Can understanding your human design chart shed some light on the complexities of depression and  mental well-being?

 In this episode, we’re diving into how the flow of energy within our human design charts (specifically channels known as “formatting energies”) can impact our moods and emotional states. Now, we want to make it clear that we’re not medical professionals, but we’re here to offer our insights and help you gain a different perspective on these mental health struggles.

There is a tendency in our culture to rely heavily on medication, especially when it comes to women, as the go-to solution for dealing with depression and anxiety. However, we believe there’s another way to approach it. By delving into our own energy and understanding how it moves through the root center, we can start tackling the underlying issues and develop a more balanced, authentic approach to life.

We encourage you to take a closer look at your unique human design chart and join us as we consider how certain energies may be influencing your mental and emotional well-being.