About the Human Design Hive

All my life I have felt like I wanted to do something to change the world that I want to help make the world a better place.

 I’ve always felt the sense that so many things need to be corrected. 

We all need to be kinder, more inclusive.

We all need to understand our own value, our own worth, and our individual power. 

One of the most challenging, but also one of the most valuable, lessons I’ve learned is that to truly change your experiences in your life, your relationships,  your communities, or anything else in your outer reality, you really have to first change yourself. 

Actually, that’s not accurate. You have to change what you BELIEVE about yourself. 

Because there’s really nothing else you can control. I know that sounds cliché. 

However,  when I think about the work I want to do in the world and the impact I want to have, I arrive at this- I want to help empower anyone and everyone who wants to listen, that things can change. We do have the power to create a more sustainable and more just world, but the only way to do that is to first look at ourselves. 

We have to become the truest most authentic, most powerful versions of ourselves in order to change the world. 

It’s so simple yet so challenging.

Why?  Because we think it’s the outside world that controls us. 

We want to manipulate and control outside of ourselves instead of taking a good hard look at the inside and what we can truly work with. 

This is why I love Human Design so much. It shows you the unique, beautiful energy that you were born with, and what you were designed to bring to this world to help us all. 

It shows you what gifts you came here with, what you are here to learn about and master.  It shows you who you are, and most important, who you are not. 

It illuminates with incredible accuracy, where you likely took on other people’s stories and beliefs about who you should be.  And when you know that, you have the power to write new stories and create new beliefs about who you are that are actually true. 

When you can heal those areas within yourself, you become a powerful agent for self-empowerment and change in your world. 

When I became clear on why I wanted to help bring what Human Design shows us to the world, I began to ask how I could do it.  And what I received was pretty cool.

I was being led through a guided meditation by my dear friend Tora Moon on just this question. What did I want to create?  How could I contribute my voice, my gifts to help more people discover who they truly are and how they can also contribute?

And as I brought that question into my heart space, I saw what I could only describe as a beehive. It was golden, glowing, warm and felt so GOOD! 

And it was right there over my heart chakra, or what is known in Human Design as the G–Center.  

It was a brief experience, but left an impression on me.   I thought, “ a Hive, hmm, maybe a Human Design Hive?”  Cool name, but what was that actually all about? 

 I didn’t know what it meant then, but like I always do when I think I’ve hit upon a significant phrase, I went and bought the domain “humandesignhive.com”. 

Then I did nothing about it and went on my merry way still trying to “figure things out”.  

Over the next several months I began to become clearer on what I wanted to build. 

I want to create a space where I could share what I know with people who are ready to do the work. 

People who are ready to have an impact in the world, who want  to make the world a better place, a more sustainable place where our children and grandchildren and all future generations can grow up feeling safe, feeling loved, feeling worthy. 

A world where we create our future not from fear, power and exclusion, but from a place of love and what is best for the collective. 

And the beehive vision came back into my awareness. I looked into the symbolism around bees and beehives and felt so aligned with what I read.

...bee hives represent the collective consciousness and the divine organization of synchronicities. Beehives can represent community, interconnectedness, and working towards a higher cause.

And about bee energy:

The lessons that they are often helping others work through relate to relationships, career, and self-acceptance within a group or community. The bee teaches the strength of numbers, and that a goal can more quickly be attained when you join with like-minded energies.


Bees also teach the importance of the collective consciousness, and how we are all interconnected. They can show up to help us be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions, and to spread compassion to the world in which we live. (Source)

I now understood.

 I had been shown the beehive because it symbolized a community of like minded individuals, all working their process for the common goal of self-empowerment, and through their efforts, creating the container of a brighter future for the collective.  

Each of us is important, each of us is valued, and each of us is here to play our irreplaceable part.

I envision the Human Design Hive as a hub of resources, where through free and paid offerings I can teach what I know about the system. A place I can help guide you through your own understanding and application of the system in your life.

In this moment, as we leave behind the ways of the old paradigm, of top down power structures and move into the ways of the new paradigm of empowered individuals, I have one question for you.

Are you ready to join us?

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