January 2, 2022 in Blog

New Year, New You….

You've heard it said a million times before, right?

New Year, a fresh start, time to finally get your act together and do all the things you know you should be doing. You don't really know where the last year went (especially the last 2 in this pre/post pandemic world!), and you start making vows to yourself that this year will be different.

I know this has always been my story.

And I have always ended up in the same position 12 months later, making myself the same promises and vows again, and each year believing it less and less.

Why is it we can't keep our New Year's resolutions? Why do we keep ending up feeling like we have failed ourselves?

I have 2 thoughts about this.

  1. We may be making resolutions based on what we think we should be doing based on what we see other people doing (hitting the gym, training for the marathon, learning a new language, volunteering more, working harder to make that dream come true-downtime is for losers!).
  2. We are listening to our Minds and are making decisions based on what we think we need to do instead of listening to our correct decision making vehicles- our bodies.

My design is highly individual. A lot of my energy circuitry is about being different and true to myself. I'm here to help bring about change through me being me- this helps empower others to be themselves. For the most part I can resonate with this description of me because I never really wanted to "fit In" in a lot of ways.

But deep down I still buy into a lot of the ideals of how I should look, how much I should weigh, how much money I should have in the bank, what kind of work I should be doing, how I should dress based on my age.

I unknowingly put pressure on myself that colors my decisions and makes me feel less than.

This has lead me to making vows to myself to work harder, to do more. And it just hasn't been working.

It's through Human Design that I have discovered that I am not designed to just push through, just do it, and just make it happen.

I am a Generator. I am meant to respond to life and see what lights me up, what interests me and then go follow where that leads me.

Generators are here to work, we have lots of energy for it, but it has to be correct work or we burn out.

I've learned that I can trust my Generator sacral response, and follow the guidance I get from my body in a gut level "yes" or "no" when making decisions. I also know that I have an Emotional Authority which means I may need more clarity when making bigger decisions which I can only achieve over a little time. I literally need to sleep on it. This knowledge has changed my life and relieved me from a lot of unnecessary worry and often, regret.

I have learned I have a completely open Will center, which is the center that governs the energy of, you guessed it, "willpower", (among other things). This means that I do not have consistent access to the energy to make myself do anything. And that's okay.

Human Design is about helping us make decisions that are aligned with what is true and correct for us through knowing your design Type, Strategy and Authority.

This isn't done in your head, but through how you interact energetically with others and how you feel in your body.

The mind is not here to make decisions for you. It is here to ask the questions, ponder the possibilities, gather and organize information…but NEVER to be the final say.

Human Design can show you the correct way for YOU to make decisions that are truly aligned for what is best for you and no one else.

Just learning these few things about Human Design alone has changed how I am viewing what I "should" or "shouldn't" be doing. It has allowed me to give myself grace, and begin to make changes that actually feel good and manageable on my timeline and no one else's.

I'm learning to trust myself more, and compare myself less to what others are doing.

So if you're truly interested in a New You, I invite you to entertain this possibility. You don't need to be a new version of who you are, but actually just a more True version of who you really are.