We are in the midst of massive change of the fundamental ideas and beliefs that have shaped our society, and a new way forward is coming, but what can that look like?

Make no mistake, we are in crisis in so many ways here in the U. S. but in today’s episode we would like to add a little bit of hope for the future.

Today we’re look at global cycles and humanity’s evolution through the lens of astrology and Human Design, and  what to expect and how to help steer us in the right direction.

We hope you find some value and possibly some tinge of hope in today’s episode.

Mentioned in today’s episode:

Cosmic Navigator
by Gahl Eden Sasson

Article about Age of Aquarius by Susan Miller

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email: Dana@humandesignhive.com

TRANSCRIPT: This was transcribed by AI and reviewed by my eyes, but still may contain grammatical and sometimes spelling mistakes I may have missed. Please excuse any errors, and enjoy!

Episode 014 – Roe V Wade, the Age of Aquarius, and WTF is going on?

Dana: I don’t think all is lost, which is the point of me talking about this today is because. The arc proves that we will eventually get there. It’s we’re in the midst of it. It’s hard to see when you’re growing what’s happening and things are happening very quickly. And what is it? It’s 2022. And we’re still in the end of this cross of planning, moving into, I mean, it’s happening now, right?

Human Design reveals who you are, energetically and who you came here to be. I’m Dana Human Design specialist.

Hali: And I’m Hali the Human Design newbie. Listen in, as we explore how leaning into your authentic self is your ultimate path to success today? We’re diving into,

Dana: What the hell’s going on in the world right now?

Hali: oh my God, it’s gonna take 7 years

Dana: yeah. Well, I’ve been thinking about this and like I told you, before we hopped on, I don’t know really what to title this episode. Maybe I’ll figure it out as we talk. Um, because obviously with what’s today that we’re recording today is June 26th, 2022.

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: And we are obviously here in the United States and we just had the, the big reversal of the Supreme court ruling on Roe versus Wade, which upheld the constitutional, um, right to abortions basically. You know,

Hali: safe and legal abortions.

Dana: yeah, so this isn’t gonna be an abortion debate. I’m not talking about that. although I think we agree we’re not gonna, we debate on that anyhow, but what it is. What I’ve been thinking about a lot is how, in conversations I’ve been having with people, everybody feels really just, Concerned angry, worried about what the fuck’s happening in the world.

And I know that you hear in conversation. We’re just people talking all the time. Like we’re, we’re screwed, you know, like the world’s going to hell.

Hali: That’s how I feel. Yeah.

Dana: yeah. well, that’s really great to hear well, um, well, that’s why I wanted to talk about what we were gonna talk about today, because I hope to shed a little hope out there and you know, your cousin who lives with us, who’s 17 really doesn’t hold much for the world, which is really, really sad to hear that the generations like yours and even younger than you, hers are like really concerned.

But I guess it’s kind of the way of the world has always been that younger generations are like, you guys are idiots. What are you doing? Which we are. We are so one second. We should also mention apologize for any, extra sips you hear today on the podcast. I may not be able to edit ’em all out, but this is Sunday morning and we’re having a coffee together.

Hali: Sunday morning.

We’re having a little coffee talk. So it also felt like this might be a little more conversational, but also hopefully informational, fully informational and inspirational.

Hali: I hope so. I need some on this

Dana: it’s true. We all do. And, and I needed some sense too now. Okay. So a lot of people, not a lot of people, some people who know me, maybe a lot, usually when I,

Dana: I will get right in there with everybody else bitching about what is happening. Like I’m pissed. I’m angry about the general state of things, which, like I said, here in our country, I don’t feel it’s as bad in other parts of the world.

but I don’t know for sure, because I don’t live there. That’s not my experience, but I do know that, you know, we’re really struggling in this country with getting along with each other, but also I feel that the main problem in this country really ties back just to our, foundational roots, which are basically like fundamental Christians that couldn’t get along somewhere else.

They came over here, start stirring up trouble. That is a very generalized view, but we were founded by, um, you know, people that the Puritans really,

Hali: I mean, they, they left for religious freedom.

Dana: I know it’s so ironic, isn’t it?

Hali: yes.

Dana: like, but that’s, this seems to be what we hear all the time now is like, especially in the Congress and generally the G O P where they pass a law, they pass it, like, you know, they give a title to the bill. Like it’s something really positive for America, but it does the exact opposite. you know, like ensuring women’s rights to something. And then it just takes all their rights away in the bill. it’s like, what are you talking about? But anyway, so getting ahead of myself, because we are gonna be talking basically just about us here, but I think it applies to the whole world, but like I said, we can only speak from our own experience, essentially.

Hali: Yeah.

Dana: So that being said before we jump in because I want you to be able to contribute to this conversation as well. Like what has been going through your mind in the last several days as a 25 year old woman living in the United States?

Hali: Mm-hmm um, well, when I first learned that they, when I, when I first learned that they overturned Roe V Wade, you texted me about it and I was in the gym. And so I was just like, fuck this. And then, um, And then I came back and I was like making lunch and I was just thinking about it. And I just started crying cuz I was like, this is horrible.

Like, so many people are gonna be affected by that. And like, and like it’s usually the marginalized and poorer communities that are more affected by it. And then I was like this, like how can they tell me what I can do with my own body? Like how

Dana: Can’t even tell ’em to wear a mask.

Hali: Yeah. Like, and then so, yeah. Yeah. And so then from there it’s just kind of like really sad and

Dana: mm-hmm mm-hmm

Hali: and just kind of disappointed.

Dana: do you feel like it’s settled?

Hali: What do you mean?

Dana: Like it’s a done deal, settled, like they’re not gonna be able to get it to go back the other way. Do you have any kind of hope

Hali: mean, I hadn’t really thought about that, but I think. I think we will be able to get it back. The timeframe though, I don’t see is it’ll be a while I think, which is really sad.

Dana: and I think it’s important to note that from your perspective and mine that, it’s not even, you know, and here’s the thing about people who. Uh, support the pro-life movement is that, you know, I’m, I’m in a sense pro-life too, in the sense that, you know, I believe in, everybody having a chance and everything like that, however, you know, this is an abortion, a right to an abortion was never anything that like, it’s not because I just kinda nearly go out and get knocked up and have abortions.

Like that’s, I feel like that’s the judgment that gets passed on so many women from the one side is that it’s just this lazy irresponsible way of contraception, even though they don’t wanna provide other contraception either. But,  When the vast majority of abortions are really just horrible circumstances for women.

And it’s some of the worst things that have ever happened to them in their lives. And yes, there’s exceptions to every rule, but I mean, I grew up Catholic, so it was a No, you would never do anything like that. But, uh, but, but I grew up in a, uh, I grew up a little rebelliousness in the eighties and stuff, and there may have been some premarital sex and meritable premarital

sex. She says to her daughter. But, um, that was one thing that would always, you know, be like, oh my God, what if I ever did get pregnant? That would be horrible because honestly, I didn’t know if I’d be able to do it, you know, to have an abortion, even though it was my legal right to it. So I know it’s not a thing women enter into lightly.

Hali: just go like, oh, I’m gonna go get an abortion today. I don’t wanna do this anymore. Like, no.

Dana: But the knowing that you would have the choice is what’s, important, but also what it boils down to now, I think is it’s just ridiculous that in all the advancements, in our culture, for women, to just like take rights away that we already had, which is so unAmerican, we don’t take away rights.

We already have, we grant new rights, but we don’t take ’em away. And, uh, but anyways. So laying the groundwork of why brought this topic up, because it’s just what everybody’s thinking about. It’s what I’m thinking about. And it seemed really unusual to talk about something else then to maybe try and offer a perspective, how I see things and how a lot of people in circles that I tend to frequent see things about what’s happening on the bigger global,

universal scale in the world. So what that means is we’re gonna talk a little bit more today about kind of how astrology has influenced our lives a and star lives. And because that is a component of Human Design, what that means for us as we’re moving forward. And we’re moving through this really turbulent times, because astrology is one of those things that is it real, I don’t know.

I mean, it’s worked for people and I’m gonna get into a little bit of this history and it’s just like the same kind of thing, like is love real. Do you believe in love? Do you believe in God? These are things that can’t be scientifically proven, but they are things that we all experience and understand and.

Hali: And kind of accept

Dana: And accept and astrology is one of, and it is, you know, there’s, it is sort of what is kind of a science, you know, because it is mapping the stars and the cosmos and everything. It’s endured over the thousands of years that we’ve been here. So there must be something here that human beings can, glean from it

Hali: yeah. And if you ask some random person on the street, they probably know what their, uh, astrological sign is.

Dana: Yeah. So first of all, okay, so a little background, how astrology, you know, came about. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s old. I don’t know,


Hali: Was it downloaded?

Dana: no, no, but it did not come about because of a need for entertainment or anything like that, or fortune telling, but it came about as a need for survival, because you think about these ancient peoples, they would, um, But as they started to become more aware of their environment and we started to evolve, you know, there needed to be some sort of, um, they started to notice like fluctuations and, you know, when it’s daytime, nighttime, really simple things measuring of time.

Um, and then it would go longer of like, because, you know, when they stopped, I guess when we started doing the whole, uh, I don’t know what era that was, the hunter and the gatherer, and then agriculture started to come about, you know, you were, would have to start to learn the patterns in nature and the fluctuations in

Hali: And they, they didn’t have to be moving or running as like traveling so much. So they kind of had like, they were like, I guess more, had more time on their hands, quote unquote. So like what’s up in the sky.

Dana: Yeah. Yeah. Well, like they said, yeah, once they stopped having to hunt as much and they started to, depend more on staying in one place and gathering tribes and communities, it was a matter of, okay. we start to notice the weather, first of all. And they would notice of course, patterns in the weather and flooding and when, you know, waters would rise and receed all those things.

And so, they would start noticing, of course, the sun, the movement of the sun, the moon. I mean, we’ve seen this throughout the time, all the, um, ancient ruins and stuff out there that definitely still to this day can amaze us with their technology of what they understood about math and in the universe.

So they just started noticing cycles and then they, they, they kind of tie it back to the early civilizations in early, Babylon, astrologers, and they started to notice as they started to look at the night sky, they noticed the patterns that would occur there would be like, of course the moon, going through it cycle every 28 days.

But then they would start to see regularly occurring patterns in the constellations and everything. And they also started to notice the whole phrase “as above so below” is that they started to notice that say, you know, cause a lot of times Astro astrology was not for the common man you know, like the Kings and the rulers had astrologers to help advise them because they were the ones that were aware of the patterns in the skies sometimes reflected the patterns within us below.

So as an example, they would notice that, there would be behaviors in us that match up with different, um, cons you know, constellations, I guess, or. Placements in the sky. So examples would be, if you know, the astrologer noticed that there was a time when there seemed to be more infighting or disagreements or aggressions, um, they might have made a note in the sky that, you know, the Mars, which is the fiery planet, law fire energy was in the sign of Aries.

We’re not gonna go back and tell you all about how all the, signs and everything came about because this is a very simple podcast. So maybe he would note that Mars, as he looked in the sky was in the constellation of Aries, which is also a very aggressive energy and kind of fiery in war and he would make a note of it.

And then he would just start to watch the patterns and say, okay, well, the next time it was in this constellation, what happened? Or even when Mars moved into different signs, what was the energy happening on the planet with the people around them? So, I thought that was really interesting to think about.

They just, over time, just kept the observations of how things on earth tend to occur when things were occurring in the skies that they could, um, you know, plot out. So I thought that was interesting.

Hali: that is, I wouldn’t have, I wouldn’t have known that, that they were, I wouldn’t have thought they’d been like, oh, that up there in the sky. And it’s down here that

Dana: mm-hmm,

Hali: note of that, I just wouldn’t have never learned that in my history books.

Dana: Astrology. Uh, yeah, and so they could see that, and this is how they became trusted advisors and stuff to the king, because they started to know what the patterns were gonna be. And um, I mean, and it’s always changing, you know, the, the sky, there are these cycles that, are consistent, but also, you know, just things change

Hali: Retrograde stuff

Dana: Yeah. yeah. And so, they, well, what, yeah, I mean, I don’t, I think when it gets tricky, when you go into predictions, cuz people like to think of predictions as like hooey and made up. But I mean, if you’re looking at the scientific process, they make predictions of what they think might happen based on what they know has happened.

That kind of prediction of like pay attention you might be. And that’s what happens when you get your monthly forecast, yearly forecast, you know, the astrologers that write, those are just like, this is what is scheduled to happen in the cosmos. And we know from all the past information that this can, you know, stir up certain energies in people.

And, and it’s really cool because it’s always changing. You know, like we’ve seen with the Human Design chart, how many different iterations are of a Human Design chart? It’s the same with all the different variables in the, in the sky. Um, depending on where we are, where the stars are, what signs are in, it’s just this huge, deep science that I cannot ascribe myself to, but I nonetheless have always been fascinated by it in my life.

And, I think that I’m going to tap into, my friend Romina as our future, astrologer informer here on the podcast, as we move forward, I’d love to have her on here and she’s starting to know her, She told me her mother and her grandmother were also like astrologers. And I was like, what? I didn’t know that about you.


Hali: She’s so interesting

Dana: and she likes to use it. She’s been doing a lot on social media lately. Um, kind of giving us the heads up of what’s coming of what, you know, you could be looking at. And so, but I, I just wanted to point out that, we, I would say that mapping stars is more predictable than trying to predict the weather

Hali: so interesting.

Dana: you know, it’s like, I mean, isn’t it funny.

We accept prediction of weather patterns based. Conditions that are favorable for certain things to happen, but we don’t know until it happens,

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: They’re like, it could be very cool. There could be a tornado over here, you know, conditions. They always say conditions are favorable. Right? Well, that’s the same thing in my mind of what astrology does.

Conditions are favorable for people to be getting really stirred up. And when I worked in the schools, we saw how the weather affected children. the teachers would all just be like, oh my God is so windy today. These kids are gonna be crazy. it was weird windy day, windy days really got kindergarten age children really riled up. even if they were inside all day, I never understood it,

Hali: that’s

Dana: Uhhuh, but also, I know you’ve heard of this in probably your true crime podcast where the term lunatic came from.

Hali: Yes. because of the full moon it’s it’s like always the weird things happen. Things get a little more extra weird, extra crazy.

Dana: Yeah. And so, and I think it’s just, you know, when we we’ve talked about it before of our, our, um, awareness centers and, and the Human Design, um, framework, how we move, from this primal awareness to this mental awareness, and we’ve spent so much time in this mental awareness that we tend to disregard our more instinctual, intuitive awarenesses, which I think are more tied to the energies of the cosmos and everything that’s around us.

And so it’s, as we got more scientific and logical and rational, we lost touch with all this stuff and it became, this junk science, hooey science that rational logical people don’t pay attention to, but it’s coming back around because there’s some things that. We need to find a better understanding, like something to anchor to and something that’s, you know, been around for thousands of years that helps explain some of this stuff I think is valuable.

So the point being with all that is that. What is happening in the cosmos has an effect here on earth and in Human Design, we’ve talked about how the neutrinos, those little, teeny tiny, tiny, tiny, smallest, little informing particles are passing through all the planets, everything, and they’re coming through us.

And so there is an effect seen there with us. So I think there’s definitely an influence there. So one thing they talk about in Human Design, they started talking about it year or so ago. Maybe when I started paying attention to it, they may have been talk. I’m sure they were talking about before that talk about this, uh, new paradigm and this shift, this mutation that’s coming up in 2027.

Hali: Mm-hmm yeah, the heart, right? That was when the

Dana: It’s a big it’s, it’s a big event. Well, it’s kinda like globally how everybody was so freaked out about 2012. Remember when they were like the Mayan calendar and everything. well, in, in these circles, I think the voice, this may be from the voice that there was gonna be this mutation, in our system, how we had one in 1781, we had when we discovered the outer planets,

Hali: heart split.

Dana: yeah.

Our energetic system mutated, it changed. And I said, there’s another one coming in 2027. Which like we talked about before, I don’t think there’s just a switch there’s things leading up to it and things that will happen after.

Hali: because it’s in the cosmos and things move slowly up there. Maybe.

Dana: yeah. And there’s also been talk about probably since the sixties. Well, before the sixties, moving into this age of Aquarius, which has been on everybody’s radar in the last two years, they remember they were talking about it a lot. I think it was December, 2020 when all those big planets lined up in the sky, it was like Saturn Jupiter.

Um, and, I can’t remember the other one. They, they were all like zero degrees Aquarius. It was like, it hadn’t happened in a very long time. Yeah. The end of 2020, um, otherwise known as the speediest and slowest two years in history between 2020 and 2022. I’m like what happened to 2021? Like,

I don’t even know. So the planets do bring us information and it says in Human Design that it’s part of this program is programming.

It’s what’s happening as the as the neutrinos pass through. And this is just Human Design terminology from Ra that he said, this is what the program wants you to learn. And in his weird speak like he did, but basically saying that, we’re being informed by all these things, and we’re here to learn.

We’re here to grow. We’re here to expand because I mean, we are living things and in nature, it’s expanding, the universe is expanding. Everything is always reaching to expand and to grow. And that’s what I like to anchor myself to is that there’s gonna be fluctuations. There’s gonna be ups and downs, but I think the trajectory is an upward.

Hali: It’s gonna be growing pain.

Dana: And in the words of Martin Luther king, Jr. He said that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but bends towards justice.”  Meaning that change takes a long time, but it does happen. And I think that’s really part of what we’re in the midst of now.

So going back to astrology, each planet, including our own moves at its own speed has its own influence in the earth has its own cycles of growth and expansion. And we measure it in on an annual basis and, um, you know, like how it travels around the sun and all this other stuff. And then there’s also a cycle that’s much bigger than that, that measures the gradual shift of the Earth’s access rotation.

Hali: the

Dana: Okay. This rotation completes a cycle, approximately every 25 to 26,000 years. It’s something like 25,777 years there is it’s they call it the precession of the equinoxes. And if you want more information, you can look that up. I’m just setting the stage here. So there is these, this big cycle of how the Earth’s axis and all that stuff.

And then within that, yes. And then within that they have these other, um, ages, they call it, they’ve been calling it astrology, which is about every 2100 years. It moves.

Hali: Pisces. Oh, so,

Dana: it’s they say it’s like a. A background astrology. I can’t really explain how they calculate this either, but they’re, we’re moving through all these, um, ages that correspond with the signs of the astrological wheel.

But instead of moving in the procession that we’re used to, like the start of the, um, the signs, the astrological year starts with Aries and goes around and ends in, um, Pisces. Right. This goes backwards.

Hali: So this is what you mean when they say that we’re moving into Aquarius. Is this? okay.

Dana: this is an age. Yeah. So we’re moving out of the age of Pisces. and moving into the age of Aquarius. Now, the only thing is people disagree of when the actual movement happened or is happening, but it’s somewhere within what we’re experiencing right now, which I think is pretty obvious.

Hali: Hm. I was suggesting like, Ooh. Wow.

Dana: I mean, it’s pretty obvious. And so what’s interesting to note is, these ages all had their own themes. Okay. So I, I did find real quick What some of these other ages and how they’ve played out as they look back over time.

So it goes all the way back to, 8,000 BC to 6,000 BC. It was the age of Cancer. Well, I mean, I don’t think anybody was writing this shit down back then, obviously, but they’re able to based on when they were starting to notice these things could look back at our evolution and say, oh, well this was during that time.

Hali: And they can see like what the, what history was happening then, and kind of deduce

Dana: Yeah. So they say during that timeframe, in our human development, there was a great emphasis on family and housing and food and family, humanity was learning how to like shelter, develop dwellings and started to put real emphasis on like, kind of what we’re talking about.

Staying in one place learning, you know, to, to fish and start to farm and all these other things,

Hali: is, is Cancer. The one that is, um, that’s the crab obviously, but when we talked about the signs, that was the one that it was the, okay.

Dana: Yeah in the shell, they just wanna be like in their, in their shell. Then from 6,000 BC to 4,000 BC was the age of Gemini.

Remember it’s moving backwards. And this is when language was starting to form and be born in writing became more developed from 4,000 to 2000 BC, the age of Aquarius, um, which I mean, not Aquarius, Taurus, age of Taurus, is when art and, you know, they started to, they were starting to have their foundation set of survival.

And so more of a luxury experience, not like we know today, but you know, maybe doing things, not just for survival, but for pleasure as well. So they call it like art and luxury coming into existence. You would see more adornments and you would see the, the, I mean, I don’t really know much about prehistoric man, but I imagine it’s like when they started to decorate

Hali: They start to keep themselves a little bit nicer.

Dana: Oh, I’m thinking of like the furs and the the cave paintings and maybe making the necklaces and you know, like doing things for yeah. For extra

getting extra. Yes. So then from, um, here, here’s where it starts to get interesting, we start fucking things up. kidding.

So the age of Aries, remember I said that was a more, you know, fiery aggressive kind of younger energy from 2000 BC to 21 ad.

This was when the Greeks, Greeks and Romans reigned Aries Aries is a very masculine kind of energy and aggression and power and everything. So there was a little bit of that happening.

Hali: just a little bit.

Dana: Yeah. And then, so we’re think so 21AD. So we’re getting into what started happening, who was starting to walk the planet after that? A young man named Jesus Christ.

Hali: Oh, oh

Dana: yeah. Was it 30? They say, they say 33AD. He was born, I believe.

Hali: I dunno.

Dana: Uh, this isn’t the Christianity today podcast.

Hali: you were raised Catholic. I was raised loosely Presbyterian.

Dana: I was raised Catholic and there was some talk about Jesus, but they mostly wanted to talk about the Virgin Mary and saints for some reason. But anyways, so then you’re looking at the age of Pisces is what we entered into next. Pisces is very much about spirituality and all of these, you know, deeper hit things.

It’s a lot more than that, but this was the rise of Christianity and the rise of, um, religious based power structures, um, and just the influence of religion in our power structures. And that’s a very loose interpretation of it. But so you think each one goes about 2000 years? Well, here we are on the precipice of, we are in moving into the age of Aquarius, which is very different from the age of Pisces.

The age of Aquarius is more about the power of the individual.

Hali: Oh,

Dana: So, basically Aquarius brings the ideas of turning, from institutions and top down top down hierarchies, which, these structures put into place into, like I said, empowering the individual and giving people the freedom to choose based on your own experience and what aligns with you and not what somebody else tells you to do. Okay?

Aquarius, the sign of Aquarius is known as like, well, they kind of like the theme there is like freak the whole, let your freak flag fly. Like Aquarius is known for being very forward thinking. Some things I read about, they’re almost like aliens on earth, I was reading this one book.

Um, can’t remember the guy’s name, uh,Gahl Sasson, I think is his name, a book Cosmic Navigator, which is a great book, but. was talking about how, you know, there’s some people that just love dogs and they love dogs so much. Like they see a dog and they just love ’em. They wanna do everything for dogs, but they just can’t be a dog, but they love dogs so much.

He’s like, it’s kind of how Aquariuns are with people. they can never be quite normal. Like other people they’re just a little different, but they just love humanity and they wanna do everything they can to help. And that’s kind of the theme of Aquarius is equality. It’s justice, it’s individual power. I mean, hello, what is happening right now?

Like on a big scale, which, what we talked about what’s been happening the last two years. Like everything has literally shifted in a big way. Yeah. So, What happens though, when these new ideas, they, like I said, there’s not just a switch and everybody’s like, okay, we’re here. Now. There is

Hali: That would be easy

Dana: yeah, those ups, those downs, those ups, those downs, we are seriously experiencing that right now, I

Hali: mm-hmm mm-hmm

Dana: And, um, this new era is ushering in a freedom of choice in your life and your autonomy over your own self and not structures, particularly religious structures dictating to you. it’s also the sign that is associated with democracy,

Hali: mm-hmm

Dana: because if you think about an

Hali: oh, that makes sense. Yeah.

Dana: choice, right. And, and it’s about, um, Taking care of the whole unit.

Like there’s not a top figure telling everybody. And what’s really interesting. I was reading right before we hopped on Susan, um, Susan Miller. I used to get her stuff all the time. She’s an astrologer she’s been around for a long time. She, this was written years ago talking about what will happen in the, age of Aquarius.

There’s a lot of technology involved in age of Aquarius. Like,They think some of our, they predict some of our greatest, advances with technology and healthcare and all this stuff are gonna be occurring.

But what I thought was really cool, I was reading something about, and I, I thought it was apropo here. This is, I’m gonna read this from her website.

She’s talking about team’s rule down with dictators.

Hali: And who is this again?

Dana: Susan Miller. She’s a astrologist astrology zone.com talking about the age of Aquarius. it says “Aquarius is the egalitarian sign of groups and encourages a democratic voice for one and all.”

Here’s what I wanted to read, “instead of a dictator at the helm of the corporate ship, the model will be more akin to that of a beehive with bees working side by side.” It’s my human design hive, that’s the vision I had too. the Human Design hive. Yeah. So. And then she went after that to talk about the trend towards working at home. And I guess what I’ll do is I’ll go, I know isn’t that weird. I think there’s some weird things in this article because it says it was written in 2016. And I don’t know if it’s a typo that she references 2010 as an upcoming thing.

I don’t know if that was just a typo because I’m like, well, that happened, but, I’ll just, I, I will link this article because she was doing a synopsis from something else of what she was reading in like business week, what they were saying in the applicable world of what’s gonna happen with technology.

And I think we already see a lot of that starting to happen. Like I said, if this was written in 2016, a lot’s happened since 2016. Uh, but yeah, talking about, yeah, you’re gonna have to be like computer savvy. You’re gonna get left behind because you’re going average person gonna be working from home and like.

Oh, my God, the whole world got forced to work at home at once. It was it’s the craziest thing. I, I mean, but you know, I think I even talked to you, we talked about this when it was happening, when the pandemic, you know, started and the shutdowns and everything, and was like, I felt the energy of like, this is so important.

Like this is one of these huge events that is out of everybody’s control and is forcing everybody to reevaluate their priorities

and that’s yeah. For a time. Yeah. Until the structures that are in their dying grasp or. No. Um, but to be clear, this moving from Pisces to Aquarius, moving from the influence of these religious structures to individual choice, or just, hierarchies moving into more it doesn’t mean they’re completely gonna go away.

It’s I, I don’t, you know, religion’s just not gonna go away. There’s a lot of, there’s a lot of good there for a lot of people, um, their belief systems, but what is gonna change is what we decide our new belief systems are gonna be and what we decide we want to put our emphasis on.

Okay. So moving on to more Human Design aspects here and how this is how we’re feeling, the influence of what’s happening right now. So paradigm, first of all, you, you hear this term thrown around, oh, it’s a, it’s a paradigm shift or a new paradigm.

I was like, what does that even mean? You know, I’m, I’m a line one. I gotta know what things mean, especially if I’m gonna talk on them and try to explain them. But so a paradigm is basically a way of thinking. It’s like accepted beliefs, examples, concepts, that kind of thing.

So when they’re talking about a paradigm shift, it’s a, choosing a new way of looking at things, or doing things replaces the old way of doing things. Again, you see the themes here, we’re moving from the old through to the new.

So we talked about those earth cycles, 20 some thousand years, and then 12 or 2000 years.

Okay. So within these larger cycles that we’ve been talking about astrology, there’s also these smaller cycles that last approximately 400 years, 411 years, to be exact in the, that they’ve mapped in the Human Design system. And like how we talked about being in the age of Aquarius and all the stuff.

There’s a theme in Human Design, it is these 400, some year cycles are ruled by the themes of certain incarnation crosses. Okay.

Hali: Which I don’t entirely remember what the incarnation cross is

Dana: The incarnation cross for individuals is the, The top, uh, four signs on the conscious and unconscious side. It’s your conscious and unconscious earth placements and sun, sorry, sun and earth placements. So, um, it’s applying it globally to like the earth where it sits in the cosmos, like we are talking about when we’re going through the,

Hali: what the incarnation crosses. Right. And sun, but they’re like the, the same incarnation crosses as

Dana: as individuals.

Hali: individuals. Okay.

Dana: yeah, same as Aquarius, age of Aquarius.

There’s also. Okay. So, basically incarnation cross in your own, chart is kind of like the plot outline of your story of like what you’re here to, to do and learn because it’s. Yeah, it’s the energy you, you bring forth. It says, so remember, we keep doing this as above, so below it’s the same here.

It’s on that global scale of as humanity, the themes we are experiencing growing through, expanding through. So we are on the precipice here. This is that moving into 2027. We are moving into a new incarnation cross in the Human Design system. So we are moving out of the cross of planning and we are moving.

And that’s been since about 1615, we’ve been in the cross of planning, which yeah. wow.

It’s like I almost just said that

Hali: I know, but that, that seems like so much longer than 400 years, for some reason.

Dana: I know well, and think about what has been happening in the last 400 years was the rise of the scientific, you know, method and thinking and all the different, structures that started to get put into place. So the gates in this incarnation cross are, uh, gate 37 gate 40 gate nine and gate 16. And so we have been experiencing and learning from the themes in these gates for the last 400 something years. And, you know, it’s called the cross of planning.

It is about, building communities. And we’ve certainly been doing that. Uh, the, the 37 40 is a channel. Those two gates, they do create a channel 9 and16, they are in different, um, centers, but the 37 and the 40, do create a channel. And, this channel came about during that mutation, but it’s all about the will center and the solar plexus, but really there’s a lot of emphasis on the will center, which is all about, this material plane.

It’s about having material resources. It’s about value and worth and money. And, um, really how we translate value, which up until this point has been, you know, the value of even a human life was how much can they produce? what are they worth? I mean, we literally, and unfortunately still happens in this world.

You know, treat people as actual material possessions. They are slaves. They, we built this country on slaves and there’s a lot of karma here. in this country of, of.

Hali: Yeah. Some people in the

Dana: Yeah, we are the epicenter I believe in the United States really is the epicenter of what we have to change in order to get right. Because we are the grand experiment we always have been.

And we’re still, we’re so young. As a, as I almost said, as a planet, we’re so young as a nation, we got a lot of shit. Mm-hmm some people are on their own planet. Aren’t they it’s called Texas. No offense, Texas. Sorry. That was wrong. we live in South Carolina so we know like we know, so I’m not, I’m not some quote, unquote, elite out there bashing the people in south.

I live in the south. I’ve been here for 30 years. So

Hali: I’ve been here my whole life.

Dana: yeah, you are a Southern girl. In in birth only. offense.

Hali: Sometimes, an accent.

Dana: Yeah. I keep saying that. No offense. Um, I guess people are gonna have to take offense at what I say eventually, and I’ll

Hali: You are voicing your opinion.

Dana: I am, because it’s been brought to my attention in the last week in talking to my dear friend.

Romina that my north node placement is in Aquarius. This is what I’m moving into in this part of my life is Aquariun, energy.

Hali: Which is what we are also moving into I guess

Dana: Yeah. is

Hali: moving into, right? Yes. Sometimes I get, I think I get Aquarius and Aries just mixed up in my head cuz they sound similar.

Dana: they do. They’re separated by Pisces. One is towards the end of one is towards the beginning of the Zodiac.

Hali: Shout out to.

Dana: So I’m just gonna have to get used to it, which is also why I decided I would need to talk about this is because I need to start stepping into the energy, more of talking about what I really wanna talk about.

And for me, a lot of that is revolves around social issues and the power of the individual and empowering ourselves as individuals to shake this shit up and change it. so that’s a, so, okay. So this the will center being all about, um, material things

and how we, how we navigate in this world. Yes.


Hali: yeah, so like more on the shadow side, as they say of the will center, could that have been like, cause I mean, in these 400 years we had two giant world wars, which were kind of about material things basically.

Dana: Aren’t more about material things in power. Yes. I mean, for sure

now they’re saying, um, in the Human Design world we’re shifting from this, um, cross of planning into the cross of the sleeping Phoenix. Okay. And that is more concerned with, um, Creativity through choice and through emotion, through feeling, and it’s about, um, kind of birth and whether they

say death rebirth the rising of the Phoenix, you

Hali: I mean, the Phoenix rises from the ashes.

Dana: mm-hmm,

Hali: Just, just, I really love that,

Dana: the Phoenix.

Hali: idea or I don’t even know what it is, but like rising from the ashes. I just really love it.

Dana: Well, you are, uh, a Pisces right. You’re a


Hali: Yes. Yeah. What is that supposed to mean?

Dana: well, I mean, and you had that Scorpio, what were we talking about? Their Scorpio


Hali: I’m Scorpio. Yeah. Chiron is in Scorpio.

Dana: mm-hmm , which is about rebirth or regeneration and like, but basically that spiritual, you know, Pisces does have a very deep, you know, these are water signs, deep, spiritual nature.

It’s like hidden down in there. And so. The core of you, there is part of you. Yes. That very much believes in the transcendence of things. And that’s what I think the Phoenix represents is. And for me, like, I love nothing more. I guess this is kind of a encapsulation of that. I love a redemption story. I mean, that’s my

favorite kind of story to hear is where someonewho felt

Hali: you also love the under the like underdog, the like the really just down trot person. That’s just not friends and no friends and all that. You love that story.

Dana: yeah. Yeah. Make it sound like I love the suffering. I don’t love the suffering. I love the redemption. I love

Hali: Cause I. I always remember that mascot show. I think it was, you were watching

Dana: Mascot show

Hali: Yeah. You tell me about that kid that stuck with me so much.

Dana: Oh, that show most kids being mascots. Oh yeah. The, the, the one, the unpopular kid,

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: the weird one, the like just breaks your heart, young kids. yeah, it touches me deep. It always has, but that’s kind of the same thing. It’s like, I guess, waking up to your worthiness and the value that you hold just by being yourself.

Because I think that’s what a redemption story is, is you think you were all these things and so you acted in a certain way that maybe led you down a path that led you to do things that weren’t in your best interest.

Hali: which is why I hate the whole cancel culture.

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: Like you can’t do if you, and it’s a lot of the times it’s, people’s old tweets. It’s like, that’s what gets people canceled? It’s like, if you went and read my old tweets, you’d be like, who is she? Like, they were bad. Yeah. Oh, they were bad. But like,

Dana: I know. Can you imagine if right now on our podcast they’re like they get along great. And then they go and find your old tweets and they’re like, oh my God. She really hates her mother.

she’s a liar.

Hali: that was me being an angsty teen, like tweeting that, like, you can’t just cancel someone for something. They said, if they are still, like, they said something shitty like seven years ago and they’re still a shitty person maybe. But like, if that’s not who they are anymore, you can’t, can’t just cancel someone for that.

I hate the whole

Dana: it is. I, I disagree with a lot of the cancel culture too, because again, it’s someone else trying to tell you how you should feel about someone else’s behavior or what they did. Like, I, I totally believe in voting with your dollars and having your own choice of what you think and when you wanna support.

And that’s great, but to go on a campaign, like you said, to try and destroy someone else’s, um, existence for something you disagree with is, is not good for whatever. Cause whether you think you’re doing, you know, it’s, it’s ridiculous. And I agree with you 100%, because it’s just like, don’t tell me what to think. very strong in me. Don’t tell me what to think.

Hali: Yeah. You and Presley agree on that one.

Dana: definitely. And, um, anyways, so So basically as we move from this cross of planning to the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is we are moving from this. Um, we we’re redefining for ourselves what it is that we find valuable and what we value, is going through a lot of crisis right now, because obviously we see what’s happening and we’re learning that measure, or we’re learning that value is not measured by, numbers.

You know, whether that’s the numbers on your scale or in your bank account or your follower account, , you know, it’s not measured by these metrics. You’re valuable because you are here and because you exist. And every single one of us has a part to play in that not all meant to be known by every person on earth.

We’re not all Oprah Winfrey, but we all make a difference by being here. Exactly and I 100% believe that. And, so I think we, I don’t know if we’ve talked about this already, but, when we are evolving and growing as people and individuals, and we look at the, the, what they call it, the micro level to apply it to the macro, right.

It’s like small things us what’s happening within us, um, was something I learned and started to really experience years ago when I first started going down the, I hate using the words, the self personal development journey. Um, so those words sounds so,

Hali: buzzwordy words.

Dana: but basically it was realizing that the more I change myself without trying to change anyone else, that things just changed around me because who I’m being changes.

And so how people react to me is gonna change and that’s gonna change things.

So as we go through these cycles of growth, okay. So what propels people to change generally?

Hali: usually

Dana: something bad

Exactly. We always have freedom of choice and it says in the course of miracles, that basically the course of miracles, you know, it’s just, framework this of redefining the way you think. Like it’s basically having a paradigm shift of looking at your mindset and all your beliefs and realizing you don’t know anything, but it says there is a curriculum and you could say, it’s laid out here too.

There is a curriculum we are here to learn for sure, really about the power of that. There’s just, you know, the power of basically love and that we are all here together and that we all need to love and respect each other. And it says Basically there is no timeframe on when you learn this, but you will learn it eventually and you can learn it through pain or you can learn it in a different way.

You can try to fight it, which is what we do, or we can choose to make change, which is what I hope to help people with as well. And so it shows this in the Human Design chart, really through this channel of struggle, but also the channel you have the 1858 of cuz that starts in the root and it’s moving towards a spleen.

Is that in order to have that pulse, that creation because the root gives off this pulse energy to, um, it’s the pulse of life of like to create, to do, to, to be, right?

Um, yeah, channel 2838 channel of struggle. Okay. But the theme there, it starts with gate 38, which they call the fighter, which is this, you know, fierce synergy of like fighting for what is right.

You know? and so it carries this energy of knowing what is worth fighting for.

Hali: right?

Dana: No, that’s the 28 58, I mean, 28 38. Is this having the energy to fight, but also having the awareness of what is worth fighting for in this lifetime? What is it? And then that 18 58 starts with the 58 up to the 18 of the spleen is, uh, the channel of judgment. And that also carries that energy of, okay, what is it that needs to be fixed?

What is it that needs to be refined? It is this process of looking at what we have and what needs to change, what needs to happen. There’s a lot of these themes in that root center, which will do a whole episode on the, on the, the root center of. you’ve gotta start from somewhere to change and we start where we are and we move forward where we are, we can’t, and we shouldn’t just throw everything away.

Right. And only, yeah, exactly. And only take and just forget about our whole past and what we’ve learned and just set out. And so what you see here is this struggle, in my opinion, between this extreme left and this extreme, right. Extremely conservative, extremely liberal , right? This is what they come down to and extremes in anything are not gonna get you anywhere.

Hali: They do not work.

Dana: extremes, burnout. so, we can’t be so progressive that we throw away everything that has been valuable over time for humanity. And we also cannot stay stuck in the same things and never change and move forward.

Hali: because that’s how things die.

Dana: Exactly stagnation in government. That’s what I learned in my government classes.

Stagnation is governments that refuse to change and grow and adapt with the needs of their people. This is when you get fascist governments, communistic things, where they wanna keep everything the same, which is ironic because the rallying cry of the conservative right, is they’re communists and they’re gonna blah, blah, blah, where it’s like, well, actually the path you’re going down is, is more that route of telling everybody what to do and how to live their fucking lives, which is what they’re doing.

And so Ithink why this, other than this pure wrongness of what has happened this weekend of taking away these rights, I mean, the fact that the Supreme court ruled that. It was a constitutional right to be able to fucking carry a gun anywhere you want at any time because of the stupid misread. Um, second amendment. I hate these constitutionalists, um, there’s value in the constitution, but it’s just a document.

I mean, yeah, but to say that, I mean, it’s just insane to me that That it is like a right to like have a gun and go kill someone if you want to. It’s your right. Although they say it’s defending yourselves against a tyrannical government. Well, I guess it’s a good thing. We’re all gonna have guns, but, we’ll play that with the great assault.

Um, but because to be clear, I, I just want gun control. I mean, have, have a gun you’re we have a couple in the house we do live in south. Your dad has a gun that sounds really bad.

Hali: no, I

Dana: locked up. It’s controlled. He went under, uh, background check and we, and he knows how to safely use it, And he’s gotten permits and shit like that to, to carry it. He doesn’t carry it, but he had a, he has a permit for it.

Hali: press. He does too, but he doesn’t carry

Dana: No. Yeah. And the only reason your dad did that was when we owned the business, that he did carry cash around a lot for deposits. He wanted to be safe. So, yeah, the fact that the Supreme court is so outta line right now to defend these rights to violence, basically, and then turn around and say that it wasn’t written in the constitution, your right to abortion. Well, no shit. I mean, it also

Hali: women. Weren’t prop women were property. didn’t

Dana: most, everybody was particularly property when the constitution was written, you know, I mean, who had rights? White men. That was it.

Hali: yeah. I mean, there, there are, there are great aspects of the cons constitution and there are great amendments that have been made to the constitution, but you can’t the way that it was the constitution, the original constitution, when it was written, how it was written, the language they use, you can’t just take that word for word.

You have to take it, see what the fun, fundamental issues and, and writes their aligning in it. And then you have to apply that to, to today’s world. Like you can’t just take it word for word, be like, whoa, that’s what it is.

Dana: Yeah. And that’s, that’s the death of a government. so as Abraham Lincoln said, “United we stand, divided we fall”  And of course he was talking about slavery at the time of making it a, um, nationally, illegal thing, slavery abolishing it. Here we are. with all our advances still stuck in this, um, old paradigm and

Hali: because Congress is so old

Dana:well, me just be clear and state that I, 100% believe we will course correct.

I don’t think all is lost, which is the point of me talking about this today is because. The arc proves that we will eventually get there. It’s, we’re in the midst of it. It’s hard to see when you’re growing what’s happening and things are happening very quickly. And what is it? It’s 2022. And we’re still in the end of this cross of planning, moving into, I mean, it’s happening now, right?

Of, of us really having to look at what do we value more? Do we value corporate profits more than human life? Do we value corporate profits more than the health of our planet? do we value, our wellbeing and our families and the rights of all people to have access to this quality of wellbeing, which I think, like I said, I think this really.

Even when Donald Trump was elected, it sucked big time. We know this

Hali: Mm-hmm

Dana: I just think that it was in a way necessary just as I think that when we, um, incarnate into each lifetime, we are here to learn certain things and it’s hard and we are challenged, but at some level, our souls.

Signed up for these challenges, not consciously choosing, that’s not saying that, but like as a conscious human being in this incarnation, but somewhere our soul in the greater scheme of things said, okay, this is what I wanna learn. Now. This is what I’ve gathered so far it’s time. And then we get here and they say in the Kabbalah and then an angel touches the, the, the, the infant on the lip right below the nose on lip.

Now you forget everything to learn,

and that’s What they call a cupids bow.

Hali: oh,

Dana: It’s a ancient, it’s an ancient, uh, Judaic, um uh, jewish, Jewish mysticism. That’s what I wanna say. And that’s a layer of Jewish mysticism. That’s what I wanna say. And that’s where the tree of life, um, right. And it’s a layer in the Human Design system. It’s the channels are, um, derived from this cuz it’s about how the energy moves through the, the person. That’s what the tree of life is, is too.

But, um,

Hali: I like that imagery of the angel touching the little

Dana: mm-hmm, , it’s like sh it’s like, okay, here you go. Now you’ve got to relearn. You’ve gotta remember who you really are, which is what we’re doing. So remember we said as above, so below on the micro out to the macro, it’s like whatever’s happening in us is what’s reflected outside of us. And so we are all going through this, these energies at the same time.

And I think this is how it’s man manifesting is this death grip of conservatism


Hali: there’s a lot of unhappiness

Dana: oh

Hali: people. Like people just aren’t happy.

Dana: Yeah. And it’s, it’s so much to think about what’s happening right now in the, the bigger picture, because also, you know, when we talked about the types and the generator types, you know, the, the worker types, the sacral beings, the ones who have the energy to just work and build, like that’s what we’re here to do is work and build.

And throughout millennia that, especially in the last 2000 years, certainly in the last 400 years has really been abused of, generators building. Yeah. Generators are the ones that have built this world, um, that they didn’t wanna build. They just built it because they didn’t know there was another choice, you know, we as human beings.

Yeah. We as human beings as a, Species, I guess, have learned to override what our, our bodies and our inner guidance has been trying to tell us for forever. Because there was no empowering of the individual. It was structures, institutions, you know, frameworks that controlled everything and that was necessary.

Like we needed to learn how to organize into governments and we needed to learn how to organize into these structures. It’s important. Structure’s important.

But again, it gets to extremes and I think that’s what people are always learning. Those, pushing those boundaries. What are the extremes? What is valuable? What is not, and we’re just as painful as it is right now. And as infuriating and as just disgusting as what you see. And I mean, I spend half my day just enraged sometimes about the injustice and the inequality, inequality, and the just fucking hypocrisy in this country right now. I also feel that it is necessary to, to wake everybody up and be like, okay, you’ve had this reset. You’ve had this time to evaluate your life and see like, what is really important to

Hali: It’s like here is the line

Dana: mm-hmm yeah. , I just, I just see this ultra conservative movement is just in the death grasp. It’s fighting for its life.

It’s literally like the, the hand to hand combat at the end of the epic drama that you’ve been watchingagainst quote unquote, good and evil, you know, it’s like the thing that fights the hardest, because it’s is dying and I think that’s what’s happening.

And I think that we need to, One focus on empowering ourselves and, um, how that spreads out into the world help as many people as we can to step into this empowered space, but also to, um, be open minded and not just.

Like we said, move so far ahead that we don’t value what we’ve already learned there. You know, things are, I don’t know.

That’s, that’s how I see it. I wanted to point, I also wanted to just share with you real quick. I reference, uh, Richard Rudd’s work, Gene Keys a lot, because, he calls them gene keys, but he,is basically talking about these same energies of these, the gates, right?

The hexagrams and his work revolves it’s contemplative work, but it’s really great because he takes these gates, these keys and he breaks it down to what the shadow is of this archetype, this energy, what the gift is like the great,


Hali: high and the low energy of it.

Dana: The the well, yeah, but then also the, the highest level, the like transcendent state, which he calls the siddhi state, which that’s S I D D H I, which is a Sanskrit word for like bliss.

So he calls it the shadow, the gift and the bliss state. So gate 37, which is in this cross of planning, I was looking at what the shadow of the cross of gate 37 is which hecalls

Hali: is gate? 37 weakness.

Dana: Well, he calls the shadow is weakness gate 37.

Hali: what is gate? 37.

Dana: And Human Design is, um,

Hali: I like to know the names.


Dana: So gate 37 in the Human Design system is called the family, the I-Ching refers to it as the family or the gate of friendship. And it’s in the solar plexus connects to the gate 40 in the will center, but it’s, um, in the gene keys, when he was talking about the, um, shadow side of this gate, he calls it weakness. And he says that weakness is nothing but a projection of the male psyche onto the female psyche. calling, you know, how we view the, um, women as the weaker sex.

Hali: Hmm. I like it. Mm-hmm mm-hmm

Dana: Um, and that. It represents the inequality between yin and young forces on the planet, the masculine and the feminine. It represents what we think is weak is not really weak. Right?

What we think is strong is not really strong in that sense. Um, and he says that we’ve reached a stage in our evolution in which force and physical strength no longer is what determines our direction, which is how we’ve done things, right.

It’s always been what survival of the fittest. And, you know, you have to be strong, like whoever was strongest was in charge. That’s how kingdoms were built, right?

Hali: yeah, cause they kings killed the other Kings and became Kings.

Dana: and now it’s wide open to anyone regardless of sex or orientation or anything could be a leader or be powerful, or, you know, we’re, we’re starting to, you know, recognize that and, um, and because of this shift and this understanding in, humanity that we’re pushing past these old boundaries and definitions that he says that this is creating all of these social structures to start crumbling, because we are going through the process of reevaluating power and strength.

And it’s really interesting that I read that this morning. I was like, oh my God. And look, what has happened in this past week of trying to tamp that back down. Cause it’s not about the unborn babies. It’s about keeping women, and like you said, these marginalized groups keeping that boot on the back of their neck

Hali: resources for after birth.

Dana: mm-hmm oh, that’s what I heard some guy trying to make that argument the other day say, well, you know, this abortion law was. Banning abortions after 15 weeks. Do you know what the, the laws are in? Like, I think Germany and they’re like, yeah, it’s like abortions like six or 12 weeks or something like that.

And he is like, yeah, that’s way more restrictive. But the woman was quick to point out, but yeah, they also have like healthcare, like there are systems in place that support these women and these children, you know, that there are options for you if you’re not in a place to, 

Hali: I saw, uh, a cartoon that was pretty poignant. It was, it was raining. And then there was a pregnant mother and her child, and there was also a, a gentleman that was holding an umbrella, but he was only holding the umbrella over the pregnant woman’s belly. So then the actual woman and the child were standing out in the rain, but the pregnant belly was under the umbrella.


Dana: so

Hali: I was like, yeah, that sums it up.

Dana: Yeah, it’s it is,

Hali: Not about the babies.

Dana: now, like I said, because and I know it’s not men that are press just men that are pressing these laws. I don’t understand, but how women can also support, but I’m not to judge that, but it’s just, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I hope that maybe this conversation can give a little bit of hope. What are, what are, what are your thoughts so far about what you’ve heard? Has this helped change anything for you?

Hali: Yeah. Up until what we just saying. And then I’m just frustrated again, but

Dana: Oh yeah. There’s it’s gonna be that we are gonna be frustrated because, we’re, we’re past the point, I guess, of just being enraged by things. And I was born in 1970, I think Roe V. Wade was settled in 73 was, um, was when they, cuz they’re that’s when the,

the ruling went into place to protect abortion rights.

Hali: Cuz I know I was seeing, you know, it was nearly 50 years

Dana: Yeah. So,  that being said, that’s my entire lifetime, because you know, three years, no big deal. Um, and so even myself have rested on the laurels of what other women have fought for. And because it goes so far beyond just the right to have an abortion, it goes into all these basic fundamental rights for, for women to be treated as equals of men, of have the same autonomous rights to self, to Liberty, to all these things.

You know, the, the ideals set out in the constitution of all being created equally and that we can be different, you know, there’s male and female and all in between, but still have the same basic rights, which is what this.

Hali: cause we’re all people, we’re all

Dana: this is what the age of Aquarius is bringing in. And this is, this is the direction we’re going through going to.

And so that’s what gives me hope, because this is in my mind settled fact that it’s gonna be messy. It, how long is it gonna take? I don’t know, what can we do to help usher it in? But the facts remain that it will change and we are progressing and we are moving forward. And the fact that we know at least in this country, that the things that were passed in the last week do not match up with the majority of what people in this country want. And there’s one

Hali: And we’re like 51% women

Dana: yeah. And deep in our DNA as Americans, our ancestors all brought us here. We are here to fight for change. That’s like what’s in our

Hali: we came over for freedom.

Dana: Yeah. We, we try to be lazy. We try to get by, we try to just be okay with it, but it’s not happening. And on that note, I’d also like to say off the topic of abortion real quick.

I also believe we are in the, we are watching capitalism eat itself. self and that’s a whole nother episode. I’m sure. But you know, that is probably what is even more infuriating to me in a daily basis is seeing what we’re talking about. These ideas of what is valuable and what we have been holding is valuable.

And what we have been told is valuable by this cannibalistic capitalist system. I’m okay with capitalism, with a conscious, you know, of people, I’m all for free trade and for making your own destiny and for making money. I

Hali: but it can’t be at the expense of other people. It cannot be. It can’t be at the expense of other people of the planet. No, it has to, you can make your money, but you have to be conscious about it, like you said, and just

Dana: Ethical

Hali: try to be good with it. Don’t be, don’t be dicks.

Dana: Yeah. Like moving beyond what is success in business? You know, the rise of the B corporation of being able to have other factors in place as what moves your company other than just shareholder profits. And we are seen. And this also, I think with the, you know, this all ties into the great resignation everybody’s talking about, which we’ll probably talk about more of that in other times.

Cause we gotta wrap this up, but just all these things that are pointing to the ugliness and the messiness right now, There is a way through it and we just have to really stand in our own value. And that’s what I hope I can do through Human Design is show you, and show anyone who wants to look at it, your unique part.

What’s what you came in here with what you came here to express what you came to do, because most people know. I mean, once they start getting exposed to it, it’s waking up and it’s, listening to yourself and trusting yourself and, stopping this madness of letting other power structures who have no interest in our wellbeing.

Um, individually stopping that, being the decision making and so still accident we’re here Hali as women in America in 2022 with a voice and a microphone and weird ideas.

Hali: We will be heard. Dammit. Mm. Yeah. Cause if we,

Dana: I mean, I mean also what a great time to be alive. I mean, when they fought for a lot of these rights, the suffragists and the, and the, you know, civil rights movement, they didn’t have these platforms we have now, you know, and to not speak about it, I feel is a failing of your own, um, social and ethical and moral responsibility to, to talk about it.

Hali: if we don’t talk about it, It just will continue on and we can’t, we can’t have that.

Dana: Yeah. You gotta stand for something. Let’s say if you stand, um, if you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing or something like that.

Hali: No. Oh, oh, hold on. Let me pull it out of Hamilton. Hold on.

Dana: oh, is that Hamilton?

Hali: What do you, if, oh, come on, hold on. I know exactly what song it is. um,

if you stand for nothing, bur what do you’ll fall? What will you fall for?

Dana: Mm,

Hali: That’s what it is.

Dana: there you go. Aaron Burr you’re referring to from

Hali: Yes. It’s. Um, Aaron Burr sir, from the musical Hamilton. Oh, my favorite. This says if you stand for nothing, Burr, what do you fall for?

Dana: Yes, definitely. Yeah. Gotta take a stand. So that’s, I just wanna get that off my chest today and uh, let everyone out there know that this is the definitive episode to let you know that. Yes, I have opinions about what’s happening in the world. Yes. It shapes what I do and what I think. And you may disagree with me and that’s okay too.

Um, but maybe I’ll listen and. Learn something from me and I hope to learn something from others as well, but, um, yeah.

Hali: takeaway from this is not hopeless, but it’s gonna be messy. Mm-hmm

Dana: Exactly. And that’s how real growth and lasting change happens is through the, the struggle and realizing what’s fighting worth fighting for, and then standing for something and moving through. So this isn’t gonna be the, uh, uh, political Human Design podcast, but , there probably will definitely. I mean, I can’t, I can’t help it.

I have always just been very, um, concerned with what’s happening in the world and it has shaped, informed me over the years. So let’s just say, I’ll just, I’ll just throw this little nugget out. When I was in high school, I did help found the, uh, uh, shit. What’s it called? The

Hali: Oh gosh.

Dana: the, the local high school chapter of amnesty international, which

Hali: have no idea what that is.

Dana: there was three of us in the group, I think, becauseI went to a Catholic high school in

Hali: Hey, that’s still a group you graduated with what? Like 10 people.

Dana: hundred Amnesty International’s the group that basically fights for human rights around the world. And um,

Hali: Are they

Dana: Yes. Organization of 7 million supporters, activists and volunteers in over 150 countries with complete independence from government corporate or national interests. Mm-hmm yeah.

Hali: still around? No,

Dana: Um, of course, top issue on their page right now is Roe V. Wade. Um, so, yeah, it was, it was very big. It was kind of formed in the eighties and it came around like apartheid and all this other stuff, but basically defending human rights around the world, working to protect people, wherever justice, freedom, truth, and dignity are denied, says international.

Hali: Ooh.

Dana: Mm-hmm

Hali: That’s a group. You’re Catholic high school. Yeah.

Dana: so, yeah, I, uh, my myself and two or three other friends in high school were like, wait, I couldn’t fit into any other clubs in school. So I made one. Yeah. Yeah. Needless to say a lot of those kids back in the eighties, on the west side of Columbus and the Catholic high school, didn’t give two shits about what I had to say, but you know what I’m used to that.

Hali: Well, you were quite a rebel for the Catholic high school.

Dana: Yeah, but anyways, so I think we have rambled today a little bit here at the end, but anyways, so that’s, what’s been on my mind. That’s what I wanted to talk about. And I think it’s also a good segue to, you know, lay the groundwork that we are gonna be talking a lot more in the future of this podcast, about belief systems and what we personally believe and, and mindset and how to go about, um, which is what Human Design helps you.

So clearly almost like fast forward and hack into is where are your, um, things that, you know, helps you see where these conditioning belief, conditioned beliefs are and, and how you can work with that and, and change your, um, story, your narrative, which helps empower yourself, which helps. That ripple effect outward.

So that’s it for today. So any last thoughts on that? My dear.

Hali: This was needed. I like this one.

Dana: Thank you. I thought I

Hali: Good choice.

Dana: Thank you. And so, uh, we appreciate everybody listening today and, um, we’ll be back next week with some more nuggets of information, guidance, whatever it is you need. I’m sure it will be there next week for you and so it is all right, babe. I love you and have a good rest of your day.

So bye.

Hali: Yeah. I.

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