, in that way and just, and does follow from thing to thing.

What is good for her? She’s not a selfish person. She’s a very loving person. She is family. She cares very deeply, but there’s a core of her that is very much about what is best for her survival and feels good to her.

But I don’t want to share any more of her personal business than podcast, but anyways, so, okay. Moving on. So that was the integration channels. Any more questions about that?

Hali: No.

Dana: Okay. So moving into the actual individual circuit group, the master keynotes here are about empowerment. And like I said, there’s two circuits, the knowing circuit and the centering circuit.

So the knowing circuit has quite a few channels in it. So I’m just gonna briefly read them. That’s the 61/24, the 43/23, the 1/8, the 14/2,  3/60, 39/55, 22/12,

28/38 and the 57/20.

Hali: I have a question about the circuits in general.

Dana: Okay. I hope I can answer.

Hali: I haven’t fully formulated the question, but basically like how in your own design is the circuit? Not necessarily like, I guess maybe determined, like, do you have to have the chance, so many channels for that to be like how to do you get what I’m trying to ask?

Dana: I know what you’re saying. Yes. So I understand what you’re saying. So you can have gates in these centers. Each gate is going to be part of a circuit, right? So even if you have that gate, but it’s not connected to the other end, you know, like the complete channel, you still have a gate that is present in that circuitry.

So, because it’s not going to connect any other way, but through that one specific channel, so it’s always going to be part of that circuit. Does that make sense?

So the way it’s laid out on the chart, it’s there for a reason because that gate has a theme that corresponds with what is collective, what is individual, what is tribal?

Does that make sense? Which is how it all comes together, all layers together.

Hali: Yes.

Dana: So like of those that we just listed, I have the 43/23 and I have an 8, but I don’t have the 1, but I still, that still counts as having, you look at the total of all your gates and what circuit group they fall in.

If you go into Genetic Matrix and I think it’s part of the paid subscription part, but it can, there is a tab or one of the charts, one of the things they show you on there that breaks it all down for you. What percentage of your gates fall within what circuitry. So that was a very good question.

Very good question. I’m sure listener had that question

Hali: That’s why I’m here. Well, I like how you said listener.

Dana: And listener it’s because I listen to the Smartless podcast and they’re always like listener and why Wisconsin? Because they all talk to the one, Sean Hayes’s, sister Tracy, cause they just assume it’s just Tracy and Wisconsin is listening. So they always clarify things for Tracy or listener.

But If you think about it one at a time, we’re talking to one person at a time and that’s you listener.

Thanks for listening.

Oh, my God. Okay. So people with a lot of definition in definition will be gates. Like you said, it doesn’t have to be channels, but it does, it will be gates. A lot of definition in the knowing circuit, um, agents of change. Um, yeah. And

Hali: Is that’s specifically in the knowing

Dana: Yeah. I mean,

Hali: Knowing circuit and knowing, knowing channel, what is it?

Dana: It’s the knowing circuit.

Hali: Well,

Dana: Sub circuit

Hali: I was going to say, it’s the knowing it’s the knowing subcircuit.

Dana: Correct. So after a while, you’ll be able to maybe look at a Bodygraph and be like, oh, you can, it makes sense.

Like, if you, when you have the visual, if you’re looking at the PDF or you have another reference to look at the, um, channels that go straight down the middle of the Bodygraph starting at the head all the way down to the root.

That’s individual circuitry. And then when it comes off of the throat, it goes to the spleen and it goes to the solar plexus back down to the root. And so it’s this very complete individual. It’s pretty cool. Like I said, visuals really help. So, the role of this circuitry is to empower others by being an individual example of your own uniqueness.

So it’s literally like, let your freak flag fly.

Yeah, that’s right. Let your freak flag fly. say that wrong. Because by you being, you, it, that is the gift you bring to the world because it shows other people that, it’s okay to be who you are and there’s a great book. A lot of this I’m referencing from Richard Rudd, who the creator of the Gene Keys, but also has this amazing little book called Human Design Circuitry.

And it’s a guide to channels and gates and all this stuff. And he’s just a genius at how he sees things. It’s so simple, but he’s, he’s a poet as well. I mean, sometimes his stuff’s really deep. I can’t quite understand, but not, I don’t understand it. You need to think about it, but he has taken, the gates or the channels and all kind of formed them together in a nice little synopsis.

And so this is from him. He says “the individual is here to mutate the direction of others, as seen by society, individuals will always provoke the spirit of others by fighting for what they value in life, through their sharp, intuitive awareness, flashes of inspiration and sudden insight. What they can say can have a lasting impact on those who hear from them.”

And so you can look at the book if you want to know where he got all those gates for. I just think he’s he’s genius. so basically individuals,, they don’t really like to be told. And this is the knowing circuit here. If you think about it is a knowing, this is a lot of energy that is about knowing where in the head it starts up there in the, the 61, that’s the start of the knowing circuit through the head and then through the root, through the root it’s the 60.

And so it is an energy that, well, I carry a lot of it, but it is hard to explain that sometimes there’s just things you just know, and it’s not like a new intuitive awareness.

It’s literally like, you don’t know how, you know, but you just know, and it can, um, especially if it’s mixed with other circuitry as most, we are, it can be a little frustrating at times to articulate what it is, you know, but and it’s interesting cause they say they’re kind of deaf to others.

You might think that they’re literally tuning you out, not listening to you, and they may be, but a lot of times it’s just, there’s a lot going on in their heads.

And so they don’t necessarily need to listen to you. So they often feel like they’re outsiders not really concerned though, with fitting into society with, I can totally relate to, because I’ve always said, I don’t really feel like I fit in, but I don’t really care if I do. It’s like you do, but you don’t, you do, but you don’t like, you don’t want to be outcast, but you also don’t care if you’re homogenized, like the next person.

These are people that are here to be different and are capable of, kind of genius moments, but not on demand. You don’t really know when it’s coming. They say there can be a lot of melancholy in the knowing circuit. but this melancholy is also, you know, what melancholy is. You’re making a face.

Hali: Oh, uh, it’s like, uh, Eyore, he’s very melancholy, or Roxie,

Dana: Oh, Roxie my dog. Yeah, it is kind of, um, it’s just

Hali: Kind of like, Hmm.

Dana:The low, just to low, maybe the blues a little bit. and I think that, you know, that comes, you know, it does come through that emotional solar plexus, the, the part of the channel that goes through the solar plexus there, the, the 39/55 and the 12/22, those channels are definitely known for rather intense, highs and lows, or as, as, uh, some say this vacillating back and forth between hope and pain, it was a good way to describe it to it’s an interesting way to say.

Anyway, so,this is when they can also be very creative, because when you’re feeling in that more melancholy times, you do kind of draw into yourself and, and that’s a lot of creative moments can happen there.

Another thing to note is that there’s an element of struggle in this circuit because that, um, channel 28/38, that’s known as the channel struggle as the traditional Human Design name for it. A lot of times I know people that when they see that they have that channel, it’s like our great, got a struggle my whole life.

And, remember there’s higher and lower expressions of everything. And there could be, moments that you probably do struggle unnecessarily if you’re not aware of what the struggle is for. And so if you can look at it in the context of growth and evolution, Struggle is important because how, how does a baby chick get out of the shell?

Hali: They fight their way out.

Dana: That’s right. You think, you know, all the things that are seeds, you know, they have to like push through everything has to kind of push up, push through, make an effort, struggle to change into a new form. And

Hali: It’s, I think it’s a tiger shark. They one, one, uh, one baby and the mother will eat the rest of them.

Dana: okay.

How was that helpful to this conversation?

Hali: To struggle, to survive

Dana: I love you. You can take it to the extreme. I’m talking about a little baby chicken, an acorn. You’re like, yes, tiger sharks. Eat their siblings.

Hali: and low. They Eat their the womb.

Dana: You mean that kind of struggle? Well, it doesn’t have to be that extreme in life, but I guess a tiger shark learns early how to be a

Hali: They are aggressive.

Dana: Yeah.

Hali: Okay, fine.

Dana: But, okay. So maybe back to that point, you know, so it takes effort and there’s something that has to be worked towards work for struggle effort. And if we didn’t have to struggle or make that effort to, I guess, survive, there could be lots of dangerous mutations out there. Maybe those sharks aren’t meant to be,

Hali: Maybe they weren’t Gus had other other plans.

Dana: As people though, this to humans here, and it doesn’t have to be just other people, but what I mean is situations you’re in or things that are worth keeping and growing and evolving will take some effort.

Beause it has to refine it a little bit in a way, because if we had all these things that just as soon as something occurred, we have all these quote-unquote creations mutations, whatever you call them out there, they might not all serve people. It might be a lot of useless things out there. Right?

So basically this struggle, you know, to change or whatever you want to call, it has to struggle against the status quo basically in order to prove the effectiveness of what is trying to come through the value, the effectiveness of it.

Therefore with this circuitry, you have to trust and wait for the right timing to share what it is, you know, because there is that element of, even though it goes through the spleen, it also goes through the solar plexus, especially if it’s going through the solar plexus, people have to share or have to wait to share.

There’s a lot of that in this. And you just got to wait, right timing. 

People can be considered a little ahead of their time. And if they try to share some things without being asked or whatever, run the risk of being misunderstood, people just aren’t ready for it. Because remember this is knowing you might not be able to back up what it is, you know.

And so if you should, I have that experience. Why not? This isn’t about logic. It’s about knowing. Okay. All right. So any questions about that?

Hali: No, that was all still the knowing circuit.

Dana: Yes. In the , the knowing sub circuit, because the next one, the centering sub circuit, still part of the individual circuit group, there’s only two channels

Hali: Centering like a center.

Dana: Like centering yourself. It’s the 34/10 and the 25/51. So there’s a lot of power,

Hali: So both of those two sub circuits make up the entirety of the individualists individual

Dana: Individual circuitry. Yes,

Hali: Okay.

Dana: Because this is also about individual power, but it’s more, it’s about empowerment, but it is. And if you look at it on the Bodygraph, it connects this sacral out of the 34, up to the G center over to the will, the heart center, ego heart. Will you, what did they call it? It’s a very minor circuit with only two channels, but its main focus is on behavior.

It’s about empowering. Others to love themselves, love themselves and follow their own unique path in life. It’s about, especially that 34/10 it’s it’s the channels called exploration. Um, the, the gate 10 is the gate of in the G center is the expression of love. Self-love basically love of self, I should say.

And so it, it’s about the thrill of being yourself and a deep love of life, as an individual. About being able to act according to your own nature and to move forward with courage. So they say that these are people that are always ready to kind of jump into anything kind of leap into the void.

They’re like up for the, see what happens kind of thing. Just to find out what’s on the other side and they’re here to empower others by following their own unique direction.

And so, because it’s connected to sacral through the heart center and well, I say heart center because the G center and the, the will center were the original, like heart center that went into two centers.

There’s no awareness there. It’s not connected to the spleen or the head center, the ajna, which are more awareness centers or the solar plexus.So it is just about this trusting the sacral responses, what it’s connected to of what’s good for the self and, which direction they want to go.

And so it’s important to also point out here that these are people that may have been, uh, conditioned out of behaving this way of, of behaving differently than the way they’re designed to be.

Because as you can imagine, things are hopefully swinging back the other direction, changing. I don’t know if it is even back the other direction or just changing direction where this power, that individual is starting to be more valued and recognized.

Even from my generation to your generation and the generation coming after you is going to be even more so, um, but still my generation, people were not really interested in, people trying to forge their own path and do things their own way.

Hali: no, No, no, no, no, no, no, Don’t do that.

Dana: None of that, no, you must do what everybody else is doing. And so, especially if there’s somebody listening who has a lot of, or some of this, even a circuitry, there’s probably a lot of maybe people telling you you’re just too much.

You just, not like the rest. It could have some negative connotations to it. It you’re designed to be different and you’re designed to be a leader and, you know, go your own path. You know, because I said, this is an individual circuitry, but it’s about how you being an individual impacts those around you.

And this is you empower people to follow their own path, follow their own heart. And so, that’s that. Questions.

Hali: I don’t think so.

Dana: Okay. So moving on to the tribal circuit group, so away from the individual into the tribe

Hali: Branching out.

Dana: So this consists of the two sub circuits of the ego circuit and the defense circuit. And, um, this, uh, did I say what the master keynote was? I just

No, because we just got into it. No,

Hali: We just got into

Dana: The keynote is about support.

Okay. So this circuit is all about love, connection and nurturing. It’s about the tribe contains, really the energy for creating resources for, sustainable nurturing, because if you think about it, the tribe is your immediate people.

It’s about those you’re really connected to family. but because there’s this, energy for love and connection, there’s also the energy for war as well.

So, um, it’s intense energy in these circuits. So the first part of the circuit, the ego circuit consists of, the 54/32 the 44/26, 19/49, 37/40 and the 21/45. And so in this ego sub circuit, it contains, this, how do I say this again? If you’re looking at the thing at the PDF.

Okay. You’re looking at the thing.

It contains the solar plexus, the will center and the root. So it connects all those together and, and then it connects up to the throat.

This circuitry is about creativity and bringing forth agreements into material form, bringing agreements, you know, so that we can all agree and get

Hali: Keeping the peace.

Dana: Keeping the peace. And, it is the foundation upon which our way of life and structures are maintained way. It’s the glue that holds everything together.

Hali: Makes sense.

Dana: And so it’s about transforming these individual wants desires, ambitions, and transforming into successful like teamwork, you know, working for the tribe that ensures the protection of, of the tribe.

And it’s about the, um, the relationships that support and nourish, nourish each person’s place in a community.

Hali: Okay.

Dana: It’s not about personal direction here. Cause there is no, when you’re looking at it, there’s no connection should the G center, which is our center for direction and a sense of self. And it’s not connected to that.

So this is all about the, the tribe, the community, it’s not mental or philosophical. It’s not connected to the ajna or anything like that. It’s really it’s connected to the throat.

So it is about getting that, it’s about this plane about this world. When I say plane, the material plane, it’s about maintaining community growth, et cetera.

I think I’ve said that a few times there. So, these are people that are always trying to find this balance between work and rest. And if you remember the will center ego center, whatever you wanna call it, because

Hali: That’s the gas tank.

Dana: Yes, that’s the gas tank. It is a motor in the chart, um, but it does work to rest.

And that’s a really important element, especially in that channel. The 37 40 is what connects the will center to the solar plexus, I mean, these are people that really liked to work and you’ll find people that have this, uh, especially that 40, 37, they almost sometimes have to be forced to rest.

It can be a lot of burnout in that channel, because they are, working for their family for their tribe, for the, safety and protection.

And they usually, Like to work and they need to value the work that they do. And they unfortunately also tie their own personal value to the amount of work they do or how hard they work. That makes sense. Um,

Hali: With the sub circuit or specifically that channel?

Dana: Is in that ego, uh, sub circuit of the tribal circuitry. Yes.

Hali: Okay. So more general just in that ego, subcircuit okay.

Dana: It’s kind of the energy of what, like I said earlier about making agreements and bargains for everybody, it’s kind of like that scratch my back. I’ll scratch yours. You’ve heard of that. Right. You know, like you take care of me, I’ll take care of yours and. And they’re generally seen as really salt of the earth.

People who really value in need community and family and their greatest concerns revolve around having enough food and money and affection. As you can imagine, these are very tribal needs and you can see that bears getting poked a lot these days, these tribal well needs of everybody getting into their tribes of what’s right for them.

And what’s best for their people. Now, that being said, it’s not meant to only have this tribal circuitry. There is a mixture of all of them, and we’re meant to interact with there’s real value in that circuitry. But, um, hopefully we can, as a people move out of this tribal mentality, a lot of people are in right now and to think more collectively.

But anyways, um, that being said about the concern around food and money and affection, uh, these are people that it’s interesting to me that are centered around touch and smell.

And they said, these are people that really need to like see you up close, like shake your hand. you know, especially they say people with this kind of circuitry, if you have this circuitry or any of the circuitry, especially if you’re entering into agreements with people and this, especially through that 19/49, I’ve heard this before that you need to really like look someone in the eye.

And you almost have to be close. Sounds weird. You get to like, smell them in the sense that you got to get a smell for someone because you think about it. That’s all another one of these, um, instinctual kind of things, but you’ve got to really, which a tribal community is a smaller community, which usually is in close quarters.

Right? I mean, they’re not all like literally huddled in the same tent, but originally we may have been. Um, so in order to get a real feel for who someone is, they need to like be in close contact with them and, um, meet you up close.

Hali: them a nice sniff.

Dana: Well, they’ve got to know if you’re trustworthy, if it’s like safe to bring you into their tribe in a way makes sense.

Right. And they usually don’t trust anything unless they can get a smell for it.

I see. You’re pondering thinking. Who do I know like that?

Hali: Well, I was gonna say El presidente

Dana: uh, Well, that is, we are speaking listener. We’re speaking of Hali’s lovely fiance Presley. Yes. personality sun is in gate 54.

Hali: That’s not who I meant.

Dana: oh, who’d you mean?

Hali: Biden, cause he sniffs hair,

I never once referred to Presley as El Presidente.

Dana: He refers to himself as the Maestro,

This painfully embarrassing,


Hali: oh, why?

Dana: But I would say that Presley is someone that wants to shake someone’s hand and be able to like look them in the eye. Like he’s very much somebody who was like, he needs to know. He can trust you. I would say that about him.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: Doesn’t go around smelling people’s heads. He doesn’t really want to get that close to people, but he will shake your hand. He has a good handshake too strong handshake. Okay. So moving on

Hali: Moving on

Dana:The defense circuit still in tribal circuitry, the defense circuits, a very, uh, simple, uh, two channels. And it literally is just the sacral reaching over to the solar plexus through the 59/6, and reaching over to the spleen through the 50/27.

Hali: it’s like what’s up.

Dana: Yeah. So this is, This is the energy that sustains life on the planet.

This is about, actually creating life and sustaining life. it’s about sexuality bonding, raising children. And it’s about providing resource for resources, for the tribe, as well as values rules and laws.

So the values, rules, and laws, parts of it live in that 50/27. And one way to look at this circuit, since it just splits off the solar or the sacral goes one side to the other is the kind of the father energy, the mother energy, because the 59/6 has always seen it.

I think it’s the channel of, it’s called in traditional Human Design, the channel of mating, t and that’s the energy there because it is that’s that sacral energy connecting to the solar plexus.

It’s about, knowing who to connect with, what’s going to be the right connection and providing that energy for creating life. And then the other side is the 50/27 and that’s the more mothering, nurturing energy. Where also these values. And, uh, that’s the channel of preservation is what it’s called. so it’s the circuitry that is the glue that binds the family together and the tribe.

And it’s also one of the seats of where love is present in the chart because you know, your family, this circuitry is about, pulling people into the heart of community. It’s these are people that are nurturers, really, especially with that defense circuitry. I mean that preservation on the, on the left side.

So it’s about establishing values that support the basic genetic continuity of a tribe or family, because I think we talked, we talked about it here.

I know we’ve talked about it. You know, the, the primal drive is to create offspring and ensure the safety of at least one generation, right? So then that generation can ensure their survival and safety.

And so that’s where this energy lives in the chart. So when you bring the, ego circuit and the defense circuit together, It’s basically the basics of human life process and that it says that there’s no survival for the young, without the protection and the nourishment of the community in the material plane.

And that’s what material plane is about is ensuring that. So that’s the tribal. And so lastly, I’m not even going to ask if you have any questions, I’ll just give you, do you have any questions?

Hali: No.

Dana: The collective circuitry group two circuits. And it’s a really, really, it’s kind of an interesting way to look at it.

If you’re looking at the chart, the two sub circuits are the understanding or logic circuit and the sensing circuit. So if you’re looking at the Bodygraph at the top of the Bodygraph and the head you see on the left or the left side of the chart is the beginning of the, Sensing circuit through that channel of abstraction, the 64/47.

Then through the ajna, it travels over to the other side of the Bodygraph and goes down the right side of the Bodygraph, which is where the solar plexus is. So this is the abstraction. The sensing circuit is about experience learning through experience, feeling, looking back at the past. And what was your experience?

What did you learn? What needs to come forth? That’s the sensing circuit. And then the other side, the understanding our logic circuit starts in the 63 through the 63/4, travels to the other side of the ajna down through the 17 and goes along the left side of the chart through the spleen. So it’s a different logical energy.

So we’re going to dig into that so let’s start.

Hali: They say they both the ajna and then comes down and crosses over, then comes down across

Dana: That’s yeah. That’s one direction if you’re looking at it. Um, but then in the root, it, it hops back over to the other side. You’ll see it. If you look at the PDF it’s kind of cool.. So we’ll start, let’s start with the, I think it’s easier to start with the logical side, cause I do have some logical circuitry, so let’s start with the understanding side.

So the understanding circuit or the lodge, I rarely use understanding I use logical. So we’re just going to go there for now

Hali: Okay.

Dana: it’s more logical. So the logical circuitry consists of the 63/4, the 17/62, the 7/31, the 5/15, the 9/52, the 18/58 and the 48/16. Okay.

Hali: Feels like a lot.

Dana: Yeah, except for that head gate at the top set for the head and ajna gates at the top, it’s all on the left side of the chart.

And then at the bottom of the root, it connects the 9/52 is on the other side of the route. Anyways, this is about understanding patterns that repeat over time. So this is more of the energy of, if you think about the scientific process, it’s about, information that is predictable, consistent, and allows you to make decisions.

So you’re, people with this circuitry are very good at recognizing the patterns and things. Um, it’s, like I said, some more logical scientific approach to understanding the world around us. And it’s much more forward thinking because what, what is the hypothesis? What is the, what is it based on.

You kind of have a science-y mind

Hali: Um,

Dana: it’s

Hali: So a hypothesis is you basically state whatit is that you expect is going to happen

Dana: Expect is going to happen. Correct. And each time you do an experiment, you’re refining, the process, And you can start to see over time, your, hypothesis, your predictions, what you think is going to happen can become more, reliable because you have a lot of data,

Hali: Yes,

Dana: So this is the keynote I should also say for the whole collective circuitry is sharing.

So it is about gathering this information and sharing it for the survival and bettermentof like humanity, not just your tribe of the whole, of the whole world,

Hali: no pressure.

Dana: Everybody. Yeah. Because, um, these people with this circuitry or could tend to be a little more, uh, social, cause it is about helping the collective don’t don’t, don’t eye roll



Hali: Wasn’t an eye roll. That was a

Dana: These patterns that are understood are here to be passed on to others for the benefit of the collective. Like we said, so people with this logical circuitry could be seen as very logical people. They can be seen as sometimes more serious and may, uh, had to laugh when I was reading about this may love to argue a point

Hali: Wow. I wonder who that is.

Dana: Be very opinionated. Well, I was, I’m looking at you as well.

Hali: Oh,

Dana: Not just your brother. You’ve got a good, fair amount of this too. You have a

Hali: a blue

Dana: of it. Yeah. It’s a blue dress. Right. Um, but you know, that’s okay. You’ve got to stick to your, opinion of what you think is going to happen. I mean, that’s what science does. they basically fight for what they think is going to happen.

When I say fight, argue for what they believe is going to happen based on what they have seen in the past. You know, what they think is going to happen

Hali: They can scientifically prove.

Dana: Yeah. So the logical people are here to repeat something over and over until they master it. Like I said, that’s the whole process of doing experiments until you know, what the end result will be a very detail oriented, skeptical, doubtful, have an insatiable satiable need for answers.

And then they’re usually not satisfied with the answers. And then they’re driven by this need to question and challenge those answers

Hali: That’s probably one of Presley’s biggest pet peeves is he’s like, you always have to check what I say and I’m like, yeah. I mean, it’s usually right. Cause he just knows it, but still to check.

Dana: knowing yes, he has all that knowing circuitry it’s annoying. Isn’t it?

Hali: Yes, I did. I didn’t prove him wrong today, but I did kind of correct him. Cause he was like, I, one thing I hate about CarPlay. Cause we were in my car. He was like, you can’t on Spotify. You can’t play your like songs. And I was like, yeah, I’m pretty sure you can. So I go in and I do it right there and he’s like, oh, why is it under playlist?

I was like, cause liked songs is a playlist.

Dana: It’s logical.

I have to agree with him. Of course. Why would it be there?

Hali: Beause it’s like songs as a playlist.

They’re not just going to have, I mean, it’s a list that you play of your like songs play list.

Dana: Okay. So, so, uh, logical circuitry has a constant need for focusing on an improvement means these people can. Be extremely talented in any field or project that they choose because they have that focus that 9/52 in the root is this, channel of concentration. It’s about seeing the big picture and knowing when to focus and zero in and focus your energy.

And so that’s the, the format energy here in the root, the energy that comes up out of the root is that focused concentration and energy. People with logical circuitry are also often cool-headed and have a very particular sense of taste and are always looking to be, really to be of service.

They, they, they do want to help, okay. Oh, another thing to note is that this is not connected to the emotional solar plexus at all. So this is a very logic goal when I said non-emotional energy

Hali: The logical sub circuit,

Dana: Yes, it’s very, non-emotional it’s just looking at the patterns, seeing what, what you think is going to happen

Hali: happens. So this will happen.

Dana: exactly it’s logical.

Okay. So the, so, and this would be what also is referred to as left brain thinking, right? Your right lane, right. Brain left brain. So moving on to the other side of the sensing circuit, the right brain, the more abstract brain process, energy process circuitry.

The sensing circuit consists of the 64/47, the 11/56, the 13/30,  29/46, 53/42, 41/30 and the 35/36.

And so, as I said, this is about the human experience. This is about lessons learned. What have you experienced? What can you share with the collective based on what you experienced? this does in, uh, include the emotional solar plexus.

So if you can think about it is this over time, because there’s no in the, now with the solar plexus, that’s in the spleen. It’s what is over time has been learned. Um, and it’s, it’s more abstract. They say people with this, circuitry. Now you said we’ve often, you know, you often hear that right brain

people are more creative that channel of the 64/47 at the head, ajna is called the channel abstraction. And then at the root where it comes from the root to the solar plexus, the 41/30, that’s also seen as, this energy of visioning of being able to have a vision for what you want to create. And so there is that, very much a visual component to a lot of this energy of being a visionary, seeing the bigger picture.

Like I said, it’s about experiencing and reflecting on your past experiences to know what is valuable to bring to the, to the collective.

So this energy that comes from the root to the solar plexus up to the throat, this is really a theme there of change through. They say like through crisis, through experience, sometimes it can be jumping into things just for the experience again, as well, but it’s not really a success or failure when it occurs here.

It’s more of a discovery of knowledge of what occurred because you know, you kind of have to know what doesn’t work to know what does work right. And, people with this circuitry, uh, under understand that about the experience.

So with the keynote of sharing, you know, sharing is your experience is not just like, this is what happened. This is who was there. This is the outcome there is feeling attached to it. You know, it’s not just telling the facts, it’s about exploring the memories that went with it as well.

Like your grandparents, your, your elders, they tell the stories of what happened, and that’s how we used to always, you know, so I think some of the most valuable lessons are passed down through generations is through story.

And there’s a lot of storytelling in this, in this circuitry, it is about, especially through that 13/33 is about if you have that circuitry, there’s a certain amount of aloneness and lone time needed there because when you have the experience, then you have to kind of retreat and kind of evaluate and process for yourself.

What did this mean? You know, what can I learn from this? That’s very much a lot of the theme in this circuitry.

So, because this goes through the solar plexus, there is a lot of need for patients, people with this circuitry, have they are here to learn about patience because there is no clarity in the now, like we said, in the solar plexus. So it is about learning patience

And because there is that emotional component to it. It’s really important for people with this circuitry when they enter into new experiences to do so without expectation, like logic circuitry is more about what you expect will happen because it is about the results. You know, you have the goals you have, this is what we’re going to achieve.

Whereas this is more about reflecting back on the experience. So if you go into it with expectations, what you think might happen, you’re quite often disappointed when things don’t work out the way you expect. And if you don’t meet those, if it doesn’t meet those expectations, they could see it as a failure.

But there is no failure here. It is just about learning through experience. So that’s, uh, that’s pretty much what, what that is all about. So if you can. Think about these three main circuitry groups, aside from those integration channels, that’s just all about crawling up out of the muck and becoming Human.

But,  I think the best way I’ve ever heard it described is through Karen Gary Parker and in her understanding Human Design books. So I will do my best to relate it this way, I think she explains it like this there’s these two brothers, you can go back in time as far as you want when people used to live in tribes or whatever, you know, or just not a time like today where everything’s on the internet and you can learn everything you want to know right now.

Yeah. Two brothers, Bob and Tom. And Bob was always kind of seen as the odd one. You know, he was the guy that just kind of always went his own way. And when he had this chance, Bob went and did his own thing. He went and lived out, say down by the river by himself because he needed a lot of time alone. He liked to do things his own way.

He doesn’t want to do things like everybody else. And he’s quite okay with being alone. So he goes off and everybody understands that about Bob. So they let him go off. And his brother, Tom stays with the tribe. So one day Tom goes to visit his brother cause he likes to check in on him, make sure he’s doing okay.

And as they talk, he sees that Tom has made himself or Bob has made himself this really cool new tool that makes it easier for him to, um, Filet of fish. Let’s just say, I don’t care what the tool is. It could be chopping wood, whatever. It’s a really cool tool that makes his life easier. He made one for himself because he was out there by himself.

He figured it out. He needed something, he created it. And

Hali: Good job Bob

Dana: said, yeah, it sounds like Bob, you’re always doing these things. That’s really cool. Um, can you help me? Can, you know, can I get one of those? Can I make one of those or, you know, can I borrow yours? And he said, no, you know, I’ll, um, um, make one

Hali: I’ll make you,

Dana: know?

Yeah. So now Tom has the tool that Bob had. So Tom saw the value in that. He then took it back to the tribe, the community that they both came from, and he started using that there to help the people in the tribe.

So Tom, now that he has this cool tool that Bob had made and he’s helping, he’s showing it to his tribe and everybody agrees, it’s really useful. And let’s say, um, it was something like to filet a fish, a type of knife or something that used to take a lot more time to like prepare all the, the fish and everything for the tribe.

So now it’s done a lot easier, so he has more time on his hands to maybe, you know, do other things and have other resources. So as people in tribes and communities at times, they have to go out and interact with other tribes there’s for trade or whatever. So, uh, let’s say in this scenario, Tom packs up all the stuff that he’s had, maybe the fish that he’s collected, I think the dried fish back then, they didn’t keep fishing around for too

Hali: They smoked it.

Dana: They smoked it, but And, but he goes and meets with all the other tribes at the local, I don’t know, swap it’s a farmer’s market. It’s a tribal market And, the other, tribes notice this new tool that he has, that they haven’t seen before. And they’re very interested in it and they could see how it helped his tribe in Making things work faster, better, whatever it is.

So they therefore asked for their own versions of it. They want Tom to make them a knife. And so he does start making these knives, trading it for other things with the other tribes, which he then can bring back those resources from what he used and what he made.

It becomes like a commodity of things. But this commodity is helping everybody in the collective because over time everybody’s using one it’s like Bob invented the iPhone.

Hali: Oh, Bob

Dana: Sorry. Anyways, I thought of that the other day I saw a guy jogging and he had the earbuds in. I thought, how crazy is that? That I remember a couple of years ago and everybody who says there’s no way people are going to know you’re wearing some. Now there is no way people are gonna walk around with these ugly white earbuds in their ears, and they’re going to fall out of your ears and you’re going to lose them.

Nobody’s going to want them bring us our cords. And here we are.

Hali: here we are.

Dana: It’s not even how many years. It’s like two, three years

Hali: probably.

Dana: Earbuds. And it’s like, everybody’s got ear buds in their ears because one person thought of it. You know, here we are wrapped up in all these wires all the time. Let’s make it wireless. Why not? Why not let that signal travel through our brains instead of a cord. Hey, I have your buds. I love them.

Uh, thank you Tim Apple.. I same time apple, because yeah, that’s because that’s because of our esteemed 44th president called him Tim apple.

Yeah, I know his name is Tim cook. Thank you everyone, please.

Hali: I wouldn’t have gotten there.

I forgot what the guy’s name was.

Dana: So anyways, basically that was a very long winded story to say that the individual brings forth new things, new ideas, new stuff,. Really just because they need to, in their own individual process, there’s just the intent of what can I do here spreads to the tribe, spreads to the collective that over time where it starts in that individual idea can help change the world.

Hali: I see it as like individuals, like a circle of one it’s in the middle of a circle. And then the tribals, a circle outside of that with just a couple, just a couple of little things in, and then the collective is a big old circle with all those circles inside of it. And lots of things.

Dana: Yeah. The collective sphere that the collective all around it. Yes. It’s very simple. But as I said, except for your, um, fiance Presley, who is generally all individual circuitry,, most of us are a mixture of all three circuit groups. We, uh,

Hali: he still has a mixture, it’s just predominantly individual.

Dana: but I truly, truly believe that he is so strong in his individuality because, and you can see it in the things he wants to do. He wants to have an impact on the collective. He really does. It’s he’s not just thinking small all the time. He’s always thinking outwardly big. I think he is, you know, he’s he, um, I think he has that little, like you said, his sun gate is in that tribal circuitry.

And so I think he, that makes him a good stable person for you to, you know, bond with, you know, cause he will help take care of you and yours, but I mean, yeah, he wants to have really a lot of influence on the collective I think. Well, I think he will. I think he will.

So I said earlier, before we started recording, I wasn’t sure if I was going to bring this up or not, but I decided

Hali: To fashion now.

Dana: Why not?

Because this kind of pertains to collective.

I said, I am not one to get on social media or anything and want to rant, but yesterday.

Hali: just on your podcast.

Dana: I’ll do it on my podcast. You can turn it off now, you know, want to listen to me, but I’ve been shopping lately for a dress for a wedding for my nephew’s wedding next weekend. And the

Hali: when this comes out, it will be over

Dana: Right. So not important. What does the attire say on the invitation?

It says cocktail basically for

Hali: cocktail. Formal. Yeah.

Dana: Okay. I don’t really have anything. We live in South Carolina. It’s pretty casual living down here for the most part, but people do dress up for Sunday

Hali: Oh yes. Oh yes.

Dana: So people know how to dress up here. But lately I have not had an experience like this when it goes to shopping and I can never, ever recall hitting every store in town that I think would have something that would fit me to have the ugliest clothes for sale.

Oh, my gosh, things are so ugly right

Hali: You mean you don’t like Prairie chic?

Dana: It’s not even Prairie. She gets Prairie sheet, everything. Just like there’s no, everything is a sack. I mean, I can’t tell you how many things I saw that went straight across the buzz bosom. And it was, um, stretched, like gathered yeah. Roost with yeah. Like what you’re wearing exactly.

Straight across the bosom. I mean, these are shirts that were popular when I was like four or five was like seventies and then ruffled straps, not even sleeves, just strap. Yours is a little more of a sleeve ruffled straps. And then just straight to the ground with a lot of material.

And then what, I don’t even want you call it, those seams that go around, it’s not really gathered, but that Prairie, skirt, whatever, I don’t know.

And the colors and the patterns are. So they’re either like eyesore geometric bright, not geometric fluorescent bright, or they’re the most muted, ugly sheets that were on your grandmother’s bed, sheets, colors, Browns, blues, or so, I mean, I literally, I did say to someone I was in, um, Marshall’s look at I’m just my face.

I’m just visibly like disgusted by everything I saw. This lady said, oh, are you finding anything you like? And I was like, no. And I said, when did they start making such ugly clothes? And she just

Hali: This lady worked there. She was like another customer

Dana: She was a customer. I thought she worked there until I realized she started talking someone else. I mean, she asked me if I found anything.

I like, but I said, there’s nowhere around here. You can just find a nice cocktail dress. You know? Like we went shopping for a mother of the bride, which we found, but there’s gotta be this in-between point between like all sequins

Hali: We found nice formal

Dana: Yeah. In between all sequins and strappy sun dress. There’s nothing in between.

Unless, I mean, okay. I am 51, but I am by no means ancient and I am by no means ready to just dress in like.

Hali: matron.

Dana: Matron where, where, which is, everything’s like a scarf on top or something

Hali: Yeah. You have your, your straight thing. And then it’s got a Cape it’s got likea over jacket

Dana: over jacket. Then you can just see your grandma walking right over jacket, what’s an under jacket,no such thing. So, but I thought who was these people? These individuals started designing and saying, Hey, this is cool. It feels like a

Hali: other people, and then other people are like, yeah,

Dana: Yeah, let’s share it with the world. And it’s like, no.

I mean, the only people that can, I think pull it off tall, young, thin, whatever. I know that’s normally within the bounds of fashion, but.

This does not, I don’t even think it looks good. These dresses I’m talking about, particularly, I think there’s cute tops and stuff. You know, I can go for that, but dresses, like, I, I am exactly. I am 50. I am not thin, but I am also not just straight body. I have curves like to show a little curve for a nighttime dress.

Oh, it was so frustrating. I was, I’ve never felt so angry at the fashion industry before. Except when they started bringing back mom jeans too. I’m like, oh, another thing that’s like not friendly to women with a lot of curves. Yeah. It’s not friendly. But anyways, please, please. I know nobody’s listening that can have any influence on this, but I just begged the gods.

Please bring back pretty clothes. They’re so ugly right now, collective does not need that. We don’t need the Prairie look anymore.

Hali: getting, I feel like when you start referring as the collective, it starts to feel like dystopian the collective

Dana: Well, that’s where these clothes would probably go. Like, I don’t know. I need a bandage, uh, you know, I’ve got a wound. Okay. We’ll just take the bottom of

Hali: off the skirt.

Dana: got a nice seam right here where you can just take that part off. That’d be fine. We’ll be fine. Yeah. Anyways, I had to get that out and I feel good.

Thank you, Hali. Thank you, listener.

Hali: You’re welcome.


Dana: Okay. So, how do you wrap it up after all that? I don’t know. You just say it’s been fun. Hope it wasn’t too much of a info dump.. I think we have at this point, if you’re, well, you are, you’re listening to the finished product. Hali and I have been talking for a while, but I think we edited out a lot because we went off tangent.

Hali: Yeah, couple of times.

Dana: I think I’m going to edit that out too.

Okay. So enough about the dresses. Let’s let, let’s let the listener go about their life today. And think about contemplate the, circuitry that is in their own design and potentially those around them. So,like I said, you can always go get your Bodygraph. there’s a link in the show notes to genetic matrix for a free copy of your body graph.

And also there’s a link where you can download again, the PDF of what this circuitry looks like. It is not heavy information dense, like what this podcast is today. It is literally a visual component that if you want to go back through it again and look, and you can also look at your chart, compare the two, say, oh, this is where.

I have these gates in here and blah, blah, blah. So it might help them or help people, you know, understand themselves a little bit more. It certainly helped me seeing all the individual circuitry in my chart made me not feel. So, uh, like I said, outsider, like I know now that I am designed to feel that way, because I’m more comfortable in that individuality.

Like, like I said to you earlier, um, I don’t feel so bad being referred to now, like referring to myself, not like selfish has such a negative connotation to it, but you know, we were talking about SEF self-preservation you know, that it’s not that I always put myself first, but I just like being by myself and being in my own process.

And, that’s where I’m happiest. Okay. So.

Hali: am happiest by myself.

Dana: at all. Cause I do love my family. I have some of that. I have that tribal circuitry too. I have,

Hali: I mean, we’re pretty cool.

Dana: I have three out of the four gates and the tribal circuitry. So I’m very

Hali: There you go.

Dana: I love you. You’re in my tribe, my daughter, my daughter.

Hali: E

Dana: All right, you have a good night and um, look forward to the next episode.

So Hali?

Hali: Yes.

Dana: Well, you made it all the way to the end of today’s episode, so you must have liked what you heard. If you did make sure you subscribe, so you never miss an episode and perhaps leave us a good review. And if you know someone who wants to dig into all things, Human Design with us, make sure you share the Human Design Hive podcast with them. We’d really appreciate it. Thanks for listening. Catch you in the next episode.

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